March 31, 1994 (The Famuan: October 2, 1986
MARCH 31, 1994 The Voice of Florida A&M university - Tallahassee, Fla. Vol.79- No.11 S QquNew candidates, no Smore controversy By Jacqueline Love school's national prominence." Khan said. "FAMU should recruit students FAMUAN Assistant News Editor for gradu- " ate programs the same way presidential After more than a month of controver- scholars are recruited now." sy, the Student Government Association Diciplinary charges against Tait were presidential elections will dropped March 15. The be held on Tuesday. See more0 onthe elections charges, which stemmed Due to conflict involv- On Page 6 from Tait's involvement ing the disciplinary hearing with Thoughts, a contro- of Thoughts Magazine Publisher Larry versial student publication, had previously Tait, FAMU Vice President for Student kept him from running, administrators Affairs Richard Flamer moved the presi- said. dential elections from March 8 to Tuesday "I feel with all the work it took to and extended the declaration of candidacy make the elections fair, students should period until March 18. participate," said Tait, a senior African- ., "" _ . In addition to presidential hopefuls American Studies major from Washington, Gregory Anderson, who is currently SGA D.C. "It doesn't matter who you vote for, - : vice president, and Tait, one new ticket just as long as you vote." .: . , _. was added to the presidential ballot. Anderson, a junior agricultural busi- : .. Rahman Khan, a graduate counseling ness major from Tallahassee, said it is : .:. -- -. education major from Washington, D.C. good the elections were postponed to give and W. Cecyl Hobbs, a senior accounting everyone a chance to run.
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