Wilhelm Klingspor Schrift
preface Alphabet is a series of marks that we use to represent sounds, and they haven’t always been the way they do. Throughout the centuries, alphabet has continuously changed and evolved, up until the way they are today. Studying the history of letters has taught me that the way letterforms are now, may not be the way that they’ll always be, and through this book, I will be talking about some of the major alphabets that the current alphabet has evolved from. Evolution, as it is defined by the Oxford Dictionary, is the process by which different kinds of living organism are believed to have developed from earlier forms during the history of the earth; or the gradual development of something. However, to encapsulate the massive word into one: an evolution is a change. Now — a change, especially those that happened through a long period of time, can be visualized in many different ways: charts, compar- ison, the gradient between the two (or more) subjects. Yet, that is not how I envisioned this book to be. I perceive the change as a form of movement, and I would like to bring that movement into the alphabets to be discussed, as well as the way to indicate the evolution. Additionally, in the last section, I will be discussing 24 type- faces that have been prevalent in the history of type, and for the purpose of this book, I will start the book with the study of alphabet — not writing. Type Ancestry Years in typefaces 87 Phoenician Alphabet 02 Jenson 89 Arabic 03 Garamond 91 Hebrew 07 Fournier 93 Nabataean 11 Bell 95 Clarendon 97 Greek Alphabet
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