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The Sentinel THE South Atlantic Media Services, Ltd. Vol. 3,SENTINEL Issue 48 - Price: £1 “serving St Helena and her community worldwide” Thursday 5 March 2015 A Chance to Dance page 3 PAM’S THE MAN! LegCo Welcomes Fourth Woman self took to the fl oor and thanked her supporters. De- A Clarke, A Graham, R Wallis, SAMS Report spite it being clear rather early on who was going to Keeshie’s Cupcakes win, candidates waited patiently for the offi cial an- - L&C page 14 It was always likely to be a tough battle for all the nouncement by Returning Offi cer Gillian Francis. candidates as they entered into the by-election last In total Pamela Ward Pearce gained 222 votes, which night. However in the end there could only be one win- pushed her very close to gaining half the popular vote. ner. Pamela Ward Pearce exited the Council Chambers In total 448 votes were counted, with two spoilt ballots with a big smile on her face when she emerged vic- being put aside because more than one candidate had torious, fl anked on either side by husband Andy and been chosen. As a completely new face to St Helena supporter Olive. Between the three of them they were politics Ward Pearce will doubtlessly be very pleased doubtlessly the happiest on the night. with her performance, however she does go into her Candidate Lionel Williams was the fi rst to leave after two years in Legislative Council with the smallest voting fi nished, however he had a smile on his face, mandate of any by-election since 2012. After her win, holding his head high. Tony Green and Geoffrey Knipe Pamela Ward Pearce spoke to The Sentinel: “I’ve had also left shortly thereafter, whereas Ward Pearce her- fun, and I really continued on page 4 BBasilasil RReadead UUpdatepdate AAirportirport CConstructiononstruction CContinuesontinues Shooting News FFlightlight PProgrammerogramme SScheduledcheduled page 29 fforor JJulyuly sseeee ppagesages 1166 & 1177 2 Thursday 5 March 2015 | THE SENTINEL ST HELENA SNIPPETS False Plaque for False Tree Endemic Tree in Public Gardens Dies Jane Durnford, SAMS island. Anthony Caswell the gardener for the Thomas at EMD, informed The Sentinel that Visitors to the Public Gardens would have Public Gardens said he, “noticed last year that the, “plaque would have been wrong as there noticed that the Conwidenrum Spurium, or the 6ft tree was looking dry and unhealthy.” are no False Gumwoods planted in the Pub- False Gumwood, had been cut down and all Last month he contacted Jason Courtis from lic Gardens”. There are not many of these en- that remains is a stump next to the plaque. This the St Helena National Trust, who informed demic trees left on the island. Ivy Ellick, said tree was planted on the 21 June 1996 by Mrs him that this tree”had already died”. Follow- she will keep The Sentinel posted on what the Smallman who was the Governors wife at the ing Mr Courtis recommendation Mr Caswell plans will be for replacing this tree. time, to commemorate 75 years of guiding on proceeded with cutting the tree down. Vanessa Changing Guide book writers Tricia and Bob Hayne Times St Helena Guidebook Needs New Changes August Graham, SAMS “Everywhere we went it was like turning the page of a book and somebody has painted an entirely different island,” guide book writ- ers Tricia and Bob Hayne told The Sentinel last week. They had arrived 48 hours before and seemed to love the experience. They have be adding the personality of the island, and Sentinel, her wish was fulfi lled. come to update the Bradt Travel Guide. “The “just how much fun you can have here,” to the Tricia and Bob’s publisher is expecting the time is ripe for a new guide and for it to be guidebook. The updated edition will also in- updated version to be completed by the end thoroughly restructured and rewritten, taking corporate where tourists can do activities, but of April. “We don’t get home until the end of into account all the changes in tourism for the also why they would want to do them. “That’s March, so there’ll be a lot of writing on the last ten years,” Tricia said, “so it’s a really the big difference, the ‘where’ has been in RMS.” The guidebook is scheduled to be re- exciting project and we’re hitting the ground there before, the ‘why’ hasn’t, and that’s what leased by November this year, crucially in running.” I want to bring,” Tricia said. There will also be good time for the airport. Despite the guide be- The “sheer scale of the island” is what struck more in the new guide about the marine