Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane Mathematical I Surveys I and I Ponographs I

Volume 114 1

Conformally Invariant Processes in the Plane

I Gregory F. Lawler EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jerry L. Bona Peter S. Landweber, Chair Michael G. Eastwood Michael P. Loss J. T. Stafford

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30C35, 31A15, 60H30, 60J65, 81T40, 82B27.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lawler, Gregory F., (Gregory Francis), 1955- Conformally invariant processes in the plane / Gregory F. Lawler. p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs ; v. 114) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8218-3677-3 (alk. paper) 1. Conformal mapping. 2. Potential theory (Mathematics) 3. Stochastic analysis. 4. Markov processes. I. Title. II. Mathematical surveys and monographs ; no. 114. QA646.L85 2005 515'.9—dc22 2004062341

AMS softcover ISBN 978-0-8218-4624-7

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Preface ix

Some discrete processes 1 0.1. Simple 1 0.2. Loop-erased random walk 3 0.3. Self-avoiding walk 5 0.4. Infinitely growing self-avoiding walk 7 0.5. Percolation exploration process 7

Chapter 1. 11 1.1. Definition 11 1.2. Integration with respect to 12 1.3. Ito's formula 17 1.4. Several Brownian motions 18 1.5. Integration with respect to 19 1.6. Ito's formula for semimartingales 20 1.7. Time changes of martingales 22 1.8. Examples 22 1.9. Girsanov's transformation 23 1.10. Bessel processes 25 1.11. Diffusions on an interval 30 1.12. A Feynman-Kac formula 39 1.13. Modulus of continuity 39

Chapter 2. Complex Brownian motion 43 2.1. Review of complex analysis 43 2.2. Conformal invariance of Brownian motion 45 2.3. Harmonic functions 46 2.4. Green's function 52

Chapter 3. Conformal mappings 57 3.1. Simply connected domains 57 3.2. Univalent functions 60 3.3. Capacity 66 3.4. Half-plane capacity 69 3.5. Transformations on D 76 3.6. Caratheodory convergence 78 3.7. Extremal distance 80 3.8. Beurling estimate and applications 84 3.9. Conformal annuli 88 vi CONTENTS

Chapter 4. Loewner differential equation 91 4.1. Chordal Loewner equation 91 4.2. Radial Loewner equation 97 4.3. Whole-plane Loewner equation 100 4.4. Chains generated by curves 104 4.5. Distance to the curve 108 4.6. Perturbation by conformal maps 109 4.7. Convergence of Loewner chains 114

Chapter 5. Brownian measures on paths 119 5.1. Measures on spaces of curves 119 5.2. Brownian measures on /C 123 5.3. H-excursions 130 5.4. One-dimensional excursion measure 135 5.5. Boundary bubbles 137 5.6. Loop measure 141 5.7. Brownian loop soup 144

Chapter 6. Schramm-Loewner evolution 147 6.1. Chordal SLE 147 6.2. Phases 150 6.3. The locality property for K — 6 152 6.4. The restriction property for K = 8/3 153 6.5. Radial SLE 156 6.6. Whole-plane SLEK 162 6.7. Cardy's formula 163 6.8. SLEQ in an equilateral triangle 167 6.9. Derivative estimates 169 6.10. Crossing exponent for SLEQ 171 6.11. Derivative estimates, radial case 174

Chapter 7. More results about SLE 111 7.1. Introduction 177 7.2. The existence of the path 181 7.3. Holder continuity 182 7.4. Dimension of the path 183

Chapter 8. Brownian intersection exponent 187 8.1. Dimension of exceptional sets 187 8.2. Subadditivity 190 8.3. Half-plane or rectangle exponent 191 8.4. Whole-plane or annulus exponent 200

Chapter 9. Restriction measures 205 9.1. Unbounded hulls in M 205 9.2. Right-restriction measures 209 9.3. The boundary of restriction hulls 211 9.4. Constructing restriction measures 213

Appendix A. Hausdorff dimension 217 CONTENTS vii

A.l. Definition 217 A.2. Dimension of Brownian paths 220 A.3. Dimension of random "Cantor sets" in [0,1] 221 Appendix B. Hypergeometric functions 229 B.l. The case a = 2/3, /? = 1/3,7 = 4/3 230 B.2. Confluent hypergeometric functions 230 B.3. Another equation 231 Appendix C. Reflecting Brownian motion 233 Appendix. Bibliography 237 Index 240 Index of symbols 242 Preface

A number of two-dimensional lattice models in statistical physics have contin­ uum limits that are conformally invariant. For example, the limit of simple random walk is Brownian motion. This book will discuss the nature of conformally invari­ ant limits. Most of the processes discussed in this book are derived in one way or another from Brownian motion. The exciting new development in this area is the Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), which can be considered as a Brownian motion on the space of conformal maps. These notes arise from graduate courses at Cornell University given in 2002- 2003 on the mathematics behind conformally invariant processes. This may be considered equal doses of probability and conformal mapping. It is assumed that the reader knows the equivalent of first-year graduate courses in real analysis, complex analysis, and probability. Here is an outline of the book. We start with a quick introduction to some discrete processes which have scaling limits that are conformally invariant. We only present enough here to whet the appetite of the reader, and we will not use this section later in the book. We will not prove any of the important results concerning convergence of discrete processes. A good survey of some of these results is [83]. Chapter 1 gives the necessary facts about one-dimensional Brownian motion and stochastic calculus. We have given an essentially self-contained treatment; in order to do so, we only integrate with respect to continuous semimartingales derived from Brownian motion and we only integrate adapted processes that are continuous (or piecewise continuous). The latter assumption is more restrictive than one generally wants for other applications of stochastic calculus, but it suffices for our needs and avoids having to discuss certain technical aspects of stochastic calculus. More detailed treatments can be found in many books, e.g., [5, 32, 72, 73]. Sections 1.10 and 1.11 discuss some particular stochastic differential equations that arise in the analysis of SLE. The reader may wish to skip these sections until Chapter 6 where these equations appear; however, since they discuss properties of one-dimensional equations it logically makes sense to include them in the first chapter. The next chapter introduces the basics of two-dimensional (i.e., one complex dimension) Brownian motion. It starts with the basic fact (dating back to Levy [65] and implicit in earlier work on harmonic functions) that complex Brownian motion is conformally invariant. Here we collect a number of standard facts about harmonic functions and Green's function for complex Brownian motion. Because much of this material is standard, a number of facts are labeled as exercises. Conformal mapping is the topic of Chapter 3. The purpose is to present the material about conformal mapping that is needed for SLE, especially material that would not appear in a first course in complex variables. References for much of this

