Life and Disability for HSBC Mortgages, Lines of Credit, OverdraftsOverdrafts and Demand LoanLoanss Product Summary

Name And Contact Information For The Insurer And DistributorDistribributor

Life and disability insurance for HSBC Mortgages, Lines of Credit, Overdrafts and DemandDemanand Loansns is Creditor’s GroupGr Insurance underwritten by Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (Insurer). The GroupGrououp Policyholderer is HSBC Canada (HSBC). Life and disability insurance beneftsbenefits are providedprovided under Group PolicyPolPilicy 57905.

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Telephone: 1-877-736-4753 CreditorCreditor Insurance TeamTeam Fax:Fax: 1-866-923-8353 227 King Street South Email:il: [email protected] P.O. Box 638638,, STN Waterloo Website:Webebsite: E WaterlooWaterloo ONON N2N2JJ 4B8 AMFA client number:num 2000965369

The Distributor of this insurance is HSBC Bank Canada (HSBC)(HHSBC)

HSBCHSBC Bank CanadaCanada Telephone:Teleohine: 1-888-310-47221-888-31310-4722 885 West Georgia Street Vancouver,Vancouver, BC V6C 3E93E9 HSBC Bank Canada branch contact informationinformrmation PL

Name And Type OfO ThisT Insurance Product

Insurancence Productct Name:NameNam : Creditor Life andan Disability Insurance for HSBC Mortgages, Lines of Credit, Overdrafts andana MPM Demand Loans InsuranceIn Product Type:Type: The AutoritéAu des marchés financiersfnanciers classifiesclassifes this insurance product as Debtor Life, HealthHea and Employment Insurance AMHow To Read This Product SummarySummary This productduct summary is an overview of creditor’s group life and disability insurance as it applies to insurance underwritten byy the Insurer for eligibleeligib non-commercial mortgages, lines of credit, overdrafts and demand loans with HSBC. For full detailss ofif this insuranceinsuran please read the CertifcateCertificate of CreditorCreditor Insurance―Mortgages, Lines of Credit, Overdrafts and Demand LoansLians (Certifcate)(C(Certificate) together with the Application for CreditorCreditor Insurance―Mortgages, Lines of Credit, Overdrafts and DemanddL Loan (Application) and any written confrmationconfirmation of insuranceinsurance from the Insurer..

SAMPLESAS . YouYou will fndfind copies of this product summary and the CertifcateCertificate onlineonline at Just type “product summary” intointi the search feld.field. If If you yiu click click on in the the link link that that pops oios up, uo, you yiu willwill be be taken taken to ti the the web web page oage for fir product oriduct summaries summaries and and certifcatescertificates of if insurance insurance and and fnd find HSBC’s HSBC's firmsforms there.

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 1/9 WordsWords and terms that appear in bold italic throughout this product summary are defneddefined below: below:

AccidentAccident meansmeans bodily injury that occurs solely as a direct result of a violent, sudden and unexpected action from an outside source.source.

Credit FacilityFacility means a residential mortgage, line of credit, overdraft or demand loan with HSBC.HSBC.

EligibleEligible means that you and youryour Credit FacilityFacility meet all necessary criteria to apply for a given type of insurance.nsurance

LoanLoan AmountAmount InsuredInsuredd means the amount of insurance applied for under your Application, as indicatedated in Section C of theth application form.

Pre-existingPre-existing Condition means a condition or health problem for which you consulted withh or receivedceived advice, treatment,treatm care and/or service by or from a licensed medical professional or you took medications or injectionss during the 12 month period before becoming insured.insured.

PremiumPremium means the amount you must pay for insurance for a specifcspecific period. period.

