S6736 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 21, 2019 Stabenow Udall Wicker CLOTURE MOTION On June 5, 1915, the Sullivan Van Hollen Wyden Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Consul in Aleppo, Jesse Jackson, Tester Warner Young Thune Whitehouse send a cloture motion to the desk. wrote, ‘‘There is a living stream of Ar- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clo- menians pouring into Aleppo from the NAYS—20 ture motion having been presented surrounding towns and villages, the Blackburn Hawley Rounds under rule XXII, the Chair directs the principal ones being Marash, Zeitoun, Braun Inhofe Sasse Cruz Lee Scott (FL) clerk to read the motion. Hasanbeyli, Osmania, Baghtche, Daines Paul Scott (SC) The senior assistant legislative clerk Adana, Dortyol, Hadjin. Enzi Perdue Tillis read as follows: ‘‘The Ottoman Government has been Ernst Risch Toomey Fischer Romney CLOTURE MOTION appealed to by various prominent peo- We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ple and even those in authority to put NOT VOTING—6 ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the an end to these conditions, under the Booker Harris Sanders Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby representations that it can only lead to Cassidy Klobuchar Warren move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- the greatest blame and reproach, but The motion was agreed to. nation of Robert M. Duncan, of , to all to no avail. It is without doubt a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- be a Governor of the United States Postal Service for a term expiring December 8, 2025. carefully planned scheme to thor- jority leader. (Reappointment) oughly extinguish the Armenian race.’’ f , , , On July 24, 1915, in a report to Am- bassador Morgenthau, the U.S. Consul DIRECTING THE CLERK OF THE , Johnny Isakson, , , , Mitch in Harput, Leslie Davis, stated, ‘‘Any HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES McConnell, , John doubt that may have been expressed in TO MAKE A CORRECTION IN THE Boozman, , Pat Roberts, previous reports as to the Govern- ENROLLMENT OF H.R. 3055 Burr, Rick Scott, James E. ment’s intention in sending away the Risch, . Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Armenians have been removed. It has ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- been no secret that the plan was to de- ate proceed to the immediate consider- ator from New Jersey. stroy the Armenian race as a race. Ev- ation of H. Con. Res. 75, which was re- UNANIMOUS CONSENT REQUEST—S. RES. 150 erything was apparently planned ceived from the House. Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I months ago.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The come to the floor again with respect to And, finally, on October 1, 1916, a clerk will report the concurrent resolu- S. Res. 150, which I introduced with telegram to the Secretary of State tion by title. Senator CRUZ, to recognize the Arme- Robert Lansing, the U.S. Charge d’Af- The senior assistant legislative clerk nian Genocide. I am glad that he is faires Hoffman Philip wrote, ‘‘The de- read as follows: with me today in a call for unanimous partment is in receipt of ample details A concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 75) consent on this resolution. We are demonstrating the horrors of the anti- directing the Clerk of the House of Rep- proud to report that we have 28 spon- Armenian campaign. For many months resentatives to make a correction in the en- sors on this important resolution. past I felt that the most efficacious rollment of H.R. 3055. Last month, the House of Represent- method for dealing with the situation There being no objection, the senate atives passed a version of this resolu- from an international standpoint proceeded to consider the concurrent tion by a vote of 405–11—405–11. That would be to flatly threaten to with- resolution. sent a strong bipartisan message of draw our Diplomatic Representative Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I dedication to the truth—dedication to from a country where such barbarous ask unanimous consent that the reso- historical fact, dedication to a prin- methods are not only tolerated but ac- lution be agreed to and the motion to ciple held by so many in Congress— tually carried out by order of the exist- reconsider be considered made and laid that genocide is genocide. ing Government.’’ upon the table with no intervening ac- As a country, we should do whatever Finally, Abram Elkus, who served as tion or debate. we can to prevent future genocides, but the U.S. Ambassador to the Ottoman The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without when it happens, we have an obligation Empire from 1916 to 1917, telegrammed objection, it is so ordered. as a country to call it what it is. If not, the Secretary of State at the time on The resolution (H. Con. Res. 75) was we operate without the facts outside of October 17, 1916, stating ‘‘In order to agreed to. reality. We aren’t being honest to our- avoid opprobrium of the civilized f selves and to the world. This resolution world, which the continuation of mas- gives us that reckoning and sets the sacres [of the Armenians] would LEGISLATIVE SESSION record straight, a record that so many arouse, Turkish officials have now Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I administrations over the years have adopted and are executing the un- move to proceed to legislative session. sought to obscure. These administra- checked policy of extermination The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tions, Republican and Democrat, have through starvation, exhaustion, and question is on agreeing to the motion. dug their heads into the sand, despite brutality of treatment hardly sur- The motion was agreed to. the words of U.S. diplomats who were passed even in Turkish history.’’ f there at the time, who saw the geno- American officials, those with the cide with their own eyes. most credible and legitimate under- EXECUTIVE SESSION Let me just share a couple of exam- standing of what took place, made ples. Henry Morgenthau, the U.S. Am- these statements. They are part of the bassador to Turkey, from 1913 to 1916, historical record, and they mark one of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR wrote in his memoir that, ‘‘When the the prouder moments in the history of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Turkish authorities gave the order for the State Department and our diplo- move to proceed to executive session to these deportations, they were merely macy. consider Calendar No. 386. giving the death warrant to a whole Finally, there are 27 countries in the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The race; they understood this well, and in world that have already recognized the question is on agreeing to the motion. their conversations with me, they Armenian genocide. Eleven of them are The motion was agreed to. made no particular attempt to conceal NATO countries: Belgium, Canada, the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The this fact. I am confident that the whole Czech Republic, France, , clerk will report the nomination. history of the human race contains no Greece, Italy, Lithuania, the Nether- The senior assistant legislative clerk such horrible episode as this. The great lands, Poland, and Slovakia. None of read the nomination of Robert M. Dun- massacres and persecutions of the past them have ruptured their relationship can, of Kentucky, to be a Governor of seem almost insignificant when com- with Turkey. None of them have ended the United States Postal Service for a pared to the sufferings of the Armenian their relationship with Turkey as it re- term expiring December 8, 2025. (Re- race in 1915.’’ This was Henry Morgen- lates to recognizing the Armenian appointment) thau Ambassador’s quote. genocide as a historical fact.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 19:49 Jan 03, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD19\NOVEMBER\S21NO9.REC S21NO9 sradovich on DSKJLST7X2PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE November 21, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6737 Why is the greatest country on the resolution be agreed to; the preamble With that, I yield the floor. face of the earth, the United States of be agreed to; and the motions to recon- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- America, incapable—incapable—of sider be considered made and laid upon ator from Ohio. doing this when these 11 NATO coun- the table with no intervening action or Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, I appre- tries haven’t? So I want to thank the debate. ciate Senator MENENDEZ always speak- many individuals over the years, par- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there ing up for human rights, regardless ticularly the Armenian National Com- objection? who the President is, regardless of any mittee of America, the Armenian As- The Senator from Georgia. colleagues running for President, sembly, and so many others, who have Mr. PERDUE. I am reserving the whenever the President calls on them, worked so hard alongside me to ensure right to object. and Senator MENENDEZ has always the U.S. abides by its commitment to Mr. President, just yesterday, Sec- been a Senator here that stands up for the truth and to a world where geno- retary Pompeo joined the foreign min- his principles on international human cide truly never happens again. isters at NATO headquarters in Brus- rights. I have had a good friend and col- sels, including Foreign Minister BIPARTISAN AMERICAN