Maud Hart Lovelace | 640 pages | 01 Oct 2009 | William Morrow & Company | 9780061794728 | English | New York, NY, United States Betsy Was a Junior / Betsy and Joe by

But they were enough to make me know that characters in books had true and honest feelings and that made all the difference. Merry Widow hats! I loved them as a child, as a young adult, and now, reading them with my daughter, as a mother. What a wonderful world it was! Merry Widow Hats! Show More Show Less. Pre-owned Pre-owned. No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to write a review. You may also like. Paperback Books Joe Hart. Joe Hart Books. Books Joe Hart. Carolyn Hart Paperback Books. View 2 comments. May 12, Catie rated it it was amazing Shelves: american-literature , read , 20th-century , classics , favorites , buddy-reads , fiction , historical , romance , children. Apr 06, Luisa Knight rated it it was amazing Shelves: young-adult , own , decade , romance , childrens-classics. The older sister has a habit of tiring with a beau and dropping him carelessly for another. Violence - None Illustrations - 2 Incidents: two girls wearing petticoats and corsets, a girl wearing a petticoat and corset. Book takes place in the early s. Mentions a few characters smoking a pipe or cigarette. Mentions someone is a bartender, and drinking beer is mentioned. A boy smokes, drinks, plays poker, gets suspended from school, goes around with an awful girl and hangs around the wrong crowd. Throughout entire book. She wondered why the idea had distressed her so much at first. Mentions Halloween and the characters go to a dance that night and prank people. Mentions Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Then you should follow me! Because I have hundreds more just like this one. So Follow or Friend me here on GoodReads! May 13, Joann rated it it was amazing. No matter how old I get, part of me will always be Betsy Ray. Another part will always be Anne of Green Gables, but that's another series for another time. Every few years I go back and revisit old friends, and every time I can't quite believe that these books were written almost 75 years ago. Fashions change, distractions change, sexual mores certainly change how cute to read about existential angst over Mar 31, Emi Knape rated it it was ok. Ok so I definitely didn't know there was like a fan base for this series and I'm pretty sure I am the only person on here giving this book a rating less than 5 stars. Here's the thing: I did not know this was like part of a whole series However, for the Betsy series or whatever it's called , I just found it plain boring. He was so flat. Y'all always bring gifts back for the family when you go on trips I guess I just didn't really get into these stories and was more focused on counting the page numbers than developing a fictional obsession with Joe Willard Jul 31, Lisa rated it it was amazing. These books take me to another time and I love it. The main character was born 2 years before my paternal grandmother and 10 years before my maternal grandmother, so I love to get a glimpse into what the world was like for them. How did I never read these growing up? I wonder if my mom ever read them? There are some phrases and terms the characters use that I know my mom said, too. I've had to look up many of the fads and foods and cultural references to know what they were talking about. But th These books take me to another time and I love it. But that has been fun for me! These books are so charming. Jun 20, Colette Stine rated it it was amazing Shelves: children-s-books , classics. I read prolifically as a child but never even knew Betsy and gang existed! They say better late than never, and for me, with this series, it holds true I was absolutely enchanted and fell completely in love with Betsy and Tacy in the first book, and likewise with each book of the series. Going back in time in such a sweet way is truly a pleasure, and the exploits of the Ray girls and their friends provoke smiles and a little heartache in the sad parts. Like Narnia, Anne, and Little House, this is a I read prolifically as a child but never even knew Betsy and gang existed! Like Narnia, Anne, and Little House, this is a children's series that adult can read with pleasure, and I heartily recommend it. Jan 17, Emock rated it it was amazing. Betsy Was a Junior I loved the progression of Betsy as she's moving into adulthood and changing from "childish things" and shifting her focus and confidence. Her dreams haven't changed, but her relationships and choices have taken on a more serious attitude. Reading these stories is like meeting the coming-of-age Laura, Anne, and Jo all over again. What a treasure to discover these special books. They are warm and have a familial essence. They are surprisingly modern, for an era set a century ago Betsy Was a Junior I loved the progression of Betsy as she's moving into adulthood and changing from "childish things" and shifting her focus and confidence. They are surprisingly modern, for an