ix X PREFACE chapter are [2, 23, 30, 71]. However, our treatment here differs in some ways, most significantly in that it freely uses Brownian motion. We start with simple connectedness and a proof of the Riemann mapping theorem. Although this is really a first-year topic, it is so important to our discussion that it is included here. The next section on univalent functions follows closely the treatment in [30]; since the Riemann mapping theorem gives a correspondence between simply connected domains and univalent functions on the disk it is natural to study the latter. We then discuss two kinds of capacity, logarithmic capacity in the plane which is classical and a "half-plane" capacity that is not as well known but similar in spirit. Important uniform estimates about certain conformal transformations are collected here; these are the basis for Loewner differential equations. Extremal distance (extremal length) is an important conformally invariant quantity and is discussed in Section 3.7. The next section discusses the Beurling estimate, which is a corollary of a stronger result, the Beurling projection theorem. This is used to derive a number of estimates about conformal maps of simply connected domains near the boundary; what makes this work is the fact that the boundary of a simply connected domain is connected. The final section discusses annuli, which are important when considering radial or whole-plane processes. Chapter 4 discusses the Loewner differential equation. We discuss three types, chordal, radial, and whole-plane, although the last two are essentially the same. It is the radial or whole-plane version that Loewner [66] developed in trying to study the Bieberbach conjecture and has become a standard technique in conformal mapping theory. The chordal version is less well known; Schramm [76] naturally came upon this equation when trying to find a continuous model for loop-erased walks and percolation. The final three sections deal with technical issues concerning the equation. When does the solution of the Loewner equation come from a path? What happens when solutions of the Loewner equation are mapped by a conformal transformation? What does it mean for a sequence of solutions of the Loewner equation to converge? The second of these questions is relevant for understanding the relationship between the chordal and radial Loewner equations. In Chapter 5 we return to Brownian motion. Some of the most important con­ formally invariant measures on paths are derived from complex Brownian motion. After discussing a number of well-known measures (with perhaps a slightly different view than usual), we discuss some important measures that have arisen recently: excursion measure, Brownian boundary bubble measure, and the loop measure. The Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLEK), which is the Loewner differential equation driven by Brownian motion, is the topic of Chapter 6. With the Brow­ nian input, the Loewner equation becomes an equation of Bessel type, and much of the analysis of SLE comes from studying such stochastic differential equations. For example, the different "phases" of SLE (simple/non-simple/space-filling) are deduced from properties of the Bessel equation. We discuss two important values of the parameter n: K — 6 which satisfies the locality property and K — 8/3 which satisfies the restriction property. One of the main reasons SLE has been so useful is that crossing probabilities (Cardy's formula), crossing exponents, and other deriv­ ative exponents can be calculated exactly. These correspond to critical exponents for lattice models. In the case K = 6, which corresponds to (among other things) the limit of critical percolation, there is a particularly nice relationship between SLE and Brownian motion that is most easily seen in an equilateral triangle. PREFACE XI

More topics about SLE are discussed in Chapter 7, most particularly, the technical problems of showing that SLE generates a random curve and determining the dimension of the path. Many of the results in this chapter first appeared in [74]. The techniques are similar to those used in the previous chapter. The main difference is that one considers the Bessel process in the upper half-plane HI rather than just on the real line. The next chapter gives an application of SLE to Brownian motion. The "in­ tersection exponents" for Brownian motion are examples of critical exponents that give the fractal dimension of certain exceptional sets on the path. They are also nontrivial exponents for a lattice model, simple random walk. The close relationship of SLEQ and Brownian motion can be used to derive the values of the Brownian exponents from the SLEQ crossing exponents. The Schramm-Loewner evolution gives a one-parameter family of conformally invariant measures. There is another important one-parameter family of measures called restriction measures. Roughly speaking, the restriction measure with pa­ rameter a corresponds to the union of a Brownian motions (we actually allow a to be any positive real). In Chapter 9 we show the relationship between SLE and restriction measures. Needless to say, this book would not exist if it were not for Oded Schramm and Wendelin Werner with whom I have had the great opportunity to collaborate. Their ideas permeate this entire book. There are a number of other people who have helped by answering questions or commenting on earlier versions. These include: Christian Benes, Nathanael Berestycki, Zhen-Qing Chen, Keith Crank, Rick Dur- rett, Clifford Earle, Christophe Garban, Lee Gibson, Pavel Gyrya, John Hubbard, Harry Kesten, Evgueni Klebanov, Ming Kou, Michael Kozdron, Robin Pemantle, Melanie Pivarski, Jose Ramirez, Luke Rogers, Jason Schweinsberg, John Thacker, Jose Trujillo Ferreras, Brigitta Vermesi. Figures 0.4 and 0.5 were produced by Vincent Beffara and Geoffrey Grimmett, respectively. During the preparation of this book I have enjoyed extended visits at the Mittag-LefHer Institute, l'lnstitut Henri Poincare, the Issac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences at the University of British Columbia, and I have received support from the Na­ tional Science Foundation. Finally, and most importantly, I thank Marcia for all her understanding, pa­ tience, and support. APPENDIX A

Hausdorff dimension

A.l. Definition If V C Rd and a, e > 0, let

oo Q W°(V) = inf^[diam(*yn)] , 71=1 where the infimum is over all countable collections of sets Ui, U2, • • • with V C UUn r and diam(L n) < e. It is easy to see that H* is an outer measure, i.e., a monotone function from subsets of Rd into [0,00] with Hf (0) = 0 and

00 00 «?(U^)