MINERS ACT league who has been engaged with me Cavusoglu from Turkey. Secretary Mr. President, thank you to Senator in this latest effort, and I want to yield Pompeo had quite a lot to discuss with MANCHIN and all of my colleagues for to him at this time, Senator CRUZ. him, as this administration continues coming to the floor earlier today to re- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- its engagement with Turkey’s leader- mind this body that we need to act now ator from . ship on the heels of President Trump’s on behalf of almost 90,000 miners who Mr. CRUZ. Mr. President, I am proud meeting with President Erdogan last are living under the threat of massive to join with my friend and my col- week. In light of these diplomatic ef- cuts for the pensions they earned; 1,200 league from New Jersey today in urg- forts, I respectfully object to this reso- miners and their families could lose ing the Senate to take up and pass the lution at this time. their healthcare by the end of the year resolution affirming U.S. recognition While the content of the legislation because of the Westmoreland and Mur- of the Armenian genocide. From 1915 to before us merits undivided consider- ray bankruptcies. That leaves us about 1923, the Ottoman Empire carried out a ation, its passage would undermine the a month. forced deportation of nearly 2 million administration’s overcoming real chal- The bankruptcy court could allow Armenians, of whom 1.5 million were lenges in our bilateral relationship these corporations to ‘‘shed their li- killed. It was an atrocious genocide. with Turkey. I look forward to working abilities,’’ which is a fancy way of say- That it happened is a reality that no with the administration and Senator ing they could walk away from paying amount of political doublespeak can CRUZ and Senator MENENDEZ in holding miners the benefits they have earned. Two years ago, we worked to save cover up. our NATO ally responsible for its com- In fact, the word ‘‘genocide,’’ which mitment made when it joined the thousands of miners’ healthcare. We literally means the killing of an entire NATO community of like-minded na- have to do it again. We can’t leave people, was coined by Raphael Lemkin tions founded on the principles of de- these workers behind to lose their to describe the horrific nature of the mocracy, individual liberty, and the healthcare over the holidays just be- cause of the date their companies filed Ottoman Empire’s calculated extermi- rule of law. for bankruptcy. We have to make sure nation of the Armenians. That is the For those reasons, I object. they don’t lose their retirement secu- genesis of the word ‘‘genocide.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ob- As America, we must never be silent jection is heard. rity on top of that. All 86,000 UMWA miners are facing in response to atrocities. Over 100 years The Senator from New Jersey. crippling pension cuts. They aren’t ago, the world sat silently as the Ar- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. President, I am not new to this issue. I have been pur- alone. This retirement security of hun- menian people suffered and were sys- dreds of thousands of teamsters and suing recognition of the Armenian temically murdered. Many people ironworkers and carpenters and many genocide for the greater part of a dec- today are still unaware of what hap- other retirees and workers is also at ade, and there always seems to be some pened. With this resolution—a bipar- risk. The crisis facing their pensions is reason why, in fact, it is not a good tisan resolution—we are saying it is a real. It is immediate. It can have ripple moment. Well, it is like a rope-a-dope. policy of the United States to com- effects across the country. memorate the Armenian genocide It is like a rope-a-dope. There is always This week, the PBGC released a new through official recognition and re- another reason. There is always an- report showing it could run out of membrance. other excuse. money even sooner, and we should be Let me echo what my colleague from The 11 NATO allies have done this, concerned about that. If the multi-em- New Jersey just said. Doing so is not and they are still in NATO and still ployer system collapses, if PBGC fails, incompatible with continuing to deal working with Turkey and still have we are looking at a potential recession. with Turkey as an ally. Just last week, diplomatic relationships with Turkey. Small businesses that have been in the I sat down with President Erdogan and It is amazing to me the greatest power family for generations could face bank- President Trump in the oval office. on the face of this earth can’t just ruptcy. Workers will lose jobs at busi- Turkey is a NATO ally and an impor- speak truth of history. It amazes me. nesses forced to close up shop. Retirees tant one, but