



Abstract. In this exposition we consider elliptic curves over Q with the tor- sion Z2 × Z8. In particular, we discuss how to determine the rank of the curve E : y2 = (1 − x2)(1 − k2 x2), where k = (t4 − 6t2 + 1)/(t2 + 1)2 and t = 9/296. We use a 4-covering map C0 → C → E in terms of homogeneous bd2 bd2 spaces for d2 ∈ {−1, 6477590, 2, 7, 37}. We provide a method to show that the 3 Mordell-Weil group is E(Q) ' Z2 × Z8 × Z , which would settle a conjecture of Flores-Jones-Rollick-Weigandt and Rathbun.

1. Introduction Given an E, we denote the set of Q-rational points as E(Q). Since E(Q) is finitely generated, there exists a finite group E(Q)tors and a nonnegative r integer r such that E(Q) ' E(Q)tors × Z , where r is called the (Mordell-Weil) rank. Those elliptic curves with E(Q)tors ' Z2 × Z8 are birationally equivalent to t4 − 6t2 + 1 y2 = (1 − x2)(1 − k2 x2) where k = for some t ∈ . (t2 + 1)2 Q The highest known rank of curves with this torsion subgroup is r = 3. It is conjectured in [6] that this bound is obtained when t = 9/296; one knows that 2 ≤ r ≤ 3 for this particular t. In this exposition, we focus on determining the exact rank of this particular elliptic curve. Our main result is as follows: Theorem. Assuming the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, the Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve Y 2 + XY = X3 − 71813598680248384341084284771096244120 X E : + 234238430204114181370252185964622864112853337413958990400

r is E(Q) ' Z2 × Z8 × Z , where r = 3. We sketch the idea of the proof. Consider the diagram:

φˆ0 φˆ E00 / E0 / E ? ?         C0 bd2 / Cbd2

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14H52; Secondary 14J27. 1 2 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

E is 2-isogenous to E0, which itself is 2-isogenous to E00. Using the connecting homomorphisms, × 0 × E(Q) Q 0 E (Q) Q δb : ,→ × 2 and δb : ,→ × 2 , φˆ(E0(Q)) (Q ) φˆ0(E00(Q)) (Q ) we may determine the rank r by finding Q-rational points (z, w) on the homogeneous spaces  2 2 2 2 2 2t Cbd2 : d2w = (1 + d2z )(1 + d2κ z ) where κ = ; t2 − 1

3 0 2 2 02 2 0 4(t − t) Cb : d2w = (1 + d2z )(1 + d2k z ) where k = . d2 (t2 + 1)2 When t = 9/296, we use Cremona’s mwrank [4] to find that the images of these connecting homomorphisms are contained in the group generated by −1, 6477590, 2, 7, and 41. We find rational points on the homogeneous spaces for the first four generators; see Tables 2 and 3. Hence 2 ≤ r ≤ 3. The (global) root number of E is wE = −1, so that the rank r must be odd. Hence, assuming the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, we see that r = 3. Alternatively, it suffices then to find rational points on C and C0 for d = 37. bd2 bd2 2 The various maps in the diagram above involve quadratic polynomials; hence, we consider this diagram to be a “4-cover” of the elliptic curve E. In comparison to

finding points on E, it should be half as difficult to find points on Cbd2 and a quarter as difficult to find points on C0 . bd2 The authors would like to thank the Summer Undergraduate Mathematical Sci- ences Research Institute (SUMSRI) at Miami University for the opportunity to conduct this research. They would also like to thank the National Science Foun- dation and the National Security Agency for their funding, as well as Residential Computing (ResComp) at Miami University and the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC) at Purdue University for use of their machines. They are grateful to Michael Stoll for helpful conversations, Tom Farmer for careful reading of this document, Elizabeth Fowler for her constant support, and Edray Goins for his guidance.

