Investment Account Application Form (for Trust Investments)

How to fill in this form: controllers. If you do not have the necessary document, please call us on 0800 902 902. • You should only use this form to open an Investment Account on behalf of a trust. To open an account for • Please use black ink and write clearly inside the boxes yourself, please speak to your adviser. If you do not have using capital letters. an adviser, go to • Please only complete the details section and • We cannot set an account up in the name of the trust, but nationality questions for if you are a Bare trust. you can give the account a designation to distinguish it • If you make a mistake, please correct it but don’t from any other accounts you have with us. use correction fluid. • You will need to give us details of all the trustees. If there is more than one, we will set it up as a joint What’s next? account. The named first on this form will be Please send your completed application form to: the principal account holder and will receive all Fidelity International communications about the account. PO Box 80 • We need to see the document that established the Tonbridge TN11 9YA trust, typically the trust deed. This is of We will open the trust’s account and send a confirmation of beneficial ownership and the identity of the trust’s any lump-sum investments or Direct Debits.

Checklist of documents you should include with your completed form Please note that if you send photocopies of any of the following documents, you must have them certified first. There are instructions for doing this on the accompanying Confirmation of Identity sheet.

The trust deed showing the name of the trust and everyone associated with it. This should be an extract from the initial or definitive deed.

In the case of trust set up in a will, the original grant of and the will itself. If the investment is coming from an estate and there was no will, you should send the letter of administration, issued by the probate service.

An Individual Self Certification of Tax Residency form for each settlor, appointer, protector or absolute beneficiary, apart from any trustees named below. (You can copy the accompanying blank form as often as you need to.) Documents confirming the name and address of each trustee named on this form. (You will find details of the documents you can send on the accompanying Confirmation of Identity sheet.) This is not necessary for professional trustees, such as solicitors and accountants.

1 About the trust

Name of trust

This is for our records only. We will register the account in the name of the trustees. Account designation This will help distinguish the account from any other accounts the trustees may have with us. It cannot include the word ‘trust’. 2 M

/ 0 .

Address We cannot accept ‘Care of’ and PO Box addresses, but you can use the residential address of one of the 2 v / trustees. We need it for tax reporting purposes only and will not use it for correspondence, unless it is the address of the 7 1 . first trustee named below. 1 1 / House number and/or name

Street, city, county and country details

t s u r T I

Postcode P C I E O

Page 1 of 13 C0008401 1 About the trust (continued)

Country in which the trust is resident for tax purposes

(If the trust has more than one country of tax residence, please provide details on a separate page, including a tax identification number for each country.) Tax identification number for country of tax residency

No tax identification number? (Please mark an X in the box)

Legal Entity Identifier (Please note your identifier in the boxes provided.)

From 3 January 2018 you will need to give us a Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) if you are going to buy, sell or switch into or out of exchange traded instruments, such as investment trusts, exchange traded funds and company shares. For more information in how to apply for an LEI, please go to and search for ‘LEI update’. If you have more than one LEI, please include details with this form. We may need to contact you for further information. 2 Details of the first trustee Title Surname

First and other names in full

Address This must be a UK residential address. We cannot accept ‘Care of’ and ‘PO Box’ addresses. Already a Fidelity client? House number and/or name (please mark an X in the box if appropriate) (please mark an X in the box Street, city, county and country details


Date of birth Telephone number (in case we need to check anything)

Email 2 M


National Insurance number No National Insurance number? 0 . 2 v

It is two letters and six digits, followed by A, B, C or D. If you have never been issued with a National Insurance / 7 1 number, please mark an X in the box. . 1 1 /

Are you also a resident in any other country(s) for tax purposes? If so please complete the following fields First country First country tax identifier

t s u r T

Additional country Additional country tax identifier I P C I E O

Page 2 of 13 C0008402 Additional country First country Are youalsoaresidentinanyothercountry(s)fortax purposes? Nationality 3 Nationality 1 (tick boxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaNationalofNon-UKcountriesonly? (mark anXintheboxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaUKNationalandofoneormoreothercountries? Are youaUKNationalonly? Only completethequestionsrelatingtoNationalityifyouareaBaretrust It istwolettersandsixdigits,followedbyA,B,CorD. National Insurancenumber Email Street, city,countyandcountrydetails House numberand/orname Box’ addresses. Address Date ofbirth First andothernamesinfull Title 3 2