friends and allies can And so there never seems to be a good will face crippling cuts to their in- speak the truth, and we are not hon- moment. come. oring America and who we stand for if Now, I have been here in the Senate Congress gave Wall Street a bailout a we are afraid to speak the truth and long enough to know that objections to decade ago after they wrecked people’s willing to participate in covering it up. unanimous consent work both ways, so lives. These miner workers did what We have a moral duty to acknowledge I am going to continue to bring this they were supposed to do. They gave up what happened to 1.5 million innocent issue to the floor. I think Armenian money at the bargaining table to put souls. It is the right thing to do, and it Americans, the world, and history money aside for healthcare and pen- is my hope that the Senate will do so should record who stands on the side of sions later. Is Congress going to aban- in a bipartisan manner. recognizing genocide for what it is and don them? This is about our values. I yield back the floor. who is not, and so I am not going to This is about whose side you are on. It The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- relax. If necessary, I am sure there will is about the dignity of work. We should ator from New Jersey. be moments in which those will seek be committed to these miners, for Mr. MENENDEZ. Therefore, as in consent on issues, and if the only way these workers, these retirees. We legislative session, I ask unanimous is to get a vote on this through the ac- should not give up. We are continuing consent that the Committee on For- tual process on the floor, then I will to work for a bipartisan solution. eign Relations be discharged from fur- force that issue because history de- It comes down to the dignity of work. ther consideration of S. Res. 150 and mands it. Our conscience should call When people have dignity, when work the Senate proceed to its immediate for it, and a decade of waiting to make has dignity, we honor the retirement consideration; I further ask that the this happen is enough. security they have earned.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:45 Nov 22, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21NO6.038 S21NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE S6738 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 21, 2019 I yield the floor. The changes Secretary Perry was there were meetings but provided no The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- seeking lined up with changes sought further details about who took part in ator from Oregon. by two shady characters named Lev them. In followup written questions, Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I think Parnas and Igor Fruman, associates of again, he just wasn’t forthcoming. He we are running a few minutes behind. ’s. They also wanted dif- wouldn’t provide any answers. We have had a real crush of business ferent leadership at Naftogaz. I am sending a letter to Deputy Sec- here in the last hour. I ask unanimous I am going to read now from an Asso- retary Brouillette to give him yet an- consent to speak for up to 15 minutes. ciated Press report. other chance to answer basic questions: The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without As Rudy Giuliani was pushing Ukrainian To whom was Mr. Brouillette referring objection, it is so ordered. officials last spring to investigate one of when he acknowledged Perry held NOMINATION OF DAN R. BROUILLETTE ’s main political rivals, a meetings on seeking changes at Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, every group of individuals with ties to the presi- Naftogaz; when and where did those dent and his personal lawyer were also active Senator knows the House is now in the meetings take place; to whom outside middle of an impeachment inquiry. in the former Soviet republic. Their aims were profit, not politics. the Department did Secretary Perry Here in this Chamber, the Senate has This circle of businessmen and Republican speak regarding changes in Naftogaz been considering the nomination of donors touted connections to Giuliani and and the substance of those communica- Dan Brouillette to be Energy Sec- Trump while trying to install new manage- tions; and then, whether Department retary, replacing . ment at the top of ’s massive state staff were involved in meetings at In my view, questions about Sec- gas company. Their plan was to then steer which changes to Naftogaz leadership lucrative contracts to companies controlled retary Perry’s conduct in Ukraine—and came up, who the staff were, and what what Mr. Brouillette may know about by Trump allies, according to two people with knowledge of their plans. materials were produced. that conduct—tie this nomination to I will make it clear, I find it implau- the