COURSE TITLE: Introduction to Community Organization, Management, & Policy Practice COURSE NUMBER: 560 TIME & PLACE Winter, 2010: Monday: Section 002, Class #27077, 4-7pm, Rm. 2816 SSWB Wed.: Section 001, Class #27075, 9am-12, Rm. 1804 SSWB CREDIT HOURS: 3 PREREQUISITES: None LOCATION: Foundation macro methods; required for all MSW students INSTRUCTOR: Diane Kaplan Vinokur, PhD, LMSW, Associate Professor CONTACT DETAILS: Office: 3794 SSWB E-mail:
[email protected] Office phone: (734) 647-2553 OFFICE HOUR: Tuesdays, 1pm-2pm, or by appointment1 1 Please e-mail me three different times when you could meet, and we can usually find a mutually convenient time, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 2. COURSE CONTENT ..................................................................................................................................... 3 3. COURSE OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 4 Additional Comments on the viewpoint of this instructor: ........................................................... 5 4. COURSE DESIGN ................................................................................................................................... 6 5. RELATIONSHIP OF THIS COURSE TO THE SSW’S FOUR CURRICULAR THEMES ............ 6 6. RELATIONSHIP OF THE COURSE TO SOCIAL WORK ETHICS