anticSwiss 30/09/2021 09:17:08

Baldassare De Caro

FOR SALE ANTIQUE DEALER Period: 18° secolo - 1700 Luxury Art Gallery Vattaro Style: Alta epoca 393457682034 Height:33.5cm Width:39cm Material:olio su tela Price:1500€


Baldassarre De Caro (1689 - , 1750) was an Italian painter of the Neapolitan school. Student of Andrea Belvedere, as his first recalls His biographer Bernardo de Dominici, [1] Baldassarre De Caro is part of a large group of painters of the Neapolitan school, specialized in still life. Among these stand out (1617–1673), Nicola Casissa (died in 1731) and Giovan Battista Ruoppolo (1629–1693). They had meditated on the Caravaggesque lesson and their works strongly bore its imprint. Baldassarre De Caro's first creations had triumphs of flowers; he then went on to paint trophies of game, animals - birds in particular - and also religious subjects. He was a painter appreciated and supported by the court of Naples. Cacciagione, a canvas that bears his signature in full, is preserved in the Museum of San Martino, likewise another of his paintings, on the same subject, but which is signed with the initials only. Cacciagione on a landscape background and another Cacciagione are at the (Pinacoteca provinciale di Salerno); the vase with a flower trophy is at the Gallerie di palazzo Zevallos, in Naples and Natura morta con il rooster is in the Queen's apartment, at the Royal palace of Naples. Giacomo Nani (1698–1755) was inspired by his game paintings. This oil on canvas painting depicting the eagle capturing a duck and one of the classic paintings that the Neapolitan master often loved to make, sometimes even cynical and sadistic. been clean and restrained excellent conservation.

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