ccan you torrent without seeds Is there any way to download a torrent that has 0 seeds? I hate to say I'm growing desperate but I've scoured through Google in hopes of stumbling upon a method I haven't tried repeatedly and alas, nothing. Has anybody here ever found a solution to this problem other than hoping and waiting? I've only ever gone to Kickass and am unsure if whether or not the file would be on private sites. I'm unsure if this is acceptable here, but I would be willing to pay someone to either teach me how to download the file, or if someone helped me out and downloaded it for me (message me if interested). Seriously, I would be deeply appreciative. No. At least, generally not. Seeds are the people the whole file(s). The torrent merely points your to their computer. If they aren't there, the file isn't even in the system for you to get. The exception is if between all the peers the entire file(s) exist(s). This can only really happen if several people downloaded different fragments and then the seed disappeared before anyone finished but only before someone collects all the pieces and becomes a seed. Or the individual file names from inside the torrent. Occasionally you will find another source or torrent that contains it. If there are actually 0 seeds (as in peers with 100% of all pieces) then it's still possible. That's the Definition though, which means there are caveats. A can be '' and yet not be a 'seed'. If there are 3 files in a torrent, and 3 clients, each which has selected and is seeding only one file in that torrent, you can become a seed if the file they have is each different (because there will be 1 distributed copy, with 2 pieces - the file boundary pieces - duplicated. So the question is not 'are there 0 seeds' but 'are there 0 distributed copies' Don't trust scrape values, some trackers manipulate them (one of the trackers I worked on many years ago disabled scrapes to increase tracker capacity, hooked it to a random number generator instead), and sometimes peers (like above's example) don't list as 'seeds'. The key is 'distributed copies, and that's what to look for (also sometimes called 'availability'). And be sure DHT is enabled, so you have access to any other peers that might be out there. How To Seed Torrent file without downloading it? Hi guys, I'm don't deal too much with torrents, and actually I don't know a lot, just downloaded utorrent, and if I want something, download it then stop the seeding, but now I'm facing a new thing to me, I wanna seed some torrent files, but I don't need to download them, they are large and I don't need their content, How To Seed Torrents Without Downloading Them?, not for just the same size, as long as I'm seeding. sorry for bad English and thank you all for your time :) You can't. You have to have the in order to seed it. That's how it works. what if I downloaded some of the data, just one file for example, Am I gonna just seed for this file? You can make a new torrent with data you already have. You cannot seed a torrent without having the data. I'm really wishing I could do that :/, but unfortunately, if i created one, its not gonna help a lot out there, but thank you anyways. You either have to download the data, or already have the exact same data in order to seed. If you have the data, put the data in the data directory, add the .torrent to utorrent, it will find the data and recheck to 100% and then start seeding. Also, please seed to at least a ratio of 1:1 -- immediately stopping seeding is rude, and offers no protections. I'm sorry could you please explain for me this: please seed to at least a ratio of 1:1 ? I really don't know, but don't worry I don't stop it immediately, I leave it for sometime until I seed some amount near to what I downloaded, or a little less :D you don't know my connection here is so weak. A would be perfect for this. You don't download the data, the seedbox does. The seedbox then seeds it. Usually, "seeding" a torrent refers to having the complete file downloaded, so someone could get the entire copy from you if you were the only one uploading it. If you only have some of the file downloaded, you are considered a "peer". You can the parts you have downloaded, but since you don't have the entire file, someone who wants to download it will have to get the rest of it from other people. This isnt a problem if there are multiple people downloading, but if you are the only one uploading, then they would only be able to get what you'd downloading. Is it safe to seed without a VPN? I mostly use torrents to download large amounts of files, however I'm still worried for security. Is it safe to seed without a VPN? Depends on what kind of "files" we are talking about. If you're breaking copyright laws by doing so, then, no, it's not safe. ISOs obviously. Anything that has to do with torrents isn’t safe. As safe as having sex without a condom. Press your luck. No whammy No whammy stop! That's fucking hilarious. Don’t pass go and just NO! No, it isn't. If you're worried about it, a VPN gives you peace of mind. There is this myth that torrenting is illegal. But by no means torrenting itself is illegal or prone to piracy. The time when torrents came into existence, they were used for peer 2 peer sharing or more commonly known as p2p. Simply downloading content with one’s consent is not illegal. But if you are downloading your favorite movie, music, game or anything without the consent of the up loader then you are invading into illegal use of torrents. But to be honest this is how most users are making use of torrents getting stuff for free. When it comes to safety, than using a VPN is always advisable. But this could vary country to country. Every country has their own anti piracy laws. Japan tops the list of countries which are best at tackling digital piracy. Downloading torrents without a VPN in Switzerland, Mexico, and even Spain is safe. But doing the same in UK, Germany, USA could result in copy-right notices. Therefore watch out for your country’s digital laws before downloading