Since W"(V) is increasing in e, the limit on the right exists with infinity being a possible value. Note that Ha is an outer measure. (It is also true that Ha restricted to Borel subsets of Rd is a Borel measure, see [14, Section 19]; we will not use this fact.) It is easy to check that if Ha(V) < 00, then H0(V) = 0 for 0 > a, and if Wa(F) > 0, then H^{V) = 00 for (3 < a. The Hausdorff dimension of V is defined by dim*(10 - inf{a : Ha(V) = 0} = sup{a : Ha(V) - 00}. In this section we will discuss methods to compute or estimate dim^V). Note that monotonicity and subadditivity of Ha imply that


dinvjlj Vn] = sup dim/, (Vn). n=l A dyadic ball will be a closed ball B of radius 2k for some k € Z. If U is any set, then U is contained in a ball of diameter at most 2 diam(?7) and hence in a dyadic ball of diameter at most 4diam(J7). Hence,

00 00 Q a a 4- lim [infVdiam([/n) ]

where the infimums are over dyadic balls Z7i, f/2, • • • with V C U Un and diani(C/n) < 2~fe. Upper bounds for Hausdorff dimension tend to be easier to give since they only require finding some nice cover of the set.


a LEMMA A.l. H (V) = 0 if and only if there exist sequences en^5n —» 0+ and sets C/n>i, t/n,2, • • • such that diam[t/nj] < en, V C U^f/n^ and

oo a (A.l) ^di*m(Untj) <5n

/n particular, if for every e > 0, V can be covered by N(e) balls of diameter e, then

(A.2) dim^(F) < b := liminf !°S^. e-o+ log(l/e)

PROOF. This is immediate from the definition since (A.l) implies 7if (V) < 5n and (A.2) implies that Wa(F) = 0 for a > b. " D

LEMMA A.2. Suppose V c Mm and f : V -> Rd is a Holder b-continuous function, i.e., there exists a c such that for all z,w €V, \f(z) — f(w)\ < c \z — w\b. l Then dimh[f(V)} < b~ dimh{V).

PROOF. Let a > dimj^V), and let tni^m and Unij be as in the previous lemma for a. Let Unj = f(Unj D V), Then Un,\^Un^r " covers f(V), diam[J7nj] < b cdiam[Unj]

oo oo a/6 a/b diam a a/b ^diam[i7nJ] < J2° t^n,i] < c 6n. 3=1 3=1 D Lower bounds on dimension are harder to give. We will give two lemmas. The first can be considered a converse to the last lemma; it gives a way to give a lower bound on dim/J/(V)] in terms of dim^(V). The second, which goes back to Prostman [36], is particularly useful for giving lower bounds for dimensions of random sets. Roughly, it says that if one can put a measure supported on set V that is "at least s-dimensional", then V must have dimension as least s. LEMMA A.3. Suppose V c Rm and f : V —• M.d is a function satisfying the following: there is a decreasing function 5 i—> N$ such that

(A.3) lim J58*fc = o, <5-0+ log(l/ adim^(V).

PROOF. Let a > dim/l[/(V)]. Find en,5n, Unj as in Lemma A.l with


diam[£/n>j] < en, f(V) C (J UnJ, 3=1

oo a J2ldmm(UnJ)} < Sn. 3 = 1

Without loss of generality we may assume that the Unj are dyadic balls (perhaps replacing en with 4en and Sn with 4^ 8n). Let Kn(k) denote the number of balls A.l. DEFINITION 219

fc Un,i,Un£i • • • with diameter 2 ; then

ka J2 Kn(k)2 en, (A.3) implies that for every (3 > a, oo k/3 lim V N2k Kn{k) 2 =0. n—•oo * J k— — oo -1 1 1 Since / (£/n,i)> f~ (Un^), •.. covers V and f~ (Unj) is contained in the union of r a Ndia,m(un,j) balls of diameter [diam(L nj)] , these balls give a cover Wn?i,Wnj2,... of V with oo oo fe/3 52diam[Mn,,]^°< ^ JV2* tf„(*)2 — 0. Z = l fc=-oo

Therefore dim/^V) < /3/a, and since this holds for all (3 > a > dim/l[/(V)], we r conclude that dim^fV) < dimjl[/(V )]/a. D LEMMA A.4. Suppose s > 0, V cRd is a Borel set, and fi is a positive Borel measure with 0 < /i(V) < oo, /x(IRd \ F) = 0, and II fi(dz) fi(dw) I < oo. JvVJV Jv \Z~W\S S Then H (V) = oo. In particular, dim/l(F) > s. PROOF. Without loss of generality assume fJb(V) = 1. Note that (A.4) implies that /i gives zero measure to points. For any z, let

Let ci > 0. We first claim that if (A.5) lim sup e~s n{B(z,e)} > ci > 0, then (f>(z) — oo. To see this note that (A.5) and JJL{{Z)) = 0 imply that we can find ri > ti > r2 > t2 > rs > ts > • • - such that n{Aj) > (ci/2)r|, where Aj = B(z,rj) \B(z,tj). This implies n(dw) I > ci/2. J A, Since the Aj are disjoint, this gives (j)(z) — oo. Using (A.4), we see that [i{z G V : lim sup e~s n[B(z, e)] > 0} < /i{z E V : ^(z) = 00} = 0,

and hence there is an eo > 0 such that /x(V) > 1/2 where V = {z G V : /JL[B(Z, e)] < s ci e for all 0 < e < e0}. If V} is a ball with diam[V}] < e0 and V3; n V ^ 0, then ^(Vj) < ci[diam(Vj)]s. Therefore if Vi, V2,... is any sequence of sets with V C UVj, r diam[^] <60, VJ.nV ^0, 00 00 ^[diam(^)]s > cf1 £>(v$) ^ cra M(*O > crV2. 220 A. HAUSDORFF DIMENSION

S s Therefore, H (V) > H eo(V) > c^/2. Since this holds for every cx > 0, H*(V) = oo. n

REMARK A.5. This lemma is very useful for giving lower bounds of Hausdorff dimensions of random sets V. For such sets one can often define a random measure /i supported on V such that

which implies that w.p.l

JvJv \z-w\s On the event that fJb(V) > 0 and / < oo, we conclude that dim^(F) > s.

