Extension of the Category Og and a Vanishing Theorem for the Ext Functor for Kac-Moody Algebras
JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA 108, 472491 (1987) Extension of the Category Og and a Vanishing Theorem for the Ext Functor for Kac-Moody Algebras SHRAWAN KUMAR Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute qf Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay, India Communicated by J. Tits Received July 15, 1985 INTRODUCTION We extend the equivalence relation z (resp. the category OR) (defined in [DGK]) from Kg to an, in general, much larger subset Pg. c b* (resp. to the category ~3’“.~.),where w.g. stands for “weakly good”. We denote the extended equivalence relation by x ‘. We prove that the equivalence classes in Pa. under Z’ have description exactly similar to that for the equivalence classes in Kg under x, given by Deodhar-Gabber-Kac. We also prove that their category decomposition theorem for UR can be extended to CY8.. We further prove that Extz(M, N) = 0, if M and NE 0 (resp. in C!Yg.)are of inequivalent - (resp. = “) types. Now we describe the contents in more detail. Unless otherwise stated, g will denote an arbitrary symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebra with its Cartan subalgebra fj. Section 1. Fix II, p E h*. Let us say that 2 is related to ,u if the irreducible module L(A) is a subquotient of the Verma module M(p) and denote by - the equivalence relation thus generated. BernsteinGelfand-Gelfand, using central character theory, gave a necessary and sufficient condition for 2 to be related to p, in the case when g is finite dimensional [BGG]. Later Jantzen [J] simplified their proof, by making use of the Shapovalov bilinear form.
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