Review Essay Empire and its Multitude: A Review Essay Steven Sherman Ganesh K. Trichur Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri. 2002. Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 504 pages, isbn 0-674-00671-2 paper. Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri. 2004. Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. New York: The Penguin Press. 352 pages, isbn 1-59420-024-6 hardcover. Gopal Balakrishnan, ed. 2003. Debating Empire. New York: Verso. 172 pages, isbn 1-85984-452-9 paper, isbn 1-85984-530-4 cloth. Paul A. Passavant & Jodi Dean, eds. 2003. Empire’s New Clothes: Reading Hardt and Negri. New York: Routledge. 272 pages, isbn 0-41593-555-5 paper, isbn 0-41593-554-7 cloth. mpire has received attention not comparable to any academic text in recent Ememory. Th e two collections of academic approaches to it¹ that we review below are one indication of this. But in addition, the book has been the subject of enthusiastic pieces in Th e New York Times² and Time.³ Furthermore, particularly in Europe, it has been infl uential within the global justice movement. It is the rare book, indeed, that appeals to such diverse constituencies. At the same time, judg- ing by the responses in Debating Empire and Empire’s New Clothes, the work has Steven Sherman Ganesh K. Trichur
[email protected] Department of Global Studies St. Lawrence University
[email protected] ¹. Gopal Balakrishnan () ed.