the Collector CALIFORNIA NEWSLETTER EDITOR: DAVE BALL * 2018 * VOL. XLI, NUMBER 2 Johnny Verissimo and Pearl coming in the CG-4 gate at Tower Park 2012 Pvt. Parts Visit our website: contents Upcoming Events . 3 MVCC Staff . 4, 5, 6, 7 CLASSIFIEDS . 16, 17 MVCC Membership Application . 20 Visit our website: 2 Upcoming Events March 21-25 2018 First Annual Southern Califor- May 27th 2018 9am To 4pm Castle Air Museum nia SCMVCC annual rally meet, military vehicle Open Cockpit Day in Atwater Ca . show / display, trail rides, club dinner, parts swap POC Don Gomes 209-765-1273 meet, and more… at Soledad Canyon Thousand Trails Campground in Acton. Please contact Richard Johnson for reservations and June 8-10 2018 Eagle Field Dinner Dance Fly-In info (619)993-5284 or
[email protected] Dos Palos Ca POC Don Gomes 209-765-1273 visit our website See Flyer pg.10 June 22-24 2018 Dodge Power Wagon Rally Hol- March 24, 25, 2018 Goodguys 36th annual lister Hills State off highway park. 16th year. get together and swapmeet Military Dodge trucks welcome Alameda County Fairgrounds Campsites, Catered food and raffle. 4501 Pleasanton Ave, Pleasanton, CA 94566 For details: March 24, 2018 Join us for this very special 50th September 18-23, 2018 Fall Camp Delta Anniversary Celebration Parade! Second largest annual Military Vehicle Start Time: 11:00 am (rain or shine) gathering and swap meet in the West. Location: San Mateo, California - Downtown area On March 4, 1968, San Mateo City Council voted Location Tower Park resort Jelly Stone Park unanimously to adopt Alpha Company, For reservations, please call Joann lesser 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 408-238-8277 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne POC: Ray Pulver 408-629-2520 September 21-23, 2018 California Capital Airshow.