October 2019 NEW ENGLISH BOOKS – FAIRBANK CENTER COLLECTION – FUNG LIBRARY No. 110 –Spring/Summer 2019 Andreas, Joel. Disenfranchised: The Rise and Fall of Industrial Citizenship in China (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), 302 pp. Baark, Erik, China’s Indigenous Innovation Policies (Singapore: East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 2019), 18 pp. Bao, Hongwei, Queer Comrades: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China (Copenhagen: Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, 2018), 265 pp. Beggs, Michael and Luke Deer, Remaking Monetary Policy in China: Markets and Controls, 1998–2008 (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 125 pp. Bianchi, Robert R., China and the Islamic World: How the New Silk Road is Transforming Global Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), 284 pp. Blanchette, Jude D., China’s New Red Guards: The Return of Radicalism and the Rebirth of Mao Zedong (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), 206 pp. Bo Gao, China’s Economic Engagement in North Korea (Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019), 176 pp, Brandt, Loren and Thomas Rawski, eds., Policy, Regulation, and Innovation in China’s Electricity and Telecom Industries (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), 505 pp. Brazelton, Mary Augusta, Mass Vaccination: Citizens’ Bodies and State Power in Modern China (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019), 237 pp. Brown, Kerry and Kalley Wu Tsu-hui, The Trouble with Taiwan: History, the United States and a Rising China (London: Zed Books, 2019), 246 pp. Brunner, Elizabeth, Environmental Activism, Social Media, and Protest in China: Becoming Activists Over Wild Public Networks (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2019), 180 pp. Cabestan, Jean-Pierre, China Tomorrow: Democracy of Dictatorship (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019), 209 pp.
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