* EUSHWALKL 7NG CLUB INC. NEWSLEUER J P.O. Box 160, Canberra, ACT. 2601

Registered by Post: Publication number NBH 1859



WHERE? Dickson. Library Community Room

WHEN? Wednesday 20 March 1991, 8.00pm

WHAT? Vance Brown, a longstanding CBC member, will give a talk and show slides from his trip last August - Bushwalking in the Kimberly region. He will concentrate on the Bungle Bungles and the Mitchell Plateau. The evening will be of particular interest to those with plans for visiting the area, and also for those who just want to reminisce. Before the meeting join fellow members for some pasta and other Italian delights at the 101 Marinetti Restaurant, Sargood Street, O'Connor at 600pm. BYO vino.


The finish of summer and the cooler weather of autumn spells a change in the Club's walks. This time of year we move away from shorter river walks to longer walks. It's just unfortunate that shorter days accompany the cooler temperatures!

The 24th of this month is the Clean Up Australia Day. The day gives us a great opportunity to show the people of Canberra that the Club has an environment ethic. So be there in your Club T shirt. If you do not have a Club T shirt then you should contact Debi Williams so that she can arrange for a Club monogram.to be silk-screened on your T shirt.

There are two notices of motion in this IT to be put before members at the March Monthly Meeting. The motions have been considered and are supported by your Committee.

A letter was sent to Mr David Eastman on behalf of the Committee informing him, that following due consideration of his behaviour on Club activities, his membership has been revoked. A letter in which he expressed his wish to no longer participate in Club activities has been received from Mr Eastman.

It is with regret that I inform Club members that Club member Fujio Takada died on 11 February. An obituary is presented in this IT.


Prospective Members Antony & Maxine Webber 14 Box P1 Latham ACT 2615 Peter Henderson 32 Wybalena Grove Cook ACT 2614 Coral Hunt 140 Miller St O'Connor ACT 2601 Lynne Thompson P0 Box 654 Belconnen ACT 2616 Geoffrey Clarke 7 Wyles P1 Flynn ACT 2615 NOTiCE OF MOTION o I propose to put the following motion to the March General Meeting of the Club: That the Canberra Bushwalking Club donate $200 from the Conservation Fund to the Conservation Council of the South East Region and Canberra of which $100 of this amount should go to the Forestry Working Group of the Council. Moved: Mike Morriss

NOTICE OF MOTION I propose to put the following motion to the March General Meeting of the Club: That the Canberra Bushwalking Club donate $400 from the Conservation Fund to the National Parks and Wildlife Service NSW for timber and associated materials to be used in maintenance works to be carried out by the Club in Morton National Park in 1991. Moved: Mike Morriss

MOTION PASSED The motion 'That the Club approve expenditure of up to $350 to purchase an answering machine to be connected to the Membership Secretary's telephone" was passed at the February General Meeting. The answering machine has now been purchased and connected to the Membership Secretary's telephone.


Quite a number of walks were added to the Program at the Walks Planning Evening in late February. However there are still some holes, particularly for day walks from late April onwards. For any budding leaders I have included below a few suggestions for day walks close to Canberra which do not require highly skilled navigation and are very suitable for new leaders. If you are interested in leading one of these I can try to arrange for at least one experienced leader to join the walk or act as co-leader.

The Activity Programme will contain a couple of innovations from this month. I will attempt to publish the date and time of the full moon for the next three months and the weekend sunrise and sunset times in Canberra for the next month or so at the end of the program. These are not my brilliant, ideas but have been plagiarised from other clubs' magazines which I have been reading while not going on walks over the last few weeks. This information may be of use in planning what time to make/break camp and/or leave for the trip. Allan Mikkelsen 3


All these suggested walks are on the ACT 1:100000 map and can be done from that but the appropriate 1:25000 map is quoted.

Orroral Valley Ramble (S-M/E ) Start at locked gate near Orroral Tracking Station. Walk up the valley on the southern/south western side of the On-oral River in the open cleared area. Keep far enough from the river to avoid the bogs and swamp, past folly's Hut until you reach the fire trail (Smokers Trai at the head of the valley. Turn left and follow this track back to the cars through interesting woodland. Very easy walking and navigation.

Mount Coree (M/M ) From Blundell's Flat follow Currie's Road to summit of . Climb the south ridge of Coree, scrubby at first but easier though rocky further on. Great views from the summit. Follow the road from the summit north, keeping right at junctions to return to the cars.

Mount Girdni from Corin Dam (M-L/E-M Corin Dam) From the western end of the dam wall take the steep foot track up Stockyard Spur. Turn left when the old fire trail is reached and follow it to the junction with the Mount Franklin Road. Left here, down past Pryors Hut and on to the summit of Ginini for good 360 degree views as far as Jagungal and the . Very suitable as a snow walk in late July or August.

Hospital Hill - Naas Creek (M/M Yaouk) Involves a car shuffle on the Boboyan Road - begin after the road climbs up from where Hospital Hill ridge rises to level of road (810398), and Naas Creek Crossing. Cross to Hospital Hill ridge, follow south to Naas Creek, follow downstream to road. Fine views of Namadgi Peaks from the high points of the ridge.

More suggestions will be published later Allan Mikkelsen


Fujio apparently died as the result of a 300 metre fall while on Mt Hull New Zealand on 11 February. He had visited New Zealand to do some walking while on his way back to Japan, having completed his work with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, here in Canberra.

Fujio joined the Club in the middle of 1990. He participated in a number of Club weekend ski trips and walks, and I had the pleasure of being on two of these trips. The first was a weekend trip to Valentine's Hut, where we shared tent, food and humour on a weekend of good snow, strong wind gusts and snow squalls. The other trip was the October Monolith Valley work weekend when Fujio's openness and quiet humour added to the weekend.

While Fujio's death is a loss to us, to his family in Japan and to his friends, I am sure that I express the sentiments of all of us in the Canberra Bushwalking Club in saying that we are the richer for Fujio's having joined the Club. He will be remembered with pleasure.


Dear Editor Nic Bendeli is right in implying that the topic of fluid balance while bushwalking in hot weather is both important and controversial. I suggest that it is also variable - according to each person's individual metabolism.

Some years ago the Darwin bushwalkers had a talk from a doctor specialising in sports medicine. From memory the main points he made were:

Pre-hydrate. Drink as much as possible before starting and drink again before you feel thirsty. The body can exude liquid through perspiration faster than it can absorb it by digestion. Waiting until you are thirsty may be too late. Combine with small quantities of carbohyrdate - he said bread sandwiches were good. Cool off whenever possible. Early warning signs of trouble are a change in temperamental behaviour - leaders should watch for someone normally garrulous and energetic going quiet, and vice versa.

On the question of salt my experience has been that if I do get dehydrated to the point of exhaustion then the teaspoon of-salt-in-a-halfpint..of..warm..wateridea works well. Ten minutes after that I can drink ordinary water copiously, and within an hour at most I am fully recovered. But I can say that authoratively only of my own body. I would be interested 10 know what other bodies have found.

Keith Sayers


The Conservation Council of the South East Region and Canberra met on 16 February 1991. Rod Dalgleish and I attended as the Club's representatives. Some highlights of the meeting were: Repotts - from the Acting President, Director and various working groups - see me if you want to read any of them; Fuidlig pmbiems - the Council and its working groups are finding it difficult to obtain resources needed to represent regional conservation issues to the different levels of government in NSW and the ACT. See my motion regarding a CBC donation in this It IndMdual Meinbe.'stç - the Council has a proposal under consideration to add individual membership to the current group delegates membership. If you are interested in this issue please see me. I have a discussion paper and I would like any Club member's views to take to Council. Peak Cotmcl Meethigs. National meetings of State, Territory Conservation Councils and Environmental Centres will be held in Canberra between 8 and 17 April. This conveniently coincides with the ACTs Environment Fair on 14 April - a chance to meet the heavies of the conservation movement from around Australia Poty Statemn - the Conservation Council has produced a Policy Statement on Environmental Issues in the ACT and South East NSW. This is an important document, covering a range of issues of interest to members eg. Alpine conservation, forests and coastal issues. I have purchased a copy on behalf of the Club. See me if you want to borrow it. Mike Morriss



The nedons facts In Canberra in 1990, Clean Up Day brought together over 1700 people with over 30 organisations actively involved on the day. There were fifteen key sites which were cleaned up in the ACT, focussing on the Lakes, and the . Over forty tonnes of rubbish was collected on the day. 39 syringes were collected, mainly at SulIWans Creek and .

Nationally, 300,000 people were involved with over 15,000tonnes collected. In the South East Region, over 7,000 people were invo Wed, with over 200 tonnes collected.

On 24 March 1991, the second ever, community-driven national clean up of Australia will take place. It is an opportune time for Australians to join together and improve their environment. The media is very interested in assisting in the promotion. As well as radio and newspaper promotions, there will be a national television commercial promoting the day. FM 104.7 and 2CN will publicize the day on the radio.

