James P. Delgado
JAMES P. DELGADO Forty-four years of working to explore, locate, study and preserve history for the benefit of all people by encouraging public access, involvement, and appreciation. EDUCATION Ph.D. (Archaeology), Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, 2006. M.A. History (Maritime History and Underwater Research), East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, 1985. B.A. History (American History), San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California, magna cum laude, 1981. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Senior Vice President, SEARCH, Inc., Jacksonville, Florida, May 2017- Member of the senior leadership team. Responsible for the scientific integrity of the company. Oversees international initiatives. Develops new business opportunities. Provides creative input and guidance. Director of Maritime Heritage, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland-October 2010-April 2017. Developed and implemented programs that interpreted and characterized maritime heritage resource in the sanctuary system. Designed and executed projects to locate and identify maritime heritage resources within and outside national marine sanctuaries. Promoted a wide application of program results through publications, presentations, or authoritative reports or policies. Managed the maritime heritage program and served as a senior member of the Office of National Marine Sanctuaries leadership team. Established policies on the protection of maritime heritage resources. Independently
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