Foil Leopold OFFICIAL JOURNAL Franklin Lopinto Total - 103 OF THE The Speaker announced that there were 103 members present HOUSE OF and a quorum. REPRESENTATIVES Prayer OF THE Prayer was offered by Rep. Broadwater. STATE OF Pledge of Allegiance Rep. Garofalo led the House in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. FIFTY-FIRST DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Reading of the Journal

Forty-second Regular Session of the Legislature On motion of Rep. Hill, the reading of the Journal was Under the Adoption of the dispensed with. Constitution of 1974 On motion of Rep. Hill, the Journal of June 3, 2016, was adopted.

House of Representatives Suspension of the Rules State Capitol On motion of Rep. Magee, the rules were suspended in order to Baton Rouge, Louisiana take up and consider House and House Concurrent Resolutions on Third Reading for Final Consideration at this time. Sunday, June 5, 2016 House and House Concurrent Resolutions on The House of Representatives was called to order at 3:25 P.M., by the Honorable Taylor Barras, Speaker of the House of Third Reading for Final Consideration Representatives. The following House and House Concurrent Resolutions on third reading for final consideration were taken up and acted upon as Morning Hour follows: ROLL CALL HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 191— BY REPRESENTATIVE MAGEE The roll being called, the following members answered to their A RESOLUTION names: To create the Clerk of Court Statewide Filing System Task Force to study and make recommendations regarding the implementation PRESENT and development of a universal electronic filing system for civil pleadings throughout the state, and to provide for a written Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons report of its recommendation and findings no later than sixty Abraham Garofalo Mack days prior to the 2017 Regular Session of the Louisiana Adams Gisclair Magee Legislature. Amedee Glover Marcelle Anders Guinn McFarland Read by title. Armes Hall Miguez Bacala Harris, L. Miller, D. Rep. Magee moved the adoption of the resolution. Bagley Havard Miller, G. Bagneris Hazel Montoucet By a vote of 82 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Berthelot Henry Moreno Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 227— Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim BY REPRESENTATIVES JONES AND NANCY LANDRY Bouie Hill Norton A RESOLUTION Broadwater Hodges Pearson To create a task force to study the structure of local governance of Brown, C. Hoffmann Pierre public elementary and secondary education in Louisiana and to Brown, T. Hollis Pope provide for the submission of a written report of findings, Carmody Horton Price conclusions, and recommendations to the House Committee on Carpenter Howard Pugh Education not later than sixty days prior to the beginning of the Carter, G. Hunter Pylant 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature of Louisiana. Carter, R. Huval Reynolds Carter, S. Ivey Richard Read by title. Chaney Jackson Schexnayder Connick James Schroder Rep. Jones moved the adoption of the resolution. Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh Cox Jenkins Shadoin By a vote of 81 yeas and 6 nays, the resolution was adopted. Cromer Johnson, M. Simon Danahay Johnson, R. Smith HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 228— Davis Jones Stokes BY REPRESENTATIVE HODGES DeVillier Jordan Talbot A RESOLUTION Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut To express support for the people of Israel and for their right to live Edmonds Landry, T. White in freedom and to defend themselves, to recognize the Emerson LeBas Willmott longstanding friendship between the people of Israel and the Falconer Leger Zeringue people of Louisiana, to condemn any and all efforts to boycott,

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divest from, and sanction Israel, and to extend best wishes to the House Bills and Joint Resolutions people of Israel for peace, security, and prosperity. Returned from the Senate with Amendments Read by title. The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were Rep. Hodges moved the adoption of the resolution. taken up and acted upon as follows: HOUSE BILL NO. 58— By a vote of 88 yeas and 1 nay, the resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER AN ACT HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 230— To amend and reenact R.S. 11:3385.1(D) and (H)(2), relative to the BY REPRESENTATIVE WILLMOTT Deferred Retirement Option Plan in the Firefighters' Pension A RESOLUTION and Relief Fund in the city of New Orleans; to provide relative To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to to benefit options for members electing to participate in such coordinate a study effort with select healthcare workforce plan; to provide with respect to account funds and interest development stakeholders to identify means by which to thereon; to provide with respect to administrative fees charged enhance access to needed health services in health professional to such accounts; and to provide for related matters. shortage areas. Read by title. Read by title. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Rep. Willmott sent up floor amendments which were read as the Senate. follows: SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS HOUSE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Retirement to Amendments proposed by Representative Willmott to Original House Engrossed House Bill No. 58 by Representative Leger Resolution No. 230 by Representative Willmott AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 1, line 2, change "11:3385.1 (D) and (H)(2)," to On page 3, between lines 8 and 9 insert the following: "11:3385.1(H)(2) and (N)," "(16) The Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians." AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 1, line 11, change "11:3385.1 (D) and (H)(2)," to AMENDMENT NO. 2 "11:3385.1(H)(2) and (N)" On page 3, line 24, delete "and" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 3 On page 1, delete lines 15 through 19 On page 3, line 25, after "Louisiana" delete the period "." and insert ", and the president of the Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians." AMENDMENT NO. 4 On motion of Rep. Willmott, the amendments were adopted. On page 2, line 10, change "administration" to "administrative" AMENDMENT NO. 5 Rep. Willmott moved the adoption of the resolution, as amended. On page 3, between lines 3 and 4, insert the following: By a vote of 91 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution, as amended, was "N. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, adopted. a member may electing to participate in the Deferred Retirement Option Plan provided by this Section and also make an election to HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 133— shall not be eligible to receive an initial lump-sum benefit as set forth BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION in R.S. 11:3385.2. To urge and request the Judicial Council and its Standing Committee to Evaluate Requests for Court Costs and Fees to study and * * *" make recommendations to the Louisiana Legislature regarding the use of court costs and fees, to develop and recommend best Rep. Leger moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate practices for the use and collection of court costs and fees, and be concurred in. to limit the number of instruments creating new or increasing ROLL CALL court costs of fees by the Louisiana Legislature which are subject to Judicial Council review until sixty days after the The roll was called with the following result: adjournment of the 2017 Regular Session of the Legislature. YEAS Read by title. Mr. Speaker Falconer Mack Abraham Foil Magee Rep. Jackson moved the adoption of the resolution. Adams Franklin Marcelle Amedee Gaines McFarland By a vote of 82 yeas and 0 nays, the resolution was adopted. Anders Garofalo Miguez Armes Gisclair Miller, D. Ordered to the Senate. Bacala Glover Miller, G.

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Bagley Hall Montoucet SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bagneris Harris, L. Morris, Jay Berthelot Havard Morris, Jim Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Billiot Hazel Norton Engrossed House Bill No. 283 by Representative Emerson Bishop Hensgens Pearson Bouie Hilferty Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 1 Broadwater Hill Pope Brown, C. Hoffmann Price On page 2, at the beginning of line 18, change "appropriation" to Brown, T. Horton Pugh "specific appropriation" Carmody Howard Pylant Carpenter Huval Reynolds Rep. Emerson moved that the amendments proposed by the Carter, G. Ivey Schexnayder Senate be concurred in. Carter, R. Jackson Schroder Carter, S. James Shadoin ROLL CALL Chaney Jefferson Simon Coussan Jenkins Smith The roll was called with the following result: Cox Johnson, R. Stokes Danahay Jones Talbot YEAS Davis Landry, N. Thibaut DeVillier Landry, T. White Mr. Speaker Emerson Mack Dwight LeBas Willmott Abraham Falconer Magee Edmonds Leger Zeringue Adams Foil Marcelle Emerson Lyons Amedee Franklin McFarland Total - 89 Anders Gaines Miguez NAYS Armes Gisclair Miller, D. Bacala Hall Miller, G. Total - 0 Bagley Harris, L. Montoucet ABSENT Bagneris Havard Morris, Jay Berthelot Hazel Morris, Jim Abramson Hodges Lopinto Billiot Henry Norton Connick Hollis Moreno Bishop Hensgens Pearson Cromer Hunter Richard Bouie Hilferty Pierre Guinn Johnson, M. Seabaugh Broadwater Hill Pope Harris, J. Jordan Brown, C. Hoffmann Price Henry Leopold Brown, T. Horton Pugh Total - 16 Carmody Howard Pylant Carpenter Huval Reynolds The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Carter, G. Ivey Richard the House. Carter, R. James Schexnayder HOUSE BILL NO. 280— Carter, S. Jefferson Schroder BY REPRESENTATIVE BROADWATER Chaney Jenkins Shadoin AN ACT Coussan Johnson, R. Simon To amend and reenact R.S. 23:1197(D) and (E) and to enact R.S. Cox Jones Smith 23:1191(3), 1197(H), 1200.5(D) and (E), and 1200.18, relative Cromer Landry, N. Stokes to workers' compensation group self-insurance funds; to provide Danahay Landry, T. Talbot for the authority of the commissioner of insurance; to provide Davis LeBas Thibaut with respect to the insolvency of funds; to provide for hazardous DeVillier Leger White financial conditions and corrective action plans; to provide for Dwight Lopinto Willmott fund dissolution; to provide for delinquency proceedings; to Edmonds Lyons Zeringue provide jurisdiction; to prioritize the distribution of assets after Total - 90 the dissolution of a fund; to provide for public records NAYS exception; and to provide for related matters. Total - 0 Read by title. ABSENT Motion Abramson Harris, J. Johnson, M. Connick Hodges Jordan On motion of Rep. Broadwater, the bill was returned to the Garofalo Hollis Leopold calendar. Glover Hunter Moreno HOUSE BILL NO. 283— Guinn Jackson Seabaugh BY REPRESENTATIVES EMERSON AND DUSTIN MILLER Total - 15 AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 40:1081.2(A)(1) and to enact R.S. The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by 40:1081.11, relative to newborn screening; to require all the House. newborns to be screened for Krabbe disease; to make technical HOUSE BILL NO. 603— changes; to require information on Krabbe disease to be posted BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, GREGORY MILLER, BAGNERIS, on the Department of Health and Hospitals' website; and to BOUIE, CHAD BROWN, HALL, LANCE HARRIS, HUNTER, IVEY, provide for related matters. JACKSON, , PEARSON, SCHRODER, SMITH, STOKES, AND THIBAUT Read by title. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to add Article VII, Section 10(F)(4)(h), 10.15, and 10.16 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to dedications of the Senate. revenues; to provide for the dedication of certain revenues; to

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create the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund; to provide for Billiot Hazel Morris, Jay deposits into the funds; to provide for investments of the fund; Bishop Henry Morris, Jim to provide for uses of the fund; to provide for an exception to Bouie Hensgens Norton budget deficit procedures; to provide for submission of the Broadwater Hilferty Pearson proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related Brown, C. Hill Pierre matters. Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Carmody Horton Price Read by title. Carpenter Howard Pugh Carter, G. Huval Pylant The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Carter, R. Ivey Reynolds the Senate. Carter, S. Jackson Richard Chaney James Schexnayder SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Connick Jefferson Schroder Coussan Jenkins Shadoin Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Cox Johnson, R. Simon Reengrossed House Bill No. 603 by Representative Leger Cromer Jones Smith Danahay Jordan Stokes AMENDMENT NO. 1 Davis Landry, N. Talbot DeVillier Landry, T. Thibaut On page 3, line 27, change "Trust and Protection" to "and Game Dwight LeBas White Preserve" Edmonds Leger Willmott Emerson Leopold Zeringue SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Total - 96 NAYS Amendments proposed by Senator Gatti to Reengrossed House Bill No. 603 by Representative Leger Total - 0 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 1 Abramson Hodges Johnson, M. On page 2, line 15, change "five" to "six" Glover Hollis Moreno Harris, J. Hunter Seabaugh SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Total - 9 Amendments proposed by Senator Gatti to Reengrossed House Bill The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a No. 603 by Representative Leger two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 1 HOUSE BILL NO. 696— On page 3, line 4, change "three-fourths" to "two-thirds" BY REPRESENTATIVES LEGER, BAGNERIS, BOUIE, CHAD BROWN, GUINN, LANCE HARRIS, HUNTER, IVEY, JACKSON, MARCELLE, GREGORY MILLER, JAY MORRIS, AND STOKES AMENDMENT NO. 2 AN ACT To enact Subpart P-4 of Part II-A of Chapter 1 of Subtitle I of Title On page 3, line 8, change "three-fourths" to "two-thirds" 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statues of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 39:100.111 and 100.112, and Subpart P-5 of Part II-A of AMENDMENT NO. 3 Chapter I of Subtitle I of Title 39 of the Louisiana Revised Statues of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 39:100.115, relative to On page 3, line 9, change "three-fourths" to "two-thirds" dedications of revenues; to provide for the dedication of certain revenues; to create the Revenue Stabilization Trust Fund; to AMENDMENT NO. 4 provide for deposits into the funds; to provide for investments of the fund; to provide for uses of the fund; to provide for an On page 3, line 10, change "three-fourths" to "two-thirds" effective date; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Leger moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Read by title. be concurred in. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by ROLL CALL the Senate. The roll was called with the following result: SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS YEAS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Reengrossed House Bill No. 696 by Representative Leger Mr. Speaker Falconer Lopinto Abraham Foil Lyons AMENDMENT NO. 1 Adams Franklin Mack Amedee Gaines Magee On page 3, at the end of line 21, delete "Trust and" and at the Anders Garofalo Marcelle beginning of line 22, delete "Protection" Armes Gisclair McFarland Bacala Guinn Miguez SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bagley Hall Miller, D. Bagneris Harris, L. Miller, G. Amendments proposed by Senator Gatti to Reengrossed House Bill Berthelot Havard Montoucet No. 696 by Representative Leger