era set a century ago. I only wish "the crowd" could come to my house for Sunday dinner. Jun 22, Katie Fitzgerald rated it it was amazing Shelves: level-young-adult , genre-historical-fiction , blogged , Thus the Okto Deltas are born. While Betsy, Tacy, and Tib, who has recently returned to Deep Valley from Milwaukee, are initially thrilled by their exclusive organization, as time passes by, they realize their cliqueishness is driving away many other potential friends and ruining their reputations within their class. The wonderful thing about this entire series is that Betsy is always good-hearted, but never perfect. She makes the kind of mistakes in both academic and social situations that plague the lives of real girls, regardless of when and where they live. Gang aft agley. No one forces Betsy to make good choices; rather she learns her lessons and makes things right simply because she knows it is the right thing to do. Also refreshing is the fact that Betsy is portrayed as a smart girl, but not a great student. She leaves projects - such as her herbarium - to the last minute, fails to win a spot in the essay contest, and generally seems to prefer socializing above all academic endeavors. I think many girls can relate to her desire to spend time with her peers, as well as to the end-of-year panic that sets in when a major assignment is not completed. I have grown weary of YA novels with mature sexual content, and this book is the refreshing polar opposite of books of that nature. In Betsy and Joe, Betsy is now a high school senior, and at long last, she and Joe overcome the various obstacles that have kept them apart and begin to pursue a relationship. Like most of the other titles of the series, this book makes me nostalgic for a time period I have never lived in. I actually found myself even worrying a bit over how empty the house will seem to Margaret if Betsy also goes away from home which I imagine she does, given the title of the next book, Betsy and the Great World. Betsy and Joe would make such a great graduation present, as it really causes the reader to stop and think about the end of high school and what is to come next. Betsy and Joe are also great role models when it comes to dating. They show a great deal of respect for themselves and each other, and a kiss is a major, serious event in their relationship, rather than something taken for granted. Dec 28, Logan Hughes added it Shelves: quaint-youths. Adding this book because it's the edition I read on Kindle so it allows me to sync my highlights. See my reviews for the individual books: Betsy Was a Junior , Betsy and Joe Adding this book because it's the edition I read on Kindle so it allows me to sync my highlights. May 22, Kris Dersch rated it really liked it Shelves: kidslit. We are still going through Betsy's high school experiences year-by-year. Also well worth the read is the commentary by local authors and the comparison of Betsy's experiences with Maud Hart Lovelace's. The Essay Contest, Joe, the challenges of growing up Betsy's world continues to satisfy. Jul 09, Sara rated it it was amazing Shelves: kindle , library-book , , series , ebook , young-adult , classics , for-my-daughter. At first I didn't like these as much as the first few books, but these are incredible!! I love the characters and the imagery of the parties and dances. It's heartbreaking to read about the crowd getting older- I don't want these books to end. But I only have 2 more. May 19, Aria Carter rated it liked it. Jul 24, Cecilia Henriksson rated it really liked it. This book was exeptional in terms of intriguing characters and learning about Edwardian socity for middle class Americans. Would recomend it to ages , although it can be entertaining for young adults as well. Mar 24, Allie Z. I loved this series when I was little and it was a fun break from the more heavy books I had been reading. Jun 12, Rainey rated it it was amazing Shelves: middle-grade-read. This was my absolute favorite from the high school years! May 29, L. Bugle rated it it was amazing. She wondered whether life consisted of making resolutions and breaking them, of climbing up and slipping down. You always gain a little. This year I've gained music lessons, and all the things Miss Fowler taught me about writing, and a postal card from Joe. She thought about those lists she had made in her programs for self- improvement. She hadn't followed them out by any means, but they had revealed her ideals. She wasn't even sure she liked it. But it happened, and then it was irrevocable. There was nothing you could do about it except to try to see that you grew up into the kind of human being you wanted to be. Feb 21, Kellyn Roth rated it it was amazing Shelves: romance-general , classical-reads , books-for-teens. This book is so hilarious, maybe more so than the other Betsy-Tacy stories. Okay, maybe it's not funny for Betsy She seems to forget a lot of the hard-learned lessons from the last couple years. She gets into all kinds of trouble. Most of the time