Honoring Ted Hipple by Keeping YA Literature Alive for Future Generations
LoriJoan Goodson Kaywell & Jim Blasingame Honoring Ted Hipple by Keeping YA Literature Alive for Future Generations In Memory of Ted Hipple (7/2/35–11/25/04): Survey Results to a Special Collection in His Name USF, ALAN and Authors Wish You Well Eternally! Facts about Theodore Hipple award, for notable service to advance the teaching of the language arts in Florida? It is fitting that Ted Hipple passed away on Thanksgiv- •A prolific writer—having published numerous ing morning as his is a life that so many of us give books, countless journal articles, and more con- thanks for, both knowingly and unknowingly. Ted’s gratulatory notes and/or ones of thanks that would quick wit, jovial nature, great laugh, and dedication to surpass the net worth of Donald Trump and Bill the profession were infectious and his service record, Gates combined? humbling. • Department Chairperson and Professor at the Did you know, for example, that Ted was . University of Tennessee at Knoxville (went to UT • One of the founders of the Assembly on Literature the fall of 1984) where he mentored new doctoral for Adolescents (ALAN) of the National Council of students like Amy Maupin (Transylvania U) and Teachers of English (NCTE), an organization for ALAN President-elect David Gill (UNCW) as well which he served for more years “than most of us as new assistant professors like Lisa Scherff (UA) have been teaching” and was the first recipient of while continuing to mentor his former doctoral its service award—named in his honor—in 2000? students, the likes of Jeff Kaplan (UCF) and me • Department Chairperson at the University of (USF) here in Florida? Florida, joining UF fall 1968, and was colleagues My relationship with Ted went back 30 years, with former ALAN President, Authors4Teens though we got close beginning around 1983.
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