torrents without a VPN. my recommendation is VeePN. It doesn't collect logs of your activity, including no logging of browsing history, traffic destination, data content, or DNS queries, speed is better than I have had in my previous vpns. It is unlimited and super fast. How To : Torrent Without Getting Caught. I'm not admitting to anything, but let's be honest, most of us download content on the Web from time to time. With copyright holders laying down the law more and more often, it can't hurt to do so with caution. And even if you aren't downloading copyrighted material, you still don't want companies snooping in on your online activities. So just how do you protect yourself when torrenting? Avoid "Open Communities" This is the first and easiest line of defense for your downloading habits. When you torrent, your IP is shared with a number of other users who help you to finish the file by sending you pieces of it that they've already downloaded. In turn, you send them back the pieces you have, and everyone ends up with a completed file in the end. Copyright holders looking to get their lawsuit on might join a download and log the IPs of everyone they come in contact with. Once they have your IP, they can contact your ISP which will lead them right to you. Public trackers, such as , are where these phony downloaders go to mine for IP addresses. Because these sites don't verify anyone's identity, and there are no restrictions on what you can join, it's next to effortless for a company to jump in and grab some IPs. Now obviously, because popular torrents might have thousands of people connected to it at any time, the odds of them choosing your IP to go after is slim, but why take the risk? Private trackers such as (now shut down) and BitMe provide an extra layer of protection by requiring users to register, and are often invite only to help keep those unwanted corporate presences. This might be a lot less convenient than browsing the public sites, but once you're in, the odds of getting caught go down significantly. And if you have any friends who download regularly, one or two of them might have some spare invites to go around. Read the Comments. If you really can't scrounge up an invite to any of these private communities, the least you can do is check the files before you download. Almost every reputable torrent site has space for user comments on the download page. Always, always read these before putting any foreign files on your computer. Not only is there the obvious and omnipresent virus threat, but some "clever" companies seed fake torrents holding tracking malware. Make sure to carefully scan the comments to see if anyone has found anything suspicious about the files, and if the torrent has no comments, it's probably your best bet just to avoid it. Block Bad IPs. Here's where it gets slightly more technical. Because companies are joining in on downloads to grab IPs, their own IP addresses are also available. By downloading and installing a free program called PeerGuardian2, you can stay one step ahead of them by blocking known "bad" IPs from connecting to you. It takes a little while to get it up and running, but the installation and setup walk you through the process. Their site occasionally goes down, so if the application isn't available through their official links, SourceForge hosts mirrors of it you can use in the meantime. Cap Your and Don't Seed. This is probably the worst way to protect yourself, as it violates the "community spirit" of . But let's be honest, if it's between community spirit and a fat lawsuit, I'd rather err on the side of caution. Contrary to popular belief, corporations don't tend to target people downloading. They more often than not go after those uploading pieces of the file to others (seeding, in torrent terms). To avoid this, remove and delete the torrent from your system once the download is finished. Because of the way the system works though, everyone downloading is also seeding at the same time. By capping your client's seeding bandwidth as well, you can effectively take yourself off the radar of many copyright holders. Every BitTorrent client is going to work a little bit differently, but for the most part, they all have the option to throttle your seeding limit to negligible amounts. Refer to your application's user guide for exactly how to do this. Not quite sure what you're looking at when you're searching for torrents? Check out Null Byte's Guide to Torrent Acronyms. You can also download torrents more securely with I2PSnark or Anomos. Want to master Microsoft Excel and take your work-from-home job prospects to the next level? 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How To : Get the 'Catch' Achievement in Batman: Arkham City. Book Review : Little Brother by Cory Doctorow. How To : Deal with Toxic and Belligerent People. Untraceable : How to Seed Torrents Anonymously Using I2PSnark. How To : Chain VPNs for Complete Anonymity. News : shopping traps. News : Caught some black drum in Fort Desoto. Movie Quiz : Catch Me if you Can - Leo Barfs. Red Dead : Bring back a live bounty easily. News : El Salvador Catches a Break with Surf Tourism. Insect Photography Challenge : Cicada. How To : Completely Mask & Anonymize Your BitTorrent Traffic Using Anomos. News : 840-Barrel Paintball Gun Splatters Street Art in 1/8 of a Second. News : Jetski slingshot. News : The Pee Ball Dodge Ball. News : New cast member. News : Art as a Weapon. News : Caught Brown Handed. News : Invisible Obstacle Course. News : Groundhog 102. News : Funny iPhone Fiasco Parody. How To : Cure Vampirism in Skyrim. How To : Bypass Windows and Linux Passwords. How To : 5 DIY Mosquito Repellent Secrets. News : Rigging a Fiddler Crab. 12 Comments. Nice guide, quite well written, kudos t you. Nothing I hadn't already read before, but excellent job! It was very clear, concise and informative, a definite positive contribution to the community. Kudos! :) answered all my questions. PeerGuardian is now old school. PeerBlock is the new program you can use to