PremiumPremium RateRate meansmeans thethe unitunit costcost ofof

RatioRatio Coverage means the calculation which HSBC may use to determinedetermerminermine the Loann Amount InsuredI d on mortgages.mortgamortgaggages. This calculation is done under certain circumstances to ensure that thee total amount of life insurance per person for all CreditCredit Facilities never exceeds the maximum allowed under Policy 57905.57

TotalTotal Disability, Totally Disabled means:means:

• ForFor the frstfirst 60 60 days days of fo TotalTotal DisabilityDisability andnd the frstfirst 12 12 months months of of your youryo disability disability insurance insurancein claim claim, you are completely unable, due to injury or sickness,ckness,kness, to perform the essentialessenti duties of the occupationo that you were engaged in immediately prior to thee datedate you became Totallyly Disabled. • After the frstfirst 12 12 months months of of your you disabilitybility insurance claimc , Total DisabilityDisabiDisaability andand Totally Disabledd mean you are completely unable, due to injury or sickness, to perform the duties of any occupation for which you are or may become reasonably qualifedqualifielifiedfied by by education, education, training training or or experience. experiencexperience.

Howow Does This Insurance Help ProtectProt My Credit Facility?

Life insurance will reducere or pay off the balance of youryou Creditreditit FacilityF if you die. Disability insurance will help make payments owed to HSBC under your Credit Facility if you becomebe TotallyTotally Disabled.

How Much Insurancece Is Available For My Credit Facility?

Optionalptional creditor’s group insurance is available in the following amounts if your Credit FacilityFacility isis EligibleEligible.

Insurancerance type BeneftBenefit MaximumMaximum InsuranceInsurance BeneftBenefit Life Lumpmp sum payment if you die $750,000$750,000 forfor all CreditCredit FacilitiesFacilities insuredinsured AM under Policy 5790557905 DisabilityD lity Regularly scheduled payments if you $4,000$4,000 per month for up to 2424 months perper continuecontinue toto be TotallyTotally DisabledDisabled for longer insuredinsured Credit FacilityFacility SAMPLESAMSASthanthan 6600 consecutive daysdays

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 2/9 Which Credit Facilities Are EligibleEligible For This Insurance?Insurance?

AllAll residential mortgages, personal lines of credit, overdrafts and demand loans are EligibleEligible forfor lifelife

Mortgages, lines of credit and overdrafts under the “interest"interest only”only" repayment option and demand loans are NOT eligible forfor disability

AmAm I Eligible To Apply?Apply?

You areare EligibleEligible toto apply for life insurance, if onon the date of application you are:are:

• a borrower, or guarantor or covenantor of the Credit FacilityFacility, • at leastleast 1818 years of age and no older than 6464 years or age.age.

You areare alsoalso EligibleEligible to apply for disability insurance if on the date of applicationapplicatioationion:

• you are applying for life insurance or, if you have life insurance, youu still meet the eligibility criteria for life insurance,insurance, • youryour Credit FacilityFacility isis EligibleEligible, E • you are either:either: • actively working for at least 2020 hours per week;weeeek; or • ifif not actively working for at least 2020 hoursours per week because you are a seasonal workerwowor or you are on maternity or parental leave, you are able to perform the regular dutiesdu of your job for 2020 hours or more perper week.week.

How Do I Apply?

AsAs long as you and youryour Credit FacilityFac are EligibleEligib , you can apply for thisth insuranceins when you apply for your CreditCredit FacilityFacility or any time after. Youu applyply for this insurance by completing the ApplicationA for Creditor Insurance - Mortgages, Lines of Credit, Overdraftss anda Demandand Loans.

When do I need to complete the applicable health questions?

CompletionCompletion of Health CreditCredredit Facility type Total Totaal Amount of Insurance Questions? • Lines of creditedit Underr $50,000$ NoNo • Overdrafts MP • Demand Loans OverO $50,000$50,000 up to and including $500,000$500,000 Yes

MortgagesMortgage UpUp to and Including $500,000$500,000 Yes

Any type or combination of CreditCrediCreddit OverOver $500,000$500,000 YeYess Facility types AMA SAMPLESSA

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 3/9 When Does MyMy Insurance Start?