A.2. Dimension of Brownian paths In this section we show that the Hausdorff dimension of the paths of complex Brownian motion is 2. We will prove a stronger statement, originally due to Kauf­ man [40], that with probability one, dim^[B(V)] = 2dim.h(V) for every V C [0,1]. The event of probability zero for which this does not hold will be independent of V. For the upper bound, we will consider the event that the Brownian paths are H61der-a continuous for all a < 1/2. For the lower bound, the event is discussed in the next lemma.

LEMMA A. 6. There exists a c < oo such that if Bt is a complex Brownian motion, then w.p.l there is an €o = eo(u) > 0 such that the following holds. If B is a disk of radius e < eo in C, then {s G [0,1] : Bs G B} is contained in the union of at most c [log(l/e)]2 intervals of length e2.

n+1 PROOF. Let Tn denote the set of closed disks of radius 2~ centered at n n points 2~ (ji -\-ij2) with ji, j2 G Z. Then every closed disk of radius less than 2~ is contained in the union of at most four disks in Tn. Hence it suffices to find a c such that w.p.l there is a ko = ko(u) such that for all n > ko and every B G 7^, B~1(B) fl [0,1] is contained in the union of at most en2 intervals of length 2_2n. Let V& = VB(C) denote the event that B~1(B) C\ [0,1] is not contained in the union 2 n of en such intervals, and let V = UseTnVB- Using Exercise 2.13, we see that there is a c\ > 0 such that for any n, B G Tn, and zGC, z 2n (A.6) P {B[2~ , 1] n B = 0} > ci/ n. 2n Let To = 0, and for j > 0, let TJ be the first time t after TJ_I -f 2 that Bt G B. Then by iterating the estimate above we can see that for c sufficiently large and all

Z z cn2 n P [VB] < P {rcn2 < 1} < [1 - ^] < 8" .

By using the strong , we see that for any B GTn,

P°[VB] < P°{B[0,1] n B ^ 0} 8"n. A.3. DIMENSION OF RANDOM "CANTOR SETS" IN [0,1] 221

For k > 0, Tnjk be the set of B e Tn such that B D B(0, k) ^ 0; for convenience let 2 n T^-i = 0. Note that the cardinality of Tnik is (fc -f l) <3(4 ). Hence, p°n < Yl F°WB] Bern CO = E £ P°M

oo < c' 2~n J^(k + l? P°{^[0,1] n {|*| > k - 1} ^ 0} < c" 2~n. /c=0 The lemma then follows from the Borel-Cantelli Lemma. •

THEOREM A.7. Suppose Bt is a complex Brownian motion. Then w.p.l for every V C [0,1],

dh*h[B(y)]=2dhnh[V]. PROOF. Corollary 1.40 states that there is an event of probability one such that Brownian paths are Holder a-continuous for all a < 1/2. Lemma A.2 tells us that -1 on this event dim^[5(V)] < a dim^[V] for all a < 1/2 and hence dim/l[jB(V')] < 2 dim/i [V]. For the other direction consider the event of probability one in Lemma r A.6. Lemma A.3 tells us that on this event dim/l[J5(V )] > 2 dim/jV]. Note that the event of probability one does not depend on the set V. •

d REMARK A.8. For Brownian motion in R , d > 3, Lemma A.6 holds with virtually the same proof with [log(l/e)]2 replaced with log(l/e). The difference comes in (A.6) where the right hand side becomes c\ rather than ci/n. Hence, Theorem A.7 holds for d > 3 (one could also conclude it by considering projections onto M2). For d = 1, a version of Lemma A.6 holds, but in this case [log(l/e)]2 must be replaced with e_1 log(l/e); in this case, the right hand side of (A.6) is c\ 2~n. It is easy to see that Theorem A.7 does not hold for d — 1 since dim^^fO, 1]] = 1; in fact, it is possible for dim/l[B(V')] < min{l,2dim^(F)}. For example, if V = {s G [0,1]:B8 = 0}, then dim^(F) = 1/2 and dimh[B(V)} = 0.

REMARK A.9. In Chapter 8 we use the fact that the event of probability one in Theorem A.7 does not depend on V. In particular, to compute the Hausdorff dimension of a random subset V of f?[0,1], it suffices to compute the dimension of {s e [0,1] : Bs e V}. A.3. Dimension of random "Cantor sets" in [0,1] We first consider deterministic Cantor sets. Suppose 0 < K < M are positive integers. Suppose A$ D A\ z> A

We will show the stronger fact f1 (j, (dx) sup sup / n r- < oo. n ye{0,l}Jo \X-y\S We need only the simple estimate for s e (0,1), z+e Ci(s)e ^ f dx ^ C2(s)e s s < s {\z-y\+e)

m where the sum is over all the intervals i"i,... , IK™ An and p(y, Ij) = pn{y-> Ij) — dist(?/, Ij) + M~n. The number of intervals with p(y, Ij) < M~r is bounded above by c(M) Kn~r. Therefore, Kn n K-nY,p(v,ij)-a < K~nY. E p(y.^rs 1 j=l r=0M-(^+ ) log Kj log M. A.3. DIMENSION OF RANDOM "CANTOR SETS" IN [0, 1] 223

REMARK A.10. The argument we give for dim^(A) > logKj logM is not the easiest argument, but it is the one we adapt for random A We now consider random Cantor sets. Fix an integer M > 2. For each n = 0,1,2,... and k = 1, 2,... , Mn, let J(ra, k) = I(n, k; M), denote the M-adic interval [(k — l)M-n, kM~n]. Suppose J(n, k) are 0 — 1 random variables that are nested in the sense that if n\ > n, J(ni, k\) C /(n, &;), and J(n, k) = 0, then J(ni, ki) = 0. Let An denote the random set

An= |J /(n,fc). J(n,fc) = l

Then Ao D A\ D A2 D • • • and A = n^0v4n is a compact subset that is nonempty n if and only if each An ^ 0. Let Yn be the number of intervals of length M~ comprising An, i.e.,



If ee (0,1/2), let

Je(n, k) = J(n, k) l{/(n, fe) n [e, 1 - e] ^ 0}, where 1 denotes indicator function. Then oo A*:= fl U /(n,fc) = An[c,l-c]. n=l Jc(n,fe) = l For the remainder of this section we assume this setup.