impeachment inquiry in an impor- Federal prosecutors are now inves- tigating Rudy Giuliani’s role. A sible the Secretary of Energy was tant way. I have come to believe there unstaffed on all this. I would think, for are several significant unanswered Naftogaz official is reportedly cooper- ating in the investigation, and some of an important meeting like this, Sec- questions about Secretary Perry’s role retary Perry would have individuals in changing the board of a state-owned Rick Perry’s political donors did get a lucrative oil and gas deal in Ukraine from the Department of Energy who energy company called Naftogaz. were involved in these discussions that What Secretary Perry, his campaign after Perry began pressuring the Mr. Brouillette has now acknowledged donors, and certain crooked associates Ukrainian President for changes. took place, but we can’t get any of Rudy Giuliani stood to gain from Perry admits he was in contact with names. We can’t get any answers at all. those changes is something the Senate Giuliani about Ukraine. It was also re- vealed in impeachment testimony that I think it is seriously an error for the ought to be digging into. We have been Senate to just rush to this nomination hearing about Secretary Perry’s role in Perry was seemingly made aware in July of the Trump scheme where it without getting answers to the ques- Donald Trump’s scheme with respect to tions I have outlined. Indictments are withholding a meeting and military aid seemed like everybody was involved in flying. Investigations reveal major until Ukrainian President Zelensky Ukraine. wrongdoing. Every stone that gets agreed to interfere in the 2020 elections To get it straight, I think this is the overturned in this process reveals a lot in the United States. bottom line: Secretary Perry has some- The investigations seem to be piling how managed to stay on the fringes of more generally about a rotten scheme. up. Every time a new piece of informa- this whole scheme, but it sure looks to It just seems to me that Secretary tion comes to light, it raises yet more me like he was right at the heart of se- Perry is a significant figure in this and more questions about schemes that rious ethical compromises. President scandal, and he is just trying to get out sure look, based on the facts, to be cor- Trump has claimed he made the call to of dodge. To me, this ought to be an oppor- rupt. Somehow, Secretary Perry seems Ukraine’s President that prompted the tunity for this body, the U.S. Senate, to be making his way out the door whistleblower’s complaint at Perry’s without facing much, if any, scrutiny. request. Everywhere you look in the to stand up and demand accountability Now the Senate is trying to fast-track Ukraine scandal, it looks like there is from the Trump administration and all his replacement. crooked behavior all over. of those in the administration who can I will put it simply: Enough, enough. I have a hard time believing that provide information that, I think, pro- It is time for the Senate to get some Secretary Perry booked his own flight vides a modest amount of informa- answers instead of just saying every- for these meetings, sauntered out the tion—a modest amount of informa- thing is A-OK at the Energy Depart- back door of the Energy Department, tion—about discussions that could very ment. and freelanced his own shady Ukraine well be relevant to this whole Ukraine I am going to take just a few minutes policy without anybody knowing about scheme. to explain what this is all about. Mr. it. Mr. Giuliani already had associates PERRY is famously one of the ‘‘three That brings me back to the indicted. Just yesterday, there were amigos’’ who took control of U.S. ties Brouillette nomination. Dan differences of opinion in the testimony with Ukraine under the direction of the Brouillette is currently the Deputy En- about what Mr. PERRY’s involvement President and his personal lawyer, ergy Secretary. He is the No. 2 person was all about. Practically every day Rudy Giuliani. Secretary Perry at- at the Department. He is the Deputy to there are unanswered questions about tended President Zelensky’s inaugura- the ‘‘amigo.’’ this matter. Because I believe the Sen- tion in May. They held a private meet- At his confirmation hearing, sitting ate deserves to have answers to the ing. It has been reported that Sec- on the Energy and Natural Resources questions I have raised, because I think retary Perry pushed President Committee, which I at one time this is just accountability 101 to have Zelensky to fire members of the board chaired, I thought it was important to this information, I will be voting no of Naftogaz—a Ukrainian energy ask Mr. Brouillette some basic ques- today on cloture. My understanding is giant—and replace them with Sec- tions about what I have outlined here. that no matter how the Senate is re- retary Perry’s own political donors. What I wanted to know wasn’t real corded today, there will be some oppor- At a second meeting with Ukrainian complicated: Whom did Secretary tunity over the holiday break for Sen- government and energy sector officials, Perry meet with regarding Ukraine and ators, staff, and those who are doing Secretary Perry reportedly said the en- Naftogaz? He was a powerful guy, and investigative work on this to get more tire board ought to be replaced. The he wielded major influence over a na- details. I certainly think that without Associated Press reported that one per- tion that is dependent on aid from the the question I have been asking and son who attended the meeting said that United States as it resists aggression the modest amount of information ‘‘he was floored by the American re- by Russia. Who else was in the loop they would disclose—information, quests because the person had always with Secretary Perry? frankly, I think Secretary Perry, the viewed the U.S. government ‘as having Deputy Secretary Brouillette ac- Energy Department, and the Trump ad- a higher ethical standard.’ ’’ knowledged in my questions only that ministration could produce quite

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:45 Nov 22, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21NO6.049 S21NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE November 21, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6739 quickly if they didn’t want to spend The clerk will call the roll. The NASA Plum Brook Station is a the time stonewalling—I think given The bill clerk called the roll. state-of-the-art testing facility. It is that, it is not responsible to advance Mr. THUNE. The following Senators near Sandusky, OH, and is a terrific fa- this nomination through an affirma- are necessarily absent: the Senator cility that is doing a lot of the testing tive cloture vote today, so I will be from (Mr. CASSIDY), the Sen- right now for both NASA and some pri- voting no. My hope is that over the ator from Georgia (Mr. ISAKSON), and vate sector companies. It is part of the next week or so, we can start to get the Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN). NASA Glenn complex that is some answers to these basic questions. Further, if present and voting, the headquartered in Cleveland, OH. I will tell you, I have just gone Senator from Kansas (Mr. MORAN) It is an impressive operation for a lot through five townhall meetings at would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ of reasons, but the one that is most ex- home in rural and urban areas. Every- Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the citing right now is their work on the body I represent at home thinks there Senator from New Jersey (Mr. BOOKER), Artemis Project. This is, of course, ought to be more accountability in the Senator from California (Ms. HAR- NASA’s plan to put astronauts back on Washington, DC, rather than less. RIS), the Senator from Minnesota (Ms. the Moon by 2024, including having the Without answers to the questions I KLOBUCHAR), the Senator from first woman go to the Moon. This mis- have outlined today, there is no ques- Vermont (Mr. SANDERS), and the Sen- sion will also lay the groundwork for tion that with respect to account- ator from Massachusetts (Ms. WARREN) future expeditions to the next great ability, the Senate, by voting cloture are necessarily absent. leap in spaceflight—that, of course, today, would be settling for less. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there being a manned mission to Mars. It is I yield the floor. any other Senators in the Chamber de- exciting stuff. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- siring to vote? At Plum Brook, they are already ator from Alaska. The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 74, testing critical components of the Ms. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I nays 18, as follows: rocket engines that are scheduled to am pleased that at any moment now, carry Artemis astronauts into space [Rollcall Vote No. 366 Ex.] we will move to invoke cloture on the starting next year. Very soon, they are nomination of Dan Brouillette to be YEAS—74 going to be testing the spacecraft Secretary of Energy. As folks know, he Alexander Fischer Peters itself. We hope it will arrive at Plum is currently serving as our Deputy Sec- Barrasso Gardner Portman Blackburn Graham Risch Brook within the next few weeks where retary of Energy. In my view, he has Blunt Grassley Roberts it will undergo about 4 months of test- excelled in that role since being con- Boozman Hassan Romney ing. firmed by this body in a strong bipar- Braun Hawley Rounds This past summer, I and my col- Burr Heinrich tisan vote back in August of 2017. He Rubio league, Ohio Senator , Cantwell