Details ofsecondtrustee(ifapplicable) Details offirsttrustee This mustbeaUKresidentialaddress.Wecannotaccept‘Careof’and‘PO Surname (please markanXinthebox) Telephone number (continued) (incaseweneedtocheckanything) Page 3of 13 number, pleasemarkanXinthebox. If youhaveneverbeenissuedwithaNationalInsurance No NationalInsurancenumber? Nationality 4 Nationality 2 Additional countrytaxidentifier First countrytaxidentifier If sopleasecompletethefollowingfields

Postcode C0008403 (please markanXinthebox if appropriate) (please markanXinthebox Already aFidelityclient?

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 Additional country First country Are youalsoaresidentinanyothercountry(s)fortax purposes? Nationality 3 Nationality 1 (tick boxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaNationalofNon-UKcountriesonly? It istwolettersandsixdigits,followedbyA,B,CorD. National Insurancenumber Email Street, city,countyandcountrydetails House numberand/orname Box’ addresses. Address Date ofbirth First andothernamesinfull Title (mark anXintheboxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaUKNationalandofoneormoreothercountries? Are youaUKNationalonly? Only completethequestionsrelatingtoNationalityifyouareaBaretrust 4 3

Details ofthirdtrustee(ifapplicable) Details ofsecondtrustee(ifapplicable) This mustbeaUKresidentialaddress.Wecannotaccept‘Careof’and‘PO Surname (please markanXinthebox) Telephone number (incaseweneedtocheckanything) Page 4of 13 number, pleasemarkanXinthebox. If youhaveneverbeenissuedwithaNationalInsurance No NationalInsurancenumber? Nationality 4 Nationality 2 Additional countrytaxidentifier First countrytaxidentifier (continued) If sopleasecompletethefollowingfields

Postcode C0008404 (please markanXinthebox if appropriate) (please markanXinthebox Already aFidelityclient?

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 Additional country First country Are youalsoaresidentinanyothercountry(s)fortax purposes? (tick boxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaNationalofNon-UKcountriesonly? (mark anXintheboxandlistallothercountriesbelow) Are youaUKNationalandofoneormoreothercountries? Are youaUKNationalonly? Only completethequestionsrelatingtoNationalityifyouareaBaretrust Nationality 3 Nationality 1 Email It istwolettersandsixdigits,followedbyA,B,CorD. National Insurancenumber Street, city,countyandcountrydetails House numberand/orname Box’ addresses. Address Date ofbirth First andothernamesinfull Title 5 4

Details offourthtrustee(ifapplicable) Details ofthirdtrustee(ifapplicable) This mustbeaUKresidentialaddress.Wecannotaccept‘Careof’and‘PO Surname (please markanXinthebox) Telephone number (incaseweneedtocheckanything) Page 5of 13 number, pleasemarkanXinthebox. If youhaveneverbeenissuedwithaNationalInsurance No NationalInsurancenumber? Nationality 4 Nationality 2 Additional countrytaxidentifier First countrytaxidentifier (continued) If sopleasecompletethefollowingfields

Postcode C0008405 (please markanXinthebox if appropriate) (please markanXinthebox Already aFidelityclient?

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 5 Details of fourth trustee (if applicable) continued

Only complete the questions relating to Nationality if you are a Bare trust

Are you a UK National only? (please mark an X in the box)

Are you a UK National and National of one or more other countries? (mark an X in the box and list all other countries below)

Are you a National of Non-UK countries only? (tick box and list all other countries below) Nationality 1 Nationality 2

Nationality 3 Nationality 4

6 Details of the first beneficiary (if applicable)

Title Surname

First and other names in full

Address This must be a UK residential address. We cannot accept ‘Care of’ and ‘PO Box’ addresses. Already a Fidelity client? House number and/or name (please mark an X in the box if appropriate) (please mark an X in the box Street, city, county and country details


Date of birth Telephone number (in case we need to check anything)

Email 2 M


National Insurance number No National Insurance number? 0 . 2 v

It is two letters and six digits, followed by A, B, C or D. If you have never been issued with a National Insurance / 7 1 number, please mark an X in the box. . 1 1 /

Are you also a resident in any other country(s) for tax purposes? If so please complete the following fields

