M. Kuchaki Rafsanjani, Z. Asghari Varzaneh, N. Emami Chukanlo / TJMCS Vol .5 No.3 (2012) 229-240 The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Available online at http://www.TJMCS.com The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Vol .5 No.3 (2012) 229-240 A survey of hierarchical clustering algorithms Marjan Kuchaki Rafsanjani Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
[email protected] Zahra Asghari Varzaneh Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
[email protected] Nasibeh Emami Chukanlo Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
[email protected] Received: November 2012, Revised: December 2012 Online Publication: December 2012 Abstract Clustering algorithms classify data points into meaningful groups based on their similarity to exploit useful information from data points. They can be divided into categories: Sequential algorithms, Hierarchical clustering algorithms, Clustering algorithms based on cost function optimization and others. In this paper, we discuss some hierarchical clustering algorithms and their attributes, and then compare them with each other. Keywords: Clustering; Hierarchical clustering algorithms; Complexity. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 91C20; Secondary 62D05. 1. Introduction. Clustering is the unsupervised classification of data into groups/clusters [1]. It is widely used in biological and medical applications, computer vision, robotics, geographical data, and so on [2]. To date, many clustering algorithms have been developed. They can organize a data set into a number of groups /clusters. Clustering algorithms may be divided into the following major categories: Sequential algorithms, Hierarchical clustering algorithms, Clustering algorithms based on cost function optimization and etc [3].