Annual Report 2017 As at June 30, 2017
Balance Sheet 2017 2016 Note (Rupees in thousand) EQUITY AND LIABILITIES CAPITAL AND RESERVES Authorised share capital - 950,000,000 (2016: 950,000,000) ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 9,500,000 9,500,000 - 50,000,000 (2016: 50,000,000) preference shares of Rs 10 each 500,000 500,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 Issued, subscribed and paid up share capital 438,119,118 (2016: 438,119,118) ordinary shares of Rs 10 each 5 4,381,191 4,381,191 Reserves 6 38,014,337 34,238,885 Un-appropriated profit 32,473,351 27,163,353 74,868,879 65,783,429 NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Long term finances - secured 7 12,520,000 2,400,000 Long term deposits 8 79,441 77,813 Deferred liabilities 9 186,837 111,334 Deferred taxation 10 5,866,359 4,989,055 18,652,637 7,578,202 CURRENT LIABILITIES Trade and other payables 11 5,454,447 5,366,340 Accrued finance cost 12 217,204 52,931 Short term borrowings - secured 13 8,571,228 3,451,352 Current portion of non-current liabilities 14 523,778 1,150,921 Derivative financial instrument 15 48,056 - Provision for taxation 35,090 35,090 14,849,803 10,056,634 CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS 16 108,371,319 83,418,265 The annexed notes 1 to 47 form an integral part of these financial statements. Chief Executive 97 DG Cement Annual Report 2017 As At June 30, 2017 2017 2016 Note (Rupees in thousand) ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Property, plant and equipment 17 62,447,737 39,576,830 Intangible assets 18 - - Investments 19 18,564,054 12,947,976 Long term loans and deposits 20 58,844 57,938 81,070,635 52,582,744 CURRENT ASSETS Stores, spare parts
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