Kvisoft PDF Merger DEMO : Purchase from www.kvisoft.com to remove the watermark S Gondwana University, Gadchiroli (Established by Government of Maharashtra Notification No.Mtsc-2002(322l07) UNt-4 Dated 27'r, Sept. 2011 & Presently a State U niveGity governed by Maharashtra Public Universities Act,2016 {Maharashtra Act. No. Vt of 2017 (Office of the Registrar) MIDC Road, Complex, Gadchiroli-442605 (M. S.) Dr. Ishwar Mohurley Phone/Far-o7132-223I04 Rcgistrar (Inchargc) E-Mril :
[email protected] No./ GUG/Ree./1g gL nOtt Date : 27102/2018 To, The Principals / Professors / Academicians of affiliated Colleges and University Teachers of Gondwana University Gadchiroli. Sub: Invitation to participate in the discussion meeting on Draft ofUniform Statutes,Governing Terms and Conditions of Service of Teachers Workins in Universitv Schools, University Departments, conducted colleges and University Insitutions. Dear All, Statute committee has drafted uniform statutes, Governing Terms and conditions of Service of reachers working in University Schoors, University Departments, conducted Colleges and University Institutions (Framed under Secrion 72(10) read with sectionT t(20) of Maharashtra Public Universities Act, 2016. The Draft committee is seekins feedback/comments/suggestions in the prescribed format from stakehorders/generar public. In view of this, discussion meeting is organised on wednesday, 2g Feb. 20rg for a stakeholders including Principals, professors, academicians, eminent person etc. on 0r:30 p M at conference Hall Gondwana of University, Gadchirori. The deliberations and consoridated suggestions will be shared with the Draft Committee. As a key stakeholder, your opinion is crucial to the discussions prease prepare and submit your feedback/comments/suggestions in the prescribed format.