Development Committee Meeting Tuesday 16 June 2020 Attachment 1
DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING TUESDAY 16 JUNE 2020 ATTACHMENT 1 OF 3 TO ITEM DV20.69 CITY BEACH P9108 – STATE REGISTER OF HERITAGE PLACES CONSIDERATIONS HERITAGE COUNCIL OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA LETTER Working with Western Australians to recognise, conserve, adapt and celebrate our State's unique cultural heritage 19 January 2018 YOUR REF OUR REF P25920 [P9108] ENQUIRIES Moss Wilson/6551 8002 Mr Jason Buckley _...~.~ , ......" 1\1A 'JA'-",'1 ,,,..., Chief Executive Officer D,:;,CUMrN Town of Cambridge 2 3 JAN LJ J PO Box 15 FLOREAT WA 6014 DOC SET ID Dear Mr Buckley Heritage Nomination P25920 South City Beach and Floreat Beach Kiosks and Toodyay Stone Sea Wall P9108 City Beach The Department of Planning, Lands, and Heritage recently received a nomination for P25920 South City Beach and Floreat Beach Kiosks and Toodyay Stone Sea Wall to be considered for possible inclusion in the State Register, under the provisions of the Heritage of Western Australia Act 1990. The Register celebrates and recognises places of cultural heritage significance that are important in telling the story of Western Australia's people, history and development. A preliminary review of South City Beach and Floreat Beach Kiosks and Toodyay Stone Sea Wall was considered by the Heritage Council's Register Committee at their meeting on 8 December 2017. After careful consideration the Committee determined that while the place may have some cultural heritage value, it is unlikely that it would meet the threshold for entry on the State Register of Heritage Places, and therefore does not warrant a full assessment. If further information becomes available in the future, the Register Committee may reconsider this decision.
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