Pickering Faces Contempt Accusations Marks 10 Years

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Pickering Faces Contempt Accusations Marks 10 Years The Pickering 48 PAGES ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2005 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 RAW POWER IDOL WORSHIP Audi delivers it TV show runner-up signs with velvet gloves on for fans in Pickering Wheels pullout Page B3 [ Briefly ] Youth Centre Pickering faces contempt accusations marks 10 years PICKERING — The Youth Green Door Alliance, Alliance and Whitevale resident properties. The easements were held move resolved a court action initiated Centre is celebrating a decade of Sandy Rider filed a contempt ap- by the City. at the end of January against Pickering helping teens. resident ask OMB to plication with the Ontario Munici- “Pickering had no legal or moral by some preserve landowners, with The centre’s annual general enforce easements pal Board Tuesday morning against right to unilaterally break the ease- the City receiving $2.5 million and the meeting is Thursday, June 16, and Pickering’s decision in February to ments,” said Brian Buckles, vice-presi- potential for more if the area is devel- it is inviting members of the public remove easements from properties in dent of the Green Door Alliance and oped. At the same time as the deal was to celebrate as well. The event is By Danielle Milley the preserve. They want the OMB to an Uxbridge resident. reached, the Province included the from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Kinsmen Staff Writer Heritage Centre, 120 Robson Dr., in enforce the 1999 order that created The City converted some of the entire preserve in its greenbelt. Ajax. PICKERING — Pickering is facing the easements in perpetuity. easements to inhibiting orders at the Mr. Buckles said the remaining pro- Anyone interested is asked yet another challenge over its deci- The alliance and Ms. Rider are sig- end of February clearing the way for tection on the land isn’t enough. to RSVP by June 9 at 905-428- sion to remove agricultural easements natories to the 1999 memorandum of those properties to be developed. The “We just felt that something further 1212 ext. 280 or by e-mail to from properties in the Duffins Rouge understanding, along with Pickering, City’s growth management study rec- needed to be done. It is protected by theresaw@theyouthcentre.ca. For Agricultural Preserve. the Region of Durham and the Prov- ommends development in the south- more information about the centre, Environmental group Green Door ince, that placed the easements on the ern portion of the preserve. The City’s ✦ See Legal, Page A2 visit www.theyouthcentre.ca. [ What’s on ] Make a bid for Pickering MP auction items AJAX — Make a bid and help supporting the Community Development Coun- cil of Durham. The organization’s gala auction night is Saturday, June 18 in the budget HMS Room at the Ajax Community Centre, 75 Centennial Rd., in Ajax. Among the items are TVs, MP3 Opposition to same-sex players, Blue Jays tickets, clothing, and jewelry. The auction runs from bill a separate issue, 8 to 11 p.m. with tickets $5. There says McTeague will be a cash bar. For more information, call 905- 686-2661. By Mike Ruta Staff Writer Stay safe in the DURHAM — Dan McTeague says city this summer he is not one of the members of a group of Liberal MPs rumoured PICKERING — With school al- to be thinking of voting against the most finished, Pickering’s crossing government’s budget. guards will soon be packing up for The budget comes before the the summer. House of Commons for third and The City of Pickering is remind- final reading next week, and if it were ing everyone to take extra mea- to be voted down, the Liberal govern- sures to ensure children are kept ment would fall and with it the same- safe, not only in the school and park areas, but all throughout the sex marriage bill. community. Ontario MP Pat O’Brien this week Pickering and Durham Regional left the Liberal caucus over the par- Police are also reminding everyone ty’s handling of the same-sex legisla- of the Road Watch Program, which Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo tion hearings. allows motorists and residents to Candace Notman and Gord Booker were among 1,000 Hydro One employees, including 30 in Pickering on Brock Road Fellow Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis report any unsafe driving they ob- South, to hit the picket line Monday. has publicly said that at least three on serve. For more information, visit the ruling side of the house are con- www.ajaxpickeringroadwatch.com. sidering toppling the government in the budget vote to kill the same-sex [ Index ] legislation. Pickering employees join Hydro One strike Mr. McTeague, who represents Editorial Page, A6 Pickering-Scarborough East, says he Sports, B1 doesn’t agree with his government Entertainment, B3 Blackout concerns utes, as picketers explained