EXAMPLE A.ll. Let Bt be a one-dimensional Brownian motion and J(n,k) the indicator function of the event 0 € B[I(n, k)}. Then A = {t e [0,1] : Bt = 0}, which is called the zero set of the Brownian motion.

EXAMPLE A. 12. Suppose X(n, k) are i.i.d. 0 — 1 random variables with P{X(n,fc) = l}=pG(0,l). Let n J(n,fc) = JJxy,Z(j;n,fe)), J=I where /(j;n,/c) is defined so that I(n,k) C 7(j, £(j; n, fc)), i.e., I(j,l(j;n,k)) is the "ancestor" of /(fc, n) at the jth level. Then this random Cantor set can be considered as a branching (Galton-Watson) process. The set A is nonempty if and only if the does not die out.

PROPOSITION A. 13. Suppose there is a £ G (0,1) and a c < oo such that for n all n, k, E[Yn] < c M^-^ . Then (A.8) P{dimfc(A)

n REMARK A.M. One standard way to show that E[Yn] < cM^~^ is to show that P{J(n, j) = 1} < c( M~^n. 224 A. HAUSDORFF DIMENSION

PROOF. It suffices to show for every e > 0, I*{dimh(A) > 1-C + e} = 0. By the 1 71 ne Markov inequality, P{Yn > M^ "^} < M' ^-^ E[Yn] < c'M- . By the n 1_ +€ Borel-Cantelli Lemma, w.p.l for all n sufficiently large Yn < M ^ ^ ^. Lemma A.l shows that on this event dimh(A) < 1 — £ + e. •

The lower bound will use a standard technique known as a second moment method.

2 LEMMA A.15. If X is a nonnegative random variable with E[X ] < oo, then

PROOF. Without loss of generality assume E[X] = 1. Since E[X;X < 1/2] < 1/2, E[X;X > 1/2] > 1/2. Then

E[X2] > E[X2;X>l/2] - P{X > 1/2} E[X2 | X > 1/2] > P{X > 1/2} E[X | X > 1/2]2 = E[X; X > l/2]2/P{* > 1/2} > (l/4)/P{X > 1/2}. •

PROPOSITION A.16. Suppose there is a ( e (0,1) and Pi,(32 < oo such that for all n,

n (A.9) E(Yn)>(31M ^^\ and for all n, j, k,

(A.10) P{J(n, j) J(n, k) = l}< fa M~

Then there exists a p — p(/?i, #2, C> M) > 0 such that

P{dimh(A) = l-(}>p.

PROOF. Note that (A.10) with j = k and Proposition A.13 imply I*{dimh(A) < 1 — (} = 1. Hence we only need to show that that there is a p such that for every s < 1 - C,

P{dimh(A) > s} > p.

All constants in this proof are allowed to depend on /?i,/?2,C>^f- Some constants may also depend on s in which case this dependence will be explicitly noted. n Let pn be the random measure M^ times Lebesgue measure restricted to An n so that /xn[J(n,fe)] = M^~^ J(n,k). Then (A.9) implies that

1 n E(/xn[0,l]) =E[M«- ' Yn] > fa. A.3. DIMENSION OF RANDOM "CANTOR SETS" IN [0, 1] 225


2 E[(/in[0,l]) ] = M^-^EK?] Mn Mn = M2^-1)^^P{J(j,n)J(^n) = l} j = l k=l Mn Mn < 02M2^-^n^2^2M^n[\j-k\^l]-< j=i k=i

n C c < 2 f32 MU-V 5^0" + !)" < -

Therefore, by Lemma A. 15, there is a c > 0 such that

(A.ll) P{/*n[0,l]>/?i/2}>c. Let rl ^ pn{dx) Pn(dy) Jo Jo \x-y\*

We claim that for every 5 < 1 — £, there is an Rs < 00 such that for each n,

(A.12) E[£(n,s)] < Rs- To see this, note that

rl rl r r Hn{dx) pn(dy) E s VJoo Jo \x-y\ n n n M M rjM- rkM

~[ t^{ J(j-i)M-* J(k-i)M-" \x - y\ Mn Mn - Cs Yl 1L M_Cn [!•?" ~ fei+ 1J_C M2Cn M_2n MSn Hi - *i + y* 3=1 k=i

n Mn{C+S 2) (C+s) < csM J2 ~ 0' + l)~

(A.12) implies that

P{£(n,s) > 2#s/c} < c/2, where c is as in (A.ll). If Vn is the event Vn = {/in[0,1] > A/2; £(n, s) < 2 Rs/c}, r then P(V n) > c/2 and hence

P{Vn i.o.} > p, where p = c/2. Note that p does not depend on s. On the event {Vn i.o.}, we can find a subsequence /in (the subsequence can depend on a;, the realization) with fjLn. supported on An., pn. [0,1] > /?i/2 and LL^^T^^fjin. (dx) pnj (dy) 226 A. HAUSDORFF DIMENSION

By taking a further subsequence if necessary, which we denote by just fin., we can find a measure \x with /j,n —> fi. Note that /i[0,1] > /3i/2, /x is supported on A, and (see (A.7)), ffff<2^

Hence, by Lemma A.4, on this event dim/l(A) > s. D

EXAMPLE A. 17. Let Bt be a one-dimensional Brownian motion starting at the origin, e G (0,1/2), and Ae = {£ G [e, 1 — e] : Bt = 0}. We claim that there exist constants ci,C2 such that for all n,j, 1/2 n n l/2 (A.13) Cl r < P{0 G B[(j - l)M- ,jM~ ]} < c2j- - It is easy to see that the probability is independent of n; hence we can assume n = 0. In fact, the probability can be computed exactly using the Markov property and the reflection principle giving 1 — (2/n) arctan yjj — 1. However, (A.13) can be established by a cruder argument — if n — 0, we would expect that the probability would be comparable to P{|i?j_i| < 1} which is of order j-1/2. If j < k, then the strong Markov property can be used with (A.13) to show that P{0 G B[(k - 1) M"n, k M~n] | 0 G B[(j - 1) M~n, j M~n}}

n n 1 2 < P{0 G B[(k -j-1) M- , (k - j) M~ }} C!(6)M-/ ,

2 1/2 P{ Je(n, j) Je{n, k) = 1} < c2(e) M~^ (\k - j\ + 1)" provided that [(j - l)M-nJM~n} n [e, 1 - e] ^ 0, [{k - l)M"n, kM~n] n [e, 1 - c] ^ 0.