life ing published in a world where air travel to St them initially when the RMS was coming in, around the island, and Tricia joked last Friday, Helena is reality, it will still take into account “it looks as though some child has been play- “If you can arrange for me to see a whale shark the RMS, and detail travel on the last surviv- ing with the wrong scale of houses.” They will that would be fantastic.” Later, she told The ing Royal Mail Ship in the world. THE SENTINEL | Thursday 5 March 2015 3 ST HELENA SNIPPETS A Chance to Dance Creative St Helena’s Chairperson, Teeny Lucy and Director, Pamela Murray Ten-Week Tap Dancing Course to Start at the Weekend a bit of money to it. These tap dancing classes erybody and everybody should have the same Jane Durnford, SAMS will be held every Saturday afternoon starting opportunity to access it. this week, at the Kingshurst Community Cen- As she is a teacher of the performing arts, Tee- Following fundraising events which were tre with the children’s class starting at 4.30pm ny will be teaching these classes. During her held last year, Director Pamela Murray and followed by the adult classes at 5.15pm. These career in the UK she has always sung, danced Chairperson Teeny Lucy of Creative St Hele- lessons are for children aged 8 and above, but and acted. She told The Sentinel that when you na have both been working together to provide if a 5 year old wished to attend , a parent will are tap dancing you can make as much noise as everyone with the opportunity to learn how need to stay and help the child for a few weeks. you want in a controlled way. to tap dance. Unfortunately the full amount Creative St Helena is not funded and they do Those interested in being a part of the ten- of money that was needed in order to get the have to pay certain costs, but these classes are week course are encouraged to get in contact shoes here was not raised. This meant that donation based, and people are asked to pay with either Pamela or Teeny so they can be both Teeny and Pamela had to contribute quite what they can. They believe the arts are for ev- provided with the correct size of shoe. programme. The intention with the logo is to unify the Bicentenary Island in acknowledging the importance of the 200th year and provide opportunities for Logo Launch businesses to enhance their retail offering. Part of Napoleonic Tourism Offi ce Manager, Helena Bennett and French Consul, Michel Martineau, Festivities told SAMS on Monday about a competition. They are look- Ferdie Gunnell, SAMS ing for the best renditions of the logo, which can be found on the This year marks 200 years since Napoleon website or from the Tourism was exiled to St Helena. The Island recognises Offi ce. Entries must be handed in by Friday. Tourism Offi ce stresses that details may this signifi cant historical moment and the fi rst The best three wins prizes and everyone is change. The programme will continue there- part of the Napoleonic fi ve year programme of encouraged to participate. Businesses can con- after to 2021, which will denote the 200th an- events has been drafted by the Tourism Offi ce, tact Tourism for a copy of the new logo to put niversary of the death of Napoleon. in collaboration with the French Consul and on their emails. The fi rst business to attach the The next event is the Commemoration of the other local and overseas organisations. new logo will win a special prize. Death of Napoleon, Moment de Memoire, on This includes launching the Bicentenary Logo The 2015 programme of events covers Mon- Sunday, 3 May. on Monday 2 March marking the start of the day 2 March to Sunday 18 October and the 4 Thursday 5 March 2015 | THE SENTINEL SENTINEL Pam’s COMMENT Julie Fowler, SAMS The Man! LegCo Welcomes Yesterday was another by election. I so en- joy the period before election where the can- didates try to sell themselves. Election Watch Fourth Woman on SAMS Radio 1 helped me immensely to make my decision, let’s hope when the day A Clarke, A Graham, R Wallis, SAMS come, there is action behind the words. Mr continued from front page Tony Green always stands out for me be- cause of one day on Ladder Hill road maybe Pamela Ward Pearce look forward to the job in hand now,” she said. four years ago. He has probably forgotten Ward Pearce has an appointment scheduled but I was standing there and he stopped and with Governor Mark Capes in the morning and asked what was wrong, I told him I had a seemed very happy about her win.
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