block over 700 million "bad ips". At the time I am typing this, Peerblock 1.2 is the latest release. Say I create a torrent and only seed it for a short time and remove it from uTorrent. Can that torrent be traced back to me as the creator? For instance, if I create it and lots of people download and reseed it and I remove it, is my IP still attached as the creator of the torrent? Depends how fast a tracker gets attached to it. You can a torrent without without a public tracker. Like your client, uTorrent, you can create a private tracker (think of yourself as the tacker) and share the torrent / file with friends family or whatever - SO LONG as your IP does not change during the duration that you plan to sell it. uTorrent has the feature built in; an embedded tracker. Another option is to send the file to an uploader, through the method I just listed, FTP, split-file upload to rapidshare or similar site, MSN lol, the old direct connection from AIM. lol my point is that there are many ways to get a file to someone and then they can upload it for you. The upload would be in their username, but I'm sure they would attribute you by listing you as the original uploader / creator. I prefer to split a file into a # of pieces. Some programs automate the process, others give more control; regardless a built-in hash or an included .sfv file will ensure that the individual pieces are not corrupted and that you are safe to begin the recombination. Depending on what you use to split the file will determine the simplicity of the rejoining process; does the user just run a .exe that recombines or do they have to download a simple file made for this process. It's simple and anyone with google skills (I mean common sense) can do a google search depending on what .XXX file extension you provided them with so don't worry about the process you use and it's likely you don't need to provide instructions as well. You can use 7zip (or another archiver most likely) to split files. 7zip you just proceed to add a file to archive, switch the format to .7z, then under the 'Split to volumes, bytes' set your desired 'piece' size. Very simple. Is this the guide to how to bring down the p2p network? Thank you author, for being a giver of contradictory information (that you tell people how to stay safe; an act which will inevitably bring down the network) . Though your first three points are better (not so much with the second one - private companies get paid to set up trackers that appear normal), but your last point is seriously very dangerous and also selfish. You can't just leech. Sharing is the other half of the network; the balance to downloading; the yang of leechings ying; If everyone right now stopped seeding, to save bandwidth or reduce chances of getting caught, there would be no p2p (peer 2 peer (TORRENT) network) ; it would literally cease to exist. The reason why older things disappear or when you browsing for that thing you really want and it is nowhere to be found - but it should be or there is a FAT '0' under the seeders list, well, this is a symptom of both age and people not wanting to seed. Thankfully there is still a strong base of supporters out there that seed so long as something is relatively new ( 2-5 years for most & 2-8 for older stuff ) or highly in demand; without this minority group, there would not be a network whatsoever or it would be completely private with highly restricted access. The majority of people download something then stop seeding - another example of said network ender. ALL torrent client programs have a upload / download (seed / leech) ratio and you should at the bare minimum have a 1.0 ; that means the (x)GB you downloaded to your pc has been matched by you sharing the same amount. Some people have low upload rates other people need upload but there is always down time - turn that feature on while you sleep. HINT - grab your upload speed rate from any speed test site, the first google result usually gives the result in Mbps (megabits per sec) so it needs a conversion to MB/s (megabytes per sec) - If you are not familiar you should definitely look it up; EASY TO FIND, GOOD TO KNOW. Once you know your upload speed, set your upload speed limit to anywhere from 10% (0.1) to 100% (1.0) with anything in between - (25% 50% 75%). Likely you will never use your upload speed, but the choice is up to you. How bad do you wish that a multitude of variety will exist for the longest amount of time? If you are really scared, don't engage in illegal activities. Should be mentioned that there is a small percentage of legal, open source or closed programs and operating systems that participate on the p2p network all which is the main reason why the protocol has not been completely removed from the face of the earth - or sent down to the deep dark corners of 'the deep web'. Don't call it the , that implies solely illegal activities when that is only an effect from a cause. The deep web is about anonymity. Like all good things, someone will find a way to exploit it. You're cursing is entirely uncalled for, and unlikely to help get your point across. You'll probably even be banned soon, which won't help anyone read your information. Grow up. Hey author.. You could also include the rather new service of cloud torrenting. A service will download your torrent for you, then you download it from them. So it will be no more than a browser download to your ISP; end result will look like you are downloading a big file. This middle man somehow is able to operate and keep you safe. I've been told that if one is accessing a torrent provider via a wireless connection to a public ISP (i.e. universities, coffee shop, some residential communities) rather than their own ISP, downloading and seeding will be tracked back to the wireless base, which has no way of knowing who is receiving the wireless signal. True? Nice guide. Just be careful with the seeding options.. it may protect you in some respect but not seeding means killing the file. There are alternative to this which can work around this.