ForFor insurance on lines of credit,credit, overdrafts and demand loansloans underunder $50,000$50,000, your Application will be approved automatically and insurance will start on the laterlater of:

• thethe date you sign your Application; oror • thethe date your credit limit becomes effective.effective.

ForFor insurance on mortgages $500,000$500,000 or less and other types ofof CreditCredit FacilitiesFacilities from $50,0000 up to and including $500,000$500,000 that do not have to be medical underwritten by the Insurer, insurance will start on thee laterla of:

• thethe date you sign your Application; oror • for mortgages, the date HSBC sets up your mortgage and issues your mortgagemortgagage commitment;; or • for all other types of CreditCredit FacilitiesFacilities, the date your credit limit becomeses effective.e

Insurance on any type ofof Credit FacilityFacility that requires the Insurer’sInsurer's writtenwrittettenen approvalapprov will start on the later of

• thethe date the Insurer approves your Application; oror • for mortgages, the date HSBC sets up your mortgage andd issuesi your mortgage commitment; or • for all other types of CreditCredit FacilitiesFacilities, the date the creditcredredit limit becomes effective.

How Much WillW l My Insurance Cost?Co

LinesLines of Credit,Credit, Overdrafts and LinesLiines of Credit, Overdrafts andan MortgagesMortgages Demand Loans under $50,000$50,000 Demandmand Loans $50,000 and over PremiumPremium RatesRates areare basedbased on:on: Premiumm Rates are based on: PremiumPremium RatesRates areare basedbased on:on: • for life insurance, the numbernumumbermber • for life and disability • for life and disability of borrowers insured underunnder insurance, the borrower’sborrower’borroweer’sPLP insurance,insurance, the borrower’s age the CertifcateCertificate on on the th frstfirstt day day age on the date premiumspremiprememiums are at time of application of the month thahat there is a calculated of the month that there is a calculated • for life insurance only, the balance owinwing;ing and balance owing; and • for life insuranceinsuraurance only, the numbernumber ofof borrowersborrowers insuredinsured • for disabilitydisababilitybility insurance, eache numbernum of borrowers insured underunder the CertifcateCertificate insuredinsureured borrower’s age on underr thet CertifcateCertificate the frstfirst day ayday of of the the month month that that there is a balancealance owing MPLMPM PremiumsPr will go up or down from month-to-month,month-to-to-month, depending on the average PremiumsPremiums forfor lifelife insuranceinsurance don’tdon’t daily debit balance for the accountaccou statementstatemeement period. change,change, but PremiumsPremiums for disability insuranceinsurance will change if you change your regular mortgage payment AMA amount.amount. Quebec salesales tax is added tot your premium. See “The"TheThe CostSAMPLESAS of YourYou Insurance Coverage”Coverage" section of the CertifcateCertificate for for PremiumP remium RatesRates and sample PremiumPremium calculations.calculations.

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 4/94/9 WhatWhat Does The Insurer Pay?Pay?

IfIf your claim is approved, the Insurer will pay a beneftbenefit to to HSBC HSBC on on your your behalf behalf upu p to the applicable insurance maximummaximum. If you have an “interest"interest only”only" mortgage oror RatioRatio Coverage on a mortgage, you will fndfind sample sample calculations calculations in in thethe “What"What We Pay”Pay" section of the Certifcate.Certificate.

Insurance Type Creditor’s Creditor's Group Insurance BeneftBenefit

LifeLife FullyFully insured “principal"principal + interest”interest" mortgagesmortgages

• your beneftbenefit is is the the outstanding outstanding principal principal balance balancee on o thehe date of death.

FullyFully insured “interest"interest only”only" mortgagesmortgages • your beneftbenefit isis calculatedcalculated byby subtractingsubtractingingng an amount equal to the principal payments that would have been mademadade on yoyour "interest“interest only"only” mortmortgagegage if it waswa a “principal"principal + interest"interest” mortgagege with the samsame opening balancebalance,, interestnterest raterarat and amortization from the outstandingout principal balance on yourr "interest"inter“interestrest only"only” mortgage on the date of E “Principal"Principal + interest”interest" mortgagesmortortgagesrtgages under Ratio Coverage • your beneftbenefit is is the the outstanding outstanding balance balance on on your your mortgage mortgage ono on the the date date of of death death multipliedd by thee ratio that was establishedestabli on the effectiveeffec date of insurance.

