CIRCULAR No. 02/2015-17 3rd August, 2015


In the settlement signed on 25th May, 2015, none of the demands of the retirees were agreed nor sanctioned. This was ispite of the fact that UFBU and its constituents included a detailed list of the demands of retirees in their charter of demands, and assured not to sign the settlement till the demands are met. This has resulted into huge dissatisfaction and disappointment among more than 3 lakh bank retirees and family pensioners.

Now, new struggle has begun by the Bank Retirees with new challenges. We are confident that final victory will be ours and AIBRF and retirees movement will come out with flying colours in the coming days. Along with signing wage settlement for employees, IBA and UFBU have signed Record Note Dated 25.05.15 giving their stand on various retiree demands/ issues. This document deals with 8 retiree demands/ issues namely (a) Uniform medical facility (b) LTC to retirees (c) 100 percent Dearness Allowance to pre November 2002 retirees (d) Improvement in family pension (e) Merger of DA up to 4440 points in the basic pension (f) Updation of pension (g) Periodical updation at the time of wage settlement in future (h) Uniform allocation of funds for retirees out of welfare funds. The demands listed in the document cover all our present pending issues.

In the beginning of the document , IBA has come out with the statement “ any demand of retirees can be examined only as welfare measure as contractual relationship does not exist between banks and retires.” The unions, while signing the document has not recorded their stand on this issue and thereby endorsed the position taken by IBA. This statement is not acceptable to AIBRF and it will not be accepted by any retiree organisation. Our pension scheme which is a defined benefit scheme and designed on the models of pension schemes applicable to government/ RBI pensioners, is based on basic principle that pension is nothing but deferred wage. Deferred wage is matter of right and not merely welfare measures to be left at the discretion of any employer. This principle has been laid down and confirmed time and again by the highest court of the country. Hence, the concept of deferred wages call for periodical review as a matter of right. We shall have to fight out against this stand of IBA. AIBRF has decided to appeal to UFBU to examine this issue and come out with their stand on it.

The matter was discussed in the Central Committee Meeting of AIBRF held at Indore on 9th and 10th July 2015 and made the following decisions:

1. It was decided that AIBRF shall continue to function as an independent organization for the cause of retirees. Issue based support will be sought from UFBU and its constituents. 2. Having lodged protest to UFBU and its constituents for failure to achieve any of the demands of retirees which was need of the time to express sentiments of the membership, AIBRF shall continue to work to develop cordiality in the relationship with the serving unions without sacrificing its independence and respect. 3. It was unanimously felt by the house that AIBRF should continue to work for developing coordination among various retiree organizations functioning at apex level in banking industry by removing the bottlenecks and hurdles coming in this direction and also work for coordination among retiree organizations in the financial sector. 4. The committee has given direction to the Central Office to make efforts and follow up to secure early date from IBA authorities for holding discussion on pending issues of retirees and outcome of the efforts should be reviewed periodically and initiate further appropriate steps to take the issue forward. 5. Contents of Record Note dated 25.05.2015 signed by IBA and Unions was reviewed and it was felt that its contents in particular preamble part “ No Contractual obligation towards retirees” was prejudicial to the long term interest of retirees. It was decided that AIBRF would continue to initiate appropriate action including legal recourse to ensure its deletion. 6. The house did comprehensive review of all pending demands of retirees and in particular updation of pension for the past retirees. In view of IBA stand on this issue as indicated in the Record Note and overall negative environment on this point prevailing in financial sector it was decided to obtain opinion from some leading advocate of Supreme 1

Court on service matters and thereafter decide future course of action to achieve this important demand. The house was of the view that social security and legal position on it as expressed in various judgments of the apex court has also to be taken into consideration by the authorities. 7. The house further decided to continue to raise other pending issues of retirees like one more pension option to left over retirees, increase in ex-gratia payment to pre-1986 retirees , encashment of leave to all compulsory retirees etc at appropriate level and pursue them for solution.