it doesn't end too disastrously even if she does have to stay up all night pressing flowers , but sometimes it leads her to almost lose friends, such as with the Okto Deltas. She seems only focused on fun this year Also, it's just so good to see Tib again! The trio just isn't a trio without her. And just because there are only two of them then Maud's superb writing always gives me new ideas to sort over. With this re-read, I mostly focused on the theme of transitions and growing up. And, for my first time, I paid attention to the song that Mamie Dodd plays when Betsy and Joe finally dance together: "The girl I'll call my "She stood for some time with the card in her hand before she went upstairs. And, for my first time, I paid attention to the song that Mamie Dodd plays when Betsy and Joe finally dance together: "The girl I'll call my sweetheart, Must look like you May 31, Katie B-K rated it it was amazing Shelves: with-kiernan. Junior year finds Betsy acting ridiculously and Kiernan and I had just a spectacular time cheering for Betsy when she did something right and commiserating when she gets screwed unfairly and groaning and yelling at the book when she makes bad choices, which happens with reasonable frequency. I have come up with my own alternate melodies for the popular tunes of the turn of the 20th century and would be shocked to hear the real ones, I imagine, but there's a lot of singing. I love this book more than I thought I did. Also I cried. Sep 10, emma grace rated it it was amazing Shelves: all-time-faves , re-read-more-than- once , betsy-tacy , can-t-remember-exact-date-read. On an old reading list from I have read this one many times since , and maybe before that, but this was the first list I found it on Aug 22, Nancy rated it really liked it. Nothing changes - popular boy crazy Betsy in sounds not that different from current day. Light and always worth a re-read. Sep 21, Lucy rated it it was amazing. I didn't like the sororities, but they were a big part of Betsy growing up, and a necessary part of the plot. Oct 22, Carmen Maloy rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone. Betsy Was a Junior is perhaps the most fun-filled book of the entire Betsy-Tacy series. It opens with Tib's return from Milwaukee, which is met with joy and happiness by Betsy and Tacy. Three strong once again, the girls busy themselves with attending dances, performing in school recitals, and, of course, hanging out with their Crowd. Prompted by older sister Julia's rhapsodic descriptions of sorority life, Betsy decides to follow suit by creating a high school sorority called Okto Delta. Although the eight members have a terrific time throwing parties and eating delicious refreshments I defy anyone to read MHL's books without getting up and going the refrigerator just once! Realizing that she and her sistren are alienating other members of Deep Valley High School particularly Tony , Betsy dissolves the group and reverts back to her gregarious self. Tib provides an extra dash of glamour to this book, what with her "blonde, stunning looks" and "lilac-trimmed dresses" that contrast fascinatingly with her practical, independent personality. One suspects that even Irma the Siren felt some competition once Ms. Muller joined the ranks of Deep Valley High School. The Betsy-Tacy books were highly autobiographical and Lovelace perfectly captures the innocence and magic of childhood. If you read this book and love it, please read the series. It will be books that you will never forget as long as you live. I also recommend the "Betsy-Tacy Companion" which is an amazing book that disects each book and compares it to it's real-life counterparts, including pictures of the "real" Betsy, Tacy, Tib and all the gang. It was incredible to step back in time and enter Betsy's world. We toured the city and I was actually able to step foot in "Tacy's" bedroom and sit on the famous bench at the top of the big hill. It was truly a life- altering experience. I have to thank my sister, Julie for introducting these books to me and changing my life. It's obvious how much these books mean to me. My first born child was named Tacy Kelly Maloy. Please read and enjoy. They are a treasure! Jan 25, Jennifer Margulis rated it liked it. The irrepressible Betsy Ray begins her junior year of high school full of resolve. She will do better in school. She will get Joe Willard to like her. She will be more responsible now that her big sister Julia will be leaving home to attend university. The good news is that Tib is back in town from Milwaukie. And Betsy is popular and well liked--at least at first. The bad news is that Betsy cares more about her hair style and stylish clothes than she does about being a good person, taking care o The irrepressible Betsy Ray begins her junior year of high school full of resolve. The bad news is that Betsy cares more about her hair style and stylish clothes than she does about being a good person, taking care of her family, or doing her schoolwork. After Julia