The Canberra region In Canberra, there will be a large Clean Up focussing on:

the involvement of schools and the general community in neighbourhood/suburban cleanups

clean ups at recreational areas along waterways including the Murrumbidgee River and Lake Burley Griffin

clean up of major arterial roads

The Murrumbidgee River is an important natural resource adjacent to Canberra. The River provides recreation opportunities for bushwalkers, swimmers, rockclimbers, picnickers, canoeists and field naturalists. Unfortunately, the area has been devalued by the massive amount of rubbish, ranging from plastic and tin cans to bottles and aerosol cans. This is due to recent floodings where rubbish has been carried down in the flood waters. The main source is from the Tuggeranong stormwater drains and from picnic areas along the river.

The ACT Government (including the ACT Parks and Conservation Service, Urban Services and the Environment Protection Authority) in coordination with community groups, including member groups of the Conservation Council of Canberra and the South East Region, are working together to undertake a large scale clean up of the ACT including the Murrumbidgee River. The Canberra Bushwalking Club will maintain a significant role in co-ordinating the Murrumbidgee River clean up.

Other than cleaning up the River, it is anticipated that the event will educate Canberra residents to value their environment. This will hopefully also encourage residents to not pollute their picnic areas, open space areas and stormwater drains.

Why get kwoWed? The National Clean Up day will be the largest community-driven environment event in Australia. There will be over 500 different Clean Up locations around Australia. The media, all levels of Government and different businesses have assured their support for the day. The impact the day will have on cleaning up the environment and also equally important, educating the general public about the environment will be tremendous. Australians can feel good, doing something themselves to effectively improve their environment.

Planning for the day People can assist in the planning, leading up to the day. On the actual day, site supervisors and leaders are required to organise volunteers for the Clean Up. There will be a meeting prior to the clean up for all interested site supervisors and leaders explaining the logistics for the day.

On the day There will be a variety of sites that will be cleaned up in the ACT within the suburbs, local parks, and nearby waterways. The Conservation Council including the Canberra Bushwalking Club will coordinate the Murrumbidgee River clean up including Uriarra Crossing, , Kambah Pool, Pine Island, Point Hut Crossing and Coppins Crossing. Volunteers will join in on the day cleaning up around these picnic areas. In addition the Range Rover Club will join with mobile teams to clean up and areas of the Brindabells.

The Canberra Bushwalking Club will also have two leaders take groups from both Kambah Pool and Pine Island through Red Rocks Gorge. People can join in and clean up this beautiful area as well as swim and bushwalk.

If you would like to participate on the day or would like more information, please contact Sandy Lolicato for details, telephone 251 5441 (h) or 272 4764 (w). WALK PREVIEWS March 16-18 - Wola Do you want to see spectacular contorted landscape, scramble over razorback ridges and feel what it's like to climb 1000 metres with a full pack, then join me on this L/ft We will tackle the mother (Mother Woila that is) via the Dampier Trig fire trail and camp on the plateau leading to it. Without packs we will attempt the mountain on the first day. Rough ridge walking awaits us on day 2 around to Scout Hat. Camp will be made by the beautiful Woila Creek. This leaves a full day to walk out along the creek and climb the 1000 metre spur to Big Badja. Pack lightly and bring a wine skin.

Eddie De Wilde

March 23-24 - Katoomba Smorgasboi'd The weekend is designed for people to sample and taste the various delight that Katoomba has to offer. Participants can choose which particular activity they wish to partake of or decline. Note that trip limits differ according to the activity. The entree Mt Hay Canyon - Saturday morning - start about 0800 hrs. The canyon consists of several swims, jumps and abseils. It is not recommended for timid abseilers or raw beginners. The climb out is a walk up a steep gully with a 10 metre rock climb at grade 8 standard. Altogether a long half day - limit 8.

Course two The Mantleshelf - on Saturday afternoon (say, 1500 hrs) after some iced chocolates, we will go to the Three Sisters and climb up the Mantleshelf - a 20 metre grade 13 rock climb - exposure plus! suitable for athletic beginners. The descent is an abseil on to Honeymoon Point bridge down the first Sister. Saturday night will probably be spent at the upper Narrowneck cave.

Course three The West Wall - an early start is mandatory. Probably 0645 hrs will see us starting the walk down to the base of the Three Sisters. The climb is multi-pitched and consists of chimneys, cracks, corners and walls. The length is about 250 metres and the grade varies from 8 to a maximum of 12. It is suitable for athletic beginners. We will finish for lunch. Maximum limit of 4 applies unless other leaders volunteer.

Dessert Fortress Creek Canyon - we will plunge and swim in Fortress Creek. The canyon is suitable for beginners and involves several swims (up to 20 metres) as well as a 10 metre abseil - no party limit.

Note that the above program is weather dependent and appropriate substitutions will be arranged if required. Feel free to ring me if any of the above information is indigestible! Nic Bendeli

ApI 20-21 - CMthlng Instructional - Bocroomba Rocks The climbing instructional is NOT to teach you how to climb. It IS intended for Club members who have already climbed/abseiled and who would like to further their knowledge of techniques so that they can participate more confidently in scrambling/canyoning/climbing trips. A maximum ration of 1 instructor to 4 participants is planned with a trip limit of 8. Preference/priority will be given to members who have previously demonstrated interest in the technical aspects of scrambling/canyoning. Some of the aspects covered will be: Knots - clove-hitch, fig. 8, bowline, slip, fisherman, butterfly, Prussik, Bachman, Munter, tape, body bowline; Belaying - use and practice of Sticht plate, body belay, Munter hitch; Prussiking - ascending a rope using several methods, (Prussik, Bachman, karabiner Prussik); Coiling ropes - skein, lap, chain; Protection - discussion of strength of equipment, minimum links concept, straightening the line, double ropes. Special equipment needed: harness, abseiling gear, Prussik loops, at least five karabiners (one must be locking), gloves, note book, writing implements, bottle of good humour and a can of elbow grease.

The above ideas will be put into practice by climbing multi-pitch routes (top-leading?) such as Sunstroke, Drunken Delight, Little Hermes. FAEEHEEUN' AT 20320 FEET

The trip started in October '88 when Keith dropped in to say 'hi'. As he stepped through the doorway we both though 'How would you like to climb Mt Mckinley?'

The dream became a reality, when ten of us sat for breakfast, one fine May morning in Anchorage, Alaska. In front of us were piles of pancakes and cream, bacon and eggs, toast and jam, bottomless cups of coffee, hash browns and anything else that titilated our palates. Important planning conversations ensued, interspersed with munching and sipping. Important conversations such as, how much food, what type of food, do you prefer instant mashed potatoes or instant noodles, one pot cooking or multi-pot cooking, how much fibre and the problems of its eventual disposal. After the copious breakfast, a quick visit to a supermarket warehouse and the necessary shopping for twenty eight day's supplies. Once the shopping was over it was time for lunch and packing. The packing was interrupted by the usual meals and snacks.

Some of us were unable to do any preparatory training, prior to the climb and had flown directly to Anchorage. Others had seized upon the opportunity to 'freeheel off the biggest mountain in North America', as a good excuse for a prolonged ski holiday. Keith, Paul D, Trevor, Helen and I spent time in Canada riding the lifts, downhilling and ski-mountaineering. As a shakedown trip, we undertook a week long camp on the Bow Glacier in the Rocky Mountains. Days were spent climbing peaks and skiing off, hauling 'patients' out of crevasses and.... of course.....eating.

May 22 saw the ten of us flying to Mckinley base camp from the Talkeetna airstrip. Twenty-eight day's food, equipment, skis, ice axes, crampons, a pilot and two skiers somehow fitted into the tiny Cessna. One was not allowed to get airsick as there was no room to.... The glorious sunshine, azure sky and magnificent scenery went unnoticed, the view completely blocked by packs and equipment. The landing was felt and experienced rather than seen. Once on the glacier it was a different story. At 7200 feet, amidst towering peaks and perpetual snow, we were in the playground of the mountaineers and in the throne room of the mountain gods.

From now on, the expedition took on a more serious note. Most days we would fill our packs and sleds and skin up the glacier, trying to gain between 300 or 500 metres of elevation, in order to prevent altitude sickness and give us time to acclimatise. The noonday temperatures would soar to 30° +C and the night temperatures to - 15°C. Much spare time was available and it was pleasant to lie in the tent and just laze, drink, read, drink, eat, drink, play, drink, practise crevasse rescues and drink some more. We had to try and force at least 5 litres of fluid a day. Our spare time behaviour at 14200 ft was amazing and perplexing to the Americans.

Were we suffering a little-known variant of altitude sickness? Throwing a stuffed mitten around and hitting it with a shovel, then racing to/from three wands in the snow was mystifying. Occasionally a loud '000wizaaat' would really confuse the issue. What queer behaviour! Us Downunders were having a great time.


Summit day started from our 172000ft camp. Theoretically we should have had a R&R day. However the weather was so good that the opportunity was not to be missed. Three of us made a summit attempt. As we gained height, the altitude affected us differently. At 1 9000ft keith took off to the extent that he overtook other partied and arrived at the summit one and a half hours ahead of us. Whilst he was at the top, laughing, joking and talking, Scott and I hit the Wall. Sheer willpower was needed to wax a feeble step forward and ever so upwards. Step, pant, pant, pant, step, pant, pant, pant. So close and yet so far. At 19500 ft the decision not to ski from the summit was made and the skis abandoned. I was just too weak. As it was, I was occasionally fleetingly blacking out and had to keep a very close watch on the body systems.