The house also decided to continue to organize organizational programs at different centers to press our demands. The immediate plan finalized in this regard is as under

(i) To organize demonstration and Dharna at Ahmadabad, Bhopal, Lucknow, Patna, Bhuneshwar, Mumbai & Patiala before head office / main office of the bank of the area and handover the memorandum to the Chief of the office with the request to forward it to IBA with favorable remarks. This program will be launched at other centers too in the coming days. These programs will be organized by state bodies of the area.

(ii) To continue to send letters addressed to the Banking Secretary as being done at present with the request to IBA to call AIBRF for discussion. Till now more than 10000 letters have been sent under the program so far. In next one month the affiliates have been requested to send another 10000 such letters to the Banking Secretary.

(iii) The delegation of AIBRF will continue to meet Central Ministers, Members of Parliament Leaders of Opposition in particular during next monsoon session of Parliament to press retiree issues.

(iv) To organize centralized Dharna cum demonstration in Delhi at appropriate time during Winter/ Budget Session of the parliament.

(v) In addition to the above, the affiliates were requested to organize agitational programs at local level.

(vi) The house also asked the General Secretary to prepare action plan to collect legal funds from the members

(vii) The house asked the General Secretary to form necessary strategy to ensure smooth implementation of the Group Medical Scheme introduced by IBA for retirees in the settlement at bank level and benefit of it reaches to each and every pensioner and their family.

Our members are requested to participate very actively in all the action programmes organized by AIBRF.


Our Management is yet to respond to our letters requesting for immediate settlement of our demands and the Executive Committee of our Association which met on 13th June 2015 decided to go for direct actions, including ‘ONE DAY DHARNA’ in front of Head Office, preferably on the date of the Annual General Meeting of the Bank. All our members should actively participate in the Dharna and make it a grand show. MPs, MLAs and other leaders of Social and Political organisations and Fellow Organisations will participate and address the Dharna.

As a prelude to the dharna, one hour Demonstration will also be held in front of the Head Office of the Bank, exact date of which will be intimated soon.

We feel that CSB Management does not appreciate the sincere, honest and dedicated service put in by the retirees in building the Bank as one of the premier organisations in the country. It is to be mentioned that they were drawing a very meagre salary and perquisites and many of them had to retire with a paltry sum as terminal benefits. Most of them find it difficult to pull on as their medical expenses and cost of other basic requirements are increasing day by day where as there has not been any increase in pension, except a marginal increase in DA. It is to be remembered that they have spent most of their prime time of life for the institution and they deserve all the support from the Bank in the old age.

Most of the banks are having welfare schemes for the retirees and there are systems prevailing in all these banks to redress the grievances of retirees, on a regular basis. But, in Catholic Syrian Bank many of the genuine demands of the retirees remain unsettled, even though the management had assured to consider them favourably, on many occasions.


During the discussions with the former MD & CEO Shri.Rakesh Bhatia and also Sri.S.Santhanakrishnan, Chairman of the Bank they had assured to consider all our demands and resolve them at the earliest. But, so far there had not been any progress in addressing them. A detailed letter given to the present MD & CEO also remain unresponded. We are now forced to adopt to organisational actions to get our issues settled and demonstration and dharna in front of the Head Office of the Bank are being organized as part of it. A summary of the pending issues are given below for your kind information.

 Extension of Medical Benefit Scheme to the Retired  Improvement in Ex Gratia payment to the widows of Staff Members and Spouse. Pre-86 Retirees.  Allocation of Staff Welfare Fund for the Retirees.  Funeral Expenses on decease of retirees.  Improvements in the Personal Loan Scheme to the  Issuance of Identity Cards to Retirees. Retired employees.  Additional Interest on Deposits in the names of  Pension Option to those who opted for retirement resignees, as being extended to retirees. under VRS and other Schemes.  Service as Temporary Clerk/Peon/Sweeper to be  Pension Account to be allowed as Joint Account of reckoned for Terminal benefits. Pensioner and Spouse.  Concession in Safe Deposit Locker Rent to Retirees.  Provide Details of Annuity to retirees.  Periodic meeting of Pension Grievance Cell.  Issuance of Pension Passbook to all the retirees.  Anomalies in Fixing Pension.


