LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM AND THE GLOBAL NORTH: THE CASE OF BRITAIN’S INNER CITIES Martin Gainsborough University of Bristol © Martin Gainsborough School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies University of Bristol Working Paper No. 11-11 Martin Gainsborough is Reader in Development Politics in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies at the University of Bristol. He is a specialist on the politics of development, with an area specialism on South East Asia, and expertise on state theory, governance, and corruption. Gainsborough has also conducted research on politics and development in the UK, notably on MPs+ expenses and on Britain+s inner cities. Gainsborough is known internationally as one of a handful of specialists on Vietnamese politics – a country where he has lived, worked, learnt the language, and conducted fieldwork for over 20 years. He is the author of Vietnam: Rethinking the State (Zed Books, 2010) and Changing Political Economy of Vietnam (Routledge, 2003), and the editor of On the Borders of State Power: Frontiers in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (Routledge, 2009) and Enterprise and Welfare Reform in Communist Asia (Cass, 2003 with Peter Ferdinand). He can be reached at
[email protected] 2 LIBERAL INTERVENTIONISM AND THE GLOBAL NORTH: THE CASE OF BRITAIN’S INNER CITIES Martin Gainsborough University of Bristol Abstract: Liberal interventionism has tended to be understood as a post-Cold War phenomenon resulting in new patterns of intervention by Western states in countries of the global south. Liberal interventionism has also been seen as a throwback to an earlier liberal impulse to govern, namely colonialism, where liberalism is seen as having a dark side despite its ostensible emphasis on freedom.