First country First country tax identifier

t s u r T

Additional country Additional country tax identifier I P C I E O

Page 6 of 13 C0008406 6 Details of the first beneficiary (if applicable) (continued)

Only complete the questions relating to Nationality if you are a Bare trust

Are you a UK National only? (please mark an X in the box)

Are you a UK National and National of one or more other countries? (mark an X in the box and list all other countries below) Are you a National of Non-UK countries only? (tick box and list all other countries below) Nationality 1 Nationality 2

Nationality 3 Nationality 4

7 Details of the second beneficiary (if applicable)

Title Surname

First and other names in full

Address This must be a UK residential address. We cannot accept ‘Care of’ and ‘PO Box’ addresses. Already a Fidelity client? House number and/or name (please mark an X in the box if appropriate) (please mark an X in the box Street, city, county and country details


Date of birth Telephone number (in case we need to check anything)

Email 2 M


National Insurance number No National Insurance number? 0 . 2 v

It is two letters and six digits, followed by A, B, C or D. If you have never been issued with a National Insurance / 7 1 number, please mark an X in the box. . 1 1 /

Are you also a resident in any other country(s) for tax purposes? If so please complete the following fields

First country First country tax identifier

t s u r T Additional country Additional country tax identifier I P C I E O

Page 7 of 13 C0008407 7 Details of the secomd beneficiary (if applicable) (continued)

Only complete the questions relating to Nationality if you are a Bare trust

Are you a UK National only? (please mark an X in the box)

Are you a UK National and National of one or more other countries? (mark an X in the box and list all other countries below) Are you a National of Non-UK countries only? (tick box and list all other countries below) Nationality 1 Nationality 2

Nationality 3 Nationality 4 2 M

/ 0 . 2 v / 7 1 . 1 1 /

t s u r T I P C I E O

Page 8 of 13 C0008408 codes canchangeso fund codeandnameclearlyinsidetheboxesusingcapitalletters–weusetodetermineyourchoice.Fund Please usethefollowingtabletotelluswhichfundstrustwouldlikeinvestin. If youaresettingupamonthlysavingsplan,shouldalsocompletetheDirectDebitmandateinsection9. trustees andbeneficiariesincompliancewithourregulatoryobligations. denominated UKbankaccountheldinthenameofTrustorTrusteesandwillbeaccceptedfollowingfullverification For alumpsuminvestmentyoushouldenclosechequemadepayabletoFidelity.Paymentsbedrawnfromsterling If youareinvestingmonthlymustcompletetheDirectDebitmandateinSection9. Monthly Minimum:£25perfundand£50application. If youhaveselectedIncomefunds,wouldlikeyour incometobepaidout? Fund code 8 If yespleasemarkthisboxand provideyourbankdetailsundersection8forincome tobecredited

Investment details please ensureyouenterthecorrectcodebyvisiting Fund name Total (£) Page 9of 13

Lump sum(£) C0008409 It’s importanttowritethecorrect • • • • • • • • • • • • • payments (£) Regular

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 • Anyfutureredemptionpayment. • Anyregularsavingplans This Sectionmustbecompletedandwillusedfor: Fidelity. Any bankdetailsgiveninthissectionwilloverrideanyexistingTrustforanheldwith 9 Fidelity PersonalInvesting,POBox80,Tonbridge,TN119YA. Please fillinthewholeformusingaballpointpenandsendto: Name(s) ofaccountholder(s) Name andfullpostaladdressofyourbankorbuildingsociety Bank/building societyaccountnumber Branch sortcode Address To: TheManagerBank/buildingsociety

Mandate details

Banks andbuildingsocietiesmaynotacceptDirectDebitInstructionsforsometypesofaccount

Postcode Instruction toyourbankorbuilding society topaybyDirectDebit Reference Please payFinancialAdministrationServicesLtdDirectDebitsfromtheaccount Instruction toyourbankorbuildingsociety Service UserNumber bank/building society. Administration ServicesLtdand,ifso,detailswillbepassedelectronicallytomy Debit Guarantee.IunderstandthatthisInstructionmayremainwithFinancial detailed inthisInstructionsubjecttothesafeguardsassuredbyDirect Date Signature(s) Page 10 of 13 446138