Proposition A.16 gives that P{dim^(^4e) = 1/2} = q€ > 0. Note that ge < 1 since there is a positive probability that Ae — 0. However, it is not very difficult to extend this argument to show that w.p.l

dim/,0 G [0, l]:Bt = 0} = 1/2.

EXAMPLE A.18. Let X(n, j), p, J(n,j) be as in the second example above and define ( by p = M-^. The expected number of intervals at level n is M^~^n. If £ > 1, then the corresponding branching process dies out, i.e., P{A = 0} = 1. Let us assume 0 < £ < 1. Then P{J(n,j) = l}=p" = M-<>,

(j n) Cn <8 fc n) P{J(n,j) J(n,k) = 1} =PV '*' = M- M- °' ' , where s(j,k,n) is defined by saying that j, fc have the same "ancestor interval" at level n — s(j, k, n) but have different ancestors after that. Note that if s(j, k, n) = m, then \k - j\ + 1 < Mm. Hence, P{J(n, j) J(n, k) = 1} < M-O (|* - j| + l)-<. A.3. DIMENSION OF RANDOM "CANTOR SETS" IN [0, 1] 227

Proposition A. 16 then implies that P{dim^(V) = 1 — (} > p > 0. In fact, we can improve this. Let q be the survival probability for the corresponding branching process, i.e., P{A ^ 0} = q. Then it is easy to see that, except for an event of probability zero, if A ^ 0, then Yn —• oo. But for every N < oo, N P{dim^(^) > 1 - C} > P{Yn > N for some n} [1 - (1 - p) ], and hence, P{dim.h(A) = 1 — Q — q. APPENDIX B

Hypergeometric functions

Hypergeometric functions arise as solutions to differential equations arising in the study of Bessel processes and SLE. Here we list some of the basic definitions and properties of the functions we will need. We follow mainly the treatment in [64], and the reader can check that book (or other books on special functions) for details. The hypergeometric series is ( F(a,P,r,Z) = l + ± ^±^, £l Wfcfc! where (c)k = T(c + k)/Y(c) = Ck (ck 4- 1) • • • (ck + (k — 1)). Here we assume 7 is not a nonpositive integer. The definition is symmetric in a and /?. If a or (3 is a nonpositive integer, then the series is a polynomial. Otherwise, it is easy to check that the radius of convergence is 1 so that F(a,/3,7; z) is an analytic function on D called the hypergeometric function. In fact, there is an analytic extension of F(a, /3,7; z) to D :— C \ [1, 00). We will only need to consider the hypergeometric function for parameters with nonnegative real parts; in fact, we will assume from now on that (B.l) Re[a], Re[/3] > 0 Re[7] > Re[a + /?] > 0. In this case [64, (9.1.6)], we can define F(a,/?, 7; z) for all z G D by

t0 1{1 tV 0 l (1 IZYa dt (B.2) F(a, /?, 7; z) = r{p^-0) l! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ This formula assumes Re[/3] > 0; if Re [a] > 0, we can interchange a and /?. The hypergeometric function arises as a solution to the hypergeometric equa­ tion (B.3) x{l-x)(f)/'(x) + [j-(a + (] + l)x}(t>,(x)-aP(f)(x) =0, 0 < x < 1. If 7 is not an integer, then two linearly independent solutions to this equation are [64, (7.2.6)] 1 (B.4) F(a,0,T,x), x -^F(l-7 + a,l-7 + /?,2-7;2). (These are also solutions for integer 7 but are not linearly independent.) If a = 0, the first solution is the constant function. Using the identity

we see that under the assumption (B.l),

r(7)r(7-a-/j) (B.6) F(a,/?)7;1- r(7-a)r(7-/3)-


B.l. The case a = 2/3, (5 = 1/3,7 - 4/3

Let F*(z) = F(2/3,1/3,4/3; z), which comes up in studying SLE6. In this case, substituting w = tz in (B.2) gives

(B.7) 3F*(z) = z~1/3 C w~2^{l-w)-2^dw. Jo If z = —x with x > 0,

3 (_x)l/3 F*(_x) = e—/3 T y-2/3 (1 + y)-2/3 dy> JO Also, if y > 0,

(B-8) F*(-y) = (i + 1/)-i/3F*(_^). 2/ + 1 Using the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation (see, e.g., [1, §6.2.2]), one can see that the map r(2/3) r w~2/3(l - w)~2/3 dw - r(2//3) 21/3 F*(z) r(i/3)2 l ( } r(i/3) r(4/3) * [z) is the conformal transformation of H onto the equilateral triangle with vertices 0,1, and (1 + i\/3)/2. Hence, we get the following.


nZ) r(l/3)T(4/3)Z ^ T/ien 0 is the conformal transformation of HI onto the equilateral triangle with vertices 0,1, and (l+iy/S)/2 satisfying (f)(0) = 0,<£(1) = l,<£(oo) = (1 + i>/3)/2. If x > 0, then

01 *j r(i/3)r(4/3)^ 4 + ^je • REMARK B.2. See [19, Part Seven, II] for a detailed treatment of the relation­ ship between hypergeometric functions and conformal maps of H onto triangles.