The summit was eventually reached. keith had his skis ready and was itching to go. I started to retreat to the Football Field at 19500 ft. What took two hours of agony to ascend, only took ten minutes of bumsliding and self-arresting to get down. In the meantime, from the summit, one telemark, two telemarks and stop. Scott was collapsing and Keith had to improvise a rescue. Scott was lowered on a rope for the initial 500 ft until he regained enough consciousness to partially stagger down, helped by friendly shoulders. E1

By 18500 ft he had recuperated enough to be able to carry on a small conversation. The last thousand feet to our igloos were hell. Thirty five degree slopes, knee-deep humid powder snow, heat. Dressed for - 20C was inappropriate for the westerly facing concave bowl in the still, late afternoon sun.

After the post summit euphoria, an appraisal of the situation was taken. From the ten of us we had one 'mild' case of cerebral oedema, one case of pulmonary oedema, one infected leg and two cases of severe headaches. So evacuation to lower altitudes, in the midst of an increasing snowstorm, was mandatory. The slopes were becoming loaded and the headwall positivelyavalanche prone. Stuart and I were the last to come through. Fast technique down the fixed ropes saw us safely through. A guided party that we had overtaken were not so fortunate. An avalanche came through and tossed them around. Fortunately no casualties occurred. Just one pack lost and a mild case of hypothermia: So ended the first attempt at the summit.

Three days later, the storm had subsided and our tent, its poles broken, lay under one metre of compacted snow. We were lucky to wake up in time and not be buried in it. Weather and circumstances had eroded party morale and a general descent preferred (? Ed.). So Keith and I returned to our igloo at 17200 ft to pick up the equipment left there for our second summit attempt. Keith tried to ski down from 17200 ft but the weather closed in again. A thick fog enveloped the mountain and we could just see the fbced ropes. At 14000 ft we picked up the rest of our equipment and this time skied back to the airfield.

The ski to the landing strip was memorable. Alternating sunshine and fog, good visibility and snowstorms. The descent from Windy Corner was in light knee-deep powder and glorious sunshine. From 12000 ft to 11000ff it was knee-deep mush. From 1 1000 ft to 10000 ft the weather stormed and it was ankle-deep powder. From 10000 ft to 8000 ft it was crusty and gigantic snowbridges over yawning crevasses. Finally by the time we reached the airfield it was windy, partly snowy, one o'clock in the morning and no planes for a few days because of the storms. In fact we all flew out within 24 hours and proceeded to further adventures. But those are other tales.

Note: AUSMAC '90 (Australian Urge to Ski Mckinley) expedition members were: keith Williams, John Morell, Paul Daniel, Paul Mara, Bill Blunt, Stuart Dennis, Scott Ruddook, Trevor Holsworth, Helen Thomson and Nicolas Bendeli. Nicolas Bendeli VALE, PADDVI

The announcement of the death of Paddy Pallin, bushwalker and ski tourer extraordinaire, in January, revived in my mind memories of the help and support he had given me and members of the Canberra Bushwalking Club in years gone by.

I probably first met Paddy though bushwalking friends of my parents in Sydney in the fifities, but certainly remember a particular talk he gave to members of my first bushwalking club, the Coast and Mountain Walkers of NSW in 1967. He spoke about cross country skiing and so enthused me that I straight away went along to his shop in Liverpool Street, Sydney tQpurchase the necessary gear to launch my cross country skiing career! I well remember earnest discussion and advice about Stockholm tar (for my new Bla (pronounced 'bloor', as in 'floor') skis, the best blowtorch to buy, the merits of new metal, as opposed to bamboo, poles, and the appropriate bindings for skis and boots which I wanted to use for cross-country ski racing! I was well and truly hooked!

Some years later I moved to Canberra and joined the Canberra Bushwalking Club. Paddy's support for the Club from about 1965 to 1988 was manifest in his willingness to let us advertise the Club and its walks in the Paddy Pallin shop, which in those early years was first situated in Garema Place before moving to its current site on Northbourne Avenue.

Over the years we have been able to advertise our presence and display our walk programme and associated activities. Many bushwalkers and cross country skiers have gathered on Friday evenings in the shop to talk about gear, the forthcoming weekend's walk or ski tour, and to consider the merits of various items of bushwalking or cross-country skiing equipment. From time to time films, and later videos, of bushwalking or cross-country skiing were shown after shop hours.

For me it hasbeen a privilege to have met Paddy. Many present and past CBC members will remember him for his support of the Club, and love of the Australian bush and snowscape. Farewell, Paddy! Sue Vidler Supplement to March 1991 IT CBC Membership List - 6 March 1991 Page 1 Telephone NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME

ABBOTr,Roger 13 Solly PlaceEmu RidgeBELCONNEN ACT 2617 2514051 ABELA,David 9/16 Gabriel PI,FLOREV ACT 2615 2824567 2591315 AIKEN,Genevieve 4 Bancroft S1,OICKSON ACT 2602 2478848 ALLENCraig 13 Blandon Place,HOLT ACT 2615 2526547 2549735 • ANDERSON,AlIan 11 Lochee PlaceSTIRLING ACT 2611 2880112 2880112 • ANDERSONDoris 11 Lochee PlaceSTIRLING ACT 2611 2893588 2880112 ANDERSONErica 'Rushston&',Royalla Rdva QUEANBEVAN NSW 2620 2971589 ARMOUR,Jan Townhouse 6A, "The Carrington", 4-6 Jardine St,KINGSTON ACT 2604 2474711 2953881 ASHBURNERJames Cl. W72bPO Box 10,13ELCONNEN ACT 2616 2526867 BAINRichard 16/41 David StOCONNOR ACT 2601 2653693 2574816 BALDERSONJohn 7/5 Crest RdQUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2464287 2972299 BANNISTERPauI 80 Torrens StIBRADDON ACT 2601 2493848 2574357 BAXrER,Arinette 31 Findlay St,HIGGINS ACT 2614 2746846 2541463 BEAUMONTBruce 12 OHagan StLATHAM ACT 2615 2511655 2549320 BECKER,Norman 4 Drysdaie Crct,KAMBAH ACT 2902 2506951 2316061 • BELL,Lesley 1 Dash Crs,FADDEN ACT 2904 2775131 2924360 • BELLPhIII1P 1 Dash CrsFADDEN ACT 2904 2795963 2924360 BENDELINic 11 Hannam PIMAWSON ACT 2607 2861921 • BENNEUSCarol 6 Toohey PlaceWANNIASSA ACT 2903 2714411 2315899 • BENNETTSJeff 6 Toohey PlaceWANNIASSA ACT 2903 2767160 2315899 BIBOflobert 4/25 MacKennal StLYNEHAM ACT 2602 2527488 2475077 BINDERMonika 16 Cassinia St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 2643329 2476866 + BLACKHarry 121 Fairhaven Point Way, Wallaga Lakev4a NAROOMA, NSW 2546 (0649)34548 BLAYDENWarwick P0 Box 228,WEST RYDE NSW 2114 (02)2616160 • BLINDELL,Nancy 9 Cambage StYARRALUMLA ACT 2600 BRAULTWayne 58 Barada CresARANDA ACT 2614 2805687 2516895 BRENNAN,Justine 28 Tallara ParkwayNARRABUNDAH ACT 2604 2672409 2956369 BROOKEREnid 36 Lead StYASS NSW 2582 2261888 2262149 BROWN,BiII 17 Faunce CresOCONNOR ACT 2601 2764984 2489948 BROWN,00ug 44 Kambalda CresFISHER ACT 2611 2741383 2882805 BROWN,Vance 23/2 Sexton St,COOK ACT 2614 2464092 2513997 BURFORDBiII 14 Coleman St,PEARCE ACT 2607 2612469 2866557 BURKERoss 7 Hooley PI,KAMBAH 2902 2971000 2316530 BURMESTERHenry 29 Quandong StOCONNOR ACT 2601 2506412 2470193 BURNETr,AJIx 7 Turallo TrceBUNGENDORE NSW 2621 2851661 2381288 BUSH,Rebecca 78 Templeton St,COOK ACT 2614 2437251 2514848 BUTrERS,TernJ 5 Feltus Place KAMBAH ACT 2902 2469388 2310047 BYERS,Cate 1St Clair PILYONS ACT 2606 2818100x988 2812211 BYRNESRohun 124 La Perouse StGRIFFITH ACT 2603 2951443 CAMERONKen 8 Clisby CICOOK ACT 2614 2858641 2515204 • CAMERON,Morag AMB 414Newington RoadBLJNGENDORE NSW 2621 2473955 2303572 # CAMPBELLDSd 15 Laycock PIHOLT ACT 2615 2469156 2541511 CANNONRobert 26 Irwin StYARRALUMLA ACT 2600 2724047 2811061 CAREYSusan 72 Captain Cook CresGRIFFITH ACT 2603 2621518 2950793 CARMICHAEL, David 181 Goulburn StCROOKWELL NSW 2583 048-231 333 CARftRick 352 Southern Cross Dr,MACGREGOR ACT 2615 2765529 2543981 CARTERGeorge 1 MaruldaStARANDA ACT 2614 2633549 2512130 CATrINIMarc 17 Mayo StWEETANGARA ACT 2614 2651410 2541301 CHAITJennifer 70 Ragless CirtKAMBAH ACT 2902 2316461 CHEETHAM, Eddie 38 Cox StAINSLIE ACT 2602 2520672 2497582 CIESLARAnita 24 BlackalI Ave,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2632535 2991726 CLAASZManfred 94 Vasey CresCAMPBELL ACT 2601 (064)520532 2477124 • CLARKE,Geoftrey 7 Wyles PIFLYNN ACT 2615 2514300 2591669 COGGINS Peter 27 Frome StGRIFFITH ACT 2603 2725428 2957549 COLEMargaret 123 Kaigoorlie CresFISHER ACT 2611 2375135 2886947 COLLINSRobin 7 Gill StLYNEHAM ACT 2602 2494769 2473173 • COMBRIDGEJoy 12 Elkington St,FLOREY ACT 2615 2585567 • COMBRIDGEPaul 12 Elkington St,FLOREY ACT 2615 2514111 2585567 COMFORTMichael 54 Strickland AveSOUTH HOBART TAS 7004 002-306160 002-240807 CONNOLLYPhiI 9 Piguenit CINORTH LYNEHAM ACT 2602 2632130 2470722 • CONROY,Peter 8 Shortland CresAINSLIE ACT 2602 2490213 2474937 • COolcAnton 17 Nardoo CrescentOCONNOR ACT 2601 2851711 2474142 • COOK,Barbara 17 Nardoo CrescentOCONNOR ACT 2601 2814542 2474142 • COOPERJohn 10 Tudawalli PICHAPMAN ACT 2611 2843283 2888093 • COOPERMargaret 10 Tudawaili PI,CHAPMAN ACT 2611 2888093 • COTSELL,Guy RMB 414,Newington RoadBUNGENDORE NSW 2621 2303572 CREGANDavid 222 Dryandra StOCONNOR ACT 2601 2768541 2475296 CRONINJulie 111 Carruthers StCURTIN ACT 2605 2741762 2814196 • CRUDENJim Unit 83, Lakeview Gdns, Pinkerton Crct,KAMBAH ACT 2902 2834678 2314771