2. Foundations An elliptic curve E is a set of points which satisifies an equation of the form Y 2 = X3 +AX +B, where A and B are rational numbers such that the discriminant −16(4A3 +27B2) 6= 0. In particular, an elliptic curve is a type of nonsingular cubic curve. Define E(Q) as the set of Q-rational points, where we append a “point at infinity” O. We may use geometry to turn E(Q) into a group. For P,Q ∈ E(Q), draw a line through P and Q. (If P = Q, we choose the line tangent to the curve at P .) This line will intersect the curve at a third Q-rational point P ∗ Q – which may possibly be O. By reflecting this point about the x-axis, we obtain another Q-rational point, denoted by P ⊕ Q. For a graphical represention, see Figure 1. Formally define P ⊕ Q = (P ∗ Q) ∗ O. Under this operation, the set E(Q) forms an with the identity element O and inverse [−1]P = P ∗ O. For more information, see [12]. 4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 3


3 P Q = (2,3) ∗


1 Q = (0,1) P = ( 1,0) -2 -1.5 − -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3



P Q = ( 2,3) -3 ⊕ −


Figure 1. The Group Law on an Elliptic Curve

In 1901, Henri Poincar´econjectured [10] that this abelian group is finitely gen- erated. This was proved by Louis Mordell in 1922.

Theorem 1 (Mordell, [9]). If E is an elliptic curve over Q, then the abelian group E(Q) is finitely generated. Furthermore, there exists a finite group E(Q)tors and a nonnegative integer r such that

r E(Q) ' E(Q)tors × Z .

This motivates a few definitions. The set E(Q)tors is the collection of points with finite ; it is called the torsion subgroup of E. This implies that the quotient r group E(Q)/E(Q)tors ' Z is a torsion-free group. The nonnegative integer r is called the Mordell-Weil rank of E; it signifies the number of independent generators having infinite order. While the rank r is mysterious, the torsion subgroup is well-understood. In 1977, Barry Mazur completely classified the structure of torsion of elliptic curves.

Theorem 2 (Mazur, [8]). If E is an elliptic curve over Q, then E(Q)tors is iso- morphic to one of the following 15 groups:

(i) Zn, with 1 ≤ n ≤ 10 or n = 12; (ii) Z2 × Z2m, with 1 ≤ m ≤ 4.

Here we denote Zn as the of order n. We will focus more specifically on those elliptic curves with torsion subgroup Z2 × Z8. In contrast to the torsion subgroup, less is known about the rank r of an elliptic curve. As of 2006, the largest known rank satisfies r ≥ 28. Andrej Dujella [5] has a listing of the largest known ranks among families of elliptic curves with prescribed torsion. Table 1 contains this information. Note that the highest known rank for curves E with E(Q)tors ' Z2 × Z8 is r = 3. 4 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

Table 1. Rank Records

Torsion Subgroup Lower Bound Author(s) T for B(T )

Z1 28 Elkies (2006) Z2 18 Elkies (2006) Z3 13 Eroshkin (2007, 2008) Z4 12 Elkies (2006) Z5 6 Dujella - Lecacheux (2001) Eroshkin (2008) Dujella - Eroshkin (2008) Z 8 6 Elkies (2008) Dujella (2008) Dujella - Kulesz (2001) Z 5 7 Elkies (2006) Z8 6 Elkies (2006) Dujella (2001) MacLeod (2004) Z 3 9 Eroshkin (2006) Eroshkin - Dujella (2007) Dujella (2005) Z 4 10 Elkies (2006) Dujella (2001, 2005, 2006) Z 3 12 Rathbun (2003, 2006) Z2 × Z2 14 Elkies (2005) Elkies (2005) Z2 × Z4 8 Eroshkin (2008) Dujella - Eroshkin (2008) Z2 × Z6 6 Elkies (2006) Connell (2000) Dujella (2000, 2001, 2006) Z2 × Z8 3 Campbell - Goins (2003) Rathbun (2003, 2006) Flores - Jones - Rollick - Weigandt (2007)

3. Computing The Mordell-Weil Rank Mordell’s proof [9] of Poincar´e’sconjecture began by considering the , E(Q)/2E(Q). Although E(Q) in general is an infinite group, the quotient r+2 group is always finite. In fact, if E(Q)tors ' Z2 × Z2m, then E(Q)/2E(Q) ' Z2 , where r is the Mordell-Weil rank. Hence, the basic idea to compute r is to calculate |E(Q)/2E(Q)|. To this end, we will compute two smaller, yet related, quotient groups. One constructs quotient groups for elliptic curves by considering a special type of . For instance, let E and E0 be two elliptic curves over Q. We say that a group homomorphism φ : E → E0 is an m-isogeny if (1) the coordinates of φ involve rational functions with Q-rational coefficients and (2) there are exactly 4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 5 m points in the kernel E(Q)[φ] of the map. We will be interested in the case where m = 2.

