Universidad de Almería Departamento: Filología Inglesa y Alemana Proyecto Fin de Master Tutor: Jesús Isaías Gómez López Curso 2012/13 English Rhymes on the Spanish Civil War TRABAJO PARA EL TÍTULO DE MÁSTER Entregado en el Área de Atención Integral al Estudiante (ARATIES) de la Universidad de Almería como requisito parcial conducente a la obtención del título de MÁSTER EN ESTUDIOS INGLESES 2013 Marcel Margolf Wilhelmstrasse 6 35305 Grünberg (Alemania) Teléfono: 634807927 E-Mail:
[email protected] Máster Oficial en Estudios Ingleses: Aplicaciones Profesionales y Comunicación Intercultural Fecha: 10.09.2013 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The Spanish Conflict in the Western Stage: “Authors take sides” 2 3. Stephen Spender: Poems from Spain 7 3.1 Ultima Ratio Regum 9 3.2 Port Bou 12 3.2 Fall of a City 15 4. Roy Campbell: Openly in Favour of the Nationalists 18 4.1 Poems for Spain: Toledo (July, 1936), Hot Rifles and Christs in Uniform 21 4.2 Controversy: Flowering Rifle: A poem from the battlefield of Spain 30 5. W.H. Auden and his “Change of Heart” on the Spanish Civil War 35 5.1 Spain 38 6. Final Appreciation of the Matter 51 7. Bibliography 53 8. Webliography 54 "What's your proposal? To build the just city? I will. I agree. Or is it the suicide pact, the romantic Death? Very well, I accept, for I am your choice, your decision. Yes, I am Spain." Abstract The main objective of the thesis is to provide an overview on English poets and poems dedicated to the Spanish civil war.