52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2021 (LPI Contrib. No. 2548) 1364.pdf LARGE LOW-ALBEDO ASTEROIDS: DYNAMICAL AND THERMAL CONTEXT. D. Takir1, W. Neu- mann2,3 S.N. Raymond4, J.P. Emery5, M. Trieloff3. 1Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston (
[email protected]), TX 77058, USA, 2German Aerospace Center, Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, Ger- many, 2Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany. 4Laboratoire d'Astro- physique de Bordeaux, Pessac, France, 5Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA. Introduction: Low-albedo asteroids, most of 10]. Jupiter’s rapid increase in mass destabilized the which are located in the outer belt and Jupiter’s Trojan orbits of nearby planetesimals and gravitationally scat- clouds, provide information related to the origin and tered them in all directions. Under the action of gas evolution of the solar system and the conditions in drag, a fraction of planetesimals was implanted onto which the solar nebula was formed. These asteroids are stable orbits, preferentially in the outer main belt ([11], widely thought to be the source of the primitive carbo- [12]). This same process was repeated during Saturn’s naceous chondrites and allow us to put crucial con- rapid gas accretion. Primitive planetesimals were likely straints on the current dynamical and thermal theories implanted from across the outer solar system and in of the formation and evolution of the early solar sys- multiple episodes (Fig. 2). The narrowest possible tem. source region assuming that Jupiter and Saturn grew The nature of surface composition of large and in-situ with no migration – is still ~5 AU wide, extend- low-albedo asteroids, like (1) Ceres, (10) Hygiea and ing from roughly 4-9 AU [11].