October 14, 1981 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 24031 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CRS INTERPRETS HOUSE JOINT origin, i.e. that which is brought about by former discriminatory practices "root and RESOLUTION 56 the intentional actions of school officials branch," 3 and adopt remedial plans that and traditionally condemned by the Equal "promise realistically to work, and promise HON. DON EDWARDS Protection Clause, or defacto and resulting realistically to work now." 4 without the complicity of State or local offi In Swann against Board of Education 5 OF CALIFORNIA cials. In addition, the amendment contains the Court defined the scope of judicial au IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES no explicit mention of court ordered trans thority to enforce school district compliance portation or busing, but speaks simply in Wednesday, October 14, 1981 terms of the "assign[mentl to, or with this constitutional obligation and set exclu[sionl from, any school" for prohibited forth "with more particularity" the ele • ·Mr. EDWARDS of California. Mr. ments of an acceptable school desegregation Speaker, the proposed amendment to purposes. Accordingly, while it would seem to clearly preclude the former, it may also plan. In eliminating illegally segregated the Constitution introduced by Mr. extend beyond judicially ordered busing and school systems, the Court emphasized, the MoTTL <H.J. Res. 56) has been promot restrict the court's authority to enforce neighborhood school or any other student ed as an antibusing amendment. How other more or less traditional "race con assignment policy "is not acceptable simply ever, in hearings before the Subcom scious" remedies in school desegregation because it appears to be neutral." Rather, in mittee on Civil and Constitutional cases.
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