Proposition 3. Let E and E0 be elliptic curves over Q. Let φ : E → E0 and φˆ : E0 → E be 2-isogenies such that φˆ◦ φ = [2] is the map which sends P 7→ P ⊕ P . Assume that E0(Q)[φˆ] = φ(E(Q)[2]). Then,

E( ) E0( ) E( ) Q Q Q = . 2E(Q) φ(E(Q)) φˆ(E0(Q)) It is easy to show that if E is an elliptic curve over Q with torsion subgroup 0 ˆ E(Q)tors ' Z2 × Z2m, then the criterion E (Q)[φ] = φ(E(Q)[2]) of Proposition 3 is always satisfied. Proof. Using the isogeny φˆ, we have the exact sequence: 0 0 E [φˆ] E ( ) φˆ E( ) E( ) {O} −→ −→ Q −−→ Q −→ Q −→ {O}. φ(E[2]) φ(E(Q)) 2 E(Q) φˆ(E0(Q)) From the assumption that the left-most quotient group is trivial, Lagrange’s The- orem and the First Isomorphism Theorem imply the equalities:

E( ) E0( ) E( )  E0( ) E0( ) E( ) Q Q Q Q Q Q = = . 2E(Q) φ(E(Q)) 2E(Q) φ(E(Q)) φ(E(Q)) φˆ(E0(Q))  The standard theory of elliptic curves uses Galois cohomology to express elements in these quotient groups as square-free integers. One constructs injective maps having finite image, the so-called “connecting homomorphisms”, denoted as follows: E0(Q) Q× E(Q) Q× δ : ,→ × 2 and δb : ,→ × 2 . φ(E(Q)) (Q ) φˆ(E0(Q)) (Q ) These homomorphisms are constructed so that the primes which divide these square- free integers must also divide the discriminant of the elliptic curve. For more infor- mation, see [12]. To compute the Mordell-Weil rank r, it is sufficient to determine the number of elements in the image of both δ and δb. Software such as mwrank can quickly find an upper bound on the number of generators for these images. That is, the flag -s uses an efficient algorithm to compute an upper bound on the rank r. Instead of proving the existence of such homomorphisms in general, we will work with explicit examples for the remainder of the exposition.

4. 4-Covering Maps for Curves with Torsion Subgroup Z2 × Z8 We explain how to determine the Mordell-Weil rank of the elliptic curve Y 2 + XY = X3 − 71813598680248384341084284771096244120 X E : + 234238430204114181370252185964622864112853337413958990400.

This curve has torsion subgroup Z2 × Z8. Using ideas from the previous section, we wish to consider 2-isogenous curves to help us compute the rank.

Theorem 4 (Goins, [7]). Say that E is an elliptic curve over Q with torsion subgroup Z2 × Z8. 6 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

(1) There exists a rational number t such that E is birationally equivalent to the curve t4 − 6t2 + 1 y2 = (1 − x2)(1 − k2 x2) where k = . (t2 + 1)2 (2) There exists a 2-isogeny φ : E → E0 in terms of the curve  2t 2 E0 : y2 = (1 + x2)(1 + κ2x2) where κ = . t2 − 1 0 Moreover, E has torsion subgroup Z2 × Z4. (3) There exists a 2-isogeny φ0 : E0 → E00, and hence a 4-isogeny φ0 ◦ φ : E → E00, in terms of the curve 4(t3 − t) E00 : y2 = (1 + x2)(1 + k02x2) where k0 = . (t2 + 1)2 00 Moreover, E has torsion subgroup Z2 × Z2. These three elliptic curves are related using the diagram:

φ0 φ E00 ←−−−− E0 ←−−−− E. We focus on the case where t = 9/296, which was first considered in [6]. Weier- strass models corresponding to this value of t are as follows: Y 2 + XY = X3 − 71828384105861957682230266860325044120 X E0 : + 234137152575130885252407456517423577517272419831108430400;

Y 2 + XY = X3 − 87910414011578700645569436440051772120 X E00 : + 121529333528097780380319085871651105820656760543386956800. With these models, the 2-isogeny φ : E → E0 sends X2 − 4892734605697550640 X + 2957085122714668229196417845760000 X 7→ ; X − 4892734605697550640

 X2 Y − 9785469211395101280 XY   − 2957085122714668229196417845760000 X       + 23935894836667651667393174877518649600 Y  + 7234116355949722702983740148326566239408654643200000 Y 7→ . (X − 4892734605697550640)2