comes home for a visit and reports that several sororities want her to join and the sisters at university are wooing her hard, Betsy comes up with the idea to start a sorority at Deep Valley High School. It seems like a brilliant idea but ends up leaving a lot of people out, creating a lot of hard feelings, and estranging her from her good friend Tony. Betsy is having a lot of fun being a junior in high school, flitting from party to party, but that's the problem. Fun seems to be the only thing she cares about. Betsy doesn't even care that Joe Willard does not notice her. She's so busy being frivolous and self-centered that she even neglects her little sister Margaret in what is the most heartbreaking chapter in the book. She's not a very likable character in this book and the long descriptions of her dresses, hair styles, and parties get a little tiresome. This is probably my least favorite Betsy-Tacy book so far. I was relieved that at the end of the book Betsy takes a critical look at her own behavior, realizing that growing up should not be only about having fun. But it feels like a little too little a little too late Aug 12, Jan rated it it was amazing Shelves: thebelovedtomes. Betsy makes many wrong choices and suffers the consequences. I find it very instructive without being preachy. Two life lessons that it teaches are: 1. Often seemingly simple fun and frivolous pasttimes can have very negative effects in our lives. Living for yourself and the pleasure in a moment, instead of thinking of others and endeavoring to serve and please them, often leaves one with guilt, emptiness, regrets or all three. Sep 01, Pamela Hubbard rated it really liked it Shelves: young-adult , historical-fiction , character-doorway , relationships. I don't know what it is about these books that just draws me in! Maybe it's the fact that Lovelace has created such a deep, yet relatable character in Betsy that I find myself remembering certain things from my high school experience even though mine and Betsy's were a century apart. Lovelace just brings out those timeless qualities of life. Betsy enters her junior year and continues setting goals for herself, learning from her mistakes and finding out who she is. For the first time, the end of I don't know what it is about these books that just draws me in! For the first time, the end of this book had a bit of suspense so I'm excited to start on the next one! Rereading these books for a challenge. How much do I love these stories? Well, I named my daughter Betsy, so that may make it clear. These are clean, growing-up novels at their best because the characters aren't perfect, but very real. They have problems and heart aches and let themselves and those they care about down, except for the times when they act nobly and do the right thing - just like real people. I loved these growing up, my daughter loved them, and we still enjoy revisiting Deep Vall Rereading these books for a challenge. I loved these growing up, my daughter loved them, and we still enjoy revisiting Deep Valley occasionally. Dec 04, Ms. Rereading the Betsy-Tacy high school stories this fall; this is the one where Betsy starts a sorority with her friends during her junior year. The sorority monopolizes and dictates her junior year for better and for worse. Other highlights include Julia leaving home to attend the University of Minnesota. Betsy and Joe - Wikipedia

Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. See all 2 pre-owned listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. About this product Product Information "Some characters become your friends for life. That's how it was for me with Betsy-Tacy. I grew up 30 miles north of Mankato, and trips to town were filled with mystery and magic, because I was walking the same streets that Betsy and Tacy once walked. The Betsy-Tacy books As I read I will never love any other books as much as I love the Betsy-Tacy books. But the girls I most enjoyed spending time with were Betsy, Tacy and Tib Truthfully, I think those were the only books I read as a child. But they were enough to make me know that characters in books had true and honest feelings and that made all the difference. Merry Widow hats! Betsy Ray , a high school senior class of She wants to be an author, and she sends out her stories to magazines in hopes of selling them. Joe Willard , a high school senior. He works for Mr. Root, the owner of the local newspaper. Tacy Kelly , a high school senior and Betsy's best friend since they met at Betsy's birthday party when she was five years old. Tony Markham , a high school senior and the "Tall Dark Stranger" Betsy fell in love with as a freshman , who has since become a good friend not only to Betsy but the entire Ray family. Carney Sibley , a freshman at Vassar College and a former member of the Crowd. The Crowd. Other members come in and out. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Children's literature portal. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from July All articles needing additional references. As someone with an interest in human rights, and an awareness of the ubiquity of their violation, I'm not sure I always believe in that goodness. As someone moreover, with few happy high school memories - yes, dissatisfaction with the high school experience seems to have become such a commomplace, that its expression feels almost redundant, but as with everything, there are degrees. I am, after all, a high school dropout - there is little in Betsy's school experience with which I can identify. And yet Lovelace makes me believe in the goodness of humanity. She makes me feel with Betsy, makes me see how easy it is, without ever intending it, to fall into the wrong way. Given who I am, that is an astonishing achievement. View all 3 comments. Sep 03, Liz F. Oct 12, Angie added it Shelves: I picked this up at a library sale because my library didn't have this one of the series when I was kid. I forgot how much I liked these books. Still fun even though I'm not 7. Aug 30, Gayle Gordon rated it really liked it Shelves: fiction. Maybe my favorite Betsy-Tacy so far. Much talk about growing up. It couldn't be, she thought unbelievingly, that they were sitting in the Opera House at night, downstairs, with boys who had paid for their tickets! B Maybe my favorite Betsy-Tacy so far. But they were. Well, as resolutions usually go, most of the plans go "aft agley. Betsy and her friends neglect an important biology assignment and stay up the entire night before it's due to try to turn something in. Betsy neglects to look after her little sister, resulting in singed eyelashes. Betsy embarrasses herself in front of the class by writing an unpleasant note about a teacher and getting caught. Betsy burns her hair with a curling iron right before a dance. Last, but not least, creating a sorority and then a fraternity, made up of her closest friends. This last foray into snobbishness costs Betsy a chairmanship on the junior-senior banquet committee, being the junior pick for the essay contest, and almost several friendships, including her old crush Tony, who abandons the crowd and starts to run with a wild bunch. Betsy does some soul-searching at the end of the school year. How they had been smashed to smithereens! She wondered whether life consisted of making resolutions and breaking them, of climbing up and slipping down. You always gain a little. This year I've gained music lessons, and all the things Miss Fowler taught me about writing, and a postal card from Joe. She thought about those lists she had made in her programs for self- improvement. She hadn't followed them out by any means, but they had revealed her ideals. She wasn't even sure she liked it. But it happened, and then it was irrevocable. There was nothing you could do about it except to try to see that you grew up into the kind of human being you wanted to be. Feb 21, Kellyn Roth rated it it was amazing Shelves: romance-general , classical- reads , books-for-teens. This book is so hilarious, maybe more so than the other Betsy-Tacy stories. Okay, maybe it's not funny for Betsy She seems to forget a lot of the hard-learned lessons from the last couple years. She gets into all kinds of trouble. Most of the time it doesn't end too disastrously even if she does have to stay up all night pressing flowers , but sometimes it leads her to almost lose friends, such as with the Okto Deltas. She seems only focused on fun this year Also, it's just so good to see Tib again! The trio just isn't a trio without her. And just because there are only two of them then Maud's superb writing always gives me new ideas to sort over. With this re-read, I mostly focused on the theme of transitions and growing up. And, for my first time, I paid attention to the song that Mamie Dodd plays when Betsy and Joe finally dance together: "The girl I'll call my "She stood for some time with the card in her hand before she went upstairs. And, for my first time, I paid attention to the song that Mamie Dodd plays when Betsy and Joe finally dance together: "The girl I'll call my sweetheart, Must look like you May 31, Katie B-K rated it it was amazing Shelves: with-kiernan. Junior year finds Betsy acting ridiculously and Kiernan and I had just a spectacular time cheering for Betsy when she did something right and commiserating when she gets screwed unfairly and groaning and yelling at the book when she makes bad choices, which happens with reasonable frequency. I have come up with my own alternate melodies for the popular tunes of the turn of the 20th century and would be shocked to hear the real ones, I imagine, but there's a lot of singing. I love this book more than I thought I did. Also I cried. Sep 10, emma grace rated it it was amazing Shelves: all-time-faves , re-read-more-than-once , betsy-tacy , can-t-remember-exact-date-read. On an old reading list from I have read this one many times since , and maybe before that, but this was the first list I found it on Aug 22, Nancy rated it really liked it. Nothing changes - popular boy crazy Betsy in sounds not that different from current day. Light and always worth a re-read. Sep 21, Lucy rated it it was amazing. I didn't like the sororities, but they were a big part of Betsy growing up, and a necessary part of the plot. Oct 22, Carmen Maloy rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Everyone. Betsy Was a Junior is perhaps the most fun-filled book of the entire Betsy-Tacy series. It opens with Tib's return from Milwaukee, which is met with joy and happiness by Betsy and Tacy. Three strong once again, the girls busy themselves with attending dances, performing in school recitals, and, of course, hanging out with their Crowd. Prompted by older sister Julia's rhapsodic descriptions of sorority life, Betsy decides to follow suit by creating a high school sorority called Okto Delta. Although the eight members have a terrific time throwing parties and eating delicious refreshments I defy anyone to read MHL's books without getting up and going the refrigerator just once! Realizing that she and her sistren are alienating other members of Deep Valley High School particularly Tony , Betsy dissolves the group and reverts back to her gregarious self. Tib provides an extra dash of glamour to this book, what with her "blonde, stunning looks" and "lilac-trimmed dresses" that contrast fascinatingly with her practical, independent personality. One suspects that even Irma the Siren felt some competition once Ms. Muller joined the ranks of Deep Valley High School. The Betsy-Tacy books were highly autobiographical and Lovelace perfectly captures the innocence and magic of childhood. If you read this book and love it, please read the series. It will be books that you will never forget as long as you live. I also recommend the "Betsy-Tacy Companion" which is an amazing book that disects each book and compares it to it's real-life counterparts, including pictures of the "real" Betsy, Tacy, Tib and all the gang. It was incredible to step back in time and enter Betsy's world. We toured the city and I was actually able to step foot in "Tacy's" bedroom and sit on the famous bench at the top of the big hill. It was truly a life-altering experience. I have to thank my sister, Julie for introducting these books to me and changing my life. It's obvious how much these books mean to me. My first born child was named Tacy Kelly Maloy. Please read and enjoy. They are a treasure! Jan 25, Jennifer Margulis rated it liked it. The irrepressible Betsy Ray begins her junior year of high school full of resolve. She will do better in school. She will get Joe Willard to like her. She will be more responsible now that her big sister Julia will be leaving home to attend university. The good news is that Tib is back in town from Milwaukie. And Betsy is popular and well liked--at least at first. The bad news is that Betsy cares more about her hair style and stylish clothes than she does about being a good person, taking care o The irrepressible Betsy Ray begins her junior year of high school full of resolve. The bad news is that Betsy cares more about her hair style and stylish clothes than she does about being a good person, taking care of her family, or doing her schoolwork. After Julia comes home for a visit and reports that several sororities want her to join and the sisters at university are wooing her hard, Betsy comes up with the idea to start a sorority at Deep Valley High School. It seems like a brilliant idea but ends up leaving a lot of people out, creating a lot of hard feelings, and estranging her from her good friend Tony. Betsy is having a lot of fun being a junior in high school, flitting from party to party, but that's the problem. Fun seems to be the only thing she cares about. Betsy doesn't even care that Joe Willard does not notice her. She's so busy being frivolous and self-centered that she even neglects her little sister Margaret in what is the most heartbreaking chapter in the book. Betsy Was a Junior & Betsy and Joe by Maud Hart Lovelace – Betsy-Tacy Society

Stock photo. Pre-owned: Lowest price The lowest-priced item that has been used or worn previously. Cover has some rubbing and edge wear. Access codes, CD's, and other accessories may not be included. All items ship Mon-Fri. International Buyers - Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. See all 2 pre-owned listings. Buy It Now. Add to cart. About this product Product Information "Some characters become your friends for life. That's how it was for me with Betsy-Tacy. I grew up 30 miles north of Mankato, and trips to town were filled with mystery and magic, because I was walking the same streets that Betsy and Tacy once walked. The Betsy-Tacy books As I read I will never love any other books as much as I love the Betsy-Tacy books. But the girls I most enjoyed spending time with were Betsy, Tacy and Tib Truthfully, I think those were the only books I read as a child. But they were enough to make me know that characters in books had true and honest feelings and that made