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. On page 2, line 8, change "five" to "six" HOUSE BILL NO. 772— SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AN ACT Amendments proposed by Senator Gatti to Reengrossed House Bill To amend and reenact R.S. 47:6351(B)(1), relative to rebate No. 696 by Representative Leger programs administered by the state; to provide relative to the Procurement Processing Company Rebate program; and to AMENDMENT NO. 1 provide for related matters. On page 2, line 26, change "three-quarters" to "two-thirds" Read by title. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Motion On page 3, line 2, change "three-quarters" to "two-thirds" On motion of Rep. Bouie, the bill was returned to the calendar. AMENDMENT NO. 3 HOUSE BILL NO. 887— BY REPRESENTATIVES STEVE CARTER, CARMODY, DAVIS, EDMONDS, FALCONER, FOIL, GISCLAIR, GLOVER, GUINN, HILFERTY, On page 3, line 3, change "three-quarters" to "two-thirds" JAMES, LOPINTO, MACK, MARCELLE, PRICE, RICHARD, SCHRODER, SMITH, STOKES, TALBOT, THIBAUT, AND ZERINGUE Rep. Leger moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate AN ACT be concurred in. To enact Part II-D of Chapter 8 of Title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 17:1971 through 1976, ROLL CALL and R.S. 36:651(D)(9), to create a residential school for certain at-risk students; to provide for a board of directors and a school The roll was called with the following result: director; to provide for the powers, duties, and responsibilities of such board and director; to provide for board membership, YEAS terms, and compensation; to provide for funding; to provide for definitions; to provide for legislative intent; to provide for Mr. Speaker Falconer Lyons effectiveness; and to provide for related matters. Abraham Foil Mack Adams Franklin Magee Read by title. Amedee Gaines Marcelle Anders Garofalo McFarland The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Armes Gisclair Miguez the Senate. Bacala Guinn Miller, D. Bagley Hall Miller, G. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bagneris Harris, L. Montoucet Berthelot Hazel Morris, Jay Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Billiot Henry Morris, Jim Reengrossed House Bill No. 887 by Representative Steve Carter Bishop Hensgens Norton Bouie Hilferty Pearson AMENDMENT NO. 1 Broadwater Hill Pierre Brown, C. Hoffmann Pope On page 7, delete lines 16 through 19, and insert the following: Brown, T. Horton Price Carmody Howard Pugh "B. THRIVE Academy shall be considered a public school for Carpenter Huval Pylant purposes of receiving funding through the minimum foundation Carter, G. Ivey Reynolds program of education, in the same manner as for other public schools Carter, R. Jackson Richard as contained in the minimum foundation program budget letter Carter, S. James Schexnayder approved by the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Chaney Jefferson Schroder Education. The school shall also be eligible to receive such other Coussan Jenkins Shadoin funding as may be specifically appropriated by the legislature." Cox Johnson, R. Simon Cromer Jones Smith SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Danahay Jordan Stokes Davis Landry, N. Talbot DeVillier Landry, T. Thibaut Amendments proposed by Senator Milkovich to Reengrossed House Dwight Leger White Bill No. 887 by Representative Steve Carter Edmonds Leopold Willmott Emerson Lopinto Zeringue AMENDMENT NO. 1 Total - 93 NAYS On page 5, at the end of line 14, insert "No student shall be enrolled without the written consent of the student's parent or legal guardian." Total - 0 ABSENT Rep. Steve Carter moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. Abramson Havard Johnson, M. Connick Hodges LeBas ROLL CALL Glover Hollis Moreno Harris, J. Hunter Seabaugh Total - 12 The roll was called with the following result:

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YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Falconer Lopinto On page 1, line 4, delete "56:427(F)" and insert "56:425(F) and Abraham Foil Lyons 427(F)" Adams Franklin Mack Amedee Gaines Magee AMENDMENT NO. 2 Anders Garofalo Marcelle Bagley Gisclair McFarland On page 1, line 12, delete "R.S. 56:427(F)" and insert "R.S. Bagneris Guinn Miguez 56:425(F) and 427(F)" Berthelot Hall Miller, D. Billiot Harris, L. Miller, G. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bishop Hazel Morris, Jay Bouie Hensgens Morris, Jim On page 2, line 11, change "January 1, 2017" to "July 1, 2016" Broadwater Hill Norton Brown, C. Hoffmann Pierre AMENDMENT NO. 4 Brown, T. Hollis Price Carmody Horton Pugh On page 4, line 14, change "January 1, 2017" to "July 1, 2016" Carpenter Howard Pylant Carter, G. Huval Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 5 Carter, R. Ivey Richard Carter, S. Jackson Schexnayder On page 5, between lines 4 and 5, insert the following: Chaney James Schroder Connick Jefferson Shadoin "§425. Lease of water bottoms; stipulations; boundary disputes Coussan Jenkins Simon Cox Johnson, M. Smith * * * Cromer Johnson, R. Stokes Danahay Jones Talbot F. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority shall Davis Jordan Thibaut determine areas of the coast where buffer zones between oyster DeVillier Landry, N. Willmott leases and the shoreline may be necessary to protect sensitive and Dwight Landry, T. Zeringue eroding coastal lands. The Coastal Protection and Restoration Edmonds LeBas Authority shall review each application for an oyster lease or renewal Emerson Leger or expansion of an oyster lease to determine if the water bottom Total - 88 applied for is located in an area where a buffer zone may be NAYS necessary and shall delineate the extent of the buffer zone necessary for each application. Hilferty Pearson White Montoucet Pope * * *" Total - 5 ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 6 Abramson Harris, J. Hunter On page 9, at the beginning of line 4, delete "presently"and after Armes Havard Leopold "coastline" insert the following: Bacala Henry Moreno Glover Hodges Seabaugh "as of January 1, 2016 as shown in the 2015 U.S. Department of Total - 12 Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, Aerial Photography Field Office, National Agriculture Imagery Program 4 band aerial imagery for The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Louisiana, 1 meter resolution (the "2015 NAIP imagery")" the House. HOUSE BILL NO. 902— AMENDMENT NO. 7 BY REPRESENTATIVE LEOPOLD AN ACT On page 9, line 5, after "another exiting lease." delete the remainder To amend and reenact R.S. 56:423(A) and (B) and 429 and Sections of the line and on line 6, delete "than one hundred feet from existing 2(B) and (C) and 3 of Act No. 808 of the 2008 Regular Session coastline." of the Legislature and to enact R.S. 56:427(F) and (G), relative to oyster leases; to provide for lifting the moratorium on new AMENDMENT NO. 8 oyster leases; to provide relative to liability under certain circumstances; to provide relative to public notification and On page 12, line 12, delete "processed" and insert "received" opportunity to protest or withdraw oyster lease applications under certain circumstances; to eliminate auction of rent- AMENDMENT NO. 9 delinquent oyster leases; to provide certain terms, conditions, procedures, and requirements; and to provide for related On page 13, delete lines 18 through 20 and insert the following: matters. "Section 4."This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2016, if Read by title. and only if the provisions of House Bill No. 1130 of the 2016 The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Regular Session are enacted into law." the Senate. LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Natural Resources Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House to Reengrossed House Bill No. 902 by Representative Leopold Bill No. 902 by Representative Leopold

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 to provide for an official designation of the fee; and to provide for related matters. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 7 proposed by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources to Reengrossed House Bill No. 902 Read by title. and adopted by the Senate on May 26, 2016 on page 1, line 30, after "another" and before "lease" change "exiting" to "existing" The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. Rep. Leopold moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate be concurred in. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Reengrossed House Bill No. 995 by Representative Jones The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 1 YEAS On page 1, line 16, change "in monthly installments" to "in not less Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto than quarterly installments" Abraham Gaines Lyons Adams Gisclair Mack AMENDMENT NO. 2 Amedee Glover Magee Anders Guinn Marcelle On page 1, line 17, change "sixty cents" to "cents five percent (5%)" Armes Hall McFarland Bacala Harris, L. Miguez SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Bagley Havard Miller, D. Bagneris Hazel Miller, G. Amendments proposed by Senator Walsworth to Reengrossed House Berthelot Henry Montoucet Bill No. 995 by Representative Jones Billiot Hensgens Moreno Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bouie Hill Morris, Jim Broadwater Hodges Norton On page 2, after line 11, insert the following: Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Brown, T. Hollis Pierre "Section 2. This Act shall become effective on January 1, 2017." Carmody Horton Pope Carpenter Howard Price SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Carter, G. Hunter Pugh Carter, R. Huval Pylant Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds Bill No. 995 by Representative Jones Chaney James Richard Coussan Jefferson Schexnayder AMENDMENT NO. 1 Cox Jenkins Schroder Cromer Johnson, M. Seabaugh In Senate Committee Amendment No. 2 proposed by the Senate Danahay Johnson, R. Shadoin Committee on Finance to Reengrossed House Bill No. 995 and Davis Jones Smith adopted by the Senate on June 2, 2016, on page 1, line 5 following DeVillier Jordan Stokes "percent" delete "(5%)" Dwight Landry, N. Talbot Edmonds Landry, T. Thibaut Rep. Jones moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate Emerson LeBas White be concurred in. Falconer Leger Willmott Foil Leopold Zeringue ROLL CALL Total - 99 NAYS The roll was called with the following result: Total - 0 YEAS ABSENT Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold Abramson Garofalo Jackson Abraham Gaines Lopinto Connick Harris, J. Simon Adams Garofalo Lyons Total - 6 Amedee Gisclair Mack Anders Glover Magee The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by Armes Hall Marcelle the House. Bacala Harris, L. McFarland Bagneris Havard Miller, D. HOUSE BILL NO. 995— Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. BY REPRESENTATIVE JONES Billiot Hensgens Montoucet AN ACT Bishop Hill Moreno To amend and reenact R.S. 40:31.33(A)(1) and to enact R.S. Bouie Hodges Morris, Jim 40:31.33(C) and (D), relative to the safe drinking water Brown, C. Howard Norton administration fee; to increase the fee on community water Brown, T. Hunter Pierre systems; to increase the portion retained by community water Carpenter Ivey Price systems for administrative costs; to establish the method of Carter, G. Jackson Pugh collection of the fee; to provide for the use of the collected fees; Carter, R. James Reynolds

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Chaney Jefferson Schexnayder ROLL CALL Connick Jenkins Shadoin Coussan Johnson, R. Smith The roll was called with the following result: Cox Jones Stokes Danahay Jordan Thibaut YEAS Davis Landry, N. White Dwight Landry, T. Zeringue Abraham Franklin Lopinto Falconer LeBas Adams Gaines Lyons Foil Leger Amedee Gisclair Mack Total - 76 Anders Glover Magee NAYS Armes Guinn Marcelle Bacala Hall McFarland Bagley Henry Pylant Bagley Harris, L. Miguez Broadwater Horton Richard Bagneris Havard Miller, D. Carmody Huval Schroder Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Cromer Johnson, M. Seabaugh Billiot Henry Moreno DeVillier Miguez Simon Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay Edmonds Morris, Jay Talbot Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim Emerson Pearson Broadwater Hill Pearson Total - 20 Brown, C. Hodges Pierre ABSENT Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope Carmody Hollis Price Abramson Harris, J. Hollis Carpenter Horton Pugh Carter, S. Hilferty Pope Carter, G. Howard Pylant Guinn Hoffmann Willmott Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds Total - 9 Carter, S. Huval Richard Chaney Ivey Schexnayder The amendments proposed by the Senate, having received a Connick Jackson Schroder two-thirds vote of the elected members, were concurred in by the Coussan James Seabaugh House. Cox Jefferson Shadoin Cromer Jenkins Simon HOUSE BILL NO. 1008— Danahay Johnson, M. Smith BY REPRESENTATIVE CONNICK Davis Johnson, R. Stokes AN ACT DeVillier Jones Talbot To amend and reenact R.S. 15:543.1, relative to sex offender Dwight Jordan Thibaut notification and registration requirements; to modify the Edmonds Landry, N. White notification form issued to sex offenders by courts to reflect Emerson Landry, T. Willmott statutory changes; to make technical changes to the form; and Falconer LeBas Zeringue to provide for related matters. Foil Leger Total - 98 Read by title. NAYS The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Total - 0 the Senate. ABSENT LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS Mr. Speaker Harris, J. Norton Abramson Leopold Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House Garofalo Miller, G. Bill No. 1008 by Representative Connick Total - 7 AMENDMENT NO. 1 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. On page 7, line 5, following "Paragraph (6)" and before "." delete "of this Subsection" HOUSE BILL NO. 1130— BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS AN ACT To enact R.S. 56:425.1, relative to leasing of water bottoms for Amendments proposed by Senator Peterson to Reengrossed House oyster cultivation and harvest; to authorize the state to jointly Bill No. 1008 by Representative Connick lease certain water bottoms; to provide for the terms and conditions of such joint leases; and to provide for related AMENDMENT NO. 1 matters. On page 5, line 11, delete "All registered sex offenders must obtain Read by title. a" and insert "A" The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by AMENDMENT NO. 2 the Senate. On page 5, line 12, change "department" to "office" SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS

Rep. Connick moved that the amendments proposed by the Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Natural Resources Senate be concurred in. to Reengrossed House Bill No. 1130 by Representative Garofalo

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 ABSENT On page 1, at the end of line 10, delete ", not" and at the beginning Abramson Moreno Reynolds of line 11, delete "to exceed fifteen years in duration," Harris, J. Pugh Total - 5 AMENDMENT NO. 2 The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by On page 3, delete lines 8 through 10 and insert the following: the House. "Section 2. "This Act shall become effective on July 1, 2016, if HOUSE BILL NO. 1161 (Substitute for House Bill No. 979 by and only if the provisions of House Bill No. 902 of the 2016 Regular Representative Dustin Miller)— Session are enacted into law." BY REPRESENTATIVES DUSTIN MILLER, BAGLEY, COX, HORTON, JACKSON, MAGEE, AND WILLMOTT AN ACT LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS To amend and reenact R.S. 37:914(B)(1), 916, 917, and 927(A), relative to the Louisiana State Board of Nursing; to provide for Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Reengrossed House composition of the board and qualifications of board members; Bill No. 1130 by Representative Garofalo to provide relative to the fee schedule of the board; and to AMENDMENT NO. 1 provide for related matters. On page 2, line 25, following the beginning of the line and before Read by title. "lease" change "said" to "the" The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Rep. Garofalo moved that the amendments proposed by the the Senate. Senate be concurred in. SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS ROLL CALL Amendments proposed by Senator Martiny to Engrossed House Bill The roll was called with the following result: No. 1161 by Representative Dustin Miller YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold On page 2, delete lines 5 through 17 Abraham Gaines Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 2 Adams Garofalo Lyons Amedee Gisclair Mack On page 2, line 18, delete "B." and delete "consumer" Anders Glover Magee Armes Guinn Marcelle AMENDMENT NO. 3 Bacala Hall McFarland Bagley Harris, L. Miguez On page 2, delete lines 23 and 24 Bagneris Havard Miller, D. Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Billiot Henry Montoucet Bishop Hensgens Morris, Jay On page 2, line 25, change "(4)" to "(3)" Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim Broadwater Hill Norton SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Brown, C. Hodges Pearson Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre Amendments proposed by Senator White to Engrossed House Bill Carmody Hollis Pope No. 1161 by Representative Dustin Miller Carpenter Horton Price Carter, G. Howard Pylant AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter, R. Hunter Richard Carter, S. Huval Schexnayder On page 3, line 1, after "anesthetist." insert " There shall be one member appointed by the governor that represents a private, Chaney Ivey Schroder proprietary, community technical college that has a nursing Connick Jackson Seabaugh program." Coussan James Shadoin Cox Jefferson Simon Rep. Dustin Miller moved that the amendments proposed by the Cromer Jenkins Smith Senate be rejected. Danahay Johnson, M. Stokes Davis Johnson, R. Talbot ROLL CALL DeVillier Jones Thibaut Dwight Jordan White The roll was called with the following result: Edmonds Landry, N. Willmott Emerson Landry, T. Zeringue YEAS Falconer LeBas Foil Leger Mr. Speaker Foil Lopinto Total - 100 Abraham Franklin Lyons NAYS Adams Gaines Mack Amedee Gisclair Magee Total - 0 Anders Glover Marcelle

