35 Winter 97
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AAFA ACTION The Official Publication of the Alford American Family Association Winter 1997 Vol. IX, No. 3 The President’s Piece By Gilbert K. Alford, Jr., AAFA President As many of you know I was elected your president at the Springfield meeting. Under the articles of incorporation and bylaws, approved by you in 1996, our “election process” has changed. Each year the membership votes for 11 directors for the ensuing year. Those elected may all be new to the board; they all may be repeating from the year before; or any combination thereof. After the directors are elected by the mem- bership then the directors immediately elect a president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer from among their group. I’m the only new officer this year. Lynn Davidson Shelley continues as the VP, Max Alford as the Secretary and Doris Contents Alford Vetri as the Treasurer. The President’s Piece 1 In each issue of the quarterly I’ll be reporting to you in this piece about what we Treasurer’s Report 2 have done, are doing or have in our immediate plans. In this issue I’ll explain a committee system that I have put in place, a new member-director representation New Member Lineages 3 program that has been implemented, and describe the changes in the mailing of Alfords Say Thanks 14 the quarterly and the notices that it’s time to renew dues. “Ancestors” on PBS 14 Ohio Revolutionary COMMITTEES RULE War Pensioners 14 1996 Annual Meeting in While there were few changes made among the officers you will see many Springfield, MO 15 significant changes in the way we manage the association. I have established a Obituaries 21 number of committees and will depend upon them to conduct much of the work. Alfords in the News 29 I’ll mention them only briefly here by way of introduction and leave it to the Booklist Additions 34 leaders of the committees to report to you in more detail. Alfreds of Lewis County, VA/WV, 1850–1920 37 Tenth Anniversary Committee Back Issues and Indexes Available 38 The Tenth Anniversary Committee will serve for two years covering 1997 and Burt Alvord, 1998 and be chaired by Jimmie Alford. In 1997 we celebrate the tenth anniver- Outlaw Sheriff—Part 2 39 sary of AAFA’s establishment. In 1998 it is the tenth anniversary of the first Gil Alford’s About Alfords, Annual Meeting. While most of our celebration will be manifested in the meet- Part 3 41 ings in California and Kentucky, efforts are being made to reach all of the Texas Confederate Pensions 43 membership as well as all “Alfords” and their descendants nationwide. Engagements and Weddings 44 Thomas Jefferson Alford, Membership Committee 1814–1873 50 Lawrence County, Tennessee, Jimmie Alford will also chair the membership committee. He will be leading us Alfords: Part 3 52 in programs to increase the membership and to improve the ratio between active California Death Index, and inactive members. (Secretary Max Alford will continue with the member 1940–1986 60 records and the usual secretarial duties.) Index 75 (Continued on p. 12) Page 2 AAFA ACTION Winter 1997 AAFA Officers Treasurer’s Report Alford American Family Association P.O. Box 1586 At the time we went to press, we hadn't closed out Florissant, MO 63031-1586 the 1996 books yet, but it appears that last year was a good one for AAFA. Dues are way up, reflecting http://www.alford.com/alford/aafa/ a good renewal rate--very important to AAFA's homepage.html continued health. Members are donating money to BOARD OF DIRECTORS the Association at about the 1995 level, continuing to help offset the increase in the quarterly's print- Cecil O. Alford Paul W. Alford ing costs. The Merchandise Committee has in- Gilbert K. Alford, Jr. Lynn Shelley creased sales again this year--and thanks all mem- Jimmie R. Alford Janice S. Smith Lodwick Alford Robin Alford Sterling bers who purchased AAFA items. The Association Max Ray Alford Pamela Alford Thompson has a healthy balance sheet going into 1997! Doris Alford Vetri Doris Alford Vetri, AAFA Treasurer PRESIDENT GILBERT K. ALFORD, JR. 1403 Kingsford Drive Figures as of October 31, 1996 Florissant, MO 63031 (314) 831-8648 E-mail: [email protected] 1993 1994 1995 1996 Total Total Total Year to Date VICE-PRESIDENT REVENUE LYNN D. SHELLEY ANNUAL MEETING 5200.00 6933.00 7058.00 6264.00 1921 E. Nottingham Lane DONATIONS 2441.00 2219.00 5229.70 5170.50 Springfield, MO 65804-7733 DUES 5210.00 6840.00 5163.00 8750.00 E-mail: [email protected] REG FEE (Initial) 450.00 365.00 406.00 285.00 SECRETARY RESALE of Items Purchased 