Theorem 5. Using the 2-isogenies φ : E → E0 and φˆ : E0 → E, define the maps: E0(Q) Q× δ :  ,→ 2 , (X : Y : 1) 7→ 4X + 39141876845580405121; φ E(Q) (Q×) E( ) × δ : Q ,→ Q , (X : Y : 1) 7→ X − 4892734605697550640. b  2 φˆ E0(Q) (Q×) Both δ and δb are injective group homomorphisms with finite images. To be precise, let Σ(k) = {82207, 87697, 92863} and Σ(κ) = {2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 41, 61} be the set of 4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 7 primes dividing k and κ, respectively, as in Theorem 4. Define the groups:   ×  Q Y e(`)  Γ(k) = d1 ∈ d1 ≡ ± ` ; ( ×)2  Q `∈Σ(k)    ×  Q Y e(`)  Γ(κ) = d2 ∈ d2 ≡ ± ` . ( ×)2  Q `∈Σ(κ)  Here, e(`) is either 0 or 1. Then the connecting homomorphisms have the images:

0 ! ( 2 2 2 2 ) E ( ) Cd1 : d1 w = 1 − d1 z 1 − d1 k z Q δ  = d1 ∈ Γ(k) ; φ E(Q) has a Q-rational point (z, w)

! ( 2 2 2 2 ) E(Q) Cbd2 : d2 w = 1 + d2 z 1 + d2 κ z δb = d2 ∈ Γ(κ) . ˆ 0  φ E (Q) has a Q-rational point (z, w) The various curves introduced in this theorem fit together in the diagrams:

φ φˆ E0 o E E0 / E _?? ? ??  ??  ??  ?  C d1 Cbd2

We consider these diagrams to be “2-covers” because the diagonal maps involve quadratic polynomials. Hence, it is half as difficult to find Q-rational points on the “homogeneous spaces” Cd1 and Cbd2 than it is to find Q-rational points on the elliptic curves E0 and E, respectively. Theorem 6. Using the 2-isogenies φ0 : E0 → E00 and φˆ0 : E00 → E0, define the maps: E00( ) × δ0 : Q ,→ Q , (X : Y : 1) 7→ 4X + 40011942240487566721; 0 0  2 φ E (Q) (Q×) E0( ) × δ0 : Q ,→ Q , (X : Y : 1) 7→ X − 5001492780060945840. b  2 φˆ0 E00(Q) (Q×) Both δ0 and δb0 are injective group homomorphisms with finite images. To be precise, let Σ(κ0) = {82207, 92863} and Σ(k0) = {2, 3, 5, 7, 37, 41, 61, 87697} be the set of primes dividing κ0 = (1 − k0)/(1 + k0) and k0, respectively, as in Theorem 4. Define the groups:   × 0  Q Y e(`)  Γ(κ ) = d1 ∈ d1 ≡ ± ` ; ( ×)2  Q `∈Σ(κ0)    × 0  Q Y e(`)  Γ(k ) = d2 ∈ d2 ≡ ± ` . ( ×)2  Q `∈Σ(k0)  8 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

Then the connecting homomorphisms have the images:

00 ! ( 0 2 2  02 2 ) E ( ) C : d1 w = 1 − d1 z 1 − d1 κ z δ0 Q = d ∈ Γ(κ0) d1 ; 0 0  1 φ E (Q) has a Q-rational point (z, w) ! (   ) E0( ) C0 : d w2 = 1 + d z2 1 + d k02 z2 0 Q 0 bd2 2 2 2 δb = d2 ∈ Γ(k ) . ˆ0 00  φ E (Q) has a Q-rational point (z, w) The various curves introduced in this theorem fit together in the diagrams:

φ0 φ φˆ0 φˆ E00 o E0 o E E00 / E0 / E _?? _?? ? ? ?? ??   ?? ??   ?? ??   ? ?   0 0 C Cd C d1 o 1 bd2 / Cbd2

We consider these diagrams to be “4-covers” because they both contain pairs of diagonal maps, each involving quadratic polynomials. In the diagram on the right, a Q-rational point on E (E0, respectively) will correspond to a Q-rational point on C ,(C0 , respectively) having half as many digits. We will use the 2-isogeny bd2 bd2 φ : E → E0 to construct a map C0 → C . bd2 bd2 Sketch of proof. First, we show that δ, δb, δ0, and δb0 are group homomorphisms. Lemma 7. Let E be an elliptic curve over Q in the form Y 2 +XY = X3 +AX +B. Let e be a rational number that is a root of the polynomial 3 2 ψ2(X) = 4X + X + 4AX + 4B, and define the map × Q ×2 δ : E(Q) → 2 , (X : Y : 1) 7→ X − e (mod Q ). (Q×) Then δ is a group homomorphism.