- Committee member * Household member + - Honorary Life Member/Auditor ** corrections to Alan VidIer 2545373(h) please Supplement to March 1991 IT CBC Membership List - 6 March 1991 Page 2 Telephone NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME

CUELL,Sandra 16 Tregear CITHEODORE ACT 2905 2706975 2918256 • CURNOW,Judith 11 .Juwin StARANDA ACT 2614 2671853 2511732 DAGWORTHYRobert 5/19 Schomburgk St,YARRALUMLA ACT 2600 2653049 2823204 DALGARNO,Lynn 46 Cockle St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 2493485 2470341 DALGLEISHRod 6 Spence PlaceHUGHES ACT 2605 2813614 DANAROJohn 40 Prichard CrctAICHARDSON ACT 2905 2632733 2922190 DAVEYAIan 3 McCormack StCURTIN ACT 2605 2807966 2813545 DAVIES,Geoff c/- Res. Sch. of Earth SciencesANU, GPO Box 4,CANBERRA ACT 2601 • DAV1ES,Rene 26 Allport StDOWNER ACT 2602 2764000 2487816 DAWKINSChristopher 10160 Trinculo PI,QUEANBEVAN NSW 2620 2688121 2979319 # DE WILDEEddy 52 Holman St,CURTIN ACT 2605 2824877 2823935 DENNISStewart 42 Bonython St I DOWNEA ACT 2602 2499358 2470008 Dl BARTOLO, Ross 27 Wangara StARANDA ACT 2614 2470700 2511186 DIPPELSMAN,Robert 2/7 Lane Poole PIVARRALIJMLA ACT 2600 2772485 2881918 DODGSONGerald 63 MacRossan Cres,LATHAM ACT 2615 2633065 2549452 DONOGI-10ENell 20 Monaro St,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2973111 2864820 • DOWCoral 67 Tyson St,AINSLIE ACT 2602 2772587 2574371 • DOW,Murray 67 Tyson StAINSLIE ACT 2602 2495028 2574371 DRoHAN;De 35 ABeckett St,WATSON ACT 2602 2663363 2413566 # DLJNCAN,Janet 19 Gamor StIWARAMANGA ACT 2611 2862788 2881398 EALES,Anne 23 Ross Smith CresSCULLIN ACT 2614 2549160 EDWARDSRoger 2 Hellyer StHOLDER ACT 2611 2954598 2887863 ENGLANI)Anna 119 L.a Perouse St,NARRABUNDAH ACT 2604 2496466 2957180 • ESTEPHAN,Joe I Antares CresGIRALANG ACT 2617 EVANSPatritia 41 Miming cresARANDA ACT 2614 2521298 2514668 • FARAGHERSue 14 Rundle PI,KAMBAH ACT 2902 2756523 2310319 • FISHER,Juliet 15 Reynolds St,CURTIN ACT 2605 2493079 2851406 FLANIGANIan 21/48 Trinculo PI,QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2493733 2991622 FLEMINGAjlsa 7 Sweet Pl,CI-IISHOLM ACT 2905 2952677 2921675 FRANKLIN,John 30/20 Booth StIQUEANBEVAN NSW 2620 2992567 2992567 • FRANZI,Ray 21 Tantangara St,DUFF? ACT 2611 2883789 2883789 FRASERFlona 67 Monaro CresGRIFFlTH ACT 2603 2454154 2951979 FRYRachel 17 Gillies StCURTIN ACT 2605 2733611 2853081 • GARDNER.Gail Unit 83, LakSew Gdns, Pinkerton Crct,KAMBAH ACT 2902 2451775 2314771 GARR,Tony 311 Vulin AveCOOMA NORTH NSW 2630 (064)532489 523442 • GATENBY,Jan 16 Goodparla St,HAWKER ACT 2614 2543094 • GATENBY, Phil 16 Goodparla St HAWKER ACT 2614 2543094 GAUCI,Michael 13 Twelve Trees Cres,FLOREY ACT 2615 2659111 2581464 GIBBS-JORDAN,Ann 71 Onkarparinga Cres,KALEEN ACT 2617 2802105 2415775 GIWES,Douglas 82 Pollux StYASS NSW 2582 2261888 2262154 GISZ,Steve 3 Bungey StCAMPBELL ACT 2601 2506738 2476857 GOLLANKerry 2 Agnew StAINSLIE ACT 2602 2772706 2479771 • GRAHAMBruce 110 Riven St,HACKETF ACT 2602 2492600 2498480 • GRAHAM,Julia 110 Rivett StHACKE1T ACT 2602 2494489 2498480 GREGG,Beveily 19 Macquarie Court26 Macquarie St,BARTON ACT 2600 2497944 2734326 (IRIGUUSKarl 17 Pingle St,CHARNWOOD ACT 2615 2495100 2581465 • GROOM,Llnda 6 Shortland CresAINSUE ACT 2602 n. 2621511 2474937 HALLAI-IAN,Lanny 48 Pennefather StHIGGINS ACT 2615 2541949 HASKEW,Len 24 McCormack St,CURTIN ACT 2605 2814268 HATCI-ILyndail 34 Dugdale St,COOl< ACT 2614 2492033 2515159 HAWKINS,Jennifer 9 Swainsona StOCONNOR ACT 2601 2750249 2575973 HAYDON,John 59 Longstaff St1 LYNEHAM ACT 2602 HEBBARD,DaJe 21 Brand St,HUGHES ACT 2605 2492093 2814070 HEINZE,Dawn 7 Ingamells St,GARRAN ACT 2605 2835220 2812911 HEMPTONIck 7 Bains PI,LYNEHAM ACT 2602 2522687 2474036 HENDERSON,Peter 32 Wybalena GroveCOOK ACT 2614 2513608 2513608 HICKSON,lan 33 Miming CrARANDA ACT 2614 2488837 • HO,Carolyn 18 Sumner P1,LATHAM ACT 2615 2767016 2549228 • HOADIan 14 Rundle P1KAMBAH ACT 2902 2462267 2310319 HODGSON,Guy c/- Post Offlce,ALICE SPRINGS NT 0870 • HOFFMANN, Mary 21 Tantangara St DUFF? ACT 2611 2883789 HOOPERGeoff I Belconnen WayWEETANGARA ACT 2614 2542122 2542122 HORNBY,June 9/4 Keith St,SCULLIN ACT 2614 2494128 2540730 HORSBURGH,Renny 3 Stokes St,GRIFFITH ACT 2603 2463093 2396374 HOTCHKISS,lan 57 Barada CresARANDA ACT 2614 2462938 2511793 • HOWE,Jan 7 De Ussa St,EVATr ACT 2617 2581077 2584592 • HOWE,Jeff 7 De Ussa St,EVA1T ACT 2617 2529111 2584592 HUNTCoraj 140 Miller StO'CONNER ACT 2601 2822699 2472226 I'ONSJohri 5 Prods PIKAMBAH ACT 2902 2766582 2316326 • JELFS, Rita 1 Antares Cres, GIRALANG ACT 2617 2747058 2747919

