District Census Handbook, Bijapur, Part X-A, B, Series-14
CENSUS OF INDIA 1971 SERIES-14 MYSORE DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK BIJAPUR DISTRICT PART X-A: TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B: PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT P. PADMANABHA OF THE INDIAN ADMlNISTRATIVI! SERVICB DIRECTOR OF CBNSUS OPBRATIONS MYSORE 74 75 76 77 7. 79 24 12 0 24 48 72 MILES ! I I I MlY~©U ~ J i i i i i 20 0 20 40 60 80 100 KILOMETRES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS, 1971 STATE BOUNDARY DISTRICT " TALUK " 18· 18· STATE CAPITAL OISTRICT HEADQUARTERS @ TALUk * o T. Norulpur - 'lbitumokudIu N orulpur Ho-Hoo.,.. H_HuhlI 17' ". IS· ANDHRA PRADESH ... 14' 12' 77' 78° 79° GOL-GUMBAZ, BIJAPUR (Motif on the Cover) The illustration on the cover page represents the Gol-Gumbaz, a structu.ral triumph of Indian builders. Transcending all other buildings in Bijapur in simple mass, and dominating the landscape for miles around, Gol~Gumbaz is a unique feat of engineering skill, w:hich has evoked the unstinted admiration of experts. This is a mausoleum of Muhammed Adil Shah, built in about 1650 A.D. and despite its vast size, has been based upon the simplest architectural forms. Externally, the body of the building is a great cube covering an area of 18,225 Sq. feet with a tower attached to each corner, over which is placed a large hemispherical dome, the largest of its kind in the world. The height of the dome is 198 feet outside and 175 feet inside. The most remarkable feature of Gol-Gumbaz is the whispering gallery, 109 feet above the floor, that runs round inside the dome.
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