GENEThe Quarterly Magazine of St. Ignatius College PreparatorySI San Francisco, SummerS 2019 PERFORMING ARTS SEASON: SI’s actors, singers, dancers and instrumentalists kept SI entertained during the spring. Ted Curry ’82 directed and choreographed The Addams Family for the spring musical with two talented casts. Ben Prince served as musical director with costumes created by Sara Ritchey. Dr. Gillian Clements directed the SI orchestra, Galen Green directed the jazz band and Sid Quinsaat directed SI’s singers. Photos by Sam and Ariel Soto-Suver ’02 of Bowerbird Photography. See page 32 for photos from the Spring Dance Concert. GENESIS A Report to Concerned Individuals Volume 56, Number 2, Summer 2019 Administration Edward A. Reese, S.J. President Mr. Patrick Ruff Principal Mr. Joseph A. Vollert ’84 Vice President for Advancement Mr. Ken Stupi ’78 Vice President, Finance & Administration Ms. Marielle Murphy Bos ’93 Director of Advancement Mr. Tom Murphy Director of Communications Ms. Alexa Contreras ’05 Director of Alumni Relations Editorial Staff Mr. Paul J. Totah ’75 Editor in Chief Ms. Anne Stricherz Sports Editor Ms. Annika Miller Graphic Artist Jesuit Community John T. Mitchell, S.J. ’58 Superior Douglas Draper, S.J. Minister GENESIS (USPS 899-060) is published quarterly by St. Ignatius College Preparatory, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116-1165. Periodicals Postage Paid at San Francisco, CA, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to GENE SIS, 2001 37th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94116-1165. CONTACT US: You can send an e-mail to
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