- Committee member * - Household member + - Honorary Life Member/Auditor ** Corrections to Alan Vidler 2545373(h) please Supplement to March 1991 IT CBC Membership List - 6 March 1991 Page 3 Telephone NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME

JOBSZ,Errol 17 Canon St,PAGE ACT 2614 2747243 2545851 * JOHNSTONEDavjcl GPO Box 131,CANBERRA ACT 2601 2821843 JUDD,Maniane 7 Eleanora St I FISHER ACT 2611 2886049 KEITHI-leather 3 Burn St,00WNER ACT 2601 2494410 2496909 KELLEHERGraeme 12 Marulda St,AAANDA ACT 2614 2470211 2511402 KELLY,Elizabeth 12 Pigdon PI,BELCONNEN ACT 2617 2751879 2513380 KEMMISRichard 6 Castles PIMELBA ACT 2615 2671929 2582457 KEMP,,Jodie 6 Pelioe Pl,RICHARDSON ACT 2905 2921303 KENDALL Linda RMB 829Urila Rd,Via QUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2891111 2363290 KENNEDY,Glynis 19 Fitzmaurice St,KALEEN ACT 2617 2526518 2416898 KNIGHT,Cfleryl 51 Sullivan Cres,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 2765491 2316718 + KYA1T,John AMB 151,HOSKINSTOWN NSW 2621 2763512 2382517 LANDAU,Naomi 8 Burdon PI,HOLT ACT 2615 2549440 LAWRENCE,Gregory 8 Burreil St,PIACKETT ACT 2602 2485155 2497917 LAYSRene 57 Shannon CrctKALEEN ACT 2617 2652103 2417862 * LEPP,Heino 11 Juwin StARANDA ACT 2614 2527348 2511732 # LESUE,Chnis 36 Castlereagh CresMACQUARIE ACT 2614 2513400 2516123 LEVYAlan 13 Deloraine St,LVONS ACT 2606 2662871 2816258 * LYNN,Fiona 23 Canning St,AINSLIE ACT 2602 2574390 2497728 MADDOCK,Christine 9 Southwell StIWEETANGERA ACT 2614 2474866 2545443 MANADATH,Mansoor 10 Downard St,CALWELL ACT 2905 2962266 2926308 * MCANDREW,Roy 17 Forbes StTURNER ACT 2601 2761892 2486618 MCDONALD,Jenny 38 Evergood Cl, WESTON ACT 2611 2880031 MCGINNESS,Steve 3 Johnson PIFARRER ACT 2607 2891555 2901442 MCKENZIE,Aflson 79 Majara St,BUNGENDORE NSW 2621 2509400 2381674 * MCKONE,Frank 22 Longworth PIHOLT ACT 2615 2541311 2545902 * MCKONE,Meg 22 Longworth PIHOLT ACT 2615 2585555 2545902 * MCPHERSON,PauI 9 Cambage StYARRALUMLA ACT 2600 2895093 2823882 MCVEIGH, Geoff 9 Higgenbotham St,WATSON ACT 2602 2772289 2576364 + MEDARIS,Len 29 Fenaughty St,KYABRAM VIC 3620 MELHUISH,Uoyd 3 Newbery CresPAGE ACT 2614 2548466 MELLOR,Peter 1 Alura PIWARAMANGA ACT 2611 2461411 2888815 MIETHKE,Pat 16 Nambucca StI KALEEN ACT 2617 2493085 2412798 • MIKKELSEN,Allan Unit 8D, Century Courts, 4 Beetaloo St,HAWKER ACT 2614 2643472 2540764 MOOREKate 24 Hirschfeld Cres,MACGREGOR ACT 2615 2769277 2540483 MOORESusan 94 Dumas St,McKELLAR ACT 2617 2832297 2585035 • MORRISS,Mike 6 Logan St,NARRABUNDAH ACT 2604 2893422 2886947 + MOSLEY,Dr Geoff 113 Boyds Road,I-IURSTBRIDGE VIC 3099 03-7182998 MOURANTRoslyn - 37 Dutton St,DICKSON ACT 2602 2464124 2479658 MULLER,Grahame 74 Ahoy Circ,HAWKER ACT 2614 2684143 2545430 NEUMANN,GaIl 1164 Templeton St,COOK ACT 2614 2483334 2513280 NICHOLSONAngus 34 Prescott St,FARRER ACT 2607 2666514 2862702 • NIVENNarelle 7 Wyles PI,FLYNN ACT 2615 2591669 • O'FLYNN,Melanie 21 Jindabyne St,DUFFY ACT 2611 2725495 2888195 • OLLE,.Jenny 30 Gascoyne Crct,KALEEN ACT 2617 2753041 2414217 • OLLE,John 30 Gascoyne Crct,KALEEN ACT 2617 2767067 2414217 PAINTONGeoff 9 Piguenit Chose,LYNEHAM ACT 2602 2633070 2470722 PALM,Bnian Wi l-Iartpury Ave,ELW000 V1C 3184 (03)5317460 PALMERMargaret 29/41 David St,O'CONNOR ACT 2601 2612912 2575427 PARRO1T,Gary 22 Brookman St,TORRENS ACT 2607 2724008 2863197 PASS,Michaeh 97 Kalgoorlle Cres,FISHER ACT 2611 2897280 2880172 • PEPPER,Brett 30 Couvreur St,GARRAN ACT 2605 2391199 2822310 • PEPPER,Judy 30 Couvreur St,GARRAN ACT 2605 2952077 2822310 PETERS, ROd 7 Brooks St, MACQUARIE ACT 2614 2803721 2512580 PHILUPS,Blair 10 Peacock PICURTIN ACT 2605 2754874 2812167 • PICKERING,Eric 6 Hoseason St,MAWSON ACT 2607 2862128 • PICKERING,Pat 6 Hoseason St,MAWSON ACT 2607 2862128 POLDY,Franzi 13 Booroondara StREID ACT 2601 2486730 2479661 POLGLAZE,Ray 7/3 Condamine Court,TURNER ACT 2601 2954419 POPE,Robln 60 Campbell St,AINSUE ACT 2602 2688095 2576372 POULTER,David 23 Canning St,AINSLIE ACT 2602 2497728 PRETTYRosemanie 163 Streeton Dnive,STIRUNG ACT 2611 2886768 PURNELLAdrian 49 Barnard Crct,FLOREY ACT 2615 2582098 RAMM, David 91 Barnard Crct,FLOREY ACT 2615 2511150 2585412 REID,John GPO Box 440,CANBERRA ACT 2601 2454569 2488147 RENNIE,Sandra Ii MacKeller Cr,COOK ACT 2614 2764682 2514761 ROGERSTed P0 Box 4058,KINGSTON ACT 2614 2468263 ROSEDennis 38 Kambalda Cres,FISHER ACT 2611 2506016 2881507 ROSEBY,Marg 14 Burgan P1, RI VETT ACT 2611 2883679 * RYALL,lan 18 Gurner PILATHAM-ACT 2615 2769123 2549228 SAYERS,Keith 6 Clambe PI,CHARNW000 ACT 2615 2583268

- Committee member * - Household member + - Honorary Lite Member/Auditor ** corrections to Alan Vidler 2545373(b) please Supplement to March 1991 IT CBC Membership List - 6 March 1991 Page 4 Telephone NAME ADDRESS WORK HOME