Proof of Lemma. Consider the Q-rational points

P = (X1 : Y1 : 1),Q = (X2 : Y2 : 1), and P ⊕ Q = (X3 : Y3 : 1). We want to show that δ(P )·δ(Q) = δ(P ⊕Q), so it suffices to show that δ(P )·δ(Q)· δ(P ⊕ Q) is a perfect square. Write E as the zero locus of the cubic polynomial F (X,Y ) = Y 2 + XY − X3 − AX − B. 2 Upon completing the square, 4F (X,Y ) = (2Y + X) − ψ2(X); note that ψ2(e) = 0. Now we consider the line Y = mX + b through the points P and Q. As this line goes through P , Q, and P ∗ Q, we have the factorization

F (X, mX + b) = (X1 − X)(X2 − X)(X3 − X). Letting X = e implies that  e 2 δ(P ) · δ(Q) · δ(P ⊕ Q) = F (e, me + b) = me + b + . 2  4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 9

The polynomial ψ2(X) is the 2-division polynomial of E. It is easy to check that ψ2(e) = 0 whenever we have

e = 4892734605697550640   A = −71813598680248384341084284771096244120 for E; B = 234238430204114181370252185964622864112853337413958990400

e = −39141876845580405121/4 or 5001492780060945840   A = −71828384105861957682230266860325044120 for E0; B = 234137152575130885252407456517423577517272419831108430400

e = −40011942240487566721/4   A = −87910414011578700645569436440051772120 for E00. B = 121529333528097780380319085871651105820656760543386956800

This shows that δ, δb, δ0, and δb0 are homomorphisms. Second, we show that the images of δ, δb, δ0, and δb0 correspond to points on quartic curves. If d1 = δ(P ) is the image of some Q-rational point P = (X : Y : 1) 0 on E , then (z, w) is a Q-rational point on Cd1 , where we have chosen

1 r4 X + 39141876845580405121 z = ; 7633988641 d1 4 2 Y + X w = p . 58711203558519893569 d1 (4 X + 39141876845580405121)

If d2 = δb(P ) is the image of some Q-rational point P = (X : Y : 1) on E, then

(z, w) is a Q-rational point on Cbd2 , where we have chosen

1 rX − 4892734605697550640 z = ; 14193792 d2 1 2 Y + X w = p . 108758174363395200 d2 (X − 4892734605697550640)

0 00 If d1 = δ (P ) is the image of some Q-rational point P = (X : Y : 1) on E , then (z, w) is a -rational point on C0 , where we have chosen Q d1

1 r4 X + 40011942240487566721 z = ; 8623536769 d1 4 2 Y + X w = p . 58277782570917026881 d1 (4 X + 40011942240487566721) 10 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

