Hansard Report Is for Information Purposes Only
May 13, 2021 NATIONAL ASSEMBLY DEBATES 1 PARLIAMENT OF KENYA THE NATIONAL ASSEMBLY THE HANSARD Thursday, 13th May 2021 The House met at 2.30 p.m. [The Speaker (Hon. Justin Muturi) in the Chair] PRAYERS PETITION HUMAN-WILDLIFE CONFLICT IN KIBWEZI EAST Hon. Jessica Mbalu (Kibwezi East, WDM-K): Hon. Speaker, I beg to present public Petition No.18 of 2021, on behalf of my voters. I, the undersigned, on behalf of residents of Kibwezi East Constituency, draw the attention of the House to the following: THAT, the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution assigns the responsibility of protection of the environment and natural resources to the National Government; THAT, residents of Masongaleni, Thange, Mtito Andei and Ivingoni-Nzambani Wards of Kibwezi East Constituency continue to experience increased cases of attacks by elephants and other wild animals resulting in loss of lives, loss of livestock and destruction of crops and property including water tanks and other means of livelihood in these areas; THAT, numerous cases of human-wildlife conflict as well as applications for compensation of victims have been reported to the relevant authorities in vain; THAT, most parts of Kibwezi East Constituency including schools bordering Tsavo East National Park, Tsavo West National Park and Kyulu Hills National Park remain unfenced, thus making it easier for wild animals to stray out into people’s farms and areas of residence; THAT, learning in several schools in Kibwezi East Constituency that border the aforementioned parks has been paralyzed, at times for weeks on end, due to invasion by wild animals, particularly elephants; THAT, the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) wardens are evidently overwhelmed by the situation resulting in delay in responding to distress calls from residents; THAT, efforts by residents of Kibwezi East Constituency to resolve the matter, including holding demonstrations against inaction by KWS, have been futile; and, THAT, the matters raised in this Petition are not pending in any court of law in Kenya.
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