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Armes Guinn McFarland AMENDMENT NO. 2 Bacala Hall Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. On page 1, line 3, after "relative to" insert Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Berthelot Hazel Montoucet "public safety and emergency 911 systems, services, and calls, to Billiot Hensgens Moreno provide relative to" Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Bouie Hill Morris, Jim AMENDMENT NO. 3 Broadwater Hodges Norton Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson On page 1, line 6, after "funds;" insert Brown, T. Hollis Pierre "to create the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board and provide for its Carmody Horton Pope powers, duties, composition, members, and procedures;" Carpenter Howard Price Carter, G. Hunter Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 4 Carter, R. Huval Pylant Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds On page 6, between lines 20 and 21 insert Chaney Jackson Richard Connick James Schexnayder "Section 2. R.S. 45:803 is hereby enacted to read as follows: Coussan Jefferson Schroder Cox Jenkins Seabaugh "§803. Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board; members; duties Cromer Johnson, M. Shadoin Danahay Johnson, R. Simon A. There is hereby created the Statewide 9-1-1 Advisory Board. Davis Jones Smith The board shall be domiciled in Baton Rouge. DeVillier Jordan Stokes Dwight Landry, N. Thibaut B. Purpose. The purpose of the Board is to oversee development Edmonds Landry, T. White and operation of emergency 9-1-1 systems within the state of Emerson LeBas Willmott Louisiana. Falconer Leger Zeringue Total - 99 C. Duties. The duties of the board shall be to: NAYS (1) Secure resources for the creation, operation, expansion, and Total - 0 cooperative undertaking of local public safety answering points. ABSENT (2) Facilitate information-sharing among public safety Abramson Harris, J. Leopold answering points. Garofalo Henry Talbot Total - 6 (3) Create and maintain best practices databases for public safety answering-point operations. The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. (4) Encourage equipment and technology sharing among small Conference committee appointment pending. jurisdictions. HOUSE BILL NO. 678— (5) Take steps to expand enhanced wire-line nine-one-one BY REPRESENTATIVE CARMODY service to every telephone user in the state. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9109.1(A) through (D), (F), and (G), (6) Assist public-safety answering points in implementing to enact R.S. 33:9109.2, and to repeal R.S. 33:9109.1(B)(9), wireless technology. relative to charges imposed on prepaid 911 services; to provide for and modify definitions; to increase the amount of the prepaid (7) Provide a clearinghouse of contact information for all 911 charge; to provide for administration of prepaid 911 telephone companies operating in the state and contact information charges; to restrict use of certain funds; to provide for and nine-one-one fees charged in each jurisdiction. effectiveness; and to provide for related matters. (8) Respond to data requests of the Federal Communications Called from the calendar. Commission ("FCC") in connection with 9-1-1 operations and fees. Read by title. (9) Develop training program standards for nine-one-one call takers. The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by the Senate. (10) Take other action as necessary and proper to implement the provisions of this Section, including but not limited to, the adoption SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS of rules in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act to provide for the duties and functions of the board. Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Commerce, D. Members. The board shall be composed of thirteen members Consumer Protection and International Affairs to Engrossed House appointed by the governor. The members shall be subject to Bill No. 678 by Representative Carmody confirmation by the Senate. AMENDMENT NO. 1 (1) Members shall serve for terms of four years which shall be concurrent with the term of the governor making the appointments. On page 1, line 2, delete the comma at the end of the line and insert Each member shall continue to serve until his or her successor is "and R.S. 45:803," appointed and takes office. A vacancy occurring for any reason shall

1720 Page 11 HOUSE 51st Day's Proceedings - June 5, 2016 be filled in the same manner provided for appointment of the revenues. Such report shall include a report on the status of membership vacated. Members shall serve without compensation. implementation of wireless E911 service." (2) The members shall consist of: AMENDMENT NO. 4 (a) Seven members from a list of names recommended by the On page 6, delete lines 22 through 26 and insert the following: Louisiana Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials. ""Section 3. The effective date of this Act shall be October 1, 2016." (b) Four members who are representatives of telecommunications carriers from a list of names recommended by LEGISLATIVE BUREAU AMENDMENTS the Cellular Telephone Industries Association ("CTIA"). Amendments proposed by Legislative Bureau to Engrossed House (c) One member from a list of names recommended by Bill No. 678 by Representative Carmody incumbent local exchange carriers operating in Louisiana. AMENDMENT NO. 1 (d) One member from a list of names recommended by cable companies that provide interconnected VoIP services in Louisiana. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate E. Meetings. on May 26, 2016 on line 12, after "R.S." change "34:513" to "24:513" (1) All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the open meetings and public records laws. A majority of the members of the AMENDMENT NO. 2 board shall constitute a quorum, and a majority thereof may act on any matter within the jurisdiction of the board. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 proposed by the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs and adopted by the Senate (2) The board shall hold its first meeting not more than thirty on May 26, 2016 on line 17, after "NO." change "4" to "5" days after appointment of all initial members has been completed. At its first meeting, a chairman, vice-chairman, and other officers as Rep. Carmody moved that the amendments proposed by the considered necessary shall be elected. Officers shall be elected for Senate be rejected. terms of one year and annually thereafter. There shall be no prohibition against officers succeeding themselves. The board shall ROLL CALL also adopt rules of procedure and may also appoint committees as deemed necessary. Thereafter, the board may meet as often as it The roll was called with the following result: deems necessary, but shall meet at least four times per year. YEAS AMENDMENT NO. 5 Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons On page 6, line 21, change "Section 2" to "Section 3" Abraham Garofalo Mack Adams Gisclair Magee AMENDMENT NO. 6 Amedee Glover Marcelle Anders Guinn McFarland On page 6, line 22, change "Section 3" to "Section 4" Bacala Hall Miguez Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Bagneris Havard Miller, G. Berthelot Hazel Montoucet Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Billiot Hensgens Moreno Affairs to Engrossed House Bill No. 678 by Representative Carmody Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jay Bouie Hill Morris, Jim AMENDMENT NO. 1 Broadwater Hodges Norton Brown, C. Hoffmann Pearson Delete Senate Committee Amendments No. 1 through 6 proposed by Brown, T. Hollis Pierre the Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and International Carpenter Horton Pope Affairs and adopted by the Senate on May 5, 2016. Carter, G. Howard Price Carter, R. Hunter Pugh AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carter, S. Huval Pylant Chaney Ivey Reynolds On page 5, line 6, delete "four percent" and insert "four two percent" Connick Jackson Richard Coussan James Schexnayder AMENDMENT NO. 3 Cox Jefferson Schroder Cromer Jenkins Seabaugh On page 6, line 15, at the beginning of the line insert "A." Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin Davis Johnson, R. Smith AMENDMENT NO. 4 DeVillier Jones Stokes Dwight Jordan Talbot On page 6, between line 20 and 21 insert the following: Edmonds Landry, N. Thibaut Emerson Landry, T. White "B. The financial records of each district shall be audited Falconer LeBas Willmott pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 34:513. In addition, each district Foil Leger Zeringue shall submit an annual report to the legislative auditor which includes Franklin Lopinto information on the revenues derived from the service charge Total - 98 authorized by this Section and a detailed accounting of such

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NAYS AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 0 On page 1, line 3, after "program;" insert "to provide for works of art ABSENT for institutions of postsecondary education;" Abramson Harris, J. Simon AMENDMENT NO. 3 Armes Henry Carmody Leopold On page 1, line 6, delete "R.S. 25:900.1(C) is" and insert "R.S. Total - 7 25:900.1(C) and (E) are" The amendments proposed by the Senate were rejected. AMENDMENT NO. 4 Conference committee appointment pending. On page 2, after line 5, insert the following: Conference Committee Reports Received "E. Each work of art acquired, restored, or conserved as provided in this Section shall be selected or determined by the Conference Committee Reports were received for the following assistant secretary of the office of cultural development of the legislative instruments: Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism who shall request the advice of and consult with the contracting agency, the state agency House Bill No. 763 who will occupy or operate the building, the Louisiana State Arts Council, and the project architect. When selecting such works of art, The conference committee reports for the above legislative preference shall be given to works of art of Louisiana artists. When instruments lie over under the rules. selecting works of art for an institution of postsecondary education, preference shall be given to works of art created by students and faculty in art programs offered by that institution or institutions under Notice of Intention to Call the same postsecondary management board. Pursuant to House Rule No. 8.26(A), Rep. Bouie gave notice of Rep. Abrmason's intention to call House Bill No. 772 from the * * *" calendar on Monday, June 6, 2016. Respectfully submitted, Conference Committee Reports for Consideration Representative Bob Hensgens Representative Cameron Henry The following Conference Committee Reports were taken up Representative and acted upon as follows: Senator Dan Claitor Senator Dan "Blade" Morrish HOUSE BILL NO. 216— Senator John A. Alario, Jr. BY REPRESENTATIVES HENSGENS AND NANCY LANDRY AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 25:900.1(C), relative to the Percent for Rep. Hensgens moved to adopt the Conference Committee Art Program; to limit the maximum amount of state money per Report. project to be spent under the program; and to provide for related matters. ROLL CALL Read by title. The roll was called with the following result: CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT YEAS Mr. Speaker Franklin Lyons June 3, 2016 Abraham Gaines Mack Adams Garofalo Magee To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Amedee Gisclair Marcelle Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Anders Glover McFarland Senate. Armes Guinn Miguez Bacala Hall Miller, D. Ladies and Gentlemen: Bagley Harris, L. Miller, G. Bagneris Havard Montoucet We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Berthelot Hazel Moreno between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 216 by Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay Representative Hensgens recommend the following concerning the Bishop Hilferty Morris, Jim Reengrossed bill: Bouie Hill Norton Brown, C. Hodges Pearson 1. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Claitor Brown, T. Hoffmann Pierre (#2610) be rejected. Carmody Hollis Pope Carpenter Horton Price 2. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Carter, G. Howard Pugh adopted: Carter, R. Hunter Pylant Carter, S. Huval Reynolds Chaney Ivey Richard AMENDMENT NO. 1 Connick Jackson Schexnayder Coussan James Schroder On page 1, line 2, delete "R.S. 25:900.1(C)," and insert "R.S. Cox Jefferson Seabaugh 25:900.1(C) and (E)," Cromer Jenkins Shadoin

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Danahay Johnson, M. Smith AMENDMENT NO. 4 Davis Johnson, R. Stokes DeVillier Jones Talbot On page 2, at the end of line 3, after "consumption" change the Dwight Jordan Thibaut comma "," to a period "." and delete the remainder of the line and Edmonds Landry, N. White delete lines 4 and 5 and insert the following: Emerson Landry, T. Willmott Falconer Leger Zeringue "(3) "Vapor product" means any non-combustible product Foil Lopinto containing nicotine or other substances that employs a heating Total - 98 element, power source, electronic circuit, or other electronic, NAYS chemical or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor from nicotine in a solution or other form. Total - 0 "Vapor product" includes any electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, ABSENT electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device and any vapor cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or Abramson Henry Simon other form that is intended to be used with or in an electronic Broadwater LeBas cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or Harris, J. Leopold similar product or device. "Vapor product" does not include any of Total - 7 the following: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. (a) Product that is a drug pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1). HOUSE BILL NO. 218— (b) Device pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 321(h). BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN AN ACT (c) Combination product described in 21 U.S.C. 353(g). To amend and reenact R.S. 17:240(A), (B), and (C)(1) and (2), relative to use of tobacco products on school property; to (4) "Alternative nicotine product" means any non-combustible provide for definitions; to repeal the authorization for product containing nicotine that is intended for human consumption, designated smoking areas on school property; to prohibit the use whether chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other of tobacco products on school property; and to provide for means. "Alternative nicotine product" does not include any of the related matters. following: Read by title. (a) Tobacco product. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT (b) Vapor product. June 3, 2016 (c) Product that is a drug pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 321(g)(1). To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of (d) Device pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 321(h). Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. (e) Combination product described in 21 U.S.C. 353(g)."

Ladies and Gentlemen: AMENDMENT NO. 5

We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement On page 2, line 7, after "any" delete the remainder of the line and between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 218 by insert "tobacco product, vapor product, or alternative nicotine Representative Hoffmann recommend the following concerning the product" Reengrossed bill: AMENDMENT NO. 6 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate On page 2, line 9, after "any" and before "product" change "tobacco" Committee on Education (#2487) be adopted. to "such"

2. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Morrish AMENDMENT NO. 7 (#3172) be rejected. On page 2, delete lines 12 through 19 and at the beginning of line 20, change "(3)" to "(2)" 3. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be adopted: AMENDMENT NO. 8 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 2, line 20, after "of" and before "shall" delete "tobacco or any tobacco product" and insert "any tobacco product, vapor product, On page 1, line 3, after products" and before "on" insert a comma "," or alternative nicotine product" and insert "vapor products, and alternative nicotine products" AMENDMENT NO. 9 AMENDMENT NO. 2 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 6 by the Senate Committee on On page 1, at the end of line 4, change "tobacco" to "such" Education (#2487), on page 1, at the beginning of line 18, change "(4)" to "(3)" AMENDMENT NO. 3 AMENDMENT NO. 10 On page 2, at the end of line 2, delete "or" and at the beginning of line 3, delete "made or derived from" On page 3, at the end of line 1, delete "not" and at the beginning of line 2, delete "to exceed two hundred dollars,"