All arrangements are being made for the successful conduct of the 4th Delegates Conference of All Bank Retirees Federation (AIBRF) at Thrissur from 26th to 28th November 2015. ABRF has decided to collect a levy of Rs.200/- from the members of all its affiliates and accordingly our members are requested to remit Rs.200/- as Conference Levy. The amount may be credited to our account with Thrissur West Fort Branch (Account No. 0227-03495137- 190001). The conference is of much importance as the bank retirees are on warpath to achieve their genuine demands and to protect right and dignity and hence all our members should contribute very liberally by way of money and might for the success of the conference. Coupon collection will also be made from the serving staff of all the banks and all are requested to co-operate wholeheartedly to the endeavor.


Demonstration was held by the members of CSBOA in front of Bank‟s Head Office on 13th July 2015 in protest against lateral appointments in executive level paying hefty salary. Officers working at Head Office and other offices and branches in Thrissur participated in the demonstration. CSBRA extended full support to CSBOA in their action programme and members in large numbers participated in the demonstration.


Mr. K. Prasad, District President AIBOC, Mr. N. Narendran, Vice President, BEFI State Committee, Mr. Gopi Krishnan, President, South Officers Association and your General Secretary addressed the participant. It sent a strong message to the management that the Officers, employees and retirees of the Bank and also the comrades of other bank will not be silent spectators to the mismanagement and atrocities being done by the vested interests in the Bank and are prepared to go to any extent to protect the interest of the century old premier bank.

CSBOA has decided to intensify actions if the management is not inviting them for a dialogue. The actions proposed include social boycott, continuous protest by badge wearing, disobeying orders issued by the super class, non co- operation, demonstration at various centers including in front of RBI, Thiruvanathapuram, mass petitions to various authorities and regulators etc.


The 33 day long strike by Dhanalaxmi Bank Officers Organization came to an end in the late hours of 14th July. In the negotiations held under the Chairmanship of Honorable Minister for Home affairs Sri. Ramesh Chennithala, it was decided to freeze the termination order served to Mr.P.V. Mohanan for a period of two months.

Salute to the comrades of Dhalaxmi Bank for the unity and solidarity shown by them in the fight against atrocities in the Bank and illegal termination of Shri.P.V.Mohanan, the beloved leader of the Bank Officers movement and a dedicated officer of the Bank. Officers and employees organisations all over the country extended full support to DBOO in their struggle. All Kerala Bank Retirees Federation extended support to the strike and members in large numbers participated in the Dharna held in Thrissur. Shri.John Joseph, General Secretary, SIBRSA and your General Secretary addressed the participants.



Following retirees of the Bank joined our Association and we wholeheartedly welcome them to our fraternity.

No Name Place No Name Place 1 Shri.G.Monikantan Trivandrum 12 Shri.Varghese Joseph 2 Smt.Usha Mohan Thrissur 13 Shri.V.A.Joseph 3 Shri.O.K.Chacko Thrissur 14 Smt.Shirly David Thrissur 4 Smt.Jessy Varghese Thrissur 15 Shri.Davis Antony Akkara Thrissur 5 Shri.A.Bhaskaran 16 Shri.P.A.Pauly Thrissur 6 Shri.George T.Mampilly 17 Shri.A.J.Rappai Thrissur 7 Smt.Nirmala Kuttikrishnan Thrissur 18 Smt.Mary Pathrose Angamaly 8 Shri.K.J.Varkeyachan Kannur 19 Shri.M.J.Lukose 9 Shri.C.J.Stephen 20 Smt.Alice Joseph Kozhikode 10 Shri.S.I.Sivakumar 21 Shri.P.A.Varghese Chalakudy 11 Shri.S.Vijayakumar Trivandrum Pottokaren


