Middleton to Lead Univ. of Missouri
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www.mississippilink.com VOL. 22, NO. 4 NOVEMBER 19 - 25, 2015 50¢ JSU makes history Middleton as first HBCU in state to have School of Journalism to lead Univ. of Missouri dent, faculty Interim president member and fi- nally, adminis- is Jackson native trator. At a news By Summer Ballentine conference an- and Alan Scher Zagier nouncing his The Associated Press appointment COLUMBIA, Mo. – One of as the univer- Middleton the University of Missouri’s sity system’s interim president, first black law school graduates he vowed to take on the racial was appointed Nov. 12 to lead problems that inspired the pro- the four-campus system through tests that helped force the Nov. a tumultuous period of racial 9 abrupt resignation of President unrest, drawing praise from Tim Wolfe and another top ad- students who said he’s well- ministrator. equipped to confront the prob- “I have seen the system grow lems they felt his predecessor and excel over the years and I largely ignored. look with great optimism in the Michael Middleton, 68, who future,” said Middleton. is a native of Jackson, Miss, has spent 30 years at the university Middleton Provost Dr. Evelyn Leggette speaks to the media as Dr. Elayne Hayes-Anthony (center) and JSU president Carolyn Meyers talk following the – as an undergraduate, law stu- Continued on page 3 journalism school announcement. PHOTO BY GAIL BROWN By Gail M. Brown faculty and staff, with a com- hands-on training needed to be Contributing Writer mitted advisory board and successful in the field of media t was standing room only in friends, I have no doubt we’re and communications, coupled Mt. Helm celebrates Ithe lobby of the Mississippi going to be the best School of with the core principles of basic e-Center at Jackson State Uni- Journalism and Media Studies journalism and digital commu- versity at 6 p.m. Nov. 12, as JSU on the planet,” Meyers said. nication.” 180 years of ministry President Carolyn Meyers of- ent that we are the best one,” A large cluster of blue and Addressing the local media, ficially announced the history- she boasted with a smile. white balloons suspended Hayes-Anthony said the school By Jackie Hampton making School of Journalism The IHL Board approved the above the excited crowd was plans to be their “go-to pro- Publisher and Media Studies. Resound- new journalism school at their released to accent the celebra- gram.” “So when you are look- The 180 year anniversary ing applause and cheers echoed last meeting in October. “And tory announcement. ing for people to hold these jobs weekend celebration of Mount from the floor to the balcony. tonight, we celebrate this his- Hayes-Anthony set the stage in all areas of (the media), you Helm Baptist Church, the oldest JSU is the first Historic Black toric moment in Jackson State’s with a popular audio excerpt can look to Jackson State Uni- African-American church in the College and University in Mis- history,” Meyers said. from the JSU Sonic Boom versity,” she stressed. capital city, pastored by C. Ed- sissippi to have a School of She also made another an- Marching Band. “Get ready, The school offers both the wards Rhodes II, MDIV, culmi- Journalism and Media Studies, nouncement. “Every new en- here we come,” said Hayes- bachelor’s and master’s in nated on Sunday with a 3 p.m. and the third in the state overall. deavor has to have a strong, Anthony, a JSU alumna. She mass communications. Its en- service of praise. The other two are The Univer- talented and committed leader. shared the school’s mission: rollment is approximately 250 “Renewing Strength to sity of Mississippi and the Uni- I am proud to announce tonight “The mission of the School undergraduates and 44 gradu- Change Lives that Change the versity of Southern Mississippi. that Dr. Elayne Hayes-Anthony of Journalism and Media Stud- ate students. Course-related World” was the theme for this “This is a very, very special, is the dean of this new School ies is to provide academic ex- specializations include editing year long celebration. The af- special occasion today,” said of Journalism and Media Stud- cellence in the areas of media and graphic design, electronic ternoon service was held in the Meyers. “We will be the sev- ies.” The crowd roared in ap- production, multi-media jour- communication, multimedia Pastor Jerry Young was the guest church’s sanctuary located in speaker for the anniversary enth HBCU in the country to plause. nalism and integrated market- the heart of downtown Jackson service. PHOTO BY JACKIE HAMPTON have a School of Journalism “With her as the champion, ing. The school will provide JSU at 300 East Church St. and Media Studies, and I pres- with the talent and dedicated students with theoretical and Continued on page 3 Pastor Jerry Young of New the task