SCHEMBRI,Gene 4 Dore Crt,EVA1T ACT 2614 2521550 2586587 SCOU,Deborah 16 Mollison St,SCULLIN ACT 2614 2433334 2251082 SEGRAVE,Tessa 13 Howe crAINSLIE ACT 2602 2715231 2574795 SHAUGHNESSYGwen 25 French St,I-IACKETT ACT 2602 2466488 2498505 SHEFFIELD,SyMa 15 Brougtflon PLQUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2992430 • SI-IEILS,PauI 21 Jlndabyne St,DUEFY ACT 2611 2888195 SIMINGTONMargot 6 Wenholz St,FARRER ACT 2607 2653926 2863898 SIMKO,Stan 4 Mon St,HOLDER ACT 2611 2870319 2882917 SINCLAIRIan 43 Braine St,PAGE ACT 2614 2751390 2547034 • SKURRJohn 7 Eleanora St,FISHER ACT 2611 2811666 2886049 SMITHRhonda 28 Gleddon St,CHIFLEY ACT 2606 2488722 2813098 SOUTHGATE,Dave 23/5 Beasley StreetTORRENS ACT 2607 2747993 2865491 SPENCER,Alan 13171 Morrison StKAMBAH ACT 2902 2432265 2314699 STONEYJames 19 Henry StGOULBtJRN NSW 2580 048-231565 048-217022 • STORY, Robert 104 Buxton St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 2812174 • STORYSybIl 104 Buxton StDEAKIN ACT 2600 2812174 STRACH,Steven 13 Ardlethan StFISHER ACT 2611 2383443 2881791 TETT,Judy 6 Oldfield CirctKAMBAH 2902 2756264 2961623 THOMASCarrie 44 Molesworth StWATSON ACT 2602 * THOMASKeith 26 Allport StDOWNER ACT 2602 , 2487816 TI-IOMPSONBellnda 8/2 McKay St,TURNER ACT 2601 2572277 THOMPSONLynne 4/15 Musson CloseFLOREY ACT 2615 2632867 2592271 THORNJim P0 Box 3105,WESTON CREEK ACT 2611 2881677 # THWAITE,John 13 Elsey StHAWKER ACT 2614 2935315 2543193 * TOMLINSLorrajne 17 Forbes St,TURNER ACT 2601 2486618 TRAPPES-LOMAX,Tina 53 Boldrewood St,TURNER ACT 2601 2758244 2487974 TRAV1SMlchael 22 Vickery StCOOK ACT 2614 2511630 TRAYNOR, Elan 256 AntilI St HACKEIT ACT 2602 2740931 2572586 TREVEAN,Gary 11 Shann PICI-IIFLEY ACT 2606 2666087 2851135 TRUMAN,DaId 9 Mainoru PI,HAWKER ACT 2614 2724832 2548700 UREN,Terence 18 Colebatch PICURTJN ACT 2605 2819422 2822403 VALLAKReet 5 Fullwood St,WESTON ACT 2611 2490200 2886340 #' V1DLER,AIarI 56 Woolner CrctI-$AWKER ACT 2614 2545373 # V1DLER,Sue 56 Woolner Crct,HAWKER ACT 2614 2765317 2545373 V1NEY,NelI 22 Garsia St,CAMPBELL ACT 2601 2688734 2470784 WALKER,Patricia 3 Sumner PI,WANNIASSA ACT 2903 2310811 2318920 WALLBAUM,Andreas 15 Williamson St,HOLDER ACT 2611 2884153 WALLEY,Anne 2 Yaldwin PI,KAMBAH ACT 2902 2499751 2310020 WALTERSBrendan Daramalan CollegePO Box 84, DICKSON ACT 2602 2477533 2477533 • WEBBER,Antony 14 Box PILATHAM ACT 2615 2542360 • WEBBER,Ma)dne 14 Box PILATHAM ACT 2615 2542360 • WEBSTER,Judith 22 Tambo St,KALEEN ACT 2617 2766141 2414646 • WEBSTERJohn 22 Tambo St,KALEEN ACT 2617 2414646 WEST,Daid 21 Grant CresGRIFFITH ACT 2603 2978862 2930765 WEST,Pauline 22 Terewah Circ,KALEEN ACT 2617 2664115 2413648 WESTWOOD,Susan 85 McKIlIop CircKAMBAH ACT 2902 2492774 2318029 WHEELERAnnabel 10 Rawson St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 2818254 2824485 WHflWORTH,Robert 49 Severne St,OUEANBEYAN NSW 2620 2980266 2975894 # WIWAMSOebi 47 Companion Cres,FLYNN ACT 2615 2506200 2581645 WILSONAndrew 7 OShanassy St,CURTIN ACT 2605 2843256 2816021 WILSONHarriette 27 Forbes St,TURNER ACT 2601 2495994 2474284 WINBERG,Sybille 72 Birdwood St,HUGHES ACT 2605 2834569 2824325 * WINDSOR,Usa 15 Reynolds StJ CURTIN ACT 2605 2490396 2851406 WINTERGeoff 126 Dexter St,COOK ACT 2614 2772437 2515639 WISEJack RMB16 Fernloft Rd,WAMBOIN NSW 2620 2383329 WISENERBarry 116 Streeton Drive,RIVETT ACT 2611 2506987 2885101 # WOODGeoff 10 Pelsart StRED HILL ACT 2603 2666346 2959558 WORSLEY,Mike 49 Halfrey CircuitWANNIASSA ACT 2903 2897575 2310184 WRIGHT,Doug 18 Beedham Place,LYONS ACT 2606 2814148 WRIGHT,Denis 19 Chermside St,DEAKIN ACT 2600 WRIGHT,Ian 23 Shepherd St,PEARCE ACT 2607 2725072 2861473 WRIGHT,Tim 26 Howltt St,KINGSTON ACT 2604 2895192 2956572

- Committee member * - Household member + - Honorary Life Member/Auditor ** Corrections to Alan Vidler 2545373(h) please ActivtLy Programme

Transport costs are presently 25 cents per kilometre per car divided equally among ALL participants. This amount is a guide only and can be varied at the discretion of the leader depending on the condition of the roads, the number of passengers per car, and other factors. The figures given for individual trips are rough estimates only, based on four people per car - the cost may fe if cars are only partly filled.

Check-in! Contact Officer for the Club is Chris Leslie 251 6123(h). He (NOT the Police or other bodies) should be the first point of contact for worried relatives if you are late returning from a trip. Leaders mint also report the safe return OR cancellation of their trip to the check-in officer.

March 16-18- Cyctg Tow Bi.mdanocn to Carterra Take the train to Bundanoon for a relaxed return to Canberra on back roads. Stopping places will be Bungonia and Bungendore. Contact the leader early for more information. Leaden Rosemarie Pretty 288 6768(h).

March 16-18 - Euctflene - Jagwigal, Options Fhlng - 1MM This walk will start at or near Eucumbene Dam and wander via mainly open country and fire trails to a day one camp on either Doubtful or Bogong Creek, depending on our mood or energy. Day two will be an optional ascent of Jagungal (fisher folk may prefer to spend most of the day fishing) then mainly on fire trails to camp in the vicinity of Crooks Racecourse, ready for a final day returning to the cars. Great alpine walking and scenery, not too energetic. Maps: Eucumber,e & Khancoban 1:50000. Leader: AFar, V/dieT 254 5373(h). Transport cost about $25. -

March 16-18-Wok- L/R A classic trip in a rugged area of the DeuWWadbilliga wilderness. Some scrambling on rock. See preview this IT. Maps: Bad/a & Snowball 1:25000. Leaden Eddie De W/lde 282 3935(h). Transport cost about $20.

Monday March 18- Comnet Peak - LIM This is a long walk but is mainly on tracks and fire trails, starting at Orroral Valley, through Cotter Gap, and along Pond Creek to the Cotter Valley. We then leave track for the 400 metre climb to Coronet Peak which offers superb views around most of the compass and is a particularly good vantage point for the Bimberi Range. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leaden D?vid: Truman 254 6700(h), 272 4632(w). Transport cost about $9.

Wednesday March20- Monthly MeetIng - DIckson Libraly, Vance Brown - the Kimberleys

Saturday March 23- Ckt Hangi at home of Rene Lays. See details elsewhere in this fl.

March 23-24 - Mt Jagungal from Round Mountain - WE This trip will be a circuit, all on tracks, in Kosciusko National Park with spectacular views of the Main Range to the south, the Munyang Range to the east and Tabletop Mountain to the north. Map: Mount Kosciusko 1:50000. Leaders: Jack Wise 238 3329(h) & Rosemarie Pretty 288 6768(h). Transport cost about $32.

Sunday March 24 - Clean Up Australia Day Mwrumbidgee Rtver Clean Up The Conservation Council including the Bushwalking Club will coordinate the Murrumbidgee River clean up including Uriarra Crossing, Cotter River, Kambah Pool, Pine Island and Point Hut Crossing. Volunteers can join in on the day, cleaning up around these picnic areas.

Murnmtklgee River Clean tp - Red Rocks Gorge The Bushwalking Club will have two leaders take groups from both Kambah Pool and Pine Island to Red Rocks Gorge. People can join in and clean up this beautiful area as well as enjoy a bushwalk.

Please contact Sandy Lolicato for details. Telephone 2515441 (h) 272 4764 (w) 10

Sunday March 24 - ShoaJtven River, Rainbow Ridge - L/M This walk provides some of the best views of the Shoalhaven Gorge available and includes lunch by a magnificent pool with sandy beach beneath the cliffs of Kingpin Mountain. Mainly easy walking but there is a climb to Rainbow Ridge of 400m as well as the 500m climb out of the Gorge to Badgery's. Map: Caoura 1:25000. Loader: George Gaiter 251 2130(h) 263 3549(w). Transport cost about $17.

Wednesday March 27 - Black Mctflakl by MOOnlight - S/E This will be an easy, after-work evening ramble over the tracks and light scrub of Black Mountain. Highlights will be moonlight views of Canberra (cloud permitting) and perhaps coffee or something stronger after the walk. Bring a torch. Bookings by 8.30pm Monday please. Leader Rita Jets 241 7919(h).

Wednesday March27- Commitee Meethig and IT Closing, Janet Duncan's, 19 Gamor St Waramanga.

March 29-Api 1(Fa.$) - Var*ees Creek - Brogo Rfrer - A beautiful area with lots of picturesque swimming holes. We will walk down Yankees Creek and the Brogo River as far as Saloon Creek, and spend some time exploring Galoon Creek. Map: Puen Buen 1:25000. Leader Adrian Purneil 258 2098(h). Transport cost about $24.

