THE LIFEBOAT. the Journal of the Royal National Life-Boat Institution
THE LIFEBOAT. The Journal of the Royal National Life-boat Institution. VOL. XXVIL—No. 294.] MAY, 1928. [PRICE Gd. Annual Meeting. The Prince of Wales's Presidential Address. THE Hundred and Fourth Annual Croats and Slovenes; the Lady General Meeting of the Governors oi Mayoress of London, the Lord and Lady the Institution was held at the Central Provost of Glasgow, the Lord Mayor of Hall, Westminster, on Wednesday, 28th Bristol, the Mayors and Mayoresses of March, at 3 p.m. Bermondsey, Chelsea, Fulham, Isling- His Eoyal Highness the Prince of ton. Lambeth, Lewisham, St. Maryle- Wales, E.G., President of the Institu- bone, Stepney, Stoke Newington, tion, was in the chair, supported by Wandsworth, St. Albans, Great Yar- members of the Committee of Manage- mouth, Lowestoft, Margate, Southamp- ment. He delivered his presidential ton and South wold; the Mayors of address, and presented medals awarded Bethnal Green, Deptford, Hammer- for gallantry in rescuing life from ship- smith, St. Pancras, Southwark, West- wreck during last year. minster, Douglas (Isle of Man) and The speakers were, His Excellency Eastbourne, and the Chairman of the the French Ambassador, the Right Hon. Cromer Urban District Council. Philip Snowden, M.P., Dame Caroline There were present the following Bridgeman, D.B.E., Sir William Milli- Vice-presidents of the Institution : the gan, M.D., a Vice-President of the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., Institution and Chairman of the Man- Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat chester, Salford and District Branch, Council, Sir William W. B. Priestley, Mr. Harry Hargood, O.B.E., a Vice- Chairman of the Bradford and District President of the Institution, Major Sir Branch, and Miss Alice Marshall; the Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member following Honorary Life Governors of of the Committee of Management, Sir the Institution : Mrs.
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