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AMENDMENT NO. 11 Dwight Leger Thibaut Emerson Leopold White On page 3, line 2, after "or both." insert "Such fine shall not exceed Falconer Lopinto Zeringue twenty-five dollars for a first violation, one hundred dollars for a Total - 81 second violation, and two-hundred fifty dollars for a third and any ABSENT succeeding violation. Monies collected in accordance with this Paragraph shall be used exclusively to defray the cost of enforcement Abramson Harris, J. Pope of the provisions of this Section." Edmonds Henry Glover Hunter Respectfully submitted, Total - 7 Representative Frank A. Hoffmann The House refused to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Representative Nancy Landry Representative J. Rogers Pope HOUSE BILL NO. 773— Senator Jean-Paul J. Morrell BY REPRESENTATIVE MARCELLE Senator Dan "Blade" Morrish AN ACT Senator Troy Carter To enact R.S. 13:1000.7, relative to court costs; to provide for court costs collected in the Nineteenth Judicial District Court and Juvenile Court of East Baton Rouge Parish; to provide for use Point of Order of proceeds; and to provide for related matters. Rep. Montoucet asked for a ruling from the Chair as to whether House Bill No. 218 would require the favorable vote of two-thirds Read by title. of the elected members to finally pass the House. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Ruling of the Chair June 3, 2016 The Chair ruled the bill did require the favorable vote of a To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of majority of the elected members to finally pass the House. Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. Rep. Hoffmann moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. Ladies and Gentlemen: ROLL CALL We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 773 by The roll was called with the following result: Representative Marcelle recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: YEAS 1. That the set of amendments by the Legislative Bureau (#3203) Abraham Hill McFarland be rejected. Carter, R. Hoffmann Moreno Chaney Jackson Price 2. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 by Cox Jenkins Stokes the Senate Committee on Finance (#3065) be rejected. Davis Jones Willmott Gaines Landry, N. 3. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 5 by the Senate Total - 17 Committee on Finance (#3065) be adopted. NAYS 4. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be Mr. Speaker Foil Lyons adopted: Adams Franklin Mack Amedee Garofalo Magee AMENDMENT NO. 1 Anders Gisclair Marcelle Armes Guinn Miguez On page 1, delete line 2 in its entirety and insert "To amend and Bacala Hall Miller, D. reenact R.S. 13:992.1(A) and (C)(4), R.S. 33:447.11, and Section 2 Bagley Harris, L. Miller, G. of Act No. 13 of the 2013 Regular Session of the Legislature, to Bagneris Havard Montoucet enact R.S. 13:1000.7, and to repeal R.S. 13:1000.7 effective on Berthelot Hazel Morris, Jay August 1, 2021, relative to court costs; to provide for court costs Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jim collected in the" Bishop Hilferty Norton Bouie Hodges Pearson AMENDMENT NO. 2 Broadwater Hollis Pierre Brown, C. Horton Pugh On page 1, line 4, after "proceeds;" and before "and" insert the Brown, T. Howard Pylant following: Carmody Huval Reynolds Carpenter Ivey Richard "to provide relative to the Judicial Building Fund; to provide for the Carter, G. James Schexnayder applicability of certain costs and service charges in the Nineteenth Carter, S. Jefferson Schroder Judicial District; to provide for certain court costs in certain mayor's Connick Johnson, M. Seabaugh courts and the use of such costs; to provide for effective dates;" Coussan Johnson, R. Shadoin Cromer Jordan Simon AMENDMENT NO. 3 Danahay Landry, T. Smith DeVillier LeBas Talbot On page 1, between lines 5 and 6, insert the following:

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"Section 1. R.S. 13:992.1(A) and (C)(4) are hereby amended (C) The provisions of Section 5 of this Act shall become and reenacted to read as follows: effective on August 1, 2021." §992.1. Judicial building fund Respectfully submitted, A. The Nineteenth Judicial District Court and the clerk of court Representative C. Denise Marcelle of the Nineteenth Judicial District are hereby authorized to impose Representative the following additional costs of court and service charges provided Representative Robert A. Johnson for in Subsection B of this Section in all cases over which the court Senator Dan Claitor has jurisdiction, until the bonded indebtedness provided for in Senator Ronnie Johns Subsection C of this Section is paid. The costs and charges provided Rep. Marcelle moved to adopt the Conference Committee in Subsection B of this Section shall not apply to cases involving Report. juvenile and family matters or any child welfare proceeding instituted by the Department of Children and Family Services or any district ROLL CALL attorney's office. The costs and charges may be up to and include the maximum amount set forth and shall be imposed on order of the The roll was called with the following result: judges en banc. Such costs and charges shall be paid to the clerk of court when the filing is made. YEAS Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons * * * Abraham Garofalo Mack Adams Gisclair Magee C. Amedee Guinn Marcelle Anders Hall McFarland * * * Armes Harris, L. Miguez Bacala Havard Miller, D. (4) The monies generated pursuant to this Section shall be Bagley Hazel Miller, G. forwarded by the clerk of court and sheriff to the fiscal agent bank Bagneris Hensgens Montoucet chosen by the commission to be held in the courthouse construction Berthelot Hilferty Moreno fund. Any funds currently on deposit to the separate account of the Billiot Hill Morris, Jay judicial expense fund from the costs and charges authorized by this Bishop Hodges Morris, Jim Section shall be transferred at the discretion of the commission to the Bouie Hoffmann Norton courthouse construction fund held by the commission's fiscal agent. Broadwater Hollis Pearson These monies deposited to the courthouse construction fund shall be Brown, C. Horton Pierre dedicated to the design, planning, feasibility, acquisition, Brown, T. Howard Price construction, equipping, operating, and maintaining a new facility to Carmody Hunter Pugh house the Nineteenth Judicial District Court, the Family Court of Carpenter Huval Pylant East Baton Rouge Parish, the Juvenile Court, the offices of the clerk Carter, G. Ivey Reynolds of court for the Nineteenth Judicial District, and such other ancillary Carter, R. Jackson Richard agencies as may be necessary. No monies generated pursuant to this Carter, S. James Schexnayder Section shall be used for payment of any bonded indebtedness Chaney Jefferson Schroder involving site acquisition or construction of a new facility unless Connick Jenkins Seabaugh approved by the Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget and the Coussan Johnson, M. Shadoin State Bond Commission. Cox Johnson, R. Smith Danahay Jones Stokes * * *" Davis Jordan Talbot DeVillier Landry, N. Thibaut AMENDMENT NO. 4 Dwight Landry, T. White Emerson LeBas Willmott On page 1, at the beginning of line 6, change "Section 1." to "Section Falconer Leger Zeringue 2." Foil Leopold Franklin Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 5 Total - 97 NAYS On page 2, delete line 3 in its entirety and insert the following: Total - 0 "Section 5. R.S. 13:1000.7 is hereby repealed in its entirety." ABSENT AMENDMENT NO. 6 Abramson Glover Pope Cromer Harris, J. Simon On page 2, delete lines 4 through 6 in their entirety and insert the Edmonds Henry following: Total - 8 The Conference Committee Report, having received a two- "Section 6.(A) The provisions of this Section and Section 1 of thirds vote of the elected members, was adopted. this Act shall become effective July 1, 2016. If vetoed by the governor and subsequently approved by the legislature, this Section HOUSE BILL NO. 795— and Section 1 of this Act shall become effective on July 1, 2016, or BY REPRESENTATIVE STOKES on the day following such approval by the legislature, whichever is AN ACT later. To amend and reenact R.S. 47:1517(B), relative to the tax exemption budget; to require certain organization of the tax exemptions; to (B) The provisions of Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this Act shall provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. become effective on August 1, 2016. Read by title.

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CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Rep. Stokes moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. June 3, 2016 ROLL CALL To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of The roll was called with the following result: Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. YEAS Ladies and Gentlemen: Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons Abraham Garofalo Mack We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Adams Gisclair Magee between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 795 by Amedee Glover Marcelle Representative Stokes recommend the following concerning the Anders Guinn McFarland Reengrossed bill: Armes Hall Miguez Bacala Harris, L. Miller, D. 1. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Gary Bagley Havard Miller, G. Smith (#3167) be adopted. Bagneris Hazel Montoucet Berthelot Hensgens Moreno 2. That the following amendments be adopted: Billiot Hilferty Morris, Jay AMENDMENT NO. 1 Bishop Hill Morris, Jim Bouie Hodges Norton In Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), Broadwater Hoffmann Pearson on page 1, line 9, change "and/or" to "or" Brown, T. Hollis Pierre Carmody Horton Pope AMENDMENT NO. 2 Carpenter Howard Price Carter, G. Hunter Pugh In Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), Carter, R. Huval Pylant on page 1, line 24, change "and/or" to "or" Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds Chaney Jackson Richard AMENDMENT NO. 3 Connick James Schexnayder Coussan Jefferson Schroder In Senate Floor Amendment No. 5 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), Cox Jenkins Seabaugh on page 1, line 28, after "exemption that" and before "engages"delete Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin "relates to an entity who" and insert "pertains to an entity that" Davis Johnson, R. Simon DeVillier Jones Smith AMENDMENT NO. 4 Dwight Jordan Stokes In Senate Floor Amendment No. 6 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), Edmonds Landry, N. Talbot on page 1, line 34, after "to," and before "provides" insert "or" Emerson Landry, T. Thibaut Falconer LeBas White AMENDMENT NO. 5 Foil Leger Willmott Franklin Lopinto Zeringue In Senate Floor Amendment No. 7 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), Total - 99 on page 2, line 5, after "those" and before "that spur" delete "that are NAYS administered by" Total - 0 AMENDMENT NO. 6 ABSENT In Senate Floor Amendment No. 7 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), on page 2, at the beginning of line 8, after "(i)" and before Abramson Cromer Henry "Economic" delete "Louisiana" Brown, C. Harris, J. Leopold Total - 6 AMENDMENT NO. 7 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. In Senate Floor Amendment No. 10 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), HOUSE BILL NO. 805— on page 2, line 23, change the period "." to a colon ":" BY REPRESENTATIVES BROADWATER AND AMEDEE AN ACT AMENDMENT NO. 8 To amend and reenact R.S. 33:9106 (A)(3) through (5) and 9109 and to enact R.S. 33:9109.2, relative to communications districts; to In Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), provide relative to the levy of an emergency telephone service on page 2, line 40, after "including" and before "as" delete "wages, charge on certain communications systems; to increase the interest etc.," and insert "but not limited to wages and interest" maximum amount authorized to be levied within the district; to AMENDMENT NO. 9 provide relative to the use of service charge proceeds; to provide relative to the district's financial reports; to provide relative to In Senate Floor Amendment No. 13 by Senator Gary Smith (#3167), revenues collected from certain surcharge fees; and to provide on page 3, at the end of line 5, delete "items." and insert "item." for related matters. Respectfully submitted, Read by title. Representative Julie Stokes CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Representative Neil C. Abramson Representative Paula Davis June 3, 2016 Senator Jean-Paul J. Morrell To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Senator Eric LaFleur Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senator Gary L. Smith, Jr. Senate.

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Ladies and Gentlemen: Adams Garofalo Lyons Amedee Gisclair Mack We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Anders Glover Magee between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 805 by Armes Guinn Marcelle Representative Broadwater recommend the following concerning the Bacala Hall McFarland Reengrossed bill: Bagley Harris, L. Miguez 1. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Bagneris Havard Miller, D. Committee on Commerce, Consumer Protection and Berthelot Hazel Miller, G. International Affairs (#2465) be rejected. Billiot Hensgens Montoucet Bishop Hilferty Moreno 2. That the set of Senate Committee Amendments by the Senate Bouie Hill Morris, Jay Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs (#3598) be rejected. Broadwater Hoffmann Norton Brown, C. Hollis Pierre 3. That the set of amendments by the Legislative Bureau (#3735) Brown, T. Horton Pope be rejected. Carmody Howard Price Carpenter Hunter Pugh 4. That the following amendments be adopted: Carter, G. Huval Pylant Carter, R. Ivey Reynolds AMENDMENT NO. 1 Carter, S. Jackson Richard Chaney James Schexnayder On page 3, delete lines 12 through 14 in their entirety, and insert the following: Coussan Jefferson Seabaugh Cox Jenkins Shadoin "districts. It is also the purpose of this Section to provide civil Danahay Johnson, M. Smith immunity for the provision of 911 services by wireless service Davis Johnson, R. Stokes suppliers and all communication districts." DeVillier Jones Thibaut Dwight Jordan White AMENDMENT NO. 2 Edmonds Landry, N. Willmott Emerson Landry, T. Zeringue On page 4, line 4, after "47 C.F.R. 20.3." delete the remainder of the Falconer LeBas line, and delete lines 5 and 6 in their entirety. Foil Leger Total - 94 AMENDMENT NO. 3 NAYS On page 5, line 26, delete "47:301(14)(i)(ii)(bb)" and insert in lieu Connick Schroder thereof "47:301(14)(i)(ii)(bb) 47:301(29)(p)" Pearson Simon Total - 4 AMENDMENT NO. 4 ABSENT On page 5, line 29, delete "47:301(14)(i)(ii)(bb)" and insert in lieu Abramson Henry Talbot thereof "47:301(14)(i)(ii)(bb) 47:301.1" Cromer Hodges Harris, J. Morris, Jim AMENDMENT NO. 5 Total - 7 On page 9, delete lines 2 through 5 in their entirety, and insert the The Conference Committee Report was adopted. following: HOUSE BILL NO. 859— "provisions of R.S. 24:513. In addition, each district shall submit an BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTOUCET annual report to the legislative auditor which includes information on AN ACT the revenues derived from the service charge authorized by this To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2554(B) and 2555(B)(3)(a), relative Section and the use of such revenues. Such report shall include a to the municipal fire and police civil service; to provide relative report on the status of implementation of wireless E911 service." to the employees of the classified service; to provide relative to the appointment and removal of such employees; and to provide Respectfully submitted, for related matters. Representative Chris Broadwater Read by title. Representative Thomas Carmody Representative Bryan Adams CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Senator Jean-Paul J. Morrell Senator Daniel "Danny" Martiny June 3, 2016 Senator To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Rep. Broadwater moved to adopt the Conference Committee Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Report. Senate. ROLL CALL Ladies and Gentlemen: The roll was called with the following result: We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement YEAS between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 859 by Mr. Speaker Franklin Leopold Representative Montoucet recommend the following concerning the Abraham Gaines Lopinto Engrossed bill:

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1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 3 by the Bacala Havard Miller, D. Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239) be Bagley Hazel Miller, G. adopted. Bagneris Henry Montoucet Berthelot Hensgens Moreno 2. That Senate Committee Amendment No. 4 by the Senate Billiot Hilferty Morris, Jay Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239) be rejected. Bishop Hill Morris, Jim Bouie Hodges Norton 3. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 5 by Senator Broadwater Hoffmann Pearson Ward (#3560) be adopted. Brown, T. Hollis Pierre Carmody Horton Pope 4. That Senate Floor Amendment No. 4 by Senator Ward (#3560) Carpenter Howard Price be rejected. Carter, G. Hunter Pugh Carter, R. Huval Pylant 5. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Ward Carter, S. Ivey Reynolds (#3557) be adopted. Chaney Jackson Richard Connick James Schexnayder 6. That the following amendments to the engrossed bill be Coussan Jefferson Schroder adopted: Cox Jenkins Seabaugh Danahay Johnson, M. Shadoin In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 by the Senate Davis Johnson, R. Simon Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239), on page 1, DeVillier Jones Smith line 5, after "33:2494(C)(2)(e)" and before "2555(F)" delete Dwight Jordan Stokes "and (F)," and insert a comma "," and insert "2495(F)," Edmonds Landry, N. Talbot Emerson Landry, T. Thibaut In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 by the Senate Falconer LeBas White Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239), on page 1, Foil Leger Willmott at the end of line 13, insert a comma "," Franklin Leopold Zeringue Gaines Lopinto In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3. by the Senate Total - 101 Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239), on page 1, NAYS at the beginning of line 14, delete "and (F)" and insert "2495(F)," Total - 0 ABSENT In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 by the Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239), on page 2, Abramson Cromer line 27, change "R.S. 33:2554," to "R.S. 33:2494," Brown, C. Harris, J. Total - 4 In Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 by the Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs (#3239), on page 3, The Conference Committee Report, having received a two- line 1, change "33:2496(2)" to "33:2556(2)" thirds vote of the elected members, was adopted. In Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 by Senator Ward (#3560), on SENATE BILL NO. 395— page 1, at the beginning of line 36, change "33:2496(2)" to BY SENATOR WARD "33:2556(2)" AN ACT To enact R.S. 24:202(F) and (G), relative to the Louisiana State Law In Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 by Senator Ward (#3560), on Institute; to provide relative to its powers, duties, and functions; page 2, line 24, change "R.S. 33:2496(2)" to "R.S. 33:2556(2)" to provide relative to the Law Institute Council; to provide certain procedures, requirements, and effects; and to provide for Respectfully submitted, related matters. Representative John A. Berthelot Read by title. Representative Jack Montoucet Representative Bryan Adams CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Senator Yvonne Colomb Senator Rick Ward June 3, 2016 Senator Conrad Appel To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Rep. Montoucet moved to adopt the Conference Committee Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. Report. Ladies and Gentlemen: ROLL CALL We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement The roll was called with the following result: between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 395 by Senator Ward recommend the following concerning the Engrossed bill: YEAS 1. That House Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Mr. Speaker Garofalo Lyons House Committee on House and Governmental Affairs and Abraham Gisclair Mack adopted by the House on May 13, 2016, be rejected. Adams Glover Magee Amedee Guinn Marcelle 2. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Anders Hall McFarland proposed by Representative Abramson and adopted by the Armes Harris, L. Miguez House on May 25, 2016, be rejected.

