Aberdeen, a Peal on the Bells at St Nicholas' Church ...310
INDEX ABERDEENSHIRE : ARGYLL (contd.): Aberdeen, a peal on the bells at St Nicholas' an ' ChoiDu n Dhuibh, South Knapdale 191 Church ..... 310 Dun Mhuilig, Craignish, Galleried Wall 194 Alford, perforated stone from, donated 312 Dun Muirgheidh, Mull, Galleried Wall 195 Benholm's Tower (the 'Wallace Tower'), Islay . , 308Gol, d . PI Brooc. LI . Xh Aberdee . n 249-261, Pis. XVI-XVII Kildonan, Campbeltown, Dun . :gi Tom a'Bhuraich, Medieval Coin-hoard 241-248 Mid Argyll: A Field Survey of the His- Aberlemno, Pictish Symbol Stone from toriPrehistorid can c Monument . s 1-125 Flemington . Far219-221m , PI. XIII Tirefuir, Lismore, Dun . 190 Acheson's Haven Morison'e se , s Haven Tobermory, irostonand n e shot from Achnasheen, Ross and Cromarty, Beaker donated . 312 from short cist near, donated . 311 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, stone lamp or Adams . ,31 . Mrs3 , donatio. y nb cup from, donated . 311 Agricultural implements, donation . 31 . s4 AYRSHIRE : — purchases ..... 315-316 Whitehill, Dailly, Early Christian Cross- Aitken, W. G., on A Bronze Age Cist Burial bases .... 225-226, V PIX . at Lochlands Farm, Rattra . y126-131 , PI.I Alford, Aberdeenshire, perforated stone from, donated . 312 Backies Broch, Sutherland . 186 Alisaig, Ross and Cromarty . , Broc18 . 6h decease, BairdF. G ,d ...2 32 . Alien, R., donation by . 312 Balfour, Col. Alistair, donation by . 312 Allt a' Choire Bhuidhe, Perthshire, stone Ballimenach, near Campbeltown, Argyll, battle axe from, donated . 311 Bronz Cise t e . Ag Buria .131-13l 3 An Caisteal, Mull, excavated 199-207, Pis. IX-X Bannerman2 32 decease, ,B. CaptR . d R . Angus . ,31 . Miss4 , . donatio y nb Barr, Mrs Agnes Rona M., elected .
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