Football Association (FIFA) 4 Joseph S
Activity Report 3 April 2002–March 2004 54th Ordinary FIFA Congress Paris 2004 ACTIVITY REPORT April 2002–March 2004 Publisher Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) 4 Joseph S. Blatter, President FOREWORD FROM THE FIFA PRESIDENT 6 5 Editors Markus Siegler, Andreas Herren, John Schumacher THE FIFA FAMILY 8 THE GAME 30 Production Hans-Peter Frei THE FIFA COMPETITIONS 42 Translation Stuart Makin, Scott Burnett, Marilyn Jones, Hurst & Freelancers DEVELOPMENT 58 Layout Philipp Mahrer FAIR PLAY AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 66 Design Repro Studio B, Zurich; FIFA FOOTBALL IN A WIDER CONTEXT 76 CHRONICLE 90 Photographs Action Images, Reuters, Kurt Schorrer, Getty Images, Corbis, Thomas von Ubrizsy, Daniel Motz, FIFA-Archive THE FUTURE 100 Text and image processing Repro Studio B, Zurich Printing ns print, Uster Data 16.3.2004 4.2004 NS 3000 / E 00093 msi/pma One example of this was a decision passed by the International Football Associa- THE OLD AND THE NEW tion Board at its last meeting in London on 28 February 2004, a milestone in the history of football. Artificial turf, the result of years of research by high-tech companies, will be now be incorporated in the Laws of the Game as from July Dear members of the international football family, 2004. This option opens up huge vistas for countries that cannot maintain grass I have been serving FIFA and especially football for nigh on thirty years now. In pitches owing to extreme weather or lack of funds and it represents a quantum doing so, I have always tried to safeguard and promote the ideals of our organi- leap for the future of our sport.
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