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3. That the following amendment to the Engrossed bill be adopted: Falconer Leopold Willmott Franklin Lopinto Zeringue Amendment No. 1 Total - 96 NAYS On page 1, delete lines 10 through 16 and insert: Foil Simon "F. (1) All meetings of the Louisiana State Law Institute, Total - 2 including but not limited to council, committee, and subcommittee ABSENT meetings, shall be held at a meeting space located in a public building and open to the public for the purposes of the meeting. The Abramson Garofalo Ivey institute shall select meeting space that is available without charge or Bishop Guinn at a reduced cost. At least a majority of the council meetings, and at Carmody Harris, J. least a majority of the meetings of each committee, subcommittee or Total - 7 other body of the institute, held each year shall be in Baton Rouge. The Conference Committee Report was adopted. (2) Public entities are authorized and encouraged to make meeting space available to the institute without charge or at a reduced Conference Committee Appointment cost. The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of (3) For meetings held in Baton Rouge, preference shall be given the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the to meeting at Louisiana State University unless, after reasonable disagreement to House Bill No. 678: Reps. Carmody, Adams, and inquiry by the institute, another meeting space at a public building Broadwater. elsewhere in Baton Rouge is available at a lower cost." Respectfully submitted, Message from the Senate Senator Rick Ward, III DISAGREEMENT TO SENATE BILL Senator Daniel "Danny" Martiny Senator John Milkovich June 5, 2016 Representative Chris Broadwater Representative Michael E. Danahay To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representative Neil C. Abramson Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Rep. Broadwater moved to adopt the Conference Committee refused to concur in the proposed House Amendments to Senate Bill Report. No. 407 by Sen. Milkovich, and ask the Speaker to appoint a committee to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the ROLL CALL disagreement. The roll was called with the following result: Respectfully submitted, YEAS GLENN A. KOEPP Mr. Speaker Gaines Lyons Secretary of the Senate Abraham Gisclair Mack Adams Glover Magee Message from the Senate Amedee Hall Marcelle Anders Harris, L. McFarland APPOINTMENT OF Armes Havard Miguez CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Bacala Hazel Miller, D. Bagley Henry Miller, G. June 5, 2016 Bagneris Hensgens Montoucet Berthelot Hilferty Moreno To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Billiot Hill Morris, Jay Representatives: Bouie Hodges Morris, Jim Broadwater Hoffmann Norton I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Brown, C. Hollis Pearson of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Brown, T. Horton Pierre like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to Carpenter Howard Pope Senate Bill No. 136: Senators Ward, Peterson, and LaFleur. Carter, G. Hunter Price Carter, R. Huval Pugh Respectfully submitted, Carter, S. Jackson Pylant Chaney James Reynolds GLENN A. KOEPP Connick Jefferson Richard Secretary of the Senate Coussan Jenkins Schexnayder Cox Johnson, M. Schroder Message from the Senate Cromer Johnson, R. Seabaugh Danahay Jones Shadoin APPOINTMENT OF Davis Jordan Smith CONFERENCE COMMITTEE DeVillier Landry, N. Stokes June 5, 2016 Dwight Landry, T. Talbot Edmonds LeBas Thibaut To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Emerson Leger White Representatives:

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I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President 2. That Legislative Bureau Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a the House Legislative Bureau and adopted by the House on May like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to 12, 2016, be adopted. House Concurrent Resolution No. 113: Senators Mills, Barrow, and Claitor. 3. That House Floor Amendments Nos. 1 and 2 proposed by Representative Mack and adopted by the House on May 18, Respectfully submitted, 2016, be adopted. GLENN A. KOEPP 4. That House Floor Amendment No. 1 proposed by Secretary of the Senate Representative Mack and adopted by the House on May 18, 2016, be rejected. Conference Committee Reports Received 5. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be adopted: Conference Committee Reports were received for the following legislative instruments: AMENDMENT NO. 1 House Bill Nos. 92 and 1080 On page 43, line 20, delete "certified mail" and insert "by certified mail return receipt requested" The conference committee reports for the above legislative instruments lie over under the rules. Respectfully submitted,

SENATE BILL NO. 123— Senator Dan Claitor BY SENATOR CLAITOR Senator Mack "Bodi" White, Jr. AN ACT Representative Sherman Mack To amend and reenact Title VIII of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Representative Ray Garofalo to be comprised of Articles 311 through 342, R.S. 15:85, and Representative Valarie Hodges the introductory paragraph of R.S. 22:1441(A) and (A)(1) through (5), (C)(1), the introductory paragraph of (C)(2) and Rep. Mack moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. (C)(2)(a) through (e), and (D), to enact R.S. 22:1441(C)(3) through (5), and to repeal Code of Criminal Procedure Articles ROLL CALL 327.1, 330.1, 330.2, 330.3, 334.1, 334.2, 334.3, 334.4, 334.5, 334.6, 335.1, 335.2, 336.1, 336.2, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, The roll was called with the following result: 349, 349.1, 349.2, 349.3, 349.4, 349.5, 349.6, 349.7, 349.8, and 349.9, relative to bail; to provide for the revision and YEAS reorganization of bail law; to provide for definitions; to provide for the right to bail; to provide for bail hearings and detention Mr. Speaker Franklin Lopinto without bail; to provide for the authority to fix bail; to provide Abraham Gaines Mack schedules of bail and factors in fixing bail; to provide for Adams Garofalo Magee modification of bail; to provide for conditions, types, and Amedee Glover Marcelle restrictions of bail; to provide for bail with and without surety; Armes Guinn McFarland to provide for cash deposits; to provide the requirements of the Bacala Hall Miguez bail undertaking; to provide for notice of required appearance; Bagley Harris, L. Miller, D. to provide for discharge of the bail obligation; to provide Bagneris Hazel Miller, G. relative to a defendant's failure to appear and issuance and Berthelot Henry Moreno notice of arrest warrant; to provide for the filing of a rule to Billiot Hensgens Morris, Jay show cause; to provide for nonforfeiture situations; to provide Bouie Hilferty Morris, Jim for notice and recordation of judgment; to provide for appeals; Broadwater Hill Norton to provide for enforcement of judgment; to provide relative to Brown, C. Hodges Pierre failure to satisfy a judgment of bond forfeiture or claim under a Brown, T. Hoffmann Pope criminal bond contract; and to provide for related matters. Carpenter Hollis Price Read by title. Carter, G. Horton Pugh Carter, R. Howard Pylant CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Carter, S. Hunter Reynolds Chaney Huval Schexnayder June 3, 2016 Connick Jackson Seabaugh Coussan James Shadoin To the Honorable President and Members of the Senate and to the Cox Jefferson Simon Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives. Danahay Jenkins Smith Davis Johnson, M. Stokes Ladies and Gentlemen: DeVillier Johnson, R. Talbot Dwight Jones Thibaut We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Edmonds Jordan White between the two houses concerning Senate Bill No. 123 by Senator Emerson Landry, N. Willmott Claitor recommend the following concerning the Reengrossed bill: Falconer Landry, T. Zeringue Foil Leger 1. That House Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 15 Total - 89 proposed by the House Committee on Administration of NAYS Criminal Justice and adopted by the House on May 12, 2016, be adopted. Total - 0

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ABSENT Message from the Senate Abramson Harris, J. Montoucet APPOINTMENT OF Anders Havard Pearson CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Bishop Ivey Richard Carmody LeBas Schroder June 5, 2016 Cromer Leopold Gisclair Lyons To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Total - 16 Representatives: The Conference Committee Report was adopted. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a Recess like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to On motion of Rep. Leger, the Speaker declared the House at Senate Bill No. 407: Senators Milkovich, Peterson, and LaFleur. recess until 5:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, After Recess GLENN A. KOEPP Speaker Barras called the House to order at 5:43 P.M. Secretary of the Senate House Business Resumed Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF Conference Committee Appointment CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of June 5, 2016 the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 15: Reps. To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Danahay, Gregory Miller, and Lance Harris. Representatives: Conference Committee Appointment I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement The Speaker appointed the following conferees on the part of to House Bill No. 92. the House to confer with a like committee from the Senate on the disagreement to Senate Bill No. 407: Reps. Richard, Henry, and Respectfully submitted, Gary Carter. GLENN A. KOEPP Message from the Senate Secretary of the Senate APPOINTMENT OF Message from the Senate CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ADOPTION OF June 5, 2016 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of June 5, 2016 Representatives: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President Representatives: of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has House Bill No. 1: Senators LaFleur, Tarver, and Alario. adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 216. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate APPOINTMENT OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2016 June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the President of the Senate has appointed the following committee to serve with a I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has like committee from the House to confer on the disagreement to adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement House Bill No. 678: Senators Luneau, Morrell, and Martiny. to House Bill No. 218. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, GLENN A. KOEPP GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate

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Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2016 June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 763. to House Bill No. 859. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, GLENN A. KOEPP GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Message from the Senate ADOPTION OF ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT June 5, 2016 June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 773. to House Bill No. 1080. Respectfully submitted, Respectfully submitted, GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Message from the Senate Conference Committee Reports Received ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Conference Committee Reports were received for the following legislative instruments: June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of House Concurrent Resolution No. 113 Representatives: House Bill Nos. 1, 481, 678, 815, 880, 935, 1001, and 1118 I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Senate Bill No. 57 to House Bill No. 795. The conference committee reports for the above legislative Respectfully submitted, instruments lie over under the rules. GLENN A. KOEPP Suspension of the Rules Secretary of the Senate On motion of Rep. Abraham, the rules were suspended in order to take up and consider Petitions, Memorials, and Communications Message from the Senate at this time. ADOPTION OF CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Petitions, Memorials, and Communications June 5, 2016 The following petitions, memorials, and communications were To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of received and read: Representatives: I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Message from the Senate adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement ASKING CONCURRENCE IN to House Bill No. 805. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Respectfully submitted, June 5, 2016 GLENN A. KOEPP To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Secretary of the Senate Representatives:

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I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has HOUSE BILL NO. 1— adopted and asks your concurrence in the following Senate BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY Concurrent Resolutions: AN ACT Making annual appropriations for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for the Senate Concurrent Resolution Nos. 144, 145, and 146 ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government, pensions, public schools, public roads, public charities, and state Respectfully submitted, institutions and providing with respect to the expenditure of said appropriations. GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate Read by title. Senate Concurrent Resolutions CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT Lying Over June 5, 2016 The following Senate Concurrent Resolutions contained in the To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of message were taken up and acted upon as follows: Representatives and the Honorable President and Members of the Senate. SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 144— BY SENATOR JOHN SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Ladies and Gentlemen: To commend the Fort Polk Heritage Families and the Heritage We, the conferees appointed to confer over the disagreement Family Association on the occasion of the tenth anniversary between the two houses concerning House Bill No. 1 by celebration of the Heritage Family Day Reunion. Representative Henry recommend the following concerning the Read by title. Reengrossed bill: 1. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 1 through 3, 6 On motion of Rep. Armes, and under a suspension of the rules, through 15, 17 through 19, 26 through 42, 45 through 142, 144 the resolution was concurred in. through 152, 154 through 283, 285 through 294, and 296 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 145— through 309 by the Senate Committee on Finance (#3780) be BY SENATOR PEACOCK adopted. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To commend Cynthia J. "Cindy" Johnston for her lengthy career of 2. That Senate Committee Amendments Nos. 4, 5, 16, 20 through exemplary public service to the parish of Bossier as the clerk of 25, 43, 44, 143, 153, 284, and 295 by the Senate Committee on court and to congratulate her upon a well-deserved retirement. Finance (#3780) be rejected. Read by title. 3. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 3 through 9 and 11 through 17 by Senator LaFleur (#3926) be adopted. On motion of Rep. Mike Johnson, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was concurred in. 4. That Senate Floor Amendments Nos. 1, 2, and 10 by Senator SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 146— LaFleur (#3926) be rejected. BY SENATORS MORRISH, JOHNS, LAFLEUR AND JOHN SMITH AND REPRESENTATIVES ABRAHAM, ARMES, DANAHAY, DWIGHT, 5. That the set of Senate Floor Amendments by Senator Fannin FRANKLIN, GUINN, HENSGENS AND HILL (#3939) be rejected. A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION To express the sincere and heartfelt condolences of the Legislature of Louisiana upon the passing of Dr. Robert Hebert, former 6. That the following amendments be adopted: president of McNeese State University and to commend his life and his legacy of contributions made on behalf of postsecondary AMENDMENT NO. 1 education. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26 by the Senate Committee Read by title. on Finance (#3780), on page 3, line 36, change "$20,954,276" to "$21,954,276" On motion of Rep. Abraham, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was concurred in. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Conference Committee Reports for Consideration In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26 by the Senate Committee The following Conference Committee Reports were taken up on Finance (#3780), on page 4, line 4, change "$16,937,726" to and acted upon as follows: "$17,937,726" Suspension of the Rules AMENDMENT NO. 3 Rep. Henry moved to suspend the rules to take up and consider In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26 by the Senate Committee the Conference Committee Report to House Bill No. 1 on the same on Finance (#3780), on page 4, line 20, change "$63,836,339" to day it is received, which motion was agreed to. "$65,836,339"

Suspension of the Rules AMENDMENT NO. 4 On motion of Rep. Henry, the rules were suspended in order to In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26 by the Senate Committee consider the following conference committee report which contains on Finance (#3780), on page 4, line 33, change "$3,189,391" to subject matter not confined to the disagreement between the two "$5,189,391" houses.

