Conservator of Forests, (Forest Conservation) Member Secretary (M(\[~L;'. State Advisory (Jronpl 0/0 Principal Chici' Conservator Or Forests
1""iBackup daw Folder/NT Folder/SAO Meeting Ldtci nnd f'roccc,lIngs From Conservator of Forests, (Forest Conservation) Member Secretary (M(\[~l;'. State Advisory (Jronpl 0/0 Principal ChicI' Conservator or Forests. Haryana, PanchkuhL To 1" Aclell. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), GOL MoEF, Northern Regional Ornee. Bays No. 24-25,Sec.31 A, Chandigarh. 2. Joint / Deputy Secretary to Oovt. of Haryana, Revenue Deptt., 3. Joint! Deputy Secretary to Govt. of IJaryana. F'"inance Deptt. 4. Joint/Deputy Secretary to Govt. of Haryana, Forest Deptt. No. D-X-66/ Sub: Meeting of the Stale Advisory Grour under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 Govt., of H~H·Y;Ula. Meeting of the State Level Advisory Group constituted vide Haryana Govt., notification No.4715-Ft-JIJ-Y5/l3473 dated 3-11-1995, under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 is scheduled to be held on 29-1O-20t3 at 11.30 A.M. in the office of Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central), Govt. of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Bays No. 24-25, Sec.31 A, Chandigarh, Following cases are to be considered under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 in this meeting of State Advisory Group: 1. Diversion of 6.14 ha. of forest land for laying of 220 KV D/e Transmission Line from A-3 Palla to A-5 Faridabad in betwe~n Gurgaon Canal and Agra Canal, under forest division and District Faridabad. Haryana. (D-Irl-4743) 7'1~} 11 2. Diversion of 11.7 ba. for forest land Jar construction of Kaushalaya Dam across River Kaushalaya in Village Islamnagar.
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