“Interest"Interest only”only"ly"y" mortgages under Ratio CoverageC • youryo beneftbenefit is is calculated calculated by: by:

1. multiplyingtiplying the outstanding balancebalancance on your mortgage on the date of death by the ratio that was establishedestab hed on the effective date of insurance, and

2. subtracting an amount equalequ to the principal payments that would have been made on your “interest"interest"in only”only" mortgage if it was a “principal"principal + interest”interest" mortgagege withw the same opening balance, interest rate and amortization fromfro the outstanding principal balance on your “interest"interest only”only"nly" mortgagemortmortgatgage on the date of death.

For lines of credit,creditit, overdrafts and demand loans When death occursoccoc as a result of an AccidentAccident, the llesseresser of:

• thet outstanding principal balance on the date of your death; or • youryour LoanLoan AmountAmount InsuredInsured.

WhenWhen death occurs for any other cause, the llesseresser of:

A• thethe outstanding balance on the date of your death; • an amount equal to the average debit balance over the 12 monthsmonths preceding the date of your death; oror SAMPLES • youryour LoanLoan AmountAmount InsuredInsured.

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 5/95/9 Insurance Type Creditor’sCreditor's Group Insurance BeneftBenefit

DisabilityDisability ForFor “principal"principal + interest”interest" mortgagesmortgages

InsuranceInsurance beneftsbenefits becomebecome thethe lesserlesser of: payable on the 61st61st day of TotalTotal DisabilityDisability • the monthly equivalent of your regular mortgage payment on thehe date ofo Total DisabilityDisability; oror • $4,000$4,000.

For “principal"principal + interest”interest" lines of credit, and overdraftsts thethe lesserlesser of:

• the minimum monthly payment requireded ono the date of Total Disability as set out in the terms and conditions off youry insured line of credit, overdraft or demand loan;loan; oror • $4,000$4,000. E Disability insurance beneftsbenefits on on all all Credit Facility types includedee any insurance premiums owing for the periodperiperio that disability beneftsbenefits are are payable payable under under your your Certifcate, Certificate, plus applicable taxes.taxaxes.

Your insurance beneftbenefit may may not not cover cover the the entire entire amount amountunt owing wing on all of your insuredinsur Credit FacilitiesFacilitlilities.

What Iff I Have An Insurance Claim?

You should always make an insurance claimaim as soonoon as possible, using the Insurer’sInsurer claimcl form which you can obtain from HSBC. If you live in North America, youyo may also call 1- 877-736-4753.877-736-4 How long do I have to makemakakeke a claim? PL There is no time limit for making lifee insurance claims. Under the QuebecQueb Civil Code, claimants have three years to flefile a legallegal action.action.

For the prompt resolutionressolution of disabilitydisabili insurancece claims, youy u shoulds submit your claim within 1212 monthsmonths ofof thethe datedate ofof Total Disabilitylity.

Howw long for the Insurer’snsurer’s claim decisiondecisio MPand payment? The Insurer will send you the claim decision in writing within 30 daysdays of receiving all the information required to make

If the Insurer approves a claim it willw pay the beneftbenefit to to HSBC HSBC within within 30 daysdays of receiving all information required to make a decision.

Whenever a claim is not approved,approvoved, the Insurer’s written decision will include the reasons for that decision.

What iff I want to appealapapp the Insurer’s claim decision? If thee Insurer does notno approve your claim, you have 9090 daysdays from the date of the Insurer’sInsurer's original claim decision to flefile an an appeal. Your appealappe must be in writing and you must include new information that is pertinent to your claim. YouYou may consultSAMPLE the Autorité des marchés fnanciersfinanciers or or an an independent independent legal legal advisor advisor for for assistance assistance with with your your appeal. appeal.