C0008410 DDI2

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 business andmyauthorisationnumberis: I confirmthatamregisteredwiththeFCAtoconduct FCA number Unique AdviserNumber • Payinganyfuturewithdrawals • Payingincomeoutofanyselectedinvestments This Sectionmustbecompletedandwillusedfor: marking anXintherelevantboxSection6. Please providebankdetailstowhichincomepayments(ifrequired)andwithdrawalsshouldbepaid.specifyby (You mustcompleteeithertheYesorNobox) Have youprovidedapersonalrecommendation? Remuneration details Company stamp 11 10 sort codeareincorrect,Fidelitywillnotacceptresponsibilityforanylossincurredbytheapplicant. name oftheTrust,Trusteesandspecificallynamedbeneficiaries(oncepositivelyverified).Ifaccountnumber and Banks AutomatedClearingsystem.Fidelitywillonlyacceptinstructionsforpaymentstobemadeanaccountinthe Building Societybranch.Pleaseensurethatyouraccountwillacceptdirectcreditpaymentsthroughthe * BuildingSocietyaccounts—thesortcodeandbuildingsocietycollectionaccountnumbercanbeobtainedfromyour Building SocietyCollectionAccountNumber(ifapplicable)* Name(s) ofaccountholder(s) Name andfullpostaladdressofyourbankorbuildingsociety Address To: TheManagerBank/buildingsociety to Feeandoverrideanyalternate remunerationchoice Yes –Thisoptionwoulddefaultyourremunerationtype No

Intermediary details-tobecompletedbytheadviser Mandate details-Incomeorcashwithdrawals

— Thirdpartiesare

Please ignore Office UseOnly Postcode not accepted Page 11 of 13 Bank/building societyaccountnumber Branch sortcode be doneonlineoncetheassetshavebeenreceived. would liketosetupanAdviserOngoingFeethismust type ofinvestmentusinganapplicationform.Ifyou An AdviserOngoingFeecannotbeappliedtothis Fee cannotbeappliedtothistypeofinstruction. been setupthiswillbeautomaticallyapplied.AnInitial fee accountandifAdviserOngoingFeehaspreviously Please notetheseassetswillbeaddedtoyourclient’s

Date signed Your signature Intermediary signature

C0008411 (if applicable) (DDMMYYYY)

OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2 12 Verification details for advisers (if applicable)

I/We confirm and consent to Fidelity’s reliance on the fact that I/we have verified the client in accordance with the UK Money Laundering Regulations and standards set in guidance issued by the JMLSG and will retain the supporting documentation for 5 years after the end of the relationship with the client.

Please only use this section to name connected parties to the trust who are not listed as applicants Name of individual

Connection to the trust (delete as appropriate): Trustee/Settlor/Beneficiary/Protector/Please also complete and return Individual Self Certification of Tax Residency form Name of individual

Connection to the trust (delete as appropriate): Trustee/Settlor/Beneficiary/Protector/Please also complete and return Individual Self Certification of Tax Residency form

Your signature


/ 0 . 2 v / 7 1 . 1 1 /

t s u r T I P C I E O

Page 12 of 13 C0008412 Signature offourthtrustee Signature ofthirdtrustee Signature ofsecondtrustee Signature offirsttrustee Issued byFinancialAdministrationLimited,authorised andregulatedbytheFinancialConductAuthority.FundsNetwork™itslogoaretrademarksofFILLimited. •  •  •  •  •  • •  I/We declarethat: data protectionstatementcontainedintheFidelityClientTermsandFundsNetworkTerms. I/We understandthattheinformationprovideonthisapplicationformwillbeprocessedinaccordancewithFidelity’s Each trusteemustsignthefollowingdeclaration. 13 US taxauthoritiesonmyworldwideincome. I amnotaUScitizen,thatresidentintheUS,anddohaveanobligationtopaytax Regulations 2015 Application isforatrustthatPassiveNonFinancialEntityundertheInternationalTaxCompliance The informationIhavegiveniscorrecttothebestofmyknowledge,andwilltellFidelityimmediatelyifanyit I accepttheFidelityClientTermsorFundsNetworkTerms. I havereadthelatestillustrationdocument. I havereadthelatestkeyinformationdocumentforfundsthattrustisinvestingin. I havereadthelatestKeyFeaturesDocument,eitherDoingBusinesswithFidelityorFundsNetwork.

Declaration andsignature Page 13 of 13 Date Print name Print name Print name Print name


OEICPITrust /11.17/v2.0/ M2