0 0 If d2 = δb (P ) is the image of some Q-rational point P = (X : Y : 1) on E , then (z, w) is a -rational point on C0 , where we have chosen Q bd2 1 rX − 5001492780060945840 z = ; 466386480 d2 1 2 Y + X w = p . 3586868261390902320 d2 (X − 5001492780060945840) Third, we show that the images of δ, δb, δ0, and δb0 are finite groups. Lemma 8. Fix k = p/q for integers p and q. Fix a square-free integer d, and consider 2 2 2 2 Cd : dw = (1 ± dz )(1 ± dk z ). If Cd(Q) 6= ∅, then any prime ` dividing d must also divide pq. Proof of Lemma. Suppose ` is a prime that divides d but does not divide pq. We will find a contradiction. Let (z, w) ∈ Cd(Q), and write z/q = x1/x0 for some relatively prime integers x1 2 and x0. Denote x2 = wx0 so that 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 dx2 = (x0 ± dq x1)(x0 ± dp x1). Since the right-hand side of this equation is an integer and d is square-free, we see that x2 is also an integer. From the identity 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 x0 = d(x2 ∓ (p + q )x0x1 ∓ dp q x1), 2 2 2 2 2 2 we see that ` divides x0. Since ` divides both (x0 ± dq x1) and (x0 ± dp x1), we 2 2 see that ` divides dx2. As ` divides d and d is square-free, ` must divide x2. From the identity 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 d p q x1 = dx2 ∓ d(p + q )x0x1 ∓ x0, 3 2 2 2 4 we see that ` divides d p q x1. As ` does not divide pq, ` must divide x1. This shows that ` divides both x1 and x2, which is a contradiction.  Using this lemma, we see that the images of δ, δb, δ0, and δb0 must be contained 0 0 in the groups Γ(k), Γ(κ), Γ(κ ), and Γ(k ), respectively.  Corollary 9. The Mordell-Weil group of the elliptic curve Y 2 + XY = X3 − 71813598680248384341084284771096244120 X E : + 234238430204114181370252185964622864112853337413958990400 r is E(Q) ' Z2 × Z8 × Z , where r ≤ 3. Proof. Using t = 9/296 in Proposition 4, we find the curve E as above. Hence, r+2 E(Q)tors ' Z2 × Z8, so E(Q)/2E(Q) ' Z2 , where r is the Mordell-Weil rank. Using Proposition 3 and Theorem 5, ! E( )  E0( )  E( ) r+2 Q Q Q 2 = = δ · δb . 2E(Q) φ(E(Q)) φˆ(E0(Q)) Using the software package mwrank, we find that ! ! E0(Q) E(Q) δ  = {1} and δb  ⊆ h−1, 6477590, 2, 7, 37i. φ E(Q) φˆ E0(Q) 4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 11

The notation hSi signifies the set generated by S. Putting all of this together, r+2 5 2 ≤ 2 so that r ≤ 3.  5. Results Recall from the previous section that we have the elliptic curve Y 2 + XY = X3 − 71813598680248384341084284771096244120 X E : + 234238430204114181370252185964622864112853337413958990400. r From Corollary 9, we know that the Mordell-Weil group is Z2 × Z8 × Z , where the rank r ≤ 3. We explain why the rank is exactly 3. First we give a bound on the rank r. The authors in [6] found the following four Q-rational independent points on E: P1 = (4892533141966211376 : −2446266570983105688 : 1);

P2 = (6793371071343566640 : 7739207808589340925333304680 : 1);

1256911215674901177485830929368441344290 P3 = 160278752412 786698395807855729596742215337306893212760400533639780  : 160278752413 : 1 ; 419146355190134411415222739650581610769161840 P4 = 92556465261312 105211386192778469849488967231903854157073005646773612879981880  : 92556465261313 : 1 .

The torsion subgroup is generated by P1 and P2, and the points P3 and P4 have infinite order. This shows that 2 ≤ r ≤ 3. Here we note that we may use the conjecture of Byran Birch and H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer to determine the exact value of r; see [11] for more information. Using software such as MAGMA [1], we compute that the (global) root number is wE = −1. The (weak) Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture asserts that wE = (−1)r, so we see that r must be odd. We conclude that r = 3. We explain another method to determine the value of the rank r without assum- ing the (weak) Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture. Using Theorem 5, we may compute r by counting the number of elements in the image of the connecting homo- morphism δb. Using Corollary 9, the image is contained in h−1, 6477590, 2, 7, 37i. The idea is to show that this is precisely the image. To do this, it is sufficient to find a Q-rational point (z, w) on the homogeneous space  2 2 2 2 2 2t Cbd2 : d2 w = 1 + d2 z 1 + d2 κ z where κ = , t2 − 1 determined by each generator d2 ∈ {−1, 6477590, 2, 7, 37}. Recall that t = 9/296. Winding through the proof of Theorem 5, we find that there is a “2-covering map”

ψb : Cbd2 → E which sends a Q-rational point (z, w) to a Q-rational point (X : Y : 1) in terms of 2 X = 4892734605697550640 + 201463731339264 d2 z ; Y = −2446367302848775320 2 − 100731865669632 d2 z + 771845452606881941299200 d2 w z.