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 6/9 What Exclusions And Limitations ApplyApply To This Insurance?

As long as premiums are paid, the Insurer will only cancel insurance if the Insurer discovers that you made a misrepresentationmisrepresentation or false declaration on your Application, medical underwriting interview (if applicable) or in connectionconnection withwith an insuranceinsurance claim.claim.

LifeLife beneftbenefit • No beneftbenefit amount amount will will be be paid paid if if your your death death is is directly directly caused caused or or contributed contributed to to by by your your operation operation of of a amotorizedmotoriz motorized vehicle or vessel while you are impaired by drugs or substances, or while your blood alcohol concentration is overov 8080 milligrams in 100100 millilitres of blood (0.08).(0.08). • No beneftbenefit amount amount will will be be paid paid if if your your death death is is directly directly or or indirectly indirectly caused caused or or contributed co to by: • suicidesuicide withinwithin 24 monthsmonths of the effective date of insurance regardlessss ofo whether you intendedended or understood the consequences of your actions. The Insurer’s liability will be limitedlimimited to a refund of premiums. • an air travel accident, unless a fare-paying passenger or actingg as a crew member of a regularly scheduled commercialcommercial passenger airline fight;flight; • active participation in a civil disorder or war, whether orr not war is declared, unless you are on activeactiactiv military duty as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces orr CanadianC Forces Reserve; or • events which occur while you participate or attemptattemempt to participate in a criminal offence.

Disability beneftbenefit • No beneftbenefit will will be be paid paid if if your your Total DisabilityDisabilibilityility is directlyrectly or indirectly caused or contributedcontribtributed to by: • normal pregnancy (this exclusionn does not apply to complicationscomplicati of pregnancy);pregnanc • an intentionally self-infictedself-inflictedd injury; in ry; • an air travel accident, unlesslessess a fare-paying passenger or acting as a crewcrcre member of a regularly scheduled commercial passengerr airlinea fight;flight;fl • active participationon in a civil disorder or war, whether or not warwa is declared, unless you are on active military duty as a membermber of the Canadian Armed Forces or CanadianCanadiCanadia Forces Reserve; or • your operationation of a motorizedrized vehicle or vessel whilewhil youyo are impaired by drugs or substances, or your blood alcohol concentrationco is over 80 milligrams of alcoholalcohoalcohohol in 100100 millilitres of blood (0.08);(0.08); • eventsentsnts which occur while you participate oro attemptattem to participate in a criminal offence.

Is there a pre-existingsting condition and when doesdod it apply? There is a Pre-existingg Condition that applies when:whehen:

1. youy were notot required to answerwer any health questions on your Application and 2. death or Totall DisabilityDisabi occursoccuccurs in the frstfirst 12 12 months months following following the the effective effective date date of ofyour your insurance.

When will the Insurer limit thetht beneft?benefit? Only one life insurance beneftbenefitbe fit will will be be paid paid under under your your Credit FacilityFacility, regardless of the number of persons insured.

Only onee disability insuranceinsurainsur beneftbenefit will will be be paid paid under under your your Credit FacilityFacility for a given payment period, regardless of the numbermberer of personsSAMPLE insured.insu

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 7/9 When DoesDoes InsuranceInsurance End?

AllAll insuranceinsurance endsends onon thethe earliestearliest of the following dates:dates: • thethe date your insured mortgage or demand loan is paid in full to HSBC, or in the case of your insured line of credit, overdraftoverdraft or demand loan, the date youryour Credit FacilityFacility is closed;closed; • thethe date your insured Credit Facility isis refnanced;refinanced; • the date of your death, or where two or more persons are insured under yourr Credit Facilityityty, on the payment ofof theth frstfirst life life insurance insurance beneft benefit under under your yourr Credit Facility; • thethe date that any payment under youryour Credit Facility is 6060 days in arrears or you are inn default of any other contractual provision of yourr Credit Facility; • thethe date you turn 70 years of age (insurance continues on younger insured, if any); • the date your written request to cancel insurance is received by HSBC;; • thethe date when your premiums have not been paid forfor 6060 days; oror • thethe date Policy 57905 ends.ends.

