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SSEECCUURRIIITTIIIEESS MMAARRKKEETT NNEEWWSSLLEETTTTEERR weekly Presented by: VTB Bank, Custody September 24, 2020 Issue No. 2020/37 Market News Moscow Exchange to restart trade in RUSAL’s shares on September 28, 2020 On September 22, 2020 a spokesperson for the Moscow Exchange stated that the bourse suspended trade in shares of Russian aluminum giant UC RUSAL on September 22 and would restart it on September 28 after the company finishes the registration in the country. The suspension is connected to re-registration of the company from the Jersey Island into Russia. RUSAL said in a statement that the central bank had already registered the issue and a prospectus of securities under the re-registration process, and the company expects to obtain registration as an international company with the Federal Tax Service on Friday. In April 2018, the U.S. imposed sanctions against 38 Russian tycoons, officials and companies, including Oleg Deripaska and his companies – En+ Group, carmaker GAZ Group, holding Basic Element, and RUSAL – among others. In December, the shareholders of En+ Group unilaterally voted for reregistration of the business in Russia and for Deripaska’s ownership reduction below 50% and an end to his influence on the board of directors. RUSAL and En+ Group were decided to be reregistered in a special administrative zone in Kaliningrad. Moscow Exchange to suspend trading in Mostotrest shares from September 24, 2020 On September 23, 2020 it was announced that the Moscow Exchange would suspend trading in the shares of construction company Mostotrest from September 24 due to reorganization of the company. Ruble falls 82.35 kopecks to RUB 77.18 per US dollar On September 24, 2020 it was reported that the weighted average rate of the Russian ruble with tomorrow settlement fell by 82.35 kopecks against the U.S.
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