From this map, we can use Q-rational points (z, w) on Cbd2 to generate Q-rational points P on E. Recall the “2-cover” of E: 12 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

Table 2. Q-Rational Points on Cbd2

P on E d2 = δb(P ) Point (z, w) on Cbd2

P1 −1 (1, 0)

305 8143806511  P2 6477590 7992 , 200779379640 116263507795895 119018475593848690746927861139  P3 2 683172154272384 , 163644731958920474581067710080 9477908247062185 2802930777448484302006837377371105071  P4 7 147942254073677904 , 7311568666378397912349147334466220240

φˆ E0 / E ?    ψb 


Table 2 contains information about the four known Q-rational points on E, where the points (z, w) were chosen such that P = ψb((z, w)). Note that there are roughly half as many digits for (z, w) as there are for P . Using the same ideas as in Corollary 9, mwrank [4] shows that the image of δ0 is trivial, while the image of δb0 is contained in h−1, 6477590, 2, 3, 7, 37, 41i. We wish to find a Q-rational point (z, w) on the homogeneous space 3 0 2 2  02 2 0 4(t − t) Cb : d2 w = 1 + d2 z 1 + d2 k z where k = , d2 (t2 + 1)2 determined by each generator d2 ∈ {−1, 6477590, 2, 7, 37}. Similar to above, wind- ing through the proof of Theorem 6, we find that there is another “2-covering map” ψ0 : C0 → E0 which sends a -rational point (z, w) to a -rational point (X : Y : 1) b bd2 Q Q in terms of 2 X = 5001492780060945840 + 217516348726790400 d2 z ; Y = −2500746390030472920 2 − 108758174363395200 d2 z + 836433431326911418524316800 d2 w z.

From this map, we can use -rational points (z, w) on C0 to generate -rational Q bd2 Q points P 0 on E0. Since δ is trivial, we see that P 0 = φ(P ) for some P on E. Recall the “4-cover” of E:

φˆ0 φˆ E00 / E0 / E ? ?      0  ψb  ψb   C0 bd2 ϕ / Cbd2 4-COVERING MAPS ON ELLIPTIC CURVES 13

-Rational Points on C0 Table 3. Q bd2

P 0 on E0 d = δ0(P 0) Point (z, w) on C0 2 b bd2

7690763809  φ(P1) −1 932772960 , 0 87697 8623536769  φ(P2) 6477590 77731080 , 6816782522760 402721445539793209371967 16689898742884224439568 , φ(P3) 2 546790296971729700371447998389073244144667329763  − 5319738216468998004248404711869988353017875184 1434298275377041049916550061461 78309867527655769246487587761 , φ(P4) 7 45852135158706046452821064687371285272034083270789515130064924  − 419825279533017414897518986779479787597378016792616598177777

We define the map ϕ : C0 → C via the composition ψ0 = φ ◦ ψ ◦ ϕ. Table bd2 bd2 b b 3 contains information about the four known Q-rational points on E0, where the points (z, w) were chosen such that P 0 = ψb0 ((z, w)) = φ(P ). Using our “2-cover”, we seek a point P5 such that d2 = δb(P5) = 37. To be more precise, we seek a Q-rational point (z, w) on the curve 2 2 2 2 28387584 Cb37 : 37 w = 1 + 37 z 1 + 37 κ z where κ = . 7662376225 0 Alternatively, using our “4-cover”, we seek a point P5 = φ(P5) such that d2 = 0 0 δb (P5) = δb(P5) = 37. To be more precise, we seek a Q-rational point (z, w) on the curve 0 2 2  02 2 0 932772960 Cb : 37 w = 1 + 37 z 1 + 37 k z where k = . 37 7690763809 We used John Cremona’s algorithm QuarticMinimise() to find “minimal” integral 0 models for Cb37 and Cb37. That is, upon substituting 28387584 Z = z and W = 28387584 w 7662376225 we find the integral model W 2 = 2172344348297474273125 Z4 Cb37 : + 58712815268370607681 Z2 + 21779862847488; and similarly, upon substituting 932772960 Z = 932772960 z and W = w 7690763809 we find the integral model W 2 = 2188470374735494973797 Z4 Cb0 : 37 + 60017913360731350081 Z2 + 23515280943436800. We then ran Michael Stoll’s program ratpoints [14] to find rational points on each curve. We used both Miami University’s 128-node high-powered computing cluster, RedHawk, and Purdue University’s Euler. After a week of computing time, we have yet to find any rational points. 14 S. IVY, B. JEFFERSON, M. JOSEY, C. OUTING, C. TAYLOR, AND S. WHITE

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