Apt 6-7 - Uii Rover Tral and Cambage Spfre - L/EMIW Track and river walking in the Kanangra-Boyd National Park. After a descent to the Kowmung we will follow the river N and NE and return to the tops via Cambage Spire. Maps: Yerranderie & Kariangra 1:25000. I nrtAr. David Truman 254 6700(h), 272 4632(w). Transport about $30+.

ApI 6-7 - Orroral - Dum Flat - BWnbed - GhW Car Swap LIE-PA This trip is mainly on fire trails but is long. From the Ginini end: Walk about 16km down the fire trail with intermittent good views, near and far, to the turn-off to Leura Gap. From there climb over 600m to the top of Bimberi (ACT's highest mountain), thence down 500m metres to my favourite ACT region campsite at Dunn's Flat (ref 606503). From there via fire trails, Cotter Flats, Cotter Gap to Orroral. Great views etc and good overview of the area. Maps: Rendezvous Creek/Gorin Dam 1:25000. Leader A/an Vid/er 254 5373(h). Transport cost about $10.

Sunday ApI 7-Main Budawang - WE-M A moderate walk which follows the fire trail to the summit of Mount Budawang for superb 360 degree views of the Southern Budawangs and coast. The return will be cross country via the headwaters of Currawàn Creek. Map: Braidwood 1:25000. Loader. Rita Jets 241 7919(h). Transport cost about $15.

Sunday ApI 7- Bungort Gorge1 Shoabaven RWer - PNM-R/W? The last of the river walks is later than usual this year because of Easter but with any luck the warmest river in the area will still be good for swimming. The route descends a very steep track into Bungonia Gorge with its magnificent cliffs, scramb!es over a stretch of huge limestone boulders before the gentle walk along Bungonia Creek to the Shoalhaven. After a prolonged lunch break on the sandy beach we will return via Mount Ayre, a route giving superb views of the Shoalhaven Valley. Map: Geoura 1:25000. Leader Vance Brown 251 3997(h). Transport cost about $18.

T'day ApI 9-IT CotIon, John Danaro's, 40 Pritchard St, Richardson 800pm.

AprIl3-14-OrroralValeyRockyOitcrops - hUM This area has some of the best examples of the infinite and varied shapes and alluring passage ways between huge boulder arrangements. This is a journey between rocks, not rock-climbing, with plenty of time to explore. Some of the places have names such as Legoland, Tower Rock, the Belfry, and Roman Walls. We sleep over at the headwaters of the Orroral River. New time overnight campers very welcome. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leader. Gliris Leslie 251 6123(h) 251 3400(w). Transport cost about $9. 11

April 13-14 - BImbe4 Cave Creek, Cooleman - WM Starting from Tantangara, we will go via Oldfields Hut, up the easy (western) side of Bimberi for panoramic views, then down a ridge to a 'five-star' camp site at the junction of Cave Creek and the 000dradigbee River. On Sunday we will walk through the spectacular Cave Creek Canyon, visit Murrays Cave, then stroll across the Cooleman Plain to Pocket Hut and the cars. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leaden George Carter 251 2130(h) 263 3549(w). Transport about $25.

Sunday April 14- Tidblnblla Mctnah, Mount Domak'i - 1MM Follow the fire trail up to Camels Hump, then walk along the ridge to Tidbinbifla Peak, Tidbinbilla Mountain, Mount Domain and then down to Fishing Gap to return via the fire trail. Map: l7dbjnbj//a 1:25000. Leaden John Danaro 292 2190(h) 263 2733(w). Transport cost about $7.

Sunday April 14- Main Namarigi - hR This is a long day walk, much of it on track but with a considerable climb and some difficuft scrub between Rendezvous Creek and the summit of Mount Namadgi. The effort is rewarded by marvellous views and aboriginal rock arrangements. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. I r Mike Morriss 288 6947(h), 289 3422(w). Transport cost about $8.

Wednesday April 17- Maclily Meetbig - Dickson Lbaiy, Eddie De Wilde - Tibet and China, 800pm.

April 20-21 - Memo Pont Bess Camp - WE On Saturday we will climb Pigeon House for spectacular views of the Budawangs and the coast. We then proceed to Meroo Point for a camp about 200 metres from the cars (bring water). Sunday can be spent relaxing at Meroo, beach walking, or optionally joining the Rod Dalgleish Pretty Beach day walk. Map: Kialoa & Tabourie 1:25000. Leader. Vance Brown 251 3997(h). Transport cost about $??.

AprN 20-21 - Dead Horse Gap - Main Terrble An interesting walk in the Kosciusko National Park. More details in the next IT. Map: Thredbo 1:50000. Leaden Mike Morriss 288 6947(h), 2893422(w). Transport cost about $26.

AprIl 2021 - Cflmblng Instructional Weekend - Booroomba Rocks An instructional on ropework techniques. See walk (climb?) preview this IT. Leader Nic Bendell 286 1921(h). Transport cost about $??.

Sunday AprIl 21- Pretty Beach - Pebbly Beach - 1MM A pleasant walk from Pebbly Beach around interesting headlands, inlets, and beaches. Return via Mount Durras with excellent views of the Budawangs and coast. One of the Club's most popular day trips (see Walk Report by John 011e, IT, October 1990). Map: K/aba 1:25000. Leaden Rod Dalgleish 281 3614(h). Transport cost about $28.

Sunday April 21- Smokers Flat, McKeahnie Trig, Orroral RWer - MIM A nice day's walking through some open forest with pleasant views down Orroral Valley. Map: Corin Dam 1:25000. LeadOn David Campbe11254 1511 (h),246 9156(w). Transport about $8.

Wednesday 24 April - Commitee Meeting and IT ClosIng, John Thwaite's, 800pm.

Tlusday AprIl 25 - Mt Orroral and Rendezvo4m Creek - WR This is a standard regular trip. Up the track to the Lunar Laser Station, thence to the top of Orroral for views and a break. From there we descend into Rendezvous Creek - scrub in recent recent years in this descent lifts the grade from M to R, but not by much. After lunch we return via a track through upper Nursery Creek with a detour to see aboriginal rock markings. Bookings close 2.00pm Tuesday. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leader Alan Vidler 254 5373(h). Transport cost about $8.

Saturday AprIl 27 - Mount Tennant - 1MM We will climb to the summit of Mount Tennant from the road south of Tharwa. After taking in the great views of the major peaks of the ACT and the Tinderry Range we will return via the fire trail for a short car shuffle. Map: ACT 1:100000. Leaden Debi Williams 250 6200(w). Transport cost about $6. 12

ApI 27-28 - Beghiers Weekend walk to Rendezvous Creek - S/E This easy walk is aimed for people on their first weekend walk, but others are welcome. From the cars walk for about 1.5 hours via a track to Rendezvous Creek via Nursery Creek. From camp we will explore the area, and on Sunday will return a different route via Nursery Swamp. If demand warrants, there will be a "gear and basics" night at my place on Tues 23 April. Map: Rendezvous Creek 1:25000. Leadec Alan Vidler 254 5373(h). Transport cost about $8.

Suiday ApI 28- Bundanoon CUb, Creeks, Tea Shops - WE A walk mainly on tracks to visit several lookouts giving spectacular views into Bundanoon Creek gorge and Morton National Park. We will also visit Fairy Bower Falls, the Erith Coal Mine and explore the creek below the mine. After the walk we will sample Bundanoon's famous tea shops. Suitable for beginners. Map: Bundanoon 1:25000. Leadec Allan Mikkelsen 254 0764(h) 264 3472(w). Transport cost about $18.

See coming issues of IT for more information (and Corrections) on future activities. includingi

May (3)4-5 - Monolith Valley Work Weekend - David Campbell May 4-5 - Kariangra Walls - Colboyd Ridge - Arabanoo Creek - M/R - Meg McKone May 11-12 - Murramurang National Park, North Head - Depot Beach - M/E - Terence Uren May 11-12 - Sturgiss Mountain, Pagoda Rocks, Mt Elliott - M/M-R - George Carter Sunday May 12- Yankee Hat - M/M - Debi Williams and Sue Vidler May 18-19 - Leaders' Instructional Weekend - Alan Vidler May 18-19 - Scabby Range Nature Reserve - M/M - Chris Leslie May 25-26 - Jerusalem, Purgatory and Paradise Hills - M/M - Sue Vidler Sunday May 26 - Nursery Hill - S-M/M - Vance Brown June 8-10 - Blue Mountains - Kanangra-Kowmung Area - Alan Vidler Sunday June 23 - Cotter Gap Winter Solstice June 29-30 - Ski Tour - Alan Vidler June? - Mt. Kelly Ice Formations - MIM-R - Chris Leslie

Any additions or corrections to Allan Mikkelsen please!