D.A. From 1st August 2015 onwards – 31 Slabs more Retired prior to 01-11-1992 - 1324 Slabs over 600 points Upto 1250 1251-2000 2001-2130 Above 2130 887.08% 718.20 % 436.92 % 225.08 % After 01-11-1992 upto 31-03-1998 - 1187 Slabs over 1148 points Upto 2400 2401-3850 3851-4100 Above 4100 415.45 % 344.23 % 201.79 % 106.83 % After 01-04-1998 upto 31-10-2002 - 1053 Slabs over 1684 points Upto 3550 3551-5650 5651-6010 Above 6010 252.72% 210.60 % 126.36 % 63.18 % Retired on or after 1-11-2002 - 902 Slabs over 2288 points For the entire Basic Pension Amount 162.36 % Retired on or after 1-11-2007 - 765 Slabs over 2836 points For the entire Basic Pension Amount 114.75 % Retired on or after 1-11-2012 - 364 Slabs over 4440 points For the entire Basic Pension Amount 36.40 % Pre 1986 Retirees 887.08 % on Ex-Gratia + Rs.350 = 3454.78 Surviving spouses of Pre 1986 Retirees 887.08 % on Ex-Gratia + Rs.175 = 1727.39


CSB Books Loss for the first time in the history

CSB, for the first time in history, recorded Net loss in Balance Sheet. That too for a large amount of Rs.53.17 Crore. When and made substantial profits in the year 2014-15, CSB went into heavy loss reason for which is mismanagement at top level. We strongly believe that the Chairman and the Directors of the Bank must be having some hidden agenda in ruing the 95 year old Bank. We don‟t know what is the role of the nominees of Reserve , in the Board. It is high time that the shareholders and the employees of the bank come forward with some positive actions to save the Bank from the vested interests, before it plunges into more disasters.


More Verticals Heads in the Bank

The management has brought some people in key positions in the bank as „Vertical Heads‟ about two years back. They were paid hefty pay and other benefits running to millions. The very purpose of appointing these people who are not vested with any responsibility, accountability and discretionary powers, is not known either to the management or to the persons themselves. Their appointment could only bring disappointment amongst the Senior Executives of the Bank and it resulted in demoralization and demotivation of the cadre at all levels. None of the so called vertical heads were skilled, qualified or competent enough to head the vital portfolios in the Bank, as per the information received from reliable sources. The net result is that the 94 year old bank had to book a net loss (of Rs.53.17 Crore in the year 2014-15) for the first time in the history. Again, the performance of the Bank during the last year, in all areas of operations were very dismal while all the peer group banks made substantial growth during this period.

Now, it is informed that the Management has decided to appoint more vertical heads, contrary to the assurance given to CSB Officers Association to review the policy. CSBOA has strongly objected to it as it is not in the interest of the institution and will only make severe damage to the very texture of the Bank. In protest against the appointment of these vertical heads, CSBOA started agitation and demonstration was held in front of Head Office of the Bank on 13th July 2015, as already reported


The following staff members retired from service of the Bank during May , June and July, 2015