YourYour disability insurance will also end on the earliestearliest of the followingfollowowingwing dates: • thethe date the Insurer has paid a total of 2424 months off disabilityd insurance beneftsbenefits under under your your CreditCre Facility onon your behalf; • the date your life insurance is continued underder a new Credit Facility withwit HSBC as describeddescrscribed in the “What"What Happens If I RefnanceRefinance My My Insured Insured Credit Creditditit Facility?” Facility?"Facility?" section section of of this this product pproduct summary; summarysummary; • thethe date life insurance ends;ends; oror • thethe date youryour Credit Facility stopsops beingg eligible for disability insurance.

What Happens If I RefnanceRefinance My InsuredInsureIns Credit Facility?

When you refinancerefnance anan insured insursuredd Creditit Facility and replace it with a newew Credit FacilityFacility with HSBC, and you want to insure thatthat newnew Credit Facilityy, you must completelete and submit a new Application.AppApplic

If your Applicationn ono the new Credit Facilityy is declined duee tot a medical condition or you are more than 6464 years old but less than 70 yearsears old on the date you applied, the Insurer willwi provide you with an amountamount of life insurance that is equal to what you hadad on yourur old Credit Facilityy immediately priorpriorior to the datedate ofof refinancing.refnancing. The amountmount of life insuranceurance that the Insurer will allowaal MPM on the new Credit Facilityy will be the lesserlesser of the amount you owe HSBCSBCBC under your new Credit Facility; or:

• for mortgages, thehe insureinsured portionion of the outstanding balance(s) under the old mortgage(s) on the date immediately priorior to refinancing;refnancing; oror • for lines of credit, overdraoverdroverdraftsdrafts and demand loans, thethe insuredinsured portionportion ofof thethe creditcredit limitlimit onon thethe oldold Credit FacilitFacilityy on the date immediatelyimmediateltely prior to refinancing.refnancing. Foror more information aboutabo insurance on refnancedrefinanced CreditC redit FacilitiesFacilities see the “Prior"Prior Coverage Recognition”Recognition" section of the Certifcate.Cerertificate.ate. SAMPLE

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 8/9 WhenWhen And How CanCan I CancelCancel Insurance?Insurance?

This insurance is optional and you can cancel at any time. Although the IInsurersnsurers ActActt and the Act respecting the distribution of fnancialfinancial products prodycts and and services services allowallow forfor a 10 day period to cancel without penalty, the Insurer allows you to cancel withinwithin 30 days without penalty.penalty.

ToTo cancelcancel thisthis insurance:insurance: • Submit your written notice to HSBC. • IfIf cancelling within the frstfirst 10 days of signing the insurance contract you can use thehe notice of rescission form you were given by the Distributor when you applied for this insurance.

AfterAfter thethe 30-day period allowed by Sun Life, there will be no premium refund, exceptept where premiumss may have been collectedcollected in error.error.

Who Can Answer My Questions AboutAboubout This Insurance?Ins

For questions about the administration of this insurance, you may contact HSBC at 1-888-310-HSBC (4722) if calling from anywhere in North America. For questions about underwriting or claims, call Sun Life Creditor Team at 1-877-736-4753.1-871-8

For more information about the obligations of insurers andndd distributors, you can contactco the Autoritéutorité desd marchés fnanciersfinanciers asas follows:follows:

AutoritéAutorité des marchésmarchés fnanciersfinanciers Tel:Te LE Place de la Cité,Cité, Tour CominarCominar Québec 418-525-0337 2640, boul Laurier, 4 étageétage Montreal: 514-395-0337 QuébecQuébec QCQC G1V 5C1 Tollll Free: 1-877-525-03371-877-525 Website:site: www.lautorite.qc.cawww.lautorite.q PLEPL Where Can I Find The Insurer’sInsure ComplaintC Process?