of being president of Hope Baptist Church, president the National Baptist Conven- of the National Baptist Conven- tion, USA is mighty, but God is tion USA, Inc., delivered the greater. anniversary message. In his in- The mass choir of New Hope Alzheimer’s conference draws 250 plus troduction of the guest preacher, provided the music for this mo- Rhodes described Young as a mentous occasion. The choir’s Keynote speaker stresses positivity; attendees adorn their ‘fighting purple’ man of great wisdom, integrity rendition of “The Blood Has Mi- and one filled with the Holy raculous Power” seemed to set Special to The Mississippi Link today.” Spirit. He also referred to Young the tone for Young’s message. A sea of purple attire was A national presenter and as a father figure to his wife, Al- vividly seen throughout An- business owner, Edmunson lison, and as a profound prolific Mt. Helm derson Hall of Mississippi highly engaged conference at- scholar who understands that Continued on page 3 College Nov. 12, as the Fifth tendees in a series of positivity Annual Central Conference on exercises. In addition to flip- Alzheimer’s convened. Purple ping negativity, other recom- is the national color in the fight mendations included enhanc- Omega Psi Phi men present to end Alzheimer’s. ing relationships, engaging in Held each year by the Al- social activities and creating a zheimer’s Association Missis- positive personal development service awards at banquet sippi Chapter, the conference plan. By Stephanie R. Jones “There are more than Gala Saturday at the Capital raises awareness and educates Contributing Writer Club in downtown Jackson. caregivers and healthcare pro- 205,000 Alzheimer’s and de- mentia caregivers in Missis- Each year the Beta Alpha The theme of the gala was fessionals on the latest de- Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fra- “We Are 1.” velopments pertaining to Al- sippi who provide 234 million hours of unpaid care,” said ternity, Inc. recognizes mem- The speaker for the event zheimer’s disease and research. bers of its organization who was Antonio Knox Sr., 40th This year’s conference at- Patty Dunn, Alzheimer’s As- Session presenter Victor Smith (second from left), executive director have carried fourth the frater- Grand Basileus of the frater- tracted more than 250 attendees sociation Mississippi Chapter of The Blake at Township, is joined by Blake’s Director of Sales nity’s mission of service to the nity. Knox is the deputy admin- – the largest conference to date. executive director. “Caregiv- Kerri Adams, Alzheimer’s Association - Mississippi Chapter Board ers face special challenges, and community and Mississippians istrator at the North Carolina “This is my third year attend- Member Gail M. Brown and Alzheimer’s Association - Mississippi we are here to provide support who have exhibited service to Credit Union Division. He is ing the conference,” said Delo- Chapter Program Coordinator Sara Murphy. PHOTOS COURTESY OF MS services through educational community and otherwise. a graduate of North Carolina res Harper of Crystal Springs. CHAPTER OF ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION. This year, the Aspire Com- State University. She is a caregiver for a rela- opportunities and support groups.” munity Uplift Foundation, Beta Alpha Chapter named tive diagnosed with dementia. deal of valuable information. professional and family care- along with Beta Alpha Chapter George W. Jamison, II the the “I come so that I may get the Conference keynote speak- givers. “Our mindset matters,” November is National Care- giver Month and in the U.S. and Upsilon Epsilon Chapter, Omega Man of the Year. education needed to help me as er Janet Edmunson, M.Ed, Edmunson said. “We have to presented awards of recogni- a caregiver,” Harper said. She FAWHP stressed the impor- (learn) to flip negative think- tion during the annual David expressed she learned a great tance of positive emotions for ing; (focus) on what went well Alzheimer’s Banquet Continued on page 3 C. Bass Sr. Achievement Week Continued on page 3 AMA seeking Lost album “Diana Stevelyn Robinson: Share this issue with a friend warning labels Ross Sings Songs The little guy with by mailing it to: on medical From The Wiz” to be the lion heart Inside marijuana released Nov. 27 products Page 6 Page 19 Page 17 LOCAL 2 • THE MISSISSIPPI LINK NOVEMBER 19 - 25, 2015 www.mississippilink.com White-tailed Weight loss winners announced deer gun season opens Saturday The Mississippi Link Newswire firearms season for deer, a hunter Mississippi’s 2015–2016 must wear in full view at least white-tailed deer gun season five hundred square inches of opens Saturday and closes Dec. solid unbroken fluorescent or- 1. ange unless hunting in a stand at Hunting with dogs is allowed least twelve feet above ground where legal during this season.