EU Funding Toolkit

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EU Funding Toolkit European Funding Toolkit for Social Enterprise Support Organisations & Social Enterprises @EuclidNetwork Euclid Network is the European Network for social enterprise and civil society support organisations. With our members and partners, we deliver events, peer exchanges and policy work for social entrepreneurs and civil society leaders. Euclid Network currently has 25 member organisations across 14 countries, federating over 8500 social enterprises and NGOs. LEARN Learn the latest skills, trends & challenges for social impact This guide has been published with the financial support of the European Commission (EaSI Programme). The information set out in this publication are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission. SHARE Share innovative ideas & practice with fellow changemakers Editors: Antoaneta Ivanova, Alexandra Yaghil and Veerle Klijn Design: and Last revision: February 2019 Euclid Network Saturnusstraat 14 2516 AH Den Haag CONNECT The Netherlands Connect with investors, researchers & public leaders E-mail: [email protected] Website: FIND Find new partners for future EU-funded projects 2 Euclid Network European Funding Toolkit 3 Abbreviations Content COSME Social enterprise in European policies ..........................................................................................6 The EU programme for the Competitiveness of Small and EU funding: the principles and the practice ..............................................................................8 Medium-sized Enterprises Overview on EU funding instruments EaSI EaSI ............................................................................................................................................................... 10 European Union programme for COSME ........................................................................................................................................................ 14 Employment and Social Innovation ESF ................................................................................................................................................................ 18 Interreg Europe ........................................................................................................................................22 EC Erasmus+ .................................................................................................................................................... 26 European Commission LIFE ...............................................................................................................................................................32 Horizon 2020 .............................................................................................................................................38 ESF AMIF .............................................................................................................................................................44 European Social Fund Europe for citizens ...................................................................................................................................48 EU European Union Accessing EU funds: Tips & Tricks .................................................................................................52 H2020 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................54 Horizon 2020 MFF Multiannual Financial Framework R&D Research and Development SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise 4 Euclid Network European Funding Toolkit 5 Social enterprise in European policies In 2017, there were 2.8 million social In practice, social entrepreneurship and In 2016, the Expert enterprises in the European Union (EU), social finance fall under the responsibility employing some 19.1 million people, of two Directorate-Generals (DGs) at the Group published 13 which accounts for 6.3% of the total EC – DG Employment and DG Internal recommendations for paid workforce in Europe (EESC 2017). Market. However, the EC has been pushing this agenda through its other areas of work how policy-makers could Though not a new concept or practice, including research, regional cohesion and support the development social entrepreneurship moved into the international development (see chart below). spotlight in the aftermath of the financial of social enterprises. and economic crisis. Pioneers in fighting The first comprehensive EU-level policy social exclusion, delivering high-quality initiative for social entrepreneurship was It was then decided that the SBI’s priority welfare services and combating the 2011 Social Business Initiative (SBI), areas should be supported by an Expert environmental issues, social enterprises presented as part of the Responsible Group on Social Entrepreneurship & Social have been identified by the European Business Package. The SBI contained Economy (also known as GECES), which had Commission (EC) as playing a key role in an Action Plan to create a favourable a six-year mandate to set the direction for the EU’s response to the crisis. Supporting ecosystem for social enterprises and European policy development in this field. entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and focused on three priority areas: funding, In 2016, the Expert Group published 13 focusing on enhancing people’s skills will visibility and legal environment. Within recommendations for how policy-makers help the EU to achieve its goal of ‘smart, these three areas, the EC identified 11 could support the development of social sustainable and inclusive growth’, as set priority measures, such as social investment enterprises as part of the European out in the Europe 2020 strategy. funds, microcredit, a register of social Action Plan for the Social Economy enterprises, labels and certifications, and Social Enterprises. public procurement and state aid. The Expert Group’s mandate was renewed in October 2018 with a different structure Find your best fit! (for details of the new Expert Group, see COSME EaSI Erasmus+ ESF H2020 Intereg Finance LIFE here). This group, known as GECES II and Sustainability mandated until 2024, will give feedback to the EC on existing policies and instruments Employment for the sector. Since the SBI, the EC has Innovation launched a wide range of initiatives providing financial and non-financial support to Entrepreneurship European social enterprises. The group Skills will also actively support the development Cross border of all future European initiatives in favour of cooperation social entrepreneurship and social finance. Finance 6 Euclid Network European Funding Toolkit 7 EU funding: the principles and the practice The Europe 2020 Strategy sets out a Civil society organisations, micro, small The EC provides funding plan to enhance growth and job creation and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in various forms, including: in the EU over a 10-year period. It was and public authorities are all encouraged the basis of the EU budget 2014-2020 to apply for EU funding: grants, loans and and therefore of all EU funding streams Grants guarantees, as well as to bid for contracts and investment strategies presented (tenders) to provide goods and services. Given to organisations (and, occasionally, in this guide. Non-governmental and civil society to individuals). Grants are awarded in organisations are eligible to apply for many different fields, usually on the European funding mechanisms may EU funds where their areas of operation basis of project proposals submitted be managed in different ways: jointly by support EU policies. Public bodies (local, by applicants in response to calls for the European Commission and national regional or national) can also apply for EU proposals. Calls are published regularly authorities, directly by the European funding opportunities, including investment and seek to fulfil the overall objective Commission, or indirectly by other and financial assistance for building capacity, of the relevant funding programme. authorities inside or outside the EU. efficiency and local infrastructure. About 80% of EU funding is jointly administered by the EC and national In many cases the EC only finances a authorities – so, in most cases looking Financial instruments part of the project or programme. The EU for EU funding begins with finding the contribution to a project or programme is Such as loans, guarantees and relevant body in your country. referred to as the ‘co-financing rate’ and equity provided to businesses. is expressed as a percentage of the total About 80% of EU programme cost. This guide specifies the maximum co-financing rate per funding is jointly operational programme. Cash prizes administered by the EC For businesses as part of organised and national authorities competitions, in which businesses Disclaimer This guide gives an overview of some of the often alsobenefit from free publicity European programmes that Euclid Network has and promotion. identified as relevant for social enterprises, civil society organisations and their support structures. The guide does not seek to be exhaustive and other EU programmes are expected to be added in the near future. In May 2018, the EC presented a proposal for the Purchasing services new EU budget (or ‘Multiannual Financial Framework’) for 2021-2027. As of early 2019,
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