March 2019 AFM LOCAL 47
AFM LOCAL 47 March 2019 online Women’s History Month Awards Season 2019 Member spotlight: Linda Ronstadt The results are in! online ISSN: 2379-1322 Publisher: Editor: Gary Lasley AFM Local 47 3220 Winona Ave. Managing Editor / Layout / Graphics: Linda A. Rapka Burbank CA 91504 323.462.2161 Advertising Manager: Karen Godgart Overture Online is the official monthly electronic magazine of the American Federation of Musicians Local 47. Formed by and for Los Angeles musicians in 1897, our members united together to advocate for fair wages and working condi- tions, oppose the forces of exploitation through solidarity and collective action, and preserve the dignity and respect deserving of all professional workers. As proud member of the AFL-CIO, we work alongside our fellow labor unions at home and abroad to champion social and eco- nomic justice for all workers. AFM LOCAL 47 EXECUTIVE BOARD & COMMITTEES Titled Officers Election Board President John Acosta Mark Zimoski, chair Vice President Rick Baptist Stephen Green, Mike Deutsch, Secretary/Treasurer Gary Lasley Scott Higgins, Kris Mettala, Paul Sternhagen, Nick Stone Trustees Judy Chilnick, Dylan Hart, Fair Employment Practices Committee Bonnie Janofsky Ray Brown, Beverly Dahlke-Smith Directors Grievance Committee Pam Gates, John Lofton, Ray Brown, Lesa Terry Andy Malloy, Phil O’Connor, Bill Reichenbach, Vivian Wolf Hearing Representative Lydia Reinebach Hearing Board Allen Savedoff, chair Legislative Committee Alan Estes, Jon Kurnick, Lisa Haley, Tawnee Lillo, Jason Poss, Jeff
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