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AMENDMENT NO. 5 "Convention &Visitors Bureau, twenty-one percent (21%) to the Acadiana Fairgrounds Commission, sixteen percent (16%) to the In Senate Committee Amendment No. 26 by the Senate Committee Iberia Economic Development Authority, four percent (4%) to the on Finance (#3780), on page 4, line 50, change "$60,287,781" to Iberia Parish Government for the Iberia Sports Complex "$62,287,781" Commission, three percent (3%) to the city of New Iberia for the Bunk Johnson/New Iberia Jazz Arts & Heritage Festival, Inc., four AMENDMENT NO. 6 percent (4%) to the Iberia Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau for the Louisiana Sugar Cane Festival, four percent (4%) to the Iberia In Senate Committee Amendment No. 55 by the Senate Committee Parish Convention & Visitors Bureau for the Greater Iberia Chamber on Finance (#3780), on page 7, at the end of line 29 change of Commerce, and three percent (3%) to the Iberia Parish Convention "$5,000,000" to "$4,000,000" & Visitors Bureau for the Delcambre Shrimp Festival." AMENDMENT NO. 7 7. That the following amendments to the Reengrossed bill be adopted: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 168 by the Senate Committee on Finance (#3780), on page 17, delete line 4 through 6 and insert AMENDMENT NO. 15 the following: On page 64, after line 49, insert the following: "prevails in the suit, appeal, or petition associated with the legislative instrument which originated as House Concurrent Resolution No. 8 "Provided, however, that $32,040,000 appropriated to Schedule 09, of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature and transfers the Department of Health and Hospitals from State General Fund by Fees amount paid in protest and held in escrow in accordance with R.S. and Self-Generated Revenues shall be available in the event that 47:1576 to the State General Fund, and in the event the monies are additional monies in such amount are recognized by the Revenue recognized by the Revenue Estimating Conference, to be utilized to Estimating Conference." fund the thirteenth managed care payment."" AMENDMENT NO. 16 AMENDMENT NO. 8 On page 127, line 24, change "$7,917,607" to "$2,170,930" In Senate Committee Amendment No. 177 by the Senate Committee on Finance (#3780), on page 18, delete line 22 and insert: AMENDMENT NO. 17 "On page 82, delete lines 31 and 32, and insert the following:" On page 136, between lines 21 and 22, insert the following: AMENDMENT NO. 9 "Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Grant Pa- In Senate Committee Amendment No. 283 by the Senate Committee rish Economic Development Fund to the on Finance (#3780), on page 29, delete line 24 in its entirety and Grant Parish Police Jury for promoting tour- insert the following: ism in Grant Parish $ 5,000" "On page 115, delete lines 32 through 40, and insert the following:" Respectfully submitted, AMENDMENT NO. 10 Representative Cameron Henry Representative Patricia Haynes Smith In Senate Committee Amendment No. 285 by the Senate Committee Representative Taylor F. Barras on Finance (#3780), on page 29, line 31, after "5" delete the comma Senator Eric LaFleur "," and delete the remainder of the line and delete lines 32 through 34 Senator John A. Alario, Jr. in their entirety Senator Gregory Tarver AMENDMENT NO. 11 Rep. Henry moved to adopt the Conference Committee Report. In Senate Committee Amendment No. 296 by the Senate Committee ROLL CALL on Finance (#3780), on page 31, line 11, change "$10,488,091" to "$12,659,021" The roll was called with the following result: AMENDMENT NO. 12 YEAS In Senate Committee Amendment No. 297 by the Senate Committee Mr. Speaker Franklin Jordan on Finance (#3780), on page 31, line 13, change "$7,576,248" to Abraham Gaines Landry, T. "$9,747,178" Adams Guinn LeBas Anders Hall Lopinto AMENDMENT NO. 13 Armes Harris, J. Lyons Bagley Harris, L. Magee In Senate Committee Amendment No. 298 by the Senate Committee Billiot Hazel Marcelle on Finance (#3780), on page 31, line 15, change "$7,576,248" to Bouie Henry McFarland "$9,747,178" Brown, C. Hilferty Miller, D. Brown, T. Hill Montoucet AMENDMENT NO. 14 Carmody Hoffmann Norton Carpenter Hollis Pierre In Senate Committee Amendment No. 302 by the Senate Committee Carter, G. Howard Price on Finance (#3780), on page 33, delete lines 6 through 10 in their Carter, R. Hunter Reynolds entirety and insert the following: Chaney Huval Schroder Connick Jackson Shadoin

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Cox James Smith HOUSE BILL NO. 1047— Danahay Jefferson Talbot BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY Davis Jenkins Thibaut AN ACT Dwight Johnson, R. White To appropriate funds and to make certain reductions in Foil Jones Zeringue appropriations from certain sources to be allocated to designated Total - 63 agencies and purposes in specific amounts for the making of NAYS supplemental appropriations for Fiscal Year 2015-2016; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. Amedee Glover Moreno Bacala Havard Morris, Jay Called from the calendar. Bagneris Hensgens Morris, Jim Berthelot Hodges Pope Read by title. Broadwater Horton Pugh Carter, S. Ivey Pylant The above bill was taken up with the amendments proposed by Cromer Johnson, M. Richard the Senate. DeVillier Landry, N. Schexnayder Edmonds Leger Seabaugh SENATE COMMITTEE AMENDMENTS Emerson Leopold Simon Falconer Mack Stokes Amendments proposed by Senate Committee on Finance to Garofalo Miguez Willmott Reengrossed House Bill No. 1047 by Representative Henry Gisclair Miller, G. Total - 38 AMENDMENT NO. 1 ABSENT On page 1, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: Abramson Coussan Bishop Pearson "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Total - 4 to the Administrative Program for the severe weather and flooding mission in March $ 329,394 The Conference Committee Report was adopted. Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Message from the Senate to the Administrative Program for pumps and sandbags for Rapides Parish related to a severe RECOMMITTAL OF weather event in March 2016 $ 260,051 CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT 01-112 DEPARTMENT OF MILITARY AFFAIRS June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Representatives: to the Military Affairs Program $ 652,122" I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has AMENDMENT NO. 2 recommitted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement to House Bill No. 1118. On page 2, between lines 34 and 35, insert the following: Respectfully submitted, "04-139 SECRETARY OF STATE

GLENN A. KOEPP Provided, however, that the commissioner of administration is Secretary of the Senate authorized and directed to adjust the means of finance for the Elections Program as contained in Act No. 16 of the 2015 Regular Motion Session of the Legislature by reducing the appropriation out of the State General Fund (Direct) by ($717,330)." Rep. Hunter moved to recommitt House Bill No. 1118 to the Committee on Conference, which motion was agreed to. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Suspension of the Rules On page 3, after line 36, insert the following:

On motion of Rep. Henry, the rules were suspended in order to "06-262 OFFICE OF THE STATE LIBRARY OF LOUISIANA take up and consider House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments at this time. Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Library Services Program $ 237,173 House Bills and Joint Resolutions Returned from the Senate with Amendments 06-263 OFFICE OF STATE MUSEUM The following House Bills and Joint Resolutions returned from Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) the Senate with amendments to be concurred in by the House were to the Museum Program $ 64,361 taken up and acted upon as follows: Suspension of the Rules 06-265 OFFICE OF CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Rep. Henry moved to suspend the rules to call House Bill No. Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) 1047 from the calendar, which motion was agreed to. to the Administrative Program $ 8,718"

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AMENDMENT NO. 4 19-600 LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On page 4, at the end of line 10, delete "($5,175,922)" and insert "($6,719,915)" Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to AMENDMENT NO. 5 Louisiana State University - Alexandria $ 1,300,000 On page 4, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following: 19-615 SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Office of the Secretary Program $ 200,000 Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) the Southern University Board of Supervisors $ 4,706,361 to the Office of Management and Finance Pro- gram $ 1,281,993 Provided, however, that the amount appropriated above in Fees and Self-generated Revenues shall be allocated as follows: Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Board of Pardons and Parole Program $ 62,000" Southern University - Agricultural & Mechanical College $ 2,445,316 AMENDMENT NO. 6 Southern University - Law Center $ 545,397 Southern University - New Orleans $ 614,857 On page 6, after line 39, insert the following: Southern University - Shreveport, Louisiana $ 1,100,791 "Payable out of Federal Funds for system 19-620 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA BOARD OF modernization $ 32,931,786 SUPERVISORS Payable out of Federal Funds for the Payable out of the State General Fund Coordinated System of Care $ 23,686,320" by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to Louisiana Tech University $ 10,100,000 AMENDMENT NO. 7 Payable out of the State General Fund On page 7, delete line 7 and insert "Prevention and Intervention by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to Services" McNeese State University $ 2,800,000 AMENDMENT NO. 8 Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to On page 7, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: University of Louisiana at Monroe $ 4,100,000 "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Payable out of the State General Fund to the Administrative and Executive Support Pro- by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to gram for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition As- University of Louisiana at Lafayette $ 6,000,000 sistance Program (DSNAP) services $ 3,343,515" 19-649 LOUISIANA COMMUNITY AND TECHNICAL AMENDMENT NO. 9 COLLEGES BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On page 7, delete lines 22 through 28, and insert the following: Payable out of the State General Fund by Fees and Self-generated Revenues to "Provided, however, that the commissioner of administration is SOWELA Technical Community College $ 943,944" authorized and directed to adjust the means of finance for the Tax Collections Program as contained in Act No. 16 of the 2015 Regular AMENDMENT NO. 12 Session of the Legislature by reducing the appropriation out of the State General Fund (Direct) by ($5,284,338)." On page 9, at the end of line 10, change "$7,402,067" to "$2,365,620" AMENDMENT NO. 10 AMENDMENT NO. 13 On page 8, between lines 35 and 36, insert the following: On page 9, delete lines 11 through 15, and insert the following: "Payable out of the State General Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Conservation "Provided, however, that the commissioner of administration is Fund to the Administrative Program $ 55,000 authorized and directed to adjust the means of finance for this agency as contained in Act No. 16 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Payable out of the State General Fund by Legislature by reducing the appropriation out of the State General Statutory Dedications out of the Conservation Fund by Statutory Dedications out of the Support Education in Fund to the Administrative Program for the Louisiana First Fund by ($2,365,620)." Louisiana Charter Boat Association contract $ 54,755" AMENDMENT NO. 14 AMENDMENT NO. 11 On page 9, after line 39, insert the following: On page 8, after line 41, insert the following: "20-966 SUPPLEMENTAL PAYMENTS TO LAW "HIGHER EDUCATION ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL

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Provided, however, that the commissioner of administration is $4,194.45 shall be deemed a bona fide obligation through June 30, authorized and directed to adjust the means of finance for Municipal 2017, and all provisions of the cooperative endeavor agreement Police Supplemental Payments as contained in Act No. 16 of the executed between the Jeanerette Museum and the Department of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature by reducing the Treasury, including but not limited to the reporting requirements, appropriation out of the State General Fund (Direct) by ($575,000). shall be performed as agreed. Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Section 3.C. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the for Firefighters' Supplemental Payments $ 575,000 contrary, any appropriation contained in Other Requirements Schedule 20-901 Sales Tax Dedications or Other Requirements Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Schedule 20-945 State Aid to Local Governmental Entities, in Act 16 for Deputy Sheriffs' Supplemental Payments $ 400,000" of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature and Act 56 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature which appropriation has a AMENDMENT NO. 15 valid cooperative endeavor agreement on June 30, 2016, shall be deemed a bona fide obligation through December 31, 2016 and all On page 10, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following: other provisions of the cooperative endeavor agreements, including "21-807 LOUISIANA FEDERAL PROPERTY ASSISTANCE but not limited to the reporting requirements, shall be performed as AGENCY agreed." Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) AMENDMENT NO. 18 to the Federal Property Assistance Program $ 51,402 On page 11, line 2, delete "Section 3." and insert "Section 4." 21-816 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE LAW SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House to the Administration Program $ 2,344" Bill No. 1047 by Representative Henry AMENDMENT NO. 16 AMENDMENT NO. 1 On page 10, between lines 15 and 16, insert the following: In Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 proposed by the Senate "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) Committee on Finance and adopted by the Senate on May 31, to the Flight Maintenance Program $ 7,830" 2016, on page 1, delete lines 10 through 12. AMENDMENT NO. 17 AMENDMENT NO. 2 On page 11, between lines 1 and 2, insert the following: On page 1, between lines 10 and 11, insert the following: "Section 2.D. Notwithstanding any provisions of law to the "01-100 EXECUTIVE OFFICE contrary, including the provisions of the Capital Outlay Act, the Payable out of the State General Fund by following appropriation is hereby made out of the interest earnings Interagency Transfers to the Administrative from the investment of general obligation bond or note proceeds in Program for operating expenses to cover the Comprehensive Capital Outlay Escrow Account: a projected shortfall $ 200,000" EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT AMENDMENT NO. 3 01/107 DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATION On page 7, between lines 19 and 20, insert the following: (1652) Exterior Waterproofing at the State Ca- "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) pitol Building, Planning and Construction to the Community and Family Services Program (East Baton Rouge) for outstanding legal fees and obligations $ 652,122" Payable from Interest Earnings $ 5,000,000 AMENDMENT NO. 4 Provided, however, that the scope of this appropriation is deemed to include repairs to the State Capitol Building exterior and the On page 9, between lines 8 and 9, insert the following: appropriated funds from Interest Earnings are to be used exclusively for those repairs. "Payable out of the State General Fund (Direct) to the Minimum Foundation Program to in- Section 3.A. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the crease funding for city, parish, special schools, contrary, any appropriations contained in Schedule 20-901 Sales Tax lab schools and charter schools, and the Reco- Dedications – Local Entities in Act 15 of the 2014 Regular Session very School District, which shall be allocated of the Legislature payable to the Bayou Teche Museum in the in the same manner as provided in the Fiscal amount of $10,000 shall be hereby reappropriated to the Bayou Year 2014-2015 MFP Formula, for a certifi- Teche Museum and shall be deemed a bona fide obligation through cated classroom teacher pay raise, related em- June 30, 2017, and all provisions of the cooperative endeavor ployer retirement contributions and other ex- agreement executed between the Bayou Teche Museum and the penditures in order to sustain the certificated Department of Treasury, including but not limited to the reporting classroom teacher pay raise provided for by requirements, shall be performed as agreed. appropriation in Fiscal Year 2013-2014 $ 7,028,196" Section 3.B. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, any appropriation contained in Schedule 20-901 Sales Tax Dedications SENATE FLOOR AMENDMENTS - Local Entities in Act No. 15 of the 2014 Regular Session of the Amendments proposed by Senator LaFleur to Reengrossed House Legislature payable to the Jeanerette Museum in the amount of Bill No. 1047 by Representative Henry