FULL MOON liMES {A new seMce - your Watt s& - Ed}

March30 5.17 pm April 29 6.58 am May 28 9.37 pm


Sunday Mar10 Mar17 Mar24 Mar31 Apr 7 Apr 14 Apr21

Sunrise 5.58 603 6.09 6.15 6.20 6.26 6.32 Sunset 6.30 6.21 6.11 6,01 5.51 5.42 5.33 KI


Note; The Walk Secretary, Allan Mikkelsen is pleased to accept walks from leaders at any time. Please contact him to put your walk on the program.

Bookings: For trips should be made by telephoning the leader no later than 2pm on Thursday. There is a Club limit of 16 on most walks.

Walkers: are reminded that there can be dangers associated with bushwalking and that they participate entirely at their own risk.

Equipment: for Club walks can be hired from Roger Edwards 2954598(w) 2887863(h).

Library: The Club Library is held at the home of Keith Thomas, 26 Allport Street, Downer 248781 6(h) at 6 - 7.45pm on the night of Club meetings.

Gradhig of walks:

(8) Short - under 12km/day (E) Easy - firetrails, tracks, beaches etc. (M) Medium - 12-20km/day (M) Medium - bush tracks, alpine areas, some scrub (L) Long - over 20km/day (P) Rough - much scrub, steep climbs, rock scrambles V) Wet - compulsory swims, many river crossings

NOTE: In calculating distance 1 km is added for every 100 metres climbed.

NOTICE TO ALL WALKERS: The leader should check that:

Each applicant is capable of completing the proposed trip. This is done by observation on previous walks or by contacting them personally and asking where, when and with whom they have walked previously. Everyone is aware of what the trip entails and of any special equipment or skills needed.



S&R Contacts are: Dave Drohan 2662728(w)2413566(h), David Campbell 24691 56(w)2541 511 (h),Allan Mikkelsen 2540764(h), 2643472(w).

Area Coordinators: Belconnen - Frank & Meg McKone 2541311(w) 2545902(h), Pat Miethke 2493085(w) 2412798(h), Inner Canberra - Jim Dick 2702638(w) 2473158(h), Keith Thomas 2819488(w) 2487816(h), Woden - Doug Wright 2814148(h).

For Sale

A colour map of a collage of two popular areas which lie on the junction of four maps: Tabletop Mountain - arsenic Ridge Morong Deep - Kowmung Cost is $8.50 with plastic protection. Contact Nic Bendeli on 286 1921.


Please help your Editor by observing IT closing dates!

ALL information on proposed walks MUST be with the Walks Secretary babe IT closing date.

WHO IS THE CONSERVATION WHAT DOES THE COUNCIL DO? COUNCIL? The Council's main aims are to maintain and, The Coaservalion where necessary, enhance the quality of our The Conservation Council is the peak environment, particularly its urban, rural and conservation body of the region, representing the wilderness aspects. interests of 37 community and conservation Council of the (South groups in the ACT and nearby parts of N.S.W. "Human and natural systems need constant The Council's member groups represent a wide monitoring, protection and management to retain fast Qep,ion and range of interests and issues relevant to our region, their integrity for this and future generations. It is and range from organisations of several hundred not always in the interest or power of government Canberra members, to some with only a score or so. or industry to do this alone." Council's member groups are: Council acts as an advocacy group, working by Action for Public Transport research and presenting submissions, education, Alpine Conservation Network publication, lobbying governments, arraaging ACT Herpetological Association Animal Liberation public meetings and more direct action where Australian Assoc. for Environmental Education (ACT) necessary. Australian Conservation Foundation. Canberra Branch Australian Federation of Consumer Organisations Council acts on environmental issues as they arise. Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Population No matter how varied are the interests of our is working for ...... Bermagui Environment Group member groups, there are always new Braidwood Environment Group environmental issues that no one is covering. Canberra Action on Smoking and Health c:anherra and South East Region Environment Centre Council also supports and helps groups in their Canberra Archneological Society activities. The might of the woodchipping Canberra Bushwallcing Club industry, and its associated government Canberra Organic Growers instrumentalities are too big for any local You' Canberra Ornithologists Group community organisation, so we, along with other Canberra Rainforest Action Group organisatiotls, have weighed in behind the south Coastwatchers Association coast member groups. Environment Network Centre Energy Affiance Field Naturalists Association of Canberra Council has a number of working groups which Friends of Durras Goulburn Field Naturalists Society focus on specific conservation areas, such as the Oulaga Mt Drornedaty Protection Group urban environment, public lands managemeni, ien'is flay Protection Committee toxic and hazardous wastes, recycling, and forest Kileys Run Preservation Society management. We also work very closely with the Kosciusko Huts Association Monaro Conservation Society Environment Centre, particularly on fundraising Movement Against Uranium Mining events. Council also represents community Mt Jerrabomberra Preservation Society interests on advisory committees such as the ACT National Parks Association ACT Bush Fire Council and the ACT Parks and National Trust of Australia. Yass Area Branch Conservation Consultative Committee. South East Conservation Working Group Tanta.wangnlo Catdilment Protection Association Above all else we respond to the needs Westbourne Woods Action Association and suggestions of the community - The Wilderness Society. ACT Branch Yowaka Reserve Association YOU! Non-tax-deductible donations TO: The Conservation Council WE NEED YOUR HELP! P0 Box 1875 Either make out a cheque to , the Conservation CANBERRA ACT 2601 The Council is independent of government and Council of the South East Region and Canberra commercial interests, Although we receive a small and post it to P0 Box 1875, Canberra, ACT, 2601 Enclosed ptease find a donation of S...... for amount of government funding, we depend on OR call in (with cash, cheque or bankcard) to the Conservation Council. community support to continue our work for the Council Office, Kingsley Street, Aeton between environment. There are a number of ways that you 10 am and 5 pm weekdays. Name' ...... can hclp us with our work! Address . ...... Local Environment Supporters Scheme

([4 ES 5) BANIKCARD NO. Signature' Expiry As a LESS subscriber you can contribute financially to the vital task of saving the environment and receive a monthly newsletter and the quarterly magazine, Bogong, to keep you Tax Deductible Donations Director in Formed of current issues and events. You also Supporters who wish to make a tax-deductible ralian Conservation Foundation receive a 10% discount from the Bogong donation for the purpose of furthering the Gore Street Bookshop run by the Environment Centre. objectives of the Conservation Council of the R0Y VIC. 3065 South East Region and Canberra are advised to attach a donation to the Australian Conservati Bogong magazine make a donation to the Australian Conservation undation. I prefer that this donation be spent for I3ogong is the quarterly journal of the Foundation, expressing a preference that some or moses of the Conservation Council of the South-E Environment Centre. It covers issues from your all of the donation be spent for the purposes of the gion & Canberra. I understand that this donation backyard to the world's backyard. Bogong has Conservation Council of the South East Region -deductible and look forward to your receipt. and Canberra. established a reputation for well-written and BLOCKLETTERS) : ...... informed articles and reviews. An annual The provisions of the Income Tax Assessment Act subscription to Bogong costs $12. do not permit the ACE to accept donations which carry a direction that the donation be passed to Newsletter another organisation. However, the ACE is Postcode' ...... Signature: ...... Amount of donation'...... Date""!'"!'•'•!'!"!"' The Newsletter is published monthly, except for permitted to make grants from its general funds to organisations which conform to its objects. January. It provides information on local events The Treasurer and news from member groups of the Council and If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation to Conservation Council of the SE Region & Canberra the Environment Centre.The annual subscrption is the ACF expressing a preference that it be spent P0 Box 1875 $10. for the purposes of the Conservation Council, CANBERRA ACT 2601 please fill in the forms below and Voluntary Help I have forwarded today to the Australian Conservai Post the first form to the Australian Foundation a donation expressing a preference that it The Council has a Limited budget for paid staff and Conservation Foundation with your cheque spent for the purpose of the Conservation Council. many deeds to he done. The help of volunteers is or money order made out to ACE, and always welcome, and is indeed necessary for the (BLOCK LETTERS):..., ...... success of our work. Call in to the Council Office Post or deliver the second form to the and fill out a Volunteer Skills form if you have Conservation Council. Motile lime to spare to give us a hand. Posteode ...... imount of donation:.,...... S


Registered Publication No. NBH 1859 If undeliverable return to P0 Box 160, Canberra City ACT 2601 Postage SURFACE Paid CANBERRA CANBERRA MAIL ACT 2601 BUSH WALKING AUSTRALL ff it CLUB INC

Reet VALLAK S Fuj1wocd St WESTON ACT 2611

COMMFEE 1990 -91

Work Home Fax PRESIDENT: David Campbell 2469156 2541511 ViCE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Geoff Wood 2666346 2959558 SOCIAL SECRETARY: Debi Williams 2506200 2581645 2505912 CORRESPONDENCE SECRETARY: John Thwaite 2935315 2543193 2935295 WALK SECRETARY: Allan Mikkelsen 2643472 2540764 2532405 ASSISTANT WALK SECRETARY: Chris Leslie 2513400 2516123 MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Alan Vidler 2545373 MINUTE SECRETARY: Janet Duncan 2862788 2881398 EDITOR: Sue Vidler 2765317 2545373 PUBLISHER: Eddie De Wilde 2824877 2823935 CONSERVATION OFFICER: Mike Morriss 2886947 Ring (w) beforehand