Hoeven Sasse has run the Department on a daily Capito Hyde-Smith Scott (FL) introduced this legislation to rename basis. He has been helping Secretary Cardin Inhofe Scott (SC) the facility after Neil Armstrong, and Carper Johnson Perry set an agenda that has been fo- Shaheen we did so on the occasion of the 50th Casey Jones Shelby cused on energy security and techno- Collins Kaine anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Sinema logical innovation. He has been a good Coons Kennedy landing, from which, of course, Neil Cornyn King Smith partner of the Energy Committee— Stabenow Armstrong became world famous for Cotton Lankford being the first person to walk on the honest, open, and responsive. I have Cramer Lee Sullivan certainly appreciated all of his leader- Crapo Manchin Tester surface of the Moon. ship. Cruz McConnell Thune Ultimately, Neil Armstrong was a We commend him to this body. He Daines McSally Tillis test pilot. We think of him as an astro- Toomey Duckworth Murkowski naut. Some know that he was also a did very well in his nomination hearing Durbin Murphy Udall before the Energy and Natural Re- Enzi Murray Warner fighter pilot and that he was a veteran sources Committee. I believe he will do Ernst Paul Wicker of the Korean conflict. He was just an very well in his new role. I encourage Feinstein Perdue Young amazing individual—humble, smart. He all Members to work with us to con- NAYS—18 was a very patriotic individual. How firm him as soon as possible today. Baldwin Hirono Rosen appropriate and perfect that as a test f Bennet Leahy Schatz pilot, which he was during his whole Blumenthal Markey Schumer post-fighter pilot career until his time CLOTURE MOTION Brown Menendez Van Hollen Cortez Masto Merkley Whitehouse as an astronaut, Plum Brook be named The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant Gillibrand Reed Wyden after him. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the By the way, Neil’s family agrees with NOT VOTING—8 Senate the pending cloture motion, that, as does NASA, and as do others which the clerk will state. Booker Isakson Sanders we have talked to. So we are hoping Cassidy Klobuchar Warren The bill clerk read as follows: Harris Moran that this will be a fitting way to honor CLOTURE MOTION a man who, for all of his accomplish- The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- ments, saw himself, first and foremost, vote, the yeas are 74, the nays are 18. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the as a patriot who pushed the boundaries Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby The motion is agreed to. of flight. Therefore, the test facility is The Senator from Ohio. move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- very dear to them. nation of Dan R. Brouillette, of Texas, to be NASA PLUM BROOK STATION I talked to him about this test facil- Secretary of Energy. Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ity. After one of my visits there, I went Mitch McConnell, , Rich- would like to talk about a couple of to see him at his home and told him ard Burr, Shelley Moore Capito, John topics. Cornyn, , , about the progress they were making. Roy Blunt, John Thune, , First, I thank my colleagues on the At that time, they were trying to re- , Kevin Cramer, Chuck Senate Commerce, Science, and Trans- vamp some of the facilities there. He Grassley, Tom Cotton, Rick Scott, portation Committee for very recently was really excited about it. He was a Roger F. Wicker, Cindy Hyde-Smith. approving legislation to rename the very modest man and did not want The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- NASA Plum Brook Station in San- things named after him. He viewed his imous consent, the mandatory quorum dusky, OH, after Ohio’s own and a true service to his country as the reward. call has been waived. American hero—the late Neil Arm- That is all he ever wanted in life. That The question is, Is it the sense of the strong. I now, of course, urge that this makes it all the more fitting that we, Senate that debate on the nomination legislation be taken up by the full Sen- in fact, do name this after him. It is a of Dan R. Brouillette, of Texas, to be ate and that we get it passed. There is great model for young people and, cer- Secretary of Energy, shall be brought an identical bill in the House. We hope tainly, for those who are interested in to a close? to join both bills so that it may be sent avionics and spacecraft and in being as- The yeas and nays are mandatory to the President for his signature very tronauts. His example is one we should under the rule. soon. all look up to.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:45 Nov 22, 2019 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G21NO6.051 S21NOPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE