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.. Department of Fish and Game Sport Fish Division Jay S. Hammond, Governor t r-- " •'

.! STATE OF AJ,.4SIU\ \) .. ·J:.y s, Hammond, Govf}Cnor t l } ,r ~ " ,.r -t'' L :.~ DJ:PARTMENT: OF 'FISH:.ANO .. GAME:.· 1, f f . ·.Ronald O._Skoog, Commlaaloner ) I( ·~~ ! . . ~~ ~ .. t ·'' -~. :-""'.' ~ ~ ·.• ... ~~. SPORT FISH [IIVISION ... ·... ,.;"!...... ,. .- 'Rup.,-t E. An~r•v~a, Director .· · d ·' ',' . ~ · Thls.bQOkJ~t ls_tritended, a{a~!~~tory of. sport ff~hlng r~sorts and charter.. services in -Alaska and ~~es rrQ~ co~stltute endprsem~nt; py th~ "'- dO, ~ ' " ~ " l .. Stat$ of· ·Afaska. Additional Information and prices may be'obtalried b¥ writ!ng diF~cJiyto the operators listed. · ·· ' ,. I ~ • ,,

.~ } ••• spoit':flshln~ license Is req~JI;ed'al1c.t'must~ b~ hi the posseslon ~f. all 'persons 16 y.ears of age an~·oider while flshrn~.Jn tM State. r· ' ..... ·. ~ ' .. . · '., .. ,.,. t .. . -Licehs$~ .maY. be purcHased~ by· maillrorn "the b'epartment of.Fif}venue, 'Ffsh- and. Gam& Llcens~ Olvislon, 240 South franklin. Stre~t: . ::4u~e.au •. Aias~~998Q1. T11.ey ~re ~rso ~Sold by Ucense..v~~~ors In cUtes-throughout th~ ,State. The yew.ly ~oqreslder;Jt sport fisliing. Hcerist:. · ·~}, ... : ,· ··: ' ". " .. ,. ~ fee Is $30: .how~ver., ~ speQ.Ial1-:day vll?itor'$ollcensemaybe .pur'chased tot ~5 or a 1O.:day vlsitor~s .lfc;e.nse fqr·$15. With .yo'ur·ncen~e) yoli . ' '~ '. ,, ~ .. ' ''\, •• < .. wJU rE:P~Iv~ acopy of ~l"'ska Spott:Fishlng Seasons.· ant! Bag Llm/ls which Is· a: summary ·6~ the sP.ort tlsnin~·Jaws of.the·$tate •. •· :. · , .· ... i~. .. ~ . ~. •, ... ' ·:) -.~ ~- •• - ' . - • ~ ,, ' . ~ ' ' "' , • ~-! • " '~- . " ::.... -" ' _,.. • :,

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Glacier Bay, Juneau Ketchikan, Petersburg, Sitka, Wrangell and Yakutat Far North CENTRAL

Anchorage, Kenai Peninsula Kachemak Bay, Cordova, and 1 Prince William Sound

vj" Centra I ...&. SOUTHWEST

Kodiak Island, Bristol 1 Bay, Lake Iliamna, and King Salmon I FAR NORTH Fairbanks, Nome, Kotzebue, and Unalakleet

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f l TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Southeast Alaska 3~5 Resorts 6 ·10 Charter Services

Central Alaska 11 ~ 15 Resorts .. , 16-18 Charter Services

Southwest Alaska 1& ~25 Resorts . , 25 1\) Charter Services

Far North Alaska 26-27 Resorts ..... 28 Charter Services ...

_.;.. j

<'-' Compiled and edited by Eileen Winegar 0 Artwork by Laurie Wojeck


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<' Sport Fishing Resorts


,;::, Bell Island Hot Springs Resort Seh!"l"' Canal Lodge with restaurant, cabins, Sa!mon, halibut, Donald S. Peterson boats, motors, bait, fishing cod, red snapper, 131 Third Avenue, North equipment; Swimming pool and crab, shrimp Edmonds, Washington 98020 bathtubs fed with hot mir1eral Phone: (206) 776-7100, or water. Package plans Alaska Tour & Marketing May through September. Service (See page 8 ) ,;); i~~ it Clover Pass Resort Behm Canal Motel, restaurant, boats, gas Salmon, ha;lbut, ] Don Moran and fishing tackle. April 1 5 trout, Dolly Varden '1·~ Box 2322 through September 15. i cu Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 I, Phone: (907) 247-2234, or \ /! I Alaska Tour & Marketing (/ ,l 1/ Service (See page 8 )

Fireweed Lodge Klawock Lake and River, Lodging, food, fishing gear and Salmon; steelhead, Bill & Nelda Lynch Prince of Wales Island boats. All year. rainbow and cutthroat Box 116 rivers trout: Dolly Varden Klawock, Alaska 99925 Phone: (907) 755-2226

Glacier Bay Lodge Gl..,cier Bay Lodge, dining room, bar, guides, King, coho, pink and Alaska Tour & Marketing Service bait, tackle and three 25-foot : Dolly P.O. Box 108 cabin cruisers. Packoge plans Varden; cutthroat trout Gustavus, Alaska 99826 May 22 through September 21 . hAlibut

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J RESORT AREAIWA TER SERVICES FISH Steelhead; king, Glacier Bear Lodge Situk River, Tawah Rooms wlttr private baths, silver. sockeye W.O. & Diane Ross Creek, Lost River meals, all types of guide salmon: trout Box 303 services. All year. Yakutat, Alaska 99689 Phone: (907) 784-3202

Salmon Hoonah Totem Lodge Icy Straits, Port Lodge, meals, guide, cabin Alaska Tour & Marketing Service Frederick, Glacier Bay cruiser. Paclt:.tge plans. May Suite 312, Park Place Bldg. through Or .ober 15. Seattle, Washington 98101.

~ Phone: (800) 426-0600

Cutthroat trout ~~ Humpback Lake Cha!et Humpback Lake Fly In service to completely Ketchikan Air Service, Inc. equipped cabin at Humpback Lake. May through October. Box 6900 Ketchikan International Airport Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-6608 Salmon, trout Log Cabin Sports Rental Rivers and saltwater Tents, showers, canoes, ~:::> Verne & Skip Fabry bays in the Klawock skiffs, outboard motors, crab pots, and rods and reels for Box 54 area (Prince of Wales Klawok, Alaska 99925 Island) rent. April through September. '0• Phone: (907) 755-2205

Prince of Wales Lodge Freshwater lakes of Restaurant, overnight Salmon, cutthroat, Ralph .& Jackie Burnett ?rince of Wales accommodations. Package steelhead and J Island and inside plans. April through October. rainbow trout ':l Box 72 Klawock, Alaska 99925 Phone: (907) 755-2227, or Alaska Tour & Marketing Service (See page 8 )

Thayer Lake Lodge Thayer Lake Lodging, meals, cooking Cutthroat trout, Robert & Edith Nelson facilities, boats, motors, Doily Varden, P.O. Box 5416 inflatable canoes and rafts, eastern brook trout Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 fishing tackle rental and sales. Phona: (907) 225-3343 June through September. Summer: Marine Operator 586-3006

Unuk River Post Unuk River Cabins, boats, guides. June Salmon, trout through September. 01 Henry Aegerter P.O. Box 5065 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-5054

Waterfall Resort Ulloa Channel and the Full resort facilities. Salmon, halibut, Des & Patricia Moore West coast of Guided fishing trips. cod, red snapper Box 8600 Prince of Wales May through September. 1 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Island Phone: (907) 225-2502

Yes Bay Lodge Behm Canal River trips. May through Salmon, trout Arthur Hack October. Yes Bay, Alaska 99950 I ! Marine Radio: KOJ-89 Yes Bay

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Guide and Charter Services


Alaska Pleasure Craft All waters of Southeast MV Gray Sea, 40-foot vessel Salmon, trout, Troy C. Erwin sleeps 8, everything furnished bottom fish Box 7236 but sleeping bags and fishing Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 gear, three small runabouts with Phone: (907) 225-2792 outboards. April through October.

Aurora Charters Dixon Entrance to Cape One, two and three day excursions Salmon Delbert C. Allen Spencer aboard a 32-foot orulser. April 0) Rt. 1 , Box 344A through September. Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-5532

Chinook Charters Inside Passage Charter vessel, meals, fishing All salt and Tom Ramisky gear, transportation to and freshwater species 524 Buren Street from Ketchikan Airport. Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 April through November. Phone: (907) 225-9225 or 225-4353

Dummer's Marine Charter Inside Passage within Overnight accommodations for Salmon, halibut, Larry & Ann Dummer 100-mile radius of 14, home cooked meals, Glacier cod Box 354 Juneau trip and fishing cruise combination. Juneau, Alaska 99802 Caters to large groups. Certified Phone: (907) 586-2914 for 40 persons. April through Winter: Box 914 October. Tacoma, Washington 98401 Phone: (206) 272-5588

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Expert Guide Service Behm Qanal, Clarence Sport fishing guide services. Salmon, steelhead, 0 ,-, Russ C. Cowger Strait March through September. bottom fish, crab, Route 1 , Box 280-J shrimp Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-524 7

Fish Alaska Southeastern waters Fly fishlng charters tailored Salmon, trout Andrew J. Mathisen to c:ients wishes. May through P.O. Box 316 September. Petersburg, Alaska 99833 Phone: (907) 772-4816 or 772-4288

Forbes Marine Service Ocean and inland Charter fishing trips aboard a Salmon, halibut Ber. & Ann Forbes channel fishing 44-foot catamaran cruiser. June Box 557 through August. Sitka, Alaska 99835 Phone: (907) 747-3991

~ Glacier Bay Yacht/Plane Tours Glacier Bay Daily and overnight trips, Salmon, halibut, Capt. Howard Robins')n meals, berths, tackle and bait. trout Box 424 May through September. Juneau, Alaska 99802 Phone: (907) 586-6835 or 789-7 429

Johnson Charters Waters of Southeast 32-foot boat will accommodate 4 Salmon, halibut, Robert M. Johnson guests overnight. May through bottom fish, trout 605 Tower Road September. Ketchikan, J\laska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-4332

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GUIDE/CHARTER AREA/WATER SERVICES FISH lehua Charters Pacific Coast Fishing, cruising, saiiing, work Salmor., halibut, cod Jess Edwards charteis. April through October. crab, trout 13ox 5911 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone~ (907) 225-3702 or 225-32~3

MV HGron Chatham Strait, Cross Sport fishing charters. May Salmon, trout Karl E. Lane Sound, Frederick Sound through August. Box 295 and Stevens PasP3ge Juneau, Alaska 99802 ·en Phone: (907) 586-3822

MV Monte Carlo Sportflshing Yacht ., Behm Canal and Bell Meals, guide services, saltwater Salmon, trout, Alaska Tout & Marketing Island area fishing equipment. June through Dolly Varden, Suite 312 September. halibut, red Park Place Building sna~Der, crab •",, Sixth & University Street Seattle, Washington 98101 Phone: (800) 426-0600

Mytime Cruises Inside Passage Vessel charter by day and week. Salmon, bottom fish G.A. Sodding May through August. 2111 Second Avenue Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phc.ne: (907) 225-2411

1 ----.,~·-- --- ,j •',] Revilla Flying Service Fly-in fishing anywhere Float planes, camping equipment Salmon, halibut, Frances C. Young in Southeast and outboard motors. All year. trout 1427 Tongass Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-4930 or 225-4379

Sea Adventures Inside Passage Charter vessel. Daily charters Salmon, halibut, J AI Tracy and custom vacation cruises. steelhead, trout P.O. Box 3065 April15 through September. -] Juneau, Alaska 99803 Phone: (907) 789-0023 or 789-9888 '1

\ Sea Charters inside waters of 44-foot "Arcturus" twin-diesel, Salmon, trout, ·I 1 Robert W. Pickerell Southeast sleeps 6. Overnight package bottom fish, crab Route 1, Box 6'f7 tours. May through September. shrimp Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 247-2490

U) Sea Jay Charters Frederick Sound to Three to five day charter trips, Salmon, halibut, Box 1584 Dixon Entrance parties of four or five. May char I Wrangell, Alaska 99929 through September. Phone: (907) 87 4-3030

Todds Air Service Fly-in fishing anywhere Air charter service tor fly-in Salmon, trout ·AJ Ed Todd in Southeast fishing. All year. Mile 1/4 S. Tongass Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 .J Phone: (907) 225-4267

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Tyee AirHnes, Inc. Bell Island, Yes Bay, Air charter to freshwater lakes Salmon, trout Kirk M. Thomas Ulloa Channel and resorts. AU year. Box 8331 Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 Phone: (907) 225-6118

Vank Island Charters Petersburg-Wrangell Sport fishing charter service. Salmon, halibut, Doug Smith area April through September. trout Box 1201 Wrangell, Alaska 99929 Phone: (907) 874-3447 ...1. 0 Webber Airlines, Inc. Most lakes and fishing Charter flights. All year. Salmon, trout 1515 Tongass Avenue areas within a 120-mile Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 radius of Ketchikan Phone: (907) 225-6691

West's Charters Dixon Entrance to Cape Vessle "Westy" sleeps 6, meals King and Leroy and Berna West Spencer provided. May through August. 419 Twelfth Street Juneau, Alaska 99801 Phone: (907) 586-1107

------· ··-·· ~ .

CENTRAL Sport Fishing Resorts


A!exander Lake Lodge Alexander Lake area Lodging, food, boats and guide Salmon, rainbow Ken & Vi Clark Gervice. All year. trout, grayling Box 4-212 and whitefish Anchorage, Alaska 99509 Phone: (907) 265-9146

~-...... ,_~"'\..._ .... -·- ~ ...... ~~~~~ ~ ''""'~, Bing Brown's Sportsmens Service Kenai River Motel with kitchenettes, King, sockeye, U ~ 6 ~() Harry & Judith Warren sporting goods and liquor store. silver and ~ink "J)z;ff( . -· Star At 2, Box 256 River guide by appointment. salmon, rambow -"\...~- ..... -'"'--·-·"...... n:. ' SterliJlg, Alaska 99672 All year. trout, Dolly Varden · twt.t~/ Su~ ...L Phone: (907) 262-4780 ...L \c 26z .5'6 ~ !l Call of the Wild Big Lake Two cabins, restaurant, bar, Dolly Varden, ~;,>.~o;r.'i'"''~~~... Oif'->•''"' '1~,1,.._",~~ Jeanie L.au Ice-fishing. All year except rainbow trout Box 38~! during freeze-up and break-up. Sig LakE~, Alaska 99687 Phone: 1:907) 892-627 4

Chesloknu Cabins Seldovia Bay, Prlmltlvo wilderness cabins. Halibut, five species .I Arnold Beymer Cook Inlet May through October. of salmon, herring, !: li P.O. Box 197 trout and steelhead t 1:. Seidovial, Alaska 99£163 II Phone: ('907) 234-7655 Qr 234-7890 jh 11 1)

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RESOR·T AREAIWAT£R S'!::RVICES FISH Chulitna Lodge and Bristol Bay-Susitna Lodge, fly out tishhlg, float Rust's Flying Service Rainbow, grayling, Valley area trips and guided fishing. Box 6325 char, northern pike, June through September. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 lake trout, salmon Phone; (90-) 243-1595

Evergreen Lodge Lake Louise Lodging, meals, bait and tackle Jack & Jan Hansen Lake trout, burbot, groceries, ice, gas, liquor SRC Box 264 grayling and whitefish store, boat rentals, air charter, Palmer, Alaska 99645 fly-In cabins, ice holes drilled, Phone: (907) 344-9811 ice fishing lines rented, All year. ~ ~ Gaines & Yeasel Resort and ~~}ll o{ .frr~'l / ~ Kenai River, Cook Inlet Camper park. Charter sport Salmon Sport Fishing Charter Service fishing, all fishing gear l(';t'fdao ;. ...,_J Harry Gaines & Dean Yeasel ~ furnished May through I·'" P.O. Box 624 September. I Kenai, Alaska 99611 \:' Phone: (907) 283-.1618 283-3376 or 283-7989

George Lake Lodge George Lake, Moosehead Cabins, riverboat trips to Northern pike, Bud & Billie June Colley Lake, Tanana River wilderness camps. Boats, grayling, whitefish, Mile 1385 Alaska Highway motors, and supplies. May burbot Via Delta Junction, Alaska 99737 through October. Phone: (907) 895-4885

Kachemak Bay Wilderness l.odge Kachemak Bay Lodge with private cabins, Salmon, hal!but, Mike & Diane McBride famfly-style meals and guide trout, Dolly China Poot Bay Varden service. May 1 through December Homer, Alaska 99603 15. Phone: (907) 235-891 0

·--·.-·- ...

Kepler Park Kepler, Bradley and Echo Campground, boat rental, bait, Grayling, salmon David C. Kepler lakes candy and pop. May through Star Route, Box 5820 September. Palmer, Alaska 99645 Phone: {907) 7 45-3114 or 7 45-3053

·Lake Creek Lodge Yentna River and Full service lodge offers room, Salmon, rainbow Dean E. Salmeier Lake Creek board, fish processing, float trout, grayling P.O. Box 8-229 trips, jet boat excursions, fly- Anchorage, Alaska 99508 In fishing (licensed air taxi). Phone: (907) 333-7692 or Package plans. June through Alaska Tour & Marketing Service September.

Lake Louise Lodge Lake Louise, Tyone and Lodge with cabins, bar, cafe, Lake trout, grayling, Ruth Moat'3 Susitna rivers boat docking and mooring, burbot, whitefish Star Route C, Box 265-B parking and camping, fishing Palmer, Alaska 99645 gear for sale. All year.

~ J.lttle Susitna Lodge Little Susitan River Lodging, meals, boats. King and coho (..) Wa;d I. Gay July through August. salmon 2202 Lord Baranof Anchorage, Alaska 99!:1)3 Phone: (907) 277-6805

Martana Lodge Martana La!

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Matanuska take Park Matarluska Lak€! Campground, picnic area, boat. Rainbow trout Oon• Breeden rentals and parking. June Star Route A, Box 70 through August. J Palmer, Alaska 99645 1 Phone: (907) 145-3693 ~ Pederson's Mbose River Resort Mooee River Cabins and camping, boats, Salmon, t. out Laura l. Tyson canoes, fishing tackle and licenses. J St~r Rout~ 2, Box 223 May through September. 1 Sterling, Alaska 99672 l Phone: (907) 262-4515 j Porter's Kenai River Rentals Kenai River .;..""" Boat and motor rentals, camper Dolly Varden, Ralph J. Porter spaces, electrical hook-up, char, rainbow trout, ~ Box 72 tackle shop. June through whitefish, salmon Soldotna, Alaska 39669 September. Phone: (907) 262-4991

' I S!!V~htlp at Judd Lodge Judd Lake, Talachulltna Guide service, meals, fishing Salmon, burbot, ;·,_1 Gary W. Archer River equipment, boats, canoes. rainbow trout, P.O. Bo~ 3689 Package plans. June 15 Dolly Varden, Anchoraga, Alaska ~9502 through October 15. grayling .! Phone: (907) 243~1416 or Alaska tour· & Marketing Service '

1 Sllvertip on the Tal Lodge Talachulitna River Guide service, meals, t:ioats, Rainbow trout, Aiaska Tour & Marketing Service fishing equipment. Package Dolly Varden, ~] Suite 312 plans. June 10 through grayling, salmon Park Place Building September. ~ Sixth & University Street ,:l Seattle, Washington 981 01 Phone: (BOO) 426-0GOO (toll free)

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1 Sportsmans Lodge Kenai and Russian Riv•sr Cabins, restaurant, bar and Salmon, Dolly Varden, 1 Carleton Towne service station, tackle.. char, whitefish, lake trout J 4 Cooper Landing, A!aska 99572 groceries. All year. ,,·'1' Phone: (907) 595-1294 I Sportsmen's Paradise Copper Lake Cabins, boats, motors. Lake trout, burbot, Richard & Lucille Frederick June throu§h September. kokanee, grayling I Mi!e 28 1/2 Nabesna Road j Gakona, Alaska 99586 .:! 1 1 Stephan Lake Lodge Stephan Lake Lodging, boats, guides. Grayling, rainbow ·; l5ofialr1 A. Lee June 1 0 through October 10. trout, Dolly Varden, Box 307 salmon 0 j Talkeetna, Aiaska 99676 , Phone: (907) 733-2218

Wilderness Place Lodge Lak~ Creek Lodging, guided fishing, river­ Salmon, grayling Jl Mike and Patti Keim boat service, one-day raft trips. trout 'l """ Skwentna, Alaska 99667 May through September. (J1 Phone: (907) 277-1443, Ext. 740

Tala-View Lodge Talachulltna River Lodge, cabins, Salmon, rainbow c/o Jim Repines Alaska Outdoors riverboat, guide trout, Dolly 4801 Aircraft Drive, Suite I service. May 15 Varden, grayling Anchorage, Alaska 99502 through October 15. ~ Phone: (907) 243-8523 ~- Willard's Moose Camp Caribou Lake June 20 through September. Salmon, Trout George "Jess" Willard I Caribou Lake Homer, Alaska 99603 Winter: 6520 So. Lakeshore Drive Tempe, Arizona 85283 • I Phone: (602) 839-4221

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Guide and Charter S•rvleea


Alaska Cha, ter Service Prince William Sound Complete charter service. Half Salmon, halibut, Lee & Kathy Doering day to seven day outings, flsh!ng bottom fish Box 893 gear and accommodations. Valdez, Alaska 99686 provided, All year. Phone: (907) 835-2378

Branham Adventures Susltna Valley, West Private lodge accommodations at Salmon, sheeflsh, Dennis & Chris Branham Inlet, Lake Iliamna, Hayes River, 100 miles nnrthwest northern pike, Box 6184 Kuskokwim Valley of Anchorage; Big R!ver Lodge, char rainbow Anchorage, Alaska 99502 entrance to Lake Creek Pass: trout, grayling 0) Phone: (907) 243-4901 Sleetmute lodge In the Kuskokwim ! River; and numerous cabins and j camps throughout the Cook Inlet 1 area, Kuskokwim Valley and at j Lake Iliamna. June 10 through

S9ptember. _ J

JT (.; I ~- I Bush Pilots Fly-In fishing trips All year. Salmon_ trout, cl"iar, [ .. /1 . · " Gary W. Archer anywhere in Alaska grayling, northern pike - A .r. q ; P.O. Box 6389 f,f"/t '6/!; ; Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ,.. r I~-- It __ Phone: (907) 243-1 416 . ""t! 1 , I . . ? ofd~.f . Cook's Kenai River Charters Kenai River Fishing .trips o~ the Kenai, Salmon . ?_ <;, ~(tA 2 < {r'~ .I John A. Cook everyth;ng furnrshed. May ,_, ll _~ , , ;:,..~ B 3522 th h A t .,.._ A J'i o "- f~ ox roug ugus . ~'"' ~ .;~, ___ "'-;I _ ~ ~ _•- fJ Kenai, Alaska 99661 ;.,t' #I <:k.<.vt,. .I I Phone: {907) 283-7550 \ X't;.,., ,...., ~~1ft r J tl

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J DeVIto Guide Service Kenai River, Cook Inlet, Boats, bait, tackle, guides Salmon, halibut, i Spencer DeVIto & Son Kachemak Bay and local transportation bass Box 317 furnished. May through August. Soldotna, Alaska 99669 Phone: (907) 283-4668

Evergreen Lodge Lake Louise, Lake Air Charter. All year. Trout, burbot, Flying Service Susitna, Lake Tyone grayling, whitefish Jack Hansen & Dick Matthews SAC Box 264 Palmer, Alaska 99645 Phone: (907) 344-9811

Exclusive Alaskan Hunts Lake Louise, Clarence Float plane, boat, Grayling, lake trou! Andy Runyan, Master Guide Lake and surrounding guide service. burbot, king salmon, 4 ,, i Box 257 B lakes, Alaska Peninsula pike, whitefish " Palmer, Alaska 99645 ..... 1 """" 1 Fishhead Fishing Service Kenai River Individual and group outings. Salmon John & Tracy Oprea Some overnight accommodations. t~ .0. Box 174 May through September·. Kasilof, Alaska 99610 - I Phone: (907) 262-5878 " Jordan's Marine Sales & -Rentals Kachemak Bay Rentals: boats, rods and reels, Salmon, halibut, l Ronald and Marjoria Jordan crab and shrimp pots, life bottom fish, P.O. Box 1165 jackets. April through October. Dolly Varden Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: (907) 235-7386 or .d34-3382


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McMahan Flying ServicE) Gulkana River, Dickey Chart~r planes only. June Grayling, rainbow Cleo B. McMahan Lake, Crosswind Lake through Se:;>tember. and lake trout Box 7 Gakona, Alaska 99586 Phone: (907) 822-3802

Sea-N-H-Executlve Charters .Resurrection Bay Day and overnight charters. Salmon, halibut, Doc and Helen Bledsoe June through September. bass, ling cod 2939 Dartmouth Anchorage, Alaska 99504 Phone: (907) 27 4-9429 _,_ Sportsman Flying Service Freshwater lakes In the Air transportation and/or (X) Lake and rainbow Ken Bunch Copper River Basin area guide services. trout, grayling, P.O. Box 31 June through September. Dolly Varden, Glennallen, Alaska 99588 silver salmon Phone: (907) 822-3221

Sportsmans Marine Charters Cook Inlet and Daily fishing charters. Halibut Frank I. Kempl Kachemak Bay June throuoh September 15. SRA Box 106 ~1 Homer, Alaska 99603 Phone: (907) 235-8918 Winter: Route 1 Rhodes, Michigan 48652 ''+'I Phone: (517) 689-3685 ~

Tim's Trophy Fishing Kenai River Guided float trips, everything Salmon Tim Hiner furnished, family rates. Box 2122 June through August. KJ Soldotna, Alaska 99669 i Phone: (907) 262-4003 '\ I

SOUTHWEST Sport Fishing Resorts


Afognak Wilderness Lodge Afognak Island bays Lodgin~ with family-style meals. Salmon, trout, Roy Randall and lakes Guided fishing. All year. Dolly Varden, cod, Seal Bay, Alaska 99697 halibut, flounder, Phone: {907) 486-3276 bass, greenling Telex: 26-305 (specify S'eal Bay}

Alaska Safari, Inc. Lake Iliamna, Lake Clark, Private lodge, aircraft, Salmon, rainbow trour, Kirk Gay Mulchatna, Nushagak riverboats. May through October. steelhead, grayling, char, Box 6583 and Togiak rivers, northern pike ...,. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Prince William Sound Phone: (907) 243-6394 <0 Battle River Wilderness Camp Battle Lake, Battle River Heated cabins, family-style meals, Salmon, mackinaw Ben C. White boats, motors, guide rainbow trout, 1513 F Stfeet service, preparation of fish. Arctic grayling, Anchorage, Alaska 99501 June through October. Dolly Varden 1 Phone: (907) 272.()903

.Becharof Camps Becharof Lake, Egegik Furnished wall tents on Salmon, char, Ben Guild River wooden platforms, inflatable grayling, lake . Box 632 boats with outboard motors. trout, northern pike Eagle River, Alaska 99577 June through October. Phone: (907) 694-9529 "- ""'- ·-l

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FIE SORTS AREA/WATER SlfRVICES FJ:.H Bristol Bay Lodge Wood River, Tikchlk Lodge, meals, guide .serv•oe. :;.altn;:m, grayhri~:L John & Maggie Garry Lakes fly-out and float trips. Polly Varden, ct1ur Leke Afek!"lagik, Alaska 99555 June through September. northern Pike. ra.tnbuw Phone: (907) 84Z~59S8 and Jar.e trOtJt Winter: 310!) W. 34th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: {907) 272-5950

Brooks lodge Angler's Paradise Katmai National lodge, stream fishing, trolling. Rainbow and lake Wien Air Alaska Monument. Brooks June thr:>ugh September. trout. grayling, 41 00 International Airport Road River, Naknek Lake, sockeye salmon i l ; Anchorage, Alaska 99503 ~ I Phon~: (907) 243-2400 4' 0 1 ·l Chulitna Lodge and Rust's Flying Bristol Bay, Susitna Lodge, fly-out fishing, float Rainbow, grayling, i Service Valley area trips and guided fishing. char, northern pike, 1 Box 6325 June through September. lake troiJt, salmon i Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Phone: (907} 243-1595

l Copper River Fly Fishlrg Lodge Capper River, Lake Lodge with tent houses, jet Rainbow, char, I Robert & Doris Walker Iliamna boats, guide service, fly sockeye salmon Pope Vannoy Landing fishing and casting lessons. j Iliamna, Alaska 99606 June through September. I Winter: Box 260, At. 1 Kenai, Alaska 99611 i Phone: (907) 776-8465

Ekwok Lodge Bristol Bay, Lodge, boats, float trips. Salmon, rainbow Rick Sylvester Nushagak River All year. trout, grayling Ekwok, Alaska 99580 Phone: (907) 464-8001

Fishing Unlimited, Inc. Bristol Bay watershed Cabins, lodge, guided 7-day Rainbow trout, K.:m Owsichek fishing trips, daily fly-out char, grayling, P.O. Box 6301 fishing (planes stay with lake trout, salmon, Anchorage, Alaska 99502 fishermen), float trips and Dolly Varden, Phone: (907) 243-5899 use of river boats. June sheefish, northern through October. pike

Golden Horn Lodg:e Wood River, Tikchik Lodging, meals, guides, use of Rainbow and lake Bill Shoemaker Lakes areas lodge's aircraft and boats. trout, char, Dolly Box 546 Package plans. June 15 through Varden, grayling, Anchorage, Alaska 9951 0 October 5. northern pike, salmon or Alaska Tour & Marketing Service (See page 8 ) t ' Grosvenor Lake Lodge Colville Lake, American Wilderness camp for six persons, Rainbow and lake Angler's Paradise River guide and cook furnished, jet trout, char, northern Weln Air Alaska boat fishing. June through pike (\) ·.- 41 00 lnt7rnational Airport Rd. September. Anchorage, Alaska 99503 I Phone: (907) 243-2400 I Gwin's Lodge Kenai River, Deep Cabins, boats, motors, oil, gas, Salmon, trout, char Bob & Louise DuBois Creek, Cook Inlet lunch, tackle, bait. April Mile 52 Sterling Highway thrgugh November. CQQper landing, Alaska 99572 I Phone: (907) 595-9295 or 595-1266 ~ Iliamna River Outfitters Lake llia!Tna, Iliamna Private cabins, food, liquor, Rainbow trout, .. Ron Hayes & Don Knlgh.ton River fly-out fishing trips. June salmon, char,

0 Box 1711 through August. Dolly Varden, Anchorage, Alaska 9951 o grayling ~ Phone; (S07) 272-005i (;"l

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lllaska Lodge Lake Iliamna Lodging, fly-In fishing, guide Rainbow .and lake Ted & Mary Gerken services. May through October. trout, grayling, Box 28 ci1ar, northern pike, I Iliamna, Alaska 99606 salmon Phone: {907) 571·1221

I Kokhanok Lodge Bristol Bay area, Complete package plans, fly­ Salmon, rainbow Mike & Jim Branham Lake !Iliamna out fishing. June through trout, grayling, l Box 6-128 September. sheefish 1 Anchorage, Alaska 99502 Phone: (907) 344-7022 or 278·4418 Winter: Box 27 t\) I') Hurricane, Utah 84737

~ Koksetna Camp Lake Clark Log cabin accommodations and Northern pike, char, Chuck & Sara Hornberger family style mE.als. June 15 grayling, lake trout, 0j Box 69 through September 15. Dolly Varden, burbot, Iliamna, Alaska 99606 whitefish

·it,_._1 Kulik Lodge Kulik River, Bristol Bay, Lodge, food, float trips and Rainbow and lake I Angler's Paradise Iliamna, Nonivianuk 'Lake fly-out fishing. June 1 trout, char,grayllng, ~· 41 00 International Airport Ad. through October 16. salmon l Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Phone: (907) 243-4200 or Alaska Tour & Markf:ting Service

Kvichak Lodge Lake Iliamna, Kvichak Lodging, meals, guides, hooks, Grayling, Dolly 1) j Edward M. Gla.rk River lures. Will freeze your fish. Varden, northern pike Box 37 June 1 0 through October 5. 4 Naknek, Alaska 99633 Phone: (907) 268-4276 1 I

Munsey's Bear Camp Kodiak Island waters Caters to families and groups Salmon, halibut, Park & Mike Munsey of ten or les<;. June through tr0• ~~ Box 1186 September. Kodiak, Alaska 99615 Phone: (907) 486-3040

Newhalen Lodge Lake Iliamna, Complete modern lodge In .Salmon, rainbow and Bill Sims & Denny Thompson Katmal Park Nondalton, float and wheel lake trout, grayling, Box 799 planes, boats, guides. June 1 char, northern pike Anchorage, Alaska 99501 through October 1 0. Phone: (907) 279-4236

No See Um Lodge Kvlchak, Nushigak and One week package fishing tript~. Salmon, trout, char John W. Helman Wood rivers June- through October. northern pike, Kvichak River grayling Levelock, Alaska 99625 Phone: Radio KDW 72 t\) (.,J Winter: Box 934 Palmer, Alaska 99645

Rainbow King Lodge, Inc. Bristol Bay Wild Trout Lodge, 12 large guest rooms Rainbow trout, Ray Loesche Area with private baths, dining char, grayling, P.O. Box 106 room. Monday through Monday king salmon Iliamna, Alaska 99606 package plans only. Daily Phone: (907) 571-1277 fly-out with 4 aircraft. Winter: P.O. Box 3446 June through September. Spokane, Washington 99220 Phone: (509) 924-8077



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Red Quill lodge Bristol Bay and Lodge, float and wheel aircraft. Salmon, grayling, Larry & Pam Bryant surrounding rivers June through December. northern pike, P.O. Box 49 char, rainbow and Iliamna, Alaska 99606 lake trout Phone: (907) 571 ~1215

Royal Coachman Lodge Tlkchlk Lakes, Nuyakuk Guided fishing by the week. Salmon, oven Bill Martin River June through October 15. freshwater species Box 10068 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 Phone: Radio (907) 344-9811 I\) Winter: 2431'1 Third Place West ~ Bothell, Washington 98011 Phone~ (206) 485-9126

Tal'arlk Creek Lodge lllamna-Mulchatna areas Lodging, air taxi, guided Salmon, grayling, $_ Box 68 fly-out fishing trips. All year. rainbow trout, char -~--·~ Iliamna, Alaska 99606 Phone: (907) 571-1214 ;: -~'-.::. •} Ugashik Lake LOdge Ugas~1lk Lake Lodging, food. June through Salmon, Artie char, :: '!t\ Box 323 September. grayling King Salmon, Alaska 99613 Winter: 349 Grand Blvd. Vancouver, Washington 98661 Phone: (206) 693·5819




Van Valin's l§land Lodge Lake Clark, Alagnak Log lodge, cabins with bathrooms, Rainbow and lake Glen & Sharon Van Valin River and surrounding tent frames, family-style meals, trout, char, grayling, Port Alsworth, Alaska 99653 lakes and streams float planes, Inflatable rafts, Dolly Varden, salmon, Phone: (907) 344·9811 boats, motors, camping and fishing northern pike gear, guide service. All year.

Wrangell Mountain Lodge Alaska Peninsula, Bristol Lodging, guide service, fly-In Char, grayling, Lee Holen & Gary King, Jr. Bay areas fishing. September through silver salmon 2500 A Benz Circle October. Anchorage, Alaska 99502 ij ?hone: (907) 243·5925 or 276-3806

~1: ~ j\ l' 11-~ Guide and· Charter Services ~ ')! GUIDE/CHARTER AREAIWA TEA SERVICES FISH :~1 t\) ~I Ut Battle River Wilderness Camp Battle l_ake, White River Registered guide, complete Rainbow trout, salmon, •II -t~ outfitting. May through October. grayling, mackinaw 'I Ben C. White r 1513 F Street IJ Anchorage, Alaska 99501 I! }; Pho1e: (907) 272-0903 l ~1 ~-i Karluk, Red, Fraser, Air charter and limltec Salmon, D~lly Varden, ;:1 Fllrlte I ~ Afognak, Becharof, cutfitting. All year. rainbow trout, ~ paul D. Buker .. u Portage, and Ugashik steelhead ·-~ .~ox 297 ·I lakes fl J%l9,l1?~k, Ale~!~:i 99615 I ' tl 1?~9ne: (907) 486-5867 -· ' ~1 l f "\1~~ ....,...,..- • it -~-~~..,._.,...... ,....,-.~- .,_-;.... ;.;;;v;;;;;o ... ._...,.,.... !>\'111111.! 44?-- • ' .. . . ., . . .. "-;'/ ...... :• .,.... - ' .... ,~ ·•1, .. ' :"\ ·~· ~l :~--~ ·_~_. ·_ . ··_." . """"'liM@ ··~*--~- () !; ~ !";:! ,.~·:> ,-:;• .· --:. ; . ' . : "'cl t ' : ;; ,, J'' I - L . --- ' ,...., ...... ~ ...--·-·.. ;"""" i---,.·~ .. ~. .,~~~.,._,, .•• ·- -·-._,,

FAR NORTH Sport Fishing' Resorts


Arctic Tern Lodge Wien Lake American plan resort, meals, Northern pike, \ l Jim & Pat Shoffner lodging, flying Included in grayling, sheeflsh Box 425 rate, winter Ice-fishing. All \~ Nenana, Alaska 99760 year. r Phone: (907) 452-1166 Ext. 7027

The Caches Minto Lakes Cabins with cooking facilities, Northern pike, 1 AI & Jeanne Wright boats, motors, fuel. June sheefish 1\) Box 60531 through September 15. :1 CJ) Fairbanks, Alaska 99706 Phone: (907) 456-5502 or 479-6939

Camp Bendeleben Niukluk and Fish River Lodging, meals, river boats, Art~c char, grayling, John Elmore sysyem cabins, rafts. Summer fishing northern pike, burbot, Box 1045 June through September. Winter whitefish, salmon Nome, Alaska 99762 lce~1shlng November and :I Phone: (907) 443-2880 December. 'q Farewell Lake Lodge Kuskokwim and Yukon Lodge, log cabins, jet boat, Lake trout, grayling, '-' Stan Frost River drainages canoes, float and wheel planes. northern pike, salmon Via McGrath, Alaska 99627 June through September. Phone: (907) 344-5482 d lnial

i ~ 1 4 I Grayling, Arctic char, Meiozl Hot Springs Lodge Hot Springs Creek, Lodging, meals, hotspring pool. northern pike, salmon Tom Dome Melozitna River June through September. via Galena, Alaska 9'37 41 ~'inter: 3288 Adams St #306 Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 Phone: (907) 479-5630 Salmon, Arctic char, Midnight Suh Lodge Wulik River Lod~ing, food, guide service, grayling Phillip E. Driver private cabins with modern 1306 E. 26th Avenue facilities, fiy-ln fishing. June through September. <1 Anchorage, Alasl Lodging, meals, boats, motms, ~~ June throu(;,h September. Ice- grayling, sheefish, ,I • I Leonard & Mary Brown (; whitefish d P.O. Box 27 fishing November through April. {: :j! Unalakleet, Alaska 99684 ~~ ohone: {907) 624-3333 ,J· ;r ~· .' I,T ~ ... ;:.: t.( ~~

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Guide and Cha~er Services

FISH GUIDE/CHARTER AREA/WATER SERVICES Guides, lodging, aircraft, boats, Lake trout, northern Alatna Guide Service Arctic lakes and rivers motors. June through September. pike, grayling, char, Bernd & Patricia Gaedeke sheeflsh, burbot P.O. Box 80424 Fairbanks, Alaska 9970~ Phone: (907) 479-6354 (/)_. Day fishing trips guided trips, Sheefish, northern Arctic Adventures Arctic waters outfitting service. All year. pike, grayling, Steve Ballek Arctic char, lake trout P.O. Box 5613 I\) O'J North Pole, Alaska 99705 _Phone: (907) 488-6175

Medicine Lake and Guide services. All year. Nor!hern pike, Arctic Circle Hot Springs whitefish, grayling Lon & Sandie Parrish various surrounding Central, Alaska 99730 streams Phone: (907) 344-7361 Arctfc grayling, Wilderness Fishing Wilderness lakes and Fully guided fly-In wildet ness fishing trips to remote lakes and northern pike, Robert Elliott streams within a 150 \ streams, outfitting, boats, motors, rainbow and lake trout 5920 Airport Way mile radius of Fairbanks l Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 tent camps, cabins. June Phone: (907} 479-6323 through September. ,'!" "!t ,{ Northern pike '#right Air Service Minto Lakes Air charter, boats, motors, cabins. June through September. Box 60142 Fairbanks, Alaska 99706 Phone: (907) 456-5502 or 452-7918

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