B.2. Confluent hypergeometric functions In this section we will discuss the solution of (B.9) ip"(x) + [x + — ] tl>'(x) - -7>\l)(x) = 0, 0 < x < 00, X Xz with boundary conditions (f>(0) = 0, (oo) = 1. Here aGl, b>0 or a < 1/2,6 > 0. If we write i/>(x) = (j)(x2/2), then 0 satisfies

y2 4>"(y) + [y2 + (« + \) y]/((l/2) - a)2 + 2b 1 r ~ 2 > 2 °' If we write {y) = e~y yr v(y), then t> satisfies

(B.10) y v"(y) + [(2r + a + i) - y) v'(y) -(r + a+^) v(y) = 0. B.3. ANOTHER EQUATION 231

The boundary conditions become v(y) = o(y~r) as y —* 0+ and v(y) ~ ey y~r as y —> oo. The solution to this is v(y) = [T(a)/T(a + r)] $(a, a + r;y), where a = r + a +(1/2) > 1, and $(a, 7; 2;) denotes the confluent hypergeometric function (of the first kind)

(see [64, Section 9.10 and (9.12.8)]). There is a second solution to (B.10) but it blows up like y1_Q;-r as y —• 0+, and hence does not satisfy the boundary condition. Hence the solution to (B.9) with the boundary conditions is // x -r2/2 xqT(a) _, q x2. 2«/2r(a+§) v ' 2' 2 where 1 - 2a + v/(l - 2a)2 + 86 q = 2r = ^— and 2a 2 ; 2a + 1 + g l V(! " ) + a = = 1 H :

B.3. Another equation Consider the equation

(B.ll) (t)"{x) + a cot{xl2)'(x) J-— 0(a?) = 0,0 < x < 2TT. 2 sin (x/2) In Lemma 1.29, we need to find a solution with 0(0+) = 0. Note that the solution of (B.ll) with 0(TT) = 1,0'(TT) = 1 has the property that cj)"(x) > 0,"(u) + [2au - (2a + l)u3} (pf(u) - 2ab (u) = 0, 0 < u < 1 With the aid of Maple, we can find two linearly independent solutions,

u(l/2)-a PM(V/1_W2)5 u(l/2)-a Q^^Z^?). where v = a — (1/2),\x — yj(\ — 2a)2 + Sab/2, and Pp,Q^ denote associated Le- gendre functions (see [64, Section 7.12]). These functions can be written in terms of hypergeometric functions; in fact, we can also write two linearly independent solutions in the form (see [6, 3.4 (6), 3.4 (10)]) \ n/2 \ _JX ~ ^ J F(-V,V+\,\-n[\-y/r^]l2),

M/2 l a 1-V V T

As u -• 0+, Vl -u2 = 1 - u2 + 0(w4), so 02(w) = w9 + 0(uq+1) where g = (1/2) — a + >/(l — 2a)2 4- 8a6. Simplifying and substituting we get _/x cf)2(x) = sin«(x/2) [1 + cos(x/2)] F(-i/, i/ + 1,1 - /x; [1 - cos(x/2)]/2). Although the exact solution requires special functions, there is another way to see why there should exist a solution that behaves like xq as x —> 0-h For x small, (B.ll) looks like ,„, 2a ,., 2a6 0" x N + — '{x) N =- (j)(x);/ N = 0. X Xz The function

Reflecting Brownian motion

In §6.8, Brownian motion in a wedge with oblique (non-perpendicular) reflection was considered. In this appendix, we will explain how one derives the conditions (6.24) - (6.27) for the transition functions. Since these are local conditions, we will consider only the case of Brownian motion in M reflected at angle 0 G (0, n) off of R. We will start by discussing one-dimensional reflecting Brownian motion. Let Yt be a standard one-dimensional Brownian motion. The process \Yt\ is called (one-dimensional) reflecting Brownian motion. The (at 0) of Yt is the unique, continuous increasing process lt with the property that Yt :— \Yt\ — lt is a standard Brownian motion. This process increases only on the set {t : Yt = 0}. For every e > 0, define a sequence of stopping times r/j, CTJ by 770 = 0, aj = inf{£ > rjj : \Yt\ = e} and rjj+i = inf{£ > aj : Yt = 0}. Let U(e, t) be the largest j such that aj < t. Then

n lt= lim 2- [/(2~V). n—>-oo There is another way to construct a reflecting Brownian motion. Fix an e > 0. Suppose Yt is a Brownian motion with YQ > 0. Let ao — 0 and for k > 0, a^ — inf{£ > 0 : Yt = —{k — l)e}. Define Z\ to be the right continuous process

Z\ = Yt + k e, ak

e lim Z t =Yt + \mt\, where mt = inf{ys A 0 : 0 < s < t}. The distribution of (Zt, |m^|) is exactly the same as that of (|lt|, h) above. We will now consider Brownian motion in M reflected at angle 6 G (0, n) off of R. We start with independent one-dimensional Brownian motions Xt, Yt and let Zt,mt be as in the previous paragraph. Let

Wt = {Xt+ iYt) + \mt\ {cot6+ i).

Note that Wt is a since \mt\ is increasing and hence has paths of bounded variation on each interval. If we write lt = |rat|, then lt is the local time of Wt at R. we can write

dWt = dBt + (cot 0 + i) dlu where Bt — Xt + iYt is a standard complex Brownian motion. Note that Im(Wt) is a reflecting Brownian motion, but Re(Wt),lm(Wt) are not independent.


Let p{t,z,') denote the transition probability density for Wt, i.e., the density of Wt given Wo = z. For fixed T < oo, w G H, the process Rt := p(T — t,Wt, w) must be a martingale. Ito's formula gives r* i A T 5 W dt Rt= [-p(T -s,Wa,w)+ 2 *P( - > s> ^)] +

/ [(cot 0)dxp(T — 5, Ws, w) + Oyp(T — s, WS, if)] d/s + [martingale]. Jo Prom this we can see that

p(t, z, w) = -Azp(t, z, w), z e

dvlZp{t, z, w) = 0, z

p(t,z,w) = -Awp(t,z,w), 2Gl.