their under contract. on the marriage issue, but that it and Classified, B4 concerns relating to an ongoing con- By early Monday morning, picket- the budget are separate issues and he rise amid soaring tract dispute. ing was taking place at about 100 will support the latter. [ Call us] temperatures “It’s been peaceful so far. We sites across the province, including “My primary focus is on getting haven’t had any problems at all,” said downtown Toronto. With tempera- this budget passed because Canadi- General: 905 683 5110 union spokesman Terry Fitzpatrick, tures soaring into the mid-30s, and ans universally believe it is a good Distribution: 905 683 5117 By Jillian Follert noting that police were supervising a heat wave forecast for the rest of budget,” he says. General Fax: 905 683 7363 Staff Writer the situation. “The people in their the week, union members warned He notes that both he and mem- Newsroom Fax: 905 683 0386 PICKERING — About 30 Hydro cars are being very supportive.” Ontarians that problems could arise bers of the Durham community have One employees hit the picket line in Hydro One’s energy profession- if the strike drags on. a vested interest in one component, Pressrun 47,600 Pickering this week, as part of a prov- als officially went on strike at 12:01 “The last blackout we had was namely the $600 million in gas tax infodurhamregion.com incewide strike by 1,000 members of a.m. on Monday, after being without during a series of hot days like this,” money that is to flow to municipali- the Society of Energy Professionals. a contract since the end of March. Mr. Fitzpatrick pointed out. “We’re ties over the next two fiscal years, a Cars entering and exiting the A potential agreement was rejected, not saying that will happen again, figure that is to rise to $2 billion. maintenance facility on Brock Road due to concern that new employees Mr. McTeague says when the Liber- South were delayed about 15 min- would be paid less than those now ✦ See Hydro, Page A4 als raised the tax to eliminate the ✦ See Nothing, Page A2 FINE CHINESE CUISINE & DINING LOUNGE For Reservations •OR• Great Take-Out Police continue hoax pipe bomb investigation 905-509-9888 Officers called back (Friday’s event), adding “We’re assessing package because it was found to be non- it seriously because of the disruption it 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering what direction it will be going. threatening,” said Sergeant Paul Mc- caused.” (NE corner of Rougemount & Hwy. #2) after object found at “Obviously, the size of the plant, we Curbin, police spokesman. As for OPG, it’s staff is co-operating Pickering nuclear plant have to develop a strategy. We can’t in- OPG spokeswoman Jacquie McInnes with police, Ms. McInnes said. ANNANDALE terview 5,000 people all at once.” said Tuesday’s object was not meant to Also, OPG is reviewing the situation, The police were notified around noon be threatening, it was not a hoax, which she adds. By Keith Gilligan on Friday by Ontario Power Generation differentiates it from Friday’s incident. “It’s standard procedure, whenever MEMBERSHIPS and Danielle Milley officials about a suspicious device. It was Both objects were found on the Pick- there’s an unusual event, to do a review,” Mon.-Thurs. ............................................. $375 Staff Writers Mon. - Fri. ................................................ $405 about 7:30 p.m. that police announced it ering ‘A’ side, in the conventional section Ms. McInnes says. Full 7 days ............................................... $945 PICKERING — Durham Regional Po- was a “false device.” and not the nuclear area. None of the Station officials were able to “establish Couples ................................................. $1645 lice are being kept busy with visits to the Police were called around 12:40 p.m. four ‘A’ reactors were operating at the there was no concern of a radiological GOLF TOURNAMENTS & DINNER PACKAGE Pickering nuclear station — on Friday yesterday (Tuesday) to investigate an- time. issue or grid issue. It was very localized,” Includes Delux Buffet they found a fake pipe bomb and an- other suspicious object. Police had “We have some work to be done. We Ms. McInnes states. Weekdays .................................................. $54 other object was found Tuesday. cleared the scene around 3 p.m. and have a couple of people helping us. I There’s a criminal investigation ongo- Weekends ................................................. $5950 Plus PST, GST & TIP Detective Sergeant John Gilker said determined it was a broken flashlight. won’t get into specifics,” Det. Sgt. Gilker ing and “our review is our actions in how CHURCH ST. AT BAYLY 905-683-3210 Monday an investigation has begun into “There was no need to neutralize the said of Friday’s incident. “We’re treating we responded to the event,” she says. PICKERING TOWN CENTRE MUSIC PHONES.
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