Congressional Record—Senate S6736

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Congressional Record—Senate S6736 S6736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 21, 2019 Stabenow Udall Wicker CLOTURE MOTION On June 5, 1915, the United States Sullivan Van Hollen Wyden Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Consul in Aleppo, Jesse Jackson, Tester Warner Young Thune Whitehouse send a cloture motion to the desk. wrote, ‘‘There is a living stream of Ar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- menians pouring into Aleppo from the NAYS—20 ture motion having been presented surrounding towns and villages, the Blackburn Hawley Rounds under rule XXII, the Chair directs the principal ones being Marash, Zeitoun, Braun Inhofe Sasse Cruz Lee Scott (FL) clerk to read the motion. Hasanbeyli, Osmania, Baghtche, Daines Paul Scott (SC) The senior assistant legislative clerk Adana, Dortyol, Hadjin. Enzi Perdue Tillis read as follows: ‘‘The Ottoman Government has been Ernst Risch Toomey Fischer Romney CLOTURE MOTION appealed to by various prominent peo- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ple and even those in authority to put NOT VOTING—6 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the an end to these conditions, under the Booker Harris Sanders Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby representations that it can only lead to Cassidy Klobuchar Warren move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- the greatest blame and reproach, but The motion was agreed to. nation of Robert M. Duncan, of Kentucky, to all to no avail. It is without doubt a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2025. carefully planned scheme to thor- jority leader. (Reappointment) oughly extinguish the Armenian race.’’ f Kevin Cramer, David Perdue, Ben Sasse, On July 24, 1915, in a report to Am- bassador Morgenthau, the U.S. Consul DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE Rob Portman, Johnny Isakson, John Thune, Mike Rounds, Roy Blunt, Mitch in Harput, Leslie Davis, stated, ‘‘Any HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McConnell, Chuck Grassley, John doubt that may have been expressed in TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE Boozman, Tom Cotton, Pat Roberts, previous reports as to the Govern- ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 3055 Richard Burr, Rick Scott, James E. ment’s intention in sending away the Risch, Shelley Moore Capito. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Armenians have been removed. It has ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- been no secret that the plan was to de- ate proceed to the immediate consider- ator from New Jersey. stroy the Armenian race as a race. Ev- ation of H. Con. Res. 75, which was re- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. RES. 150 erything was apparently planned ceived from the House. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I months ago.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The come to the floor again with respect to And, finally, on October 1, 1916, a clerk will report the concurrent resolu- S. Res. 150, which I introduced with telegram to the Secretary of State tion by title. Senator CRUZ, to recognize the Arme- Robert Lansing, the U.S. Charge d’Af- The senior assistant legislative clerk nian Genocide. I am glad that he is faires Hoffman Philip wrote, ‘‘The de- read as follows: with me today in a call for unanimous partment is in receipt of ample details A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 75) consent on this resolution. We are demonstrating the horrors of the anti- directing the Clerk of the House of Rep- proud to report that we have 28 spon- Armenian campaign. For many months resentatives to make a correction in the en- sors on this important resolution. past I felt that the most efficacious rollment of H.R. 3055. Last month, the House of Represent- method for dealing with the situation There being no objection, the senate atives passed a version of this resolu- from an international standpoint proceeded to consider the concurrent tion by a vote of 405–11—405–11. That would be to flatly threaten to with- resolution. sent a strong bipartisan message of draw our Diplomatic Representative Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I dedication to the truth—dedication to from a country where such barbarous ask unanimous consent that the reso- historical fact, dedication to a prin- methods are not only tolerated but ac- lution be agreed to and the motion to ciple held by so many in Congress— tually carried out by order of the exist- reconsider be considered made and laid that genocide is genocide. ing Government.’’ upon the table with no intervening ac- As a country, we should do whatever Finally, Abram Elkus, who served as tion or debate. we can to prevent future genocides, but the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without when it happens, we have an obligation Empire from 1916 to 1917, telegrammed objection, it is so ordered. as a country to call it what it is. If not, the Secretary of State at the time on The resolution (H. Con. Res. 75) was we operate without the facts outside of October 17, 1916, stating ‘‘In order to agreed to. reality. We aren’t being honest to our- avoid opprobrium of the civilized f selves and to the world. This resolution world, which the continuation of mas- gives us that reckoning and sets the sacres [of the Armenians] would LEGISLATIVE SESSION record straight, a record that so many arouse, Turkish officials have now Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I administrations over the years have adopted and are executing the un- move to proceed to legislative session. sought to obscure. These administra- checked policy of extermination The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions, Republican and Democrat, have through starvation, exhaustion, and question is on agreeing to the motion. dug their heads into the sand, despite brutality of treatment hardly sur- The motion was agreed to. the words of U.S. diplomats who were passed even in Turkish history.’’ f there at the time, who saw the geno- American officials, those with the cide with their own eyes. most credible and legitimate under- EXECUTIVE SESSION Let me just share a couple of exam- standing of what took place, made ples. Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. Am- these statements. They are part of the bassador to Turkey, from 1913 to 1916, historical record, and they mark one of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR wrote in his memoir that, ‘‘When the the prouder moments in the history of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Turkish authorities gave the order for the State Department and our diplo- move to proceed to executive session to these deportations, they were merely macy. consider Calendar No. 386. giving the death warrant to a whole Finally, there are 27 countries in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The race; they understood this well, and in world that have already recognized the question is on agreeing to the motion. their conversations with me, they Armenian genocide. Eleven of them are The motion was agreed to. made no particular attempt to conceal NATO countries: Belgium, Canada, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this fact. I am confident that the whole Czech Republic, France, Germany, clerk will report the nomination. history of the human race contains no Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Nether- The senior assistant legislative clerk such horrible episode as this. The great lands, Poland, and Slovakia. None of read the nomination of Robert M. Dun- massacres and persecutions of the past them have ruptured their relationship can, of Kentucky, to be a Governor of seem almost insignificant when com- with Turkey. None of them have ended the United States Postal Service for a pared to the sufferings of the Armenian their relationship with Turkey as it re- term expiring December 8, 2025. (Re- race in 1915.’’ This was Henry Morgen- lates to recognizing the Armenian appointment) thau Ambassador’s quote. genocide as a historical fact. VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:49 Jan 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\NOVEMBER\S21NO9.REC S21NO9 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 21, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6737 Why is the greatest country on the resolution be agreed to; the preamble With that, I yield the floor. face of the earth, the United States of be agreed to; and the motions to recon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- America, incapable—incapable—of sider be considered made and laid upon ator from Ohio. doing this when these 11 NATO coun- the table with no intervening action or Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I appre- tries haven’t? So I want to thank the debate. ciate Senator MENENDEZ always speak- many individuals over the years, par- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ing up for human rights, regardless ticularly the Armenian National Com- objection? who the President is, regardless of any mittee of America, the Armenian As- The Senator from Georgia. colleagues running for President, sembly, and so many others, who have Mr. PERDUE. I am reserving the whenever the President calls on them, worked so hard alongside me to ensure right to object. and Senator MENENDEZ has always the U.S. abides by its commitment to Mr. President, just yesterday, Sec- been a Senator here that stands up for the truth and to a world where geno- retary Pompeo joined the foreign min- his principles on international human cide truly never happens again. isters at NATO headquarters in Brus- rights. I have had a good friend and col- sels, including Foreign Minister BIPARTISAN AMERICAN MINERS ACT league who has been engaged with me Cavusoglu from Turkey. Secretary Mr. President, thank you to Senator in this latest effort, and I want to yield Pompeo had quite a lot to discuss with MANCHIN and all of my colleagues for to him at this time, Senator CRUZ.
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