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AMENDMENT NO. 1 ABSENT On page 10, line 18, delete "to read" Abramson Coussan Bishop Harris, J. AMENDMENT NO. 2 Total - 4 On page 10, line 22, delete "to read" The amendments proposed by the Senate were concurred in by the House. AMENDMENT NO. 3 Suspension of the Rules On page 10, line 37, delete "to read" On motion of Rep. Leger, the rules were suspended in order to Rep. Henry moved that the amendments proposed by the Senate take up and consider Petitions, Memorials, and Communications at be concurred in. this time. Point of Order Petitions, Memorials, and Rep. Jackson asked if the amendments appropriate one-time Communications money for ordinary recurring expenses. The following petitions, memorials, and communications were Ruling of the Chair received and read: The Chair ruled the amendments did not appropriate one-time Message from the Senate money for ordinary recurring expenses. ADOPTION OF ROLL CALL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE REPORT The roll was called with the following result: June 5, 2016 To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of YEAS Representatives: Mr. Speaker Gaines Landry, T. I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Abraham Gisclair LeBas adopted the report of the Conference Committee on the disagreement Adams Glover Leger to House Bill No. 1. Anders Guinn Leopold Armes Hall Lopinto Respectfully submitted, Bacala Harris, L. Lyons Bagley Havard Mack GLENN A. KOEPP Bagneris Hazel Magee Secretary of the Senate Billiot Henry Marcelle Bouie Hilferty McFarland Message from the Senate Broadwater Hill Miller, D. Brown, C. Hodges Montoucet HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS Brown, T. Hoffmann Moreno Carpenter Hollis Norton June 5, 2016 Carter, G. Howard Pierre Carter, R. Hunter Pope To the Honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Carter, S. Huval Price Representatives: Chaney Ivey Reynolds Connick Jackson Smith I am directed to inform your honorable body that the Senate has Cox James Stokes concurred in the following House Concurrent Resolutions: Danahay Jefferson Thibaut Davis Jenkins White House Concurrent Resolution No. 132 Dwight Johnson, R. Willmott Returned without amendments Foil Jones Zeringue Franklin Jordan House Concurrent Resolution No. 134 Total - 74 Returned with amendments NAYS House Concurrent Resolution No. 135 Returned without amendments Amedee Hensgens Pugh Berthelot Horton Pylant House Concurrent Resolution No. 136 Carmody Johnson, M. Richard Returned without amendments Cromer Landry, N. Schexnayder DeVillier Miguez Schroder House Concurrent Resolution No. 141 Edmonds Miller, G. Seabaugh Returned without amendments Emerson Morris, Jay Shadoin Falconer Morris, Jim Simon Respectfully submitted, Garofalo Pearson Talbot Total - 27 GLENN A. KOEPP Secretary of the Senate

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Introduction of Resolutions, On motion of Rep. Bouie, and under a suspension of the rules, House and House Concurrent the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. The following members introduced the following entitled House HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 238— BY REPRESENTATIVE BOUIE and House Concurrent Resolutions, which were read the first time by A RESOLUTION their titles and placed upon the calendar for their second reading: To express the condolences of the House of Representatives upon the HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 232— death of former heavyweight boxing champion, Muhammad BY REPRESENTATIVE COX Ali. A RESOLUTION To commend Tee Don Landry upon his induction into the 2016 Read by title. Louisiana Folklife Center Hall of Master Folk Artists. On motion of Rep. Bouie, and under a suspension of the rules, Read by title. the resolution was adopted. On motion of Rep. Cox, and under a suspension of the rules, the HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 239— resolution was adopted. BY REPRESENTATIVE MIKE JOHNSON A RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 233— To commend the Phi Kappa Psi Louisiana Alpha Chapter upon the BY REPRESENTATIVE COX A RESOLUTION celebration of its fiftieth anniversary at Louisiana State To commend Sarah Jayde Williams upon her induction into the 2016 University. Louisiana Folklife Center Hall of Master Folk Artists. Read by title. Read by title. On motion of Rep. Mike Johnson, and under a suspension of the On motion of Rep. Cox, and under a suspension of the rules, the rules, the resolution was adopted. resolution was adopted. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 240— BY REPRESENTATIVE WILLMOTT HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 234— A RESOLUTION BY REPRESENTATIVE COX To direct the division of administration to review the historical A RESOLUTION purchasing of state agencies in the last two months of the fiscal To commend the Woodlawn Lion Dance Team upon its induction year as compared to the first 10 months and report its findings into the 2016 Louisiana Folklife Center Hall of Master Folk and any recommendations for more efficient purchasing Artists. practices to the House of Representatives no later than 30 days prior to the convening of the 2017 Regular Session of the Read by title. Legislature. On motion of Rep. Cox, and under a suspension of the rules, the resolution was adopted. Read by title. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 235— On motion of Rep. Willmott, and under a suspension of the BY REPRESENTATIVE COX rules, the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. A RESOLUTION To commend Blake Castille upon his induction into the 2016 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 241— Louisiana Folklife Center Hall of Master Folk Artists. BY REPRESENTATIVE SMITH A RESOLUTION Read by title. To commend Dr. Susanne Jensen upon receiving the 2016 Distinguished Psychologist Award from the Louisiana On motion of Rep. Cox, and under a suspension of the rules, the Psychological Association. resolution was adopted. Read by title. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 236— BY REPRESENTATIVE JAMES A RESOLUTION On motion of Rep. Smith, and under a suspension of the rules, To urge and request state agencies not to contract with any contractor the resolution was adopted. that does not certify that it is not engaged and will not engage in the boycott of a person or business. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 242— BY REPRESENTATIVE JAMES A RESOLUTION Read by title. To urge and request the Department of Transportation and Development to study the feasibility of a parish governing On motion of Rep. James, and under a suspension of the rules, authority levying and collecting a sales tax on the retail sale of the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading. gasoline and to report the findings to the House Committee on HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 237— Ways and Means, the House Committee on Transportation, BY REPRESENTATIVE BOUIE Highways and Public Works, and to the member of the House A RESOLUTION of Representatives representing House District Number 101 on To recognize that the power to establish and implement admissions or before February 1, 2017. criteria for students entering public postsecondary education institutions is reserved to the public postsecondary education Read by title. management boards for the institutions under the supervision and management of each. On motion of Rep. James, and under a suspension of the rules, Read by title. the resolution was ordered passed to its third reading.

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HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 154— claim is pending his priority position within the credit caps BY REPRESENTATIVE JACKSON established for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 and Fiscal Year 2017- A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION 2018. To urge and request the Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs to study strategies and best practices for suicide prevention among HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 219— service members and veterans; to create and maintain a database BY REPRESENTATIVE HODGES of suicide-related incidents among service members and A RESOLUTION veterans in Louisiana; and to provide a written report of its To memorialize the United States Congress to take such actions as recommendation and findings no later than sixty days prior to are necessary to reimburse the state of Louisiana for state- the 2017 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature. expended dollars used to comply with federal mandates related to illegal immigration including but not limited to education, Read by title. medical care, welfare, and law enforcement services. On motion of Rep. Jackson, and under a suspension of the rules, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 222— BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN the resolution was adopted. A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Department of Health and Hospitals to Ordered to the Senate. evaluate and report on the economic impact of prospective employee criminal background check costs on licensed Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment healthcare agencies. June 5, 2016 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 225— BY REPRESENTATIVE GLOVER To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of A RESOLUTION Representatives: To commend Kevin Lawrence Mills, II, for his courage, determination, and perfect school attendance. I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the following report: HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 226— BY REPRESENTATIVE GARY CARTER The following House Resolutions have been properly enrolled: A RESOLUTION To designate the month of September 2016 as Pain Awareness HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 170— Month in Louisiana. BY REPRESENTATIVE IVEY A RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 229— To urge and request law enforcement and governmental agencies in BY REPRESENTATIVE JEFFERSON Louisiana to avoid and suspend all formal contacts and formal A RESOLUTION outreach activities with the Council on American Islamic To commend Ralph Garr for his legendary baseball career with the Relations (CAIR). Atlanta Braves and upon his selection as the guest of honor at the Grambling State University National Alumni Association HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 178— Scholarship Gala. BY REPRESENTATIVE HUNTER A RESOLUTION HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 231— To urge and request the Department of Transportation and BY REPRESENTATIVES BARRAS, ADAMS, AMEDEE, BACALA, Development to evaluate and report on the feasibility of tolling BAGLEY, BERTHELOT, BISHOP, BROADWATER, CARMODY, STEVE CARTER, CONNICK, COUSSAN, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, EDMONDS, highways and bridges in Louisiana, including but not limited to EMERSON, FALCONER, FOIL, GAROFALO, GUINN, LANCE HARRIS, information regarding certain past tolling operations in HAVARD, HAZEL, HENRY, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HOFFMANN, Louisiana, and implementing local option motor fuel taxes. HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUNTER, HUVAL, MIKE JOHNSON, MACK, MIGUEZ, GREGORY MILLER, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, PEARSON, POPE, PUGH, PYLANT, RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 184— SCHRODER, SEABAUGH, STOKES, TALBOT, AND WILLMOTT BY REPRESENTATIVE LANCE HARRIS A RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION To urge and request the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission to To direct the treasurer to allocate money deposited into the state analyze compliance with certain requirements for operation of treasury from constitutional and statutory dedications that flow a motor vehicle and traffic laws since penalties have been through the Bond Security and Redemption Fund for the increased and to report the findings to the House Committee on purpose of paying debt service. Transportation, Highways and Public Works and to the member of the House of Representatives representing House District Respectfully submitted, Number 25 on or before January 1, 2017. CHRIS HAZEL HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 188— Chairman BY REPRESENTATIVES STEVE CARTER, BACALA, BERTHELOT, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARPENTER, DAVIS, EDMONDS, The above House Resolutions contained in the report were FOIL, GISCLAIR, HOWARD, JAMES, JORDAN, MARCELLE, PIERRE, PRICE, SMITH, AND THIBAUT signed by the Speaker of the House and taken by the Clerk of the A RESOLUTION House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the rules of the To urge and request the Department of Transportation and House. Development to repurpose congressional funds earmarked for the planning, design, and construction of the Pointe Clair Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment Expressway for the widening and improvement of certain portions of Louisiana Highway 30. June 5, 2016 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 207— To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of BY REPRESENTATIVE THIBAUT Representatives: A RESOLUTION To urge and request the secretary of the Department of Revenue to I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the notify each taxpayer whose solar energy systems tax credit following report:

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The following House Concurrent Resolutions have been BARROW, BISHOP, BOUDREAUX, COLOMB, CORTEZ, ERDEY, FANNIN, GATTI, HEWITT, LUNEAU, MILKOVICH, MILLS, MIZELL, properly enrolled: MORRISH, PEACOCK, RISER, JOHN SMITH, THOMPSON, WARD, AND WHITE HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 123— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE HENSGENS To enact R.S. 11:542.2, 883.4, 1145.3, and 1331.2, relative to state A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION retirement system experience accounts; to debit funds from such To urge and request the Board of Regents to study the compensation accounts to pay a benefit increase to certain retirees and of public postsecondary education system presidents and other beneficiaries of state systems; to provide qualifications for system officers and board members and to report its findings to receipt of such payments; to provide relative to the amount of the legislature at least sixty days prior to the 2017 Regular such payments; and to provide for related matters. Session of the Legislature of Louisiana. HOUSE BILL NO. 81— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 148— BY REPRESENTATIVE BROADWATER BY REPRESENTATIVES WILLMOTT, ADAMS, BILLIOT, CONNICK, AN ACT GISCLAIR, HENRY, HILFERTY, LEOPOLD, LOPINTO, LYONS, STOKES, To enact R.S. 44:33.1, relative to public records; to require public AND TALBOT AND SENATORS ALARIO, APPEL, CARTER, MARTINY, bodies to make certain information concerning the custodian of MORRELL, PETERSON, AND GARY SMITH A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION records publicly available; to provide for the manner in which To commend the Louisiana Kennel Club upon its one hundredth such information is required to be made publicly available; and anniversary. to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 215— HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 151— BY REPRESENTATIVE HENRY BY REPRESENTATIVE BROADWATER AND SENATOR JOHNS AND AN ACT REPRESENTATIVES ABRAHAM, ABRAMSON, ADAMS, AMEDEE, ANDERS, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BAGNERIS, BARRAS, To provide for the establishment and reestablishment of agency BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, CHAD BROWN, TERRY ancillary funds, to be specifically known as internal service BROWN, CARMODY, CARPENTER, GARY CARTER, ROBBY CARTER, funds, auxiliary accounts, or enterprise funds for certain state STEVE CARTER, CHANEY, CONNICK, COUSSAN, COX, CROMER, DANAHAY, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, DWIGHT, EDMONDS, EMERSON, institutions, officials, and agencies; to provide for appropriation FALCONER, FOIL, FRANKLIN, GAINES, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, of funds; and to regulate the administration of said funds. GLOVER, GUINN, HALL, JIMMY HARRIS, LANCE HARRIS, HAVARD, HAZEL, HENRY, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HILL, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HOWARD, HUNTER, HUVAL, IVEY, JACKSON, HOUSE BILL NO. 257— JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, BY REPRESENTATIVE IVEY JONES, JORDAN, NANCY LANDRY, TERRY LANDRY, LEBAS, LEGER, AN ACT LEOPOLD, LOPINTO, LYONS, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, To amend and reenact R.S. 39:94(C)(4)(b), relative to the Budget MCFARLAND, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, GREGORY MILLER, MONTOUCET, MORENO, JAY MORRIS, JIM MORRIS, NORTON, Stabilization Fund; to except deposits in excess of the PEARSON, PIERRE, POPE, PRICE, PUGH, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, expenditure limit from the suspension of required deposits into RICHARD, SCHEXNAYDER, SCHRODER, SEABAUGH, SHADOIN, the Budget Stabilization Fund; to provide for an effective date; SIMON, SMITH, STOKES, TALBOT, THIBAUT, WHITE, WILLMOTT, and to provide for related matters. AND ZERINGUE A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION HOUSE BILL NO. 286— To express sincere and heartfelt condolences upon the death of Rita BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO Doughty Thompson. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 9:1725(3), 1972, 1973, 2092, and 2262.2, Respectfully submitted, relative to the Louisiana Trust Code; to provide for a definition of a "person"; to provide for the treatment of interest upon death CHRIS HAZEL of the principal beneficiary; to provide for shifting interest in Chairman principal; to provide for recordation of instruments; and to provide for related matters. The above House Concurrent Resolutions contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the HOUSE BILL NO. 308— Senate by the Clerk of the House and were signed by the President of BY REPRESENTATIVES BACALA, ADAMS, AMEDEE, BERTHELOT, EDMONDS, FALCONER, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GUINN, MIKE the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of JOHNSON, NANCY LANDRY, MIGUEZ, GREGORY MILLER, JAY State in accordance with the rules of the House. MORRIS, AND PYLANT AN ACT Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment To enact Chapter 10 of Title 42 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, to be comprised of R.S. 42:541 and 542, relative to public officers and employees; to prohibit the granting or authorizing June 5, 2016 of increases in pay for state officials and employees during a certain period of time; to provide for personal liability of To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of persons responsible for granting or authorizing such raises; to Representatives: provide for enforcement; and to provide for related matters. I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the HOUSE BILL NO. 340— following report: BY REPRESENTATIVES STOKES, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, CHAD BROWN, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CONNICK, COX, DAVIS, EDMONDS, HILFERTY, HOFFMANN, HORTON, JONES, LYONS, The following House Bills have been properly enrolled: MIGUEZ, JAY MORRIS, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, WILLMOTT, AND ZERINGUE HOUSE BILL NO. 32— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVES JONES, ARMES, BACALA, BAGLEY, BILLIOT, To enact R.S. 51:1422, relative to the regulation of the sale or the BOUIE, TERRY BROWN, CARPENTER, ROBBY CARTER, COX, FRANKLIN, GAINES, HALL, HAZEL, HILL, HOWARD, HUNTER, solicitation for sale of an extended service agreement for motor JACKSON, JAMES, JEFFERSON, JENKINS, ROBERT JOHNSON, TERRY vehicles; to provide certain requirements for unsolicited offers; LANDRY, MACK, MAGEE, MARCELLE, MCFARLAND, MIGUEZ, to provide certain definitions, terms, conditions, procedures, DUSTIN MILLER, MONTOUCET, MORENO, NORTON, PIERRE, POPE, PRICE, PYLANT, REYNOLDS, SEABAUGH, SHADOIN, SMITH, exceptions, and effects; to classify a violation as a deceptive and WILLMOTT, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATORS ALARIO, ALLAIN, unfair trade practice; and to provide for related matters.