all the difference. Merry Widow hats! Tony becomes more serious about Betsy. Just before Easter break, Tony tries to kiss Betsy and she tells him she only likes him as a friend. She then goes away for a week to visit friends of her father in the country, the Beidwinkles. At the end of the week, Betsy and the Beidwinkles visit Willard's Emporium, where Betsy and Joe meet again and rekindle their friendship in the place where it began. They spend the day together, and when they both return to Deep Valley they begin "going together. The team suffers loss after loss due to his unwillingness to sacrifice his good looks for the win, until a skit at the final pep rally mocks him and Tib threatens to stop dating him unless they win. Betsy's best friend, Tacy, turns 18 in February , and soon meets Harry Kerr, a business associate of Mr. Ray's, who is roughly 10 years older than Tacy. After meeting the first time and spending the evening together at Sunday Night Lunch, Mr. Kerr tells Mr. Ray that he has decided he's going to marry Tacy, no matter how long he has to wait. Up and Down Broadway , a home-talent play in Deep Valley, is put together involving several members of the Crowd. Julia Ray spends the summer touring Europe and then studies opera in Germany while staying with a wealthy family in their castle. Betsy Ray , a high school senior class of She wants to be an author, and she sends out her stories to magazines in hopes of selling them. Joe Willard , a high school senior. He works for Mr. Root, the owner of the local newspaper. Tacy Kelly , a high school senior and Betsy's best friend since they met at Betsy's birthday party when she was five years old. Tony Markham , a high school senior and the "Tall Dark Stranger" Betsy fell in love with as a freshman , who has since become a good friend not only to Betsy but the entire Ray family. Carney Sibley , a freshman at Vassar College and a former member of the Crowd. The Crowd. Other members come in and out. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Betsy Was a Junior/Betsy and Joe - eBook: Maud Hart Lovelace: -

But when her crowd gets into trouble, Betsy's best year could turn out to be her worst. Betsy and Joe : Betsy always thought she and Joe Willard were made for each other—and now that summer's over and senior year's begun, it seems her dream is coming true! But her friend Tony Markham has come calling as well—and his intentions are definitely romantic. Maud Hart Lovelace based her Betsy-Tacy series on her own childhood. Her series still boasts legions of fans, many of whom are members of the Betsy-Tacy Society, a national organization based in Mankato, Minnesota. I will never love any other books as much as I love the Betsy-Tacy books. I loved them as a child, as a young adult, and now, reading them with my daughter, as a mother. What a wonderful world it was! But the girls I most enjoyed spending time with were Betsy, Tacy and Tib The Betsy-Tacy books Merry Widow Hats! What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours. You can unsubscribe at any time. Enter email address. Welcome to Christianbook. Sign in or create an account. Search by title, catalog stock , author, isbn, etc. Bible Sale of the Season. About this product Product Information "Some characters become your friends for life. That's how it was for me with Betsy-Tacy. I grew up 30 miles north of Mankato, and trips to town were filled with mystery and magic, because I was walking the same streets that Betsy and Tacy once walked. The Betsy-Tacy books As I read I will never love any other books as much as I love the Betsy-Tacy books. But the girls I most enjoyed spending time with were Betsy, Tacy and Tib Truthfully, I think those were the only books I read as a child. But they were enough to make me know that characters in books had true and honest feelings and that made all the difference. Merry Widow hats! I loved them as a child, as a young adult, and now, reading them with my daughter, as a mother. What a wonderful world it was! Merry Widow Hats! Show More Show Less. Pre-owned Pre-owned. No ratings or reviews yet No ratings or reviews yet. Be the first to write a review. You may also like. Paperback Books Joe Hart. Joe Hart Books. Books Joe Hart. https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4641533/normal_6020972372103.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585996/UploadedFiles/2A656AC0-5937-33FD-9F29-CB3B74C22248.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585782/UploadedFiles/1C06E594-B61A-108A-D586-FA10C0151B5C.pdf https://uploads.strikinglycdn.com/files/392dec56-82ac-4da7-8147-ef295b8e7022/bibelwissen-komprimiert-band-i-561.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4637773/normal_6020de7250ed8.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9592353/UploadedFiles/6C1C17E5-FBDD-5797-E77D-7383CD8DD216.pdf https://files8.webydo.com/9585807/UploadedFiles/71DC856C-9E36-5DB2-9973-DD69B68D3C11.pdf https://static.s123-cdn-static.com/uploads/4644955/normal_6020bd454b652.pdf