SD Guide 2019
The Living Word of the Buddha The Buddha’s Teachings in the Oldest Texts Translations, essays & notes by Piya Tan ©2019 Sutta Discovery SD GUIDE SD 01 SD 01 01 SD I. Common conventions & abbreviations II. Main bibliography SD I. Common Conventions & Abbreviations Pali and related works, technical terms and other abbreviations guide Based on conventions suggested by H Bechert 1990 & CPD including vol 3 (2011:ii-vi ix-xi) Editions are denoted by a letter/s, eg, A, Abhs etc; where editors are specified, their initials follow the colon in round brackets, eg Kkhv(S). Translations are denoted by letter(s) with a colon, eg A:B. Italicized abbreviations refer to external (MN), rare (JA), optional (final) (Kkhv(NP) = Kkhv edited by Norman & Pruitt) or dated (or obsolete) (Kkhv(M)) forms. For details on publications listed in I, see under II. Section I has 2 parts: (Ia) Conventional signs, (I) Common Abbreviations For convenience, “Common Abbreviations” treat both technical and bibliographical abbreviations 2019 as one. Further see II for methodology II. Main Bibliography Primary & Secondary sources These works are arranged alphabetically order without regard for diacritics, punctuations, etc. Hence, eg, ä, ö, ü, ṅ and ś are sequenced as if they were a, o, u, n, and s. The “sharp s” ß (eszett or 201 scharfes S) in German names are spelt with an “ss” (“Strauß” is listed as “Strauss”). Surnames are indexed. Those preceded by “de,” “von,” “la” etc, will be found under the surname 9 itself; thus, eg, Louis de La Vallée Poussin is listed as “Poussin, Louis de la Vallée,” Oskar von Hinüber as “Hinüber, Oskar von.” Surnames are listed as they are spelt, eg, “McX…” is indexed so, not as “Mac.” Sinicized surnames are given in SMALL CAPITALS, eg TAN.
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