Design and Access Statement

Basing House was a major Tudor palace and in the village of in the English county of . It once rivaled in its size and opulence. Today only its foundations and earthworks remain. The ruins are a Grade II listed building and a Scheduled Ancient Monument. The grounds of Basing House are registered park. The map below shows the extent of the SMR with the red marker showing the proposed site of the containers away from the main house.

The site is of national importance due to its Civil war association.

The proposed installation of the 3 shipping containers will not impose on the existing landscape, the structure of any listed building or the registered park of Basing House as they will be set under trees to the west of the current access road to the Hampshire Council Council offices at Basing House.

As the containers will be set away from the site visited by members of the public and under trees shielded by existing / newly planted vegetation and existing bunding to the north, there will be little impact on the buildings or open space around the historic site.


Access to the containers will off the existing surfaced road leading to the offices at Basing House. The new surfaced access track will join the access road to service the containers. This access track will be away from the building and will replace the existing grass surface currently driven on when accessing the current wood store.

Consent for the new access track was been granted from Historic (there ref S00159784) on the 15th March 2017.

Access to the current offices will not be affected in any way.

Vehicle trips will not increase as at present the Access Rangers come to Basing House as it is their normal place of work before heading off to maintain the extensive rights of way network.


The following organisations have been consulted about the proposed works:

 BDBC Arboricultural Officer  HCC County Archaeologist  Historic England  The Hampshire Cultural Trust