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HOUSE BILL NO. 529— provide for the deadline for the payment of certain taxes; to BY REPRESENTATIVE DANAHAY provide relative to the claiming of certain transferable tax AN ACT credits in the Tax Credit Registry; to provide for applicability; To amend and reenact R.S. 18:1354(C), relative to the compensation to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related of certain employees of parish custodians of voting machines; matters. to increase the compensation amount paid to deputies of such custodians; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 737— BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON HOUSE BILL NO. 538— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE GAROFALO To amend and reenact R.S. 47:114(E), 164(D)(2), and Section 2 of AN ACT Act No. 425 of the 2015 Regular Session of the Legislature, To amend and reenact R.S. 13:980(D)(1), relative to court reporters relative to the Department of Revenue; to provide with respect for the Thirty-Fourth Judicial District Court; to provide for court to deductions and withholdings by certain employers; to provide reporter fees on matters on appeal; to provide for private for the submission of certain returns to the department; to contracts for transcripts of testimony for matters not on appeal; change the deadline for the submission of certain returns; to and to provide for related matters. provide for applicability; to provide for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 572— BY REPRESENTATIVES SMITH, ADAMS, AND STEVE CARTER HOUSE BILL NO. 792— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE ADAMS To amend and reenact R.S. 47:463.31(B), (C), (E), (F), (G)(1), and AN ACT (H) and to enact R.S. 47:463.31(J), relative to the issuance of To amend and reenact R.S. 37:3552(10) and to enact R.S. special college and university license plates; to increase the fee 37:3564(C) and 3567(C), relative to the regulation of massage for such plates; to provide relative to charitable donations therapists and establishments; to amend definitions; to provide associated with such plates; and to provide for related matters. for the regulation of advertisement; to authorize and prohibit certain enforcement by state and local officials; to provide for HOUSE BILL NO. 631— an effective date; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE MIGUEZ AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 858— To amend and reenact R.S. 30:2412(5), (6.1), and (19) and to enact BY REPRESENTATIVE MONTOUCET R.S. 30:2418(O)(5), relative to waste tires; to provide for AN ACT definitions; to provide for fees levied on certain tires; to provide To amend and reenact R.S. 33:2476(C) and (H) and 2536(C) and (H), for delinquent fees for failing to timely remit fees and to report; relative to the municipal fire and police civil service board; to to dedicate revenue collected; to provide for an effective date; provide relative to the members of the board; to provide relative and to provide for related matters. to the appointment of such members; to provide a judicial HOUSE BILL NO. 642— remedy for failure to appoint such members; and to provide for BY REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT JOHNSON related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact the heading of R.S. 37:3084, 3087(A), and HOUSE BILL NO. 882— BY REPRESENTATIVE ARMES 3089 and to repeal R.S. 37:3084(F), relative to the Louisiana AN ACT Board of Examiners in Dietetics and Nutrition; to repeal the To amend and reenact R.S. 39:2175(6), relative to public contracts; domicile requirement; to provide for provisional licenses; to to require a certain percent of evaluation points be awarded to authorize the promulgation of licensing fees; and to provide for certain veterans in requests for proposals; and to provide for related matters. related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 689— BY REPRESENTATIVE JONES HOUSE BILL NO. 922— BY REPRESENTATIVE HENSGENS AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 13:2005.1, 2488.7, and 2488.77 and to To amend and reenact R.S. 46:2623 and 2625(A)(1)(introductory enact R.S. 13:2005(D) and (E) and 2013, relative to city courts; paragraph) and (a) and to repeal R.S. 46:2625(B), relative to to provide for the city courts of New Iberia, Franklin, Breaux fees on healthcare providers deposited into the Medical Bridge, Jeanerette, and Morgan City; to provide for the creation Assistance Trust Fund; to revise the fee amount for nursing of Indigent Defender Fund Boards in those city courts; to homes; to repeal a prohibition on new fees or increased fees on provide for membership; to provide relative to fees collected for nursing homes without a majority vote of approval by the purposes of indigent defense; to deposit a portion of those fees legislature; to provide for management of the fund by the into a special fund; and to provide for related matters. treasury; to provide for appropriation from the fund; to provide HOUSE BILL NO. 711— for reporting; and to provide for related matters. BY REPRESENTATIVE SHADOIN AN ACT HOUSE BILL NO. 965— To amend and reenact R.S. 24:513(G), relative to audit reports issued BY REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT JOHNSON by the legislative auditor; to authorize the issuance of a AN ACT temporary restraining order or injunctive relief barring the To amend and reenact R.S. 42:1124.3(C)(1), relative to financial release of an audit report; to provide for appeals; and to provide disclosure; to change certain disclosure requirements regarding for related matters. business income from the state or political subdivisions; to require certain specified information regarding contracts with HOUSE BILL NO. 735— certain businesses and the state or political subdivisions; and to BY REPRESENTATIVE ABRAMSON AND SENATOR THOMPSON provide for related matters. AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 47:103(A), 287.614(A)(1), HOUSE BILL NO. 992— 287.651(A)(1), 609(A), and 1675(H)(1)(e), (f), and (g) as BY REPRESENTATIVE CONNICK enacted by Act No. 23 of the 2016 First Extraordinary Session AN ACT of the Legislature, relative to income tax returns; to provide for To amend and reenact R.S. 15:541(2)(c), (k) through (q) and (25)(n) the time and place of filing of certain income tax returns; to and to enact R.S. 15:541(2)(r) and (25)(o), relative to the

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registration of sex offenders; to provide relative to registration membership, terms, powers, and duties of the Institute; to and notification requirements imposed on sex offenders; to authorize the Institute to assist in the reform and continuous amend the definitions of "aggravated offense" and "sexual revision of the state's tax laws and policies; to provide for the offense against a victim who is a minor"; and to provide for submission of certain reports and recommendations; to provide related matters. for an effective date; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1019— HOUSE BILL NO. 1121— BY REPRESENTATIVES EDMONDS, ABRAHAM, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER BARRAS, BISHOP, TERRY BROWN, CARMODY, CHANEY, COUSSAN, AN ACT COX, DEVILLIER, EMERSON, FALCONER, LANCE HARRIS, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HILL, HOFFMANN, HOLLIS, HORTON, HUVAL, To amend and reenact R.S. 47:302(U) and 309.1, relative to sales and IVEY, MIKE JOHNSON, ROBERT JOHNSON, LEBAS, MIGUEZ, POPE, use taxes; to provide with respect to certain sales of tangible REYNOLDS, RICHARD, TALBOT, AND ZERINGUE AND SENATOR personal property and taxable services in Louisiana; to require THOMPSON that certain notifications be provided to purchasers of such AN ACT property and services for purposes of collection of use taxes To enact R.S. 40:1061.1.1, relative to regulation of abortion; to under certain circumstances; to require the filing of annual provide a definition of genetic abnormality; to prohibit the statements by certain remote retailers concerning their sales in performance of an abortion and any attempt to perform an Louisiana; to provide for definitions; to provide for the powers abortion when a pregnant woman seeks the abortion because of and duties of the secretary of the Department of Revenue; to a genetic abnormality of the unborn child; to provide for an authorize rulemaking; to authorize the subpoena of certain exception regarding the life of the mother; to require information; to provide with respect to implementation and information on resources prior to an abortion when a pregnant enforcement; to provide for effectiveness; and to provide for woman is aware of a genetic abnormality of the fetus; to provide related matters. for creation of a resource document; to provide penalties for violations of the prohibition; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1127— BY REPRESENTATIVE HOWARD AND SENATOR THOMPSON HOUSE BILL NO. 1049— AN ACT BY REPRESENTATIVE BARRAS To amend and reenact R.S. 32:735(C), (D), and (E) and 736(A), AN ACT relative to auto title companies; to provide relative to contracts To appropriate funds for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 to defray the between the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, expenses of the Louisiana Legislature, including the expenses office of motor vehicles, and auto title companies; to provide of the House of Representatives and the Senate, of legislative relative to fees charged to auto title companies; to provide service agencies, and of the Louisiana State Law Institute; to relative to the surety bond required of auto title companies; to provide for the salary, expenses, and allowances of members, extend contracts of auto title companies; and to provide for officers, staff, and agencies of the Legislature; to provide with related matters. respect to the appropriations and allocations herein made; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1149 (Substitute for House Bill No. 682 by Representative Leger)— HOUSE BILL NO. 1060— BY REPRESENTATIVE LEGER BY REPRESENTATIVE STOKES AN ACT AN ACT To amend and reenact R.S. 38:330.1(C)(3) and (4), (D)(2), (E), To amend and reenact R.S. 47:301.2(F) and (G) and to enact R.S. (F)(1), and (H) and to enact R.S. 38:330.1(C)(5) and (D)(3) and 47:301.2(H), relative to the Sales Tax Streamlining and 330.2(A)(2)(c), relative to the Southeast Louisiana Flood Modernization Commission; to establish and provide with Protection Authority-East and Southeast Louisiana Flood respect to a subcommittee for the development of Protection Authority-West Bank; to provide relative to the recommendations for a policy for coordinated multi-parish nominating process for vacancies on the board of audits; to provide with respect to sunset of the commission; and commissioners of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection to provide for related matters. Authority-East and the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West Bank; to provide relative to the terms of HOUSE BILL NO. 1066— BY REPRESENTATIVES MAGEE AND BERTHELOT members of the boards of commissioners of the Southeast Flood AN ACT Louisiana Protection Authority-East and the Southeast To amend and reenact R.S. 38:321.1(A)(introductory paragraph) and Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West Bank; to provide (B) and to enact R.S. 38:321.1(C), relative to the purchase of relative to the powers and duties of the board of commissioners certain items through an existing public contract of another of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East and political subdivision; to authorize the state and any political the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-West Bank; subdivision of the state to purchase certain items through an to provide for transitional matters; to provide for an effective existing public contract of another political subdivision; and to date; and to provide for related matters. provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1153 (Substitute for House Bill No. 1109 by HOUSE BILL NO. 1099— Representative Hoffman)— BY REPRESENTATIVE THIBAUT BY REPRESENTATIVE HOFFMANN AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 40:1046(J)(9), relative to license fees to produce To amend and reenact R.S. 23:540, relative to regulations affecting marijuana for therapeutic use; to establish fees to be assessed by boilers; to exempt certain potable water boilers; to provide for the Department of Agriculture and Forestry for the license to technical corrections; and to provide for related matters. produce marijuana for therapeutic use; to provide for collection and disbursement of the fees; and to provide for related matters. HOUSE BILL NO. 1160 (Substitute for House Bill No. 921 by Representative Davis)— BY REPRESENTATIVES DAVIS, FRANKLIN, IVEY, NANCY LANDRY, HOUSE BILL NO. 1120— JAY MORRIS, PIERRE, AND STOKES AND SENATORS THOMPSON BY REPRESENTATIVE SCHRODER AND WALSWORTH AN ACT AN ACT To enact R.S. 47:1525, relative to the Department of Revenue; to To amend and reenact R.S. 17:3394.3(A)(4), relative to corporations provide for the review and revision of the tax laws of the state; that support public postsecondary education; to provide relative to establish the Louisiana Tax Institute; to provide for the to capital projects undertaken by a nonprofit corporation on

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behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Community and Technical Colleges; to provide procedures for soliciting and evaluating proposals from contractors; to provide that certain records of the corporation be made available to the public; to require monitoring and status reports on projects; to provide relative to the board of directors of such corporation; and to provide for related matters. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS HAZEL Chairman The above House Bills contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk and were signed by the President of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Governor for executive approval. Privileged Report of the Committee on Enrollment June 5, 2016 To the honorable Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives: I am directed by your Committee on Enrollment to submit the following report: The following Joint Resolutions have been properly enrolled: HOUSE BILL NO. 505— BY REPRESENTATIVES MIKE JOHNSON, AMEDEE, BAGLEY, BARRAS, BERTHELOT, BILLIOT, BISHOP, BOUIE, BROADWATER, CHAD BROWN, CARMODY, ROBBY CARTER, STEVE CARTER, DANAHAY, DAVIS, DEVILLIER, EDMONDS, EMERSON, FOIL, GAROFALO, GISCLAIR, GUINN, HENSGENS, HILFERTY, HODGES, HOFFMANN, HORTON, HOWARD, IVEY, MIGUEZ, DUSTIN MILLER, PYLANT, RICHARD, STOKES, AND THIBAUT A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing to add Article VII, Section 21(M) of the Constitution of Louisiana, relative to ad valorem property tax exemptions; to authorize an exemption for certain property owned by an unmarried surviving spouse of a member of the military who was killed while on active duty in the armed forces of the United States; to provide for eligibility; to require the establishment of an application process; to require the submission of certain information and sworn statements; to provide for limitations; to provide for effectiveness; to provide for submission of the proposed amendment to the electors; and to provide for related matters. Respectfully submitted, CHRIS HAZEL Chairman The above Joint Resolutions contained in the report were signed by the Speaker of the House and taken to the Senate by the Clerk and were signed by the President of the Senate and taken by the Clerk of the House to the Secretary of State in accordance with the rules of the House. Adjournment On motion of Rep. Billiot, at 9:22 P.M., the House agreed to adjourn until Monday, June 6, 2016, at 9:00 A.M. The Speaker of the House declared the House adjourned until 9:00 A.M., Monday, June 6, 2016. ALFRED W. SPEER Clerk of the House