We claim that

(C.l) dv',wp(t,z,w) = 0, weR, where v' = (— cot# + i)/\ cot# -f i\. If 4>,%p are C2 functions decaying rapidly at infinity, define

w z Pt (*) = / K*> > ) 0M dA(w), Ptip(w) = J p(t, w, z) ij)(z) dA(z). JM il

To prove (C.l) it suffices to show that d^'P? {%) for x £ R. Note that

/ [P;+t4>(z)} i/>(z) dA(z) = / [P>(z)] [Pt^(*)] dA(z) JM JM = [ 4>{z) [Ps+Mz)} dA(z). Jn In particular, d_ f [P:

I [[Pt*

\ [ [AP?(z)] iP(z) dA(z) + \ [ [{ [Pt*(x) - [dyPt*4>(x)] V(x) } dx ; 2zJM L JR The first term is just [lP;4>(z)}iP(z)dA(z). dt JMjm C. REFLECTING BROWNIAN MOTION 235

Now assume that ip has been chosen with compact support with <9v^(z) = 0 for zGi Then dyip(x) = — [cotO] dxip(x). Hence by integration by parts,

/ [ [cot 0] dxP?cp(x) - dyP;

By appropriate choice of ip we see that dw>P^(j){x) = 0. Bibliography

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Bessel process, 23, 25, 130 Feynman-Kac formula, 39 Beurling estimate, 84 Bieberbach Conjecture (de Branges's gambler's ruin, 1, 51 Theorem), 66, 103 Girsanov's transformation, 23 boundary bubble measure, 137 Green's function, 53 , 123 disk, 55 Brownian loop measure, 141 for excursions, 133 Brownian motion, 11 half plane, 55 complex, 11 Green's Theorem, 44 cut point, 187 Growth Theorem, 65 dimension of paths, 221 frontier, 187 M-excursion, 130, 208 Holder continuity, 41 ^-process, 25 intersection exponent, 192, 201 harmonic function, 22, 46 modulus of continuity, 39, 41 harmonic measure, 48 pioneer point, 187 Hausdorff dimension, 217 reflected, 209 Hausdorff measure, 217 reflecting, 168, 233 Holder continuity, 41 bubble soup, 144 of SLE, 182 holomorphic, 43 capacity, 61 hyperbolic metric, 66 half-plane, 69 hypergeometric function, 33, 229 Cauchy integral formula, 43 confluent, 30, 230 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 43 compact H-hull, 69 inradius, 60 compact hull, 61 Ito's Formula, 17, 21 concatenation, 121 conformal annulus, 88 Jordan curve, 43, 60 conformal rectangle, 81 Jordan domain, 60 conformal transformation, 44 continuously increasing hulls, 96 Koebe 1/4 Theorem, 63 convergence Koebe function, 61 in the Caratheodory sense, 78 uniformly on compact sets, 78 Laplacian, 21 curve, 43 Laplacian random walk, 3 closed, 43 linear fractional transformation, 44 smooth, 43 locality property, 8 for SLE, 152 Distortion Theorem, 64 locally analytic, 48 domain, 11, 43 locally connected, 59 driving function, 95 locally real, 109 Loewner chain excursion measure, 127 chordal, 95 INDEX 241

radial, 99 chordal, 147 Loewner differential equation crossing exponents, 166, 171, 175 chordal, 92 double points, 150 radial, 98 Hausdorff dimension, 183 whole-plane, 101 Holder continuity, 182 loop soup, 144 locality property, 152 loop-erased random walk, 3, 147 path, 148, 181 loops radial, 156 rooted, 122 restriction property, 153, 159 unrooted, 122 scaling, 148, 162 whole-plane, 162 martingale Schwarz lemma, 45 continuous, 11 Schwarz reflection principle, 48 exponential, 23 Schwarzian derivative, 138 local, 12 and SLE, 156 square integrable, 12 self-avoiding walk, 5 maximum principle, 44 semimartingale, 19 Mobius transformation, 44 separation lemma, 199 module, 81 simple process, 12 simple random walk, 1 optional sampling theorem, 22 simply connected, 57 oscillation, 39 smooth Jordan hull, 133 subadditivity, 190 percolation exploration process, 8 piecewise analytic, 48 univalent, 60 Poisson kernel, 48 boundary, 126 w.p.l, 11 disk, 48 half-infinite strip, 49 half plane, 49 Poisson , 144 Prohorov metric, 120 , 12 r-adjacent, 51 random walk excursions, 2 regular, 46 restriction measure, 206, 208 right-restriction, 206, 208, 209 restriction property, 5, 141 for excursion measure, 128 for SLE, 153, 159 Riemann mapping theorem, 58 Riemann sphere, 44 right-domain, 205

Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE)

SLE{K,P), 211 Cardy's formula, 163 242 BIBLIOGRAPHY Index of symbols e, 121 K, 147 {•), 12 L(A1,A2;D), 81 A*, 69 C, 144 A, 60 £M, 12 A M, 12 u 60 2 a, 26, 150, 177 .M , 12 mod, 81 B(z,e),43 # B(z,e), 43 /i , 120 bl, 12 fiD(z,w;t), 123 1O bM, 12 ^ °P, 141 /%u , 138 C, 44 N, 152 C, 122 Cu, 122 TV", 152 Cara _Q O, 144 • , (S osc, 13 cap, 61 P , 208 cap , 74 Q H P+, 208 U>, 44 *(a,r,z), 231 *,i, 133 d*, H9 Q, 69 diam, 59 Q+, 133 dim,,, 21 Q-, 133 dist(.z,fl-), 108 fi±, 133 F(a,p,T,z), 229 rad, 67 Sf(z), 138 Tu 11 S££K, 147 ,/koebe, 61 SLE{K,p), 211 SU, 69 5, 60 St, 147

HD,48 T2, 93 #t, 93, 147 TD, 11 H, 61 e(ftL;di,d2), 81 W*, 61 ^,78 WS.61 A1, 119 Wo, 61 £,201 H, 44 £ 192 heap, 69 hm, 48 I, 12 inrad, 60 J, 205 J7+, 205 Kt, 147 £, 119 Titles in This Series

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