1736.00 1910.00 2585.70 3227.50 MAX RAY ALFORD MISC. INCOME 102.70 562.80 445.09 83.80 427 Wheatridge YR. END ASSETS RESALE 1500.00 2200.00 950.00 Mesquite, TX 75150 E-mail: [email protected] TOTAL INCOME 16639.70 21030.30 21837.49 23780.80 CARRYOVER FROM 4603.49 4071.64 5330.16 6849.21 TREASURER PREVIOUS YEAR DORIS ALFORD VETRI 981 Larkspur Place, N. TOTAL FUNDS 21243.19 25101.94 27167.65 30630.01 Mount Laurel, NJ 08054 E-mail: [email protected] EXPENSES ADVERTISING 60.38 50.53 EDITOR, AAFA ACTION ANNUAL MEETING 5219.69 6787.92 6927.71 5386.16 PAMELA ALFORD THOMPSON INVENTORY BALANCE 950.00 1017 Marilyn Drive Mountain View, CA 94040 MISCELLANEOUS 21.00 53.50 15.00 37.00 E-mail: [email protected] POSTAGE & PO BOX 1907.88 2011.60 1757.75 1515.89 All contents Copyright ©1997 by the POSTAGE QUARTERLY 2024.79 1423.81 2033.96 2554.31 Alford American Family Association PRINTING 165.50 163.00 176.10 279.13 unless copyrighted by individual contribu- PRINTING QUARTERLY 3100.00 3692.18 3700.00 4915.53 tors or reprinted from published work. PURCHASE FOR RESALE 2090.03 3830.42 3376.59 1844.24 The Alford American Family Association RESEARCH 497.12 763.77 168.40 303.05 is a Missouri corporation which has been STATIONERY 751.75 243.00 538.37 210.25 exempt from federal income tax by the SUPPLIES 1333.41 752.05 1624.56 2559.19 Internal Revenue Service as provided by Internal Revenue Code 501 (c7). The TOTAL EXPENSES 17171.55 19771.78 20318.44 20554.75 Association has no paid staff or employees and depends entirely on volunteer workers. ISSN 1082-3212 NET WORTH 4071.64 5330.16 6849.21 10075.26 Winter 1997 AAFA ACTION Page 3 New Member Lineages Prepared by Gil Alford with the help of most of the mem- It is important to note that the lineages begin with the first bers listed. Alford ancestor—not always a parent. Surname “Alford” is to be assumed unless “Alvord,” “Halford,” etc. is shown. ach of the lineages below was sent to the member for review and comment. Appropriate changes and Dates are shown as year, month, day. A “ca” following a E corrections were made on those that were returned. date means “circa” or “about.” A “?” means we are not sure Those for which there was no response are being published or don’t know. A “<” means before the date and “>” means as is but are correct to the best of our knowledge. Data was after the date. “E” or “Est” means estimated. Locations are not available to do a lineage for member #832. usually expressed as a state and county abbreviation. The footnote numbers that appear for some records in the Remember that AAFA is not presenting this as proven far right column refer to comments at the end of the factual data. It represents the best we have and is only as lineages or in previous issues. (Due to space limitations, good as the data reported by members. In a few rare cases we do not repeat comments. Contact the secretary for there may be some conclusion reached by the compiler. This back issues.) Those with “12” have comments in this data does not come from the same computer file used in the issue, while other footnote numbers are in previous compilation of the branch genealogies. Members are quarterlies. See the references at the beginning of this set of requested to bring differences, errors and omissions to our endnotes. attention. Membership # and New Member’s Name Pedigree #/ Alford: Name Birth Date & Place Death Date & Place Burial Place (Alford) Foot Reference # Spouse: Name Birth Date & Place Death Date & Place Marriage Date & Place Note # 827 Margaret T.R. Wilson Family DAV785VA 3 gra897ar GRACIE LOVENA 18970101 AR PIKE 19510415 AR PULA m. RAY, JOHN RUBIN 19230715 6 WIL855AR WILLIAM MILFORD 18551021 AR PIKE 19410516 AR PIKE LIBERTY AR PIKE m. WESTERMAN, MALISSIE E. 18661206 AR PIKE 19500430 AR 18861230 AR PIKE 12 DAV824AL DAVID WINSTON 1823 AL 18640504 AR HARTS CHAPEL AR CLAR 12 m. MCMENIS, MARY ANN 1826CA TN 18410104 AR MONR 24 DAV785VA DAVID A. 1785CA VA 1860< 12 m. ORRICK, POLLY 1790 SC 1860> AR PIKE AL MORG 48 ROB760EN ROBERT 1760CA ENGLAN? 12 m. _____, SUSANNA # 828 Rebecca Jean Alford Family NEE789NC 1 reb949pa REBECCA JEAN 19490913 PA BEAV 2 RIC917PA RICHARD NEEDHAM 19170102 PA BEAV m. PATTERSON, FRANCES 19151205 PA BEAV 19831117 PA BEAV 19470605 PA BEAV JEAN 4 HOM883TX HOMER 188310 TX m. _____, CHARLOTTE 1890CA PA PA 8 NEE857TX01 NEEDHAM JUDGE 18571022 TX 19460706 m. 1 _____, HARRIET 16 JES828LA01 JESSE POWELL 18281220 LA SAB? 18900802 12 m. 1 CRAWFORD, HARRIET 18340910 CT ???? 18850310 TX BRO? 18490724 LA SABI 32 NEE789NC NEEDHAM JUDGE 17890712 NC CUM? 18690919 TX LIME HORTON HILL TX LIME 3 m.