You can fndfind the the Insurer’s nsurer'sInsurer's complaints complaints resolution resolution process, process, a asummary summsumsummary of the Insurer’sInsurer's complaints resolution processing policy and where complaintsmplaintsints may be fledfiled by by going going to to www.sunlife.cawww.sunliwww.sunlifeM and and typing “complaints”"complaints" into the search feld.field. AMAMPLE SAMPLESAM

1019029-E_2020-061019029-E_2020-06 RestrictedRestricted 9/9 The purpose of this fact sheet is to inform you of your rights. It does not relieve the insurer or the distributor of their obligations to you. Let’s Talk Insurance!

Name of distributor: HSBC Bank Canada Name of insurer: Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada Name of insurance product: Creditor Life and Disability Insurance for HSBC Mortgages,gages, Lines of Credit,, Overdrafts and Demand Loans

It’s your choice You are never required to purchase insurance: E • that is offered by your distributor; • from a person who is assigned to you; or • to obtain a better interest rate or any otherher beneft.benefitbenefit. Even if you are required to be insured,ed,d, you do not have to purchasepur the insuranceinsu LE that is being offered. You can choose your insurance product and your insurer.

How to choose To choose the insurancerancence product that’s right for you, we recommendrecomrec PLE that you read the summary that describes the insurancesurance product and that must be providedprovide to you.

Distributorbutor Remuneration

A portionrtionn of the amount you pay for the insuranceinsurainsur will be paid to the distributor as remuneration. The distributorutor mustm tell you when the MPremunerationrem exceeds 30% of that amount. Right to Cancel

Thehe Act allows you to rescindrescinre an insurance contract, at no cost, within 10 days after the purchase of your insurance. However, the insurer may grant you a longer period of time. After that time, fees may apply if you cancel the insurance.insuranceAM Ask your distributor about the period of time granted to cancel it at no cost. Iflf the costost of theth insurance is added to the fnancingfinancing amount amount and and you cancel the insurance, your monthly fnancingfinancing payments paypayments might might not not change. change. Instead, lnstead, the the refund refund could could be be used used to to shorten the fnancingfinancing period. period. Ask your distributord for details.

SAMPLESASThe Autorité des marchés fnanciersfinanciers can provide you with unbiased, objective information. SAMPLEVisit or call the AMF at 1-877-525-0337.

Reserved for use by the insurer:

This fact sheet cannot be modifedmodified NOTICE OF RESCISSION OF AN INSURANCE CONTRACT


Section 440 of the Act respecting the distribution of financial products and services (chapter D-9.2) NOTICE GIVEN BY A DISTRIBUTOR

THE ACT RESPECTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVIVICES GIVES YOUYOOU Section 440 ofIMP the OActRTA respectingNT RIG theHT distributionS. of fnancial products and services (chapter D-9.2)

The Actt allows you to rescind an insurance contract, without penalty, within 10 days of thee date on which it is signed. THE ACT RESPECTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES GIVES YOU However, the insurer may grant you a longer period. IMPORTANT RIGHTS. To rescind the contract, you must give the insurer notice, within that time, by registeredreg mail or any other means that The Act allows you to rescind an insurance contract, without penalty, within 10 days of the date on which it is signed. allows you to obtain an acknowledgement of receipt. However, the insurer may grant you a longer period. Despite the rescission of the insurance contract, the first contract enteredred into ntointo will will remain remain in in force. force. Caution, Caution, it it is is p possi- To rescind the contract, you must give the insurer notice, within that time, by registered mail or any other means that ble that you may lose advantageous conditions as a result of this insurancensurance contract;ntract; contact your distributor oor consult allows you to obtain an acknowledgement of receipt. your contract. Despite the rescission of the insurance contract, the frst