No Name Office No Name Office 1 Shri.Johnson T. Dy. Zonal Manager, Zonal 24 Shri.Chacko O K Clerk, Ashtamichira Ponmanissery Office, Ernakulam 2 Shri.Varkeychan K J Senior Manager, H O (Insp) 25 Smt.Usha Mohan Clerk S N Puram. 3 Shri.M.C.George Senior Mgr, Mkt Rd, Ekm. 26 Shri.George Paul A K Clerk, S. Vazhakulam 4 Shri.Joseph V A Senior Manager, Sooranad 27 Shri.Poulose K D Staff, ZO, Ernakulam 5 Smt.Latha Premkumar Senior Mgr. ZO,Trivandrum 28 Shri.Jacob Asst. Manager, Choondal Chowalloor 6 Shri.Venkita Krishnan PV Senior Manager, H O (Insp) 29 Shri.Ignatius K E Asst. Manager, Z O, Thrissur 7 Shri.Davis Antony Senior Manager, H O(CMD.) 30 Shri.Vijayakumar S Clerk, Neyyattinkara Akkara 8 Shri.John Joseph Senior Mgr, Z O, Kozhikode 31 Venkatachalapathy N Clerk, Pollachi 9 Shri.Pauly P A Branch Mgr, Kolengattukara 32 Shri.Jobby C V Clerk, Aluva 10 Shri.Sivakumar Manager, Kottayi 33 Shri.Varghese Clerk, Girinagar S.Sankaran Joseph V 11 Shri.Francis Dudly Manager, Z O,Trivandrum 34 Shri.Janardhana N Clerk, Nellore Pereira 12 Shri.Xavier T V Manager, Aluva 35 Shri.Rappai A J Clerk, 13 Shri.Babu John Koipurath Branch Mgr, Chenappady 36 Smt.Mary Pathrose Staff, Thuravoor Br. 14 Shri.Varghese P A Manager, Kadukutty 37 Shri.Mathew Jose Asst. Manager Pulluvazhi (Pottokaran) 15 Shri.Jose A V Manager, Angamaly 38 Shri.Georgekutty C P Clerk, Cherthala 16 Shri.Bhaskaran A Asst. Manager, Payyanur 39 Shri.Ouseph T A Clerk, Venginissery 17 Shri.Suresan P N Asst. Manager, Pattikad 40 Shri.Joseph T F Clerk, Mannuthy 18 Shri.Augustine A Clerk, Tiruchirappally 41 Smt.Mary Clerk, Kaloor, Azad Road Vithayathil 19 Smt.Mary P L Clerk-cum-Cashier, Edakunnu 42 Smt.Magy T V Clerk, Pavaratty 20 Smt.Jessy Varghese Clerk, Irinjalakuda 43 Shri.Amalkumar Clerk, Kolkata Burra Bazar Ooden Chakraborthy 21 Smt.Usha K.Shenoy Typist, Thoppumpady 44 Smt.Suma Chitranath Clerk, Chennai-2 Mount Rd 22 Smt.Lucy K C Clerk-cum-Cashier, Girinagar 45 Shri.Kailash Chandra Staff, Kolkata Lal Bazar Br. Nayak 23 Smt.Mary Thomas Clerk, H O (Staff) 46 Smt.Mary John Staff, Ponnurunny Br.

We wish all the retirees a very Happy and Active Retired life.



Many of retirees are yet to join our association and it is necessary to bring them to our fold in the interest of our organisastion, retirees movement in general and also in the personal interest of these retirees. Rights of the retirees can be protected and demands can be fulfilled only if all the retirees stand united under the banner of AIBRF. Our members are requested to contact CSB retirees in your neighborhood and confirm their membership. If anyone has not received letter or application form for membership from our office, they may please be asked to contact CSBRA Office or Office Bearer / EC Member of Association.


With deep sorrow we inform the demise of the following members of the Association

Shri.C.K.George, Chirayath who retired as Senior Manager in the year 1988, expired on 31.07.2015. He was born in the year 1928 and was settled in , Thrissur, after retirement. His son Shri.George Chirayath is working as Chief Manager ( Staff ) in the Head office of the Bank.

Shri.K.J.Davis, retired under VRS from West Fort Branch in the year 1998, expired on 02.05.2015. He was born in the year 1943 and joined the Bank in 1961. After retirement, he was settled in Mukkattukara, Thrissur. His son Shri.Jose, Konikkara is working at Koottanad Branch of the Bank Shri.P.C.John (Palatty) who retired under from Kuzhur branch on 31.05.2011, expired on 08.06.2015. Born in the year 1954, he joined the Bank on 20.04.1978 and was settled in Puthenvelikara, Ernakulam Dt after retirement. His son Shri.Clinton John is working in the Mala branch of the Bank.

We join in the sorrow of the bereaved families and pray to the almighty for the departed soul to rest in peace.


A very nice and beautiful depiction of United States, in a lucid language. More than the picturesque beauty and majesty of the country, Smty.Lucy takes you to a world of love and beauty. A good book to read. Smty.Lucy is wife of Shri.P.V.John, Paliakara Houes, Near Rly Overbridge, , Thrissur - 680026, a member of our Association. For copies, please contact Shri.P.V.John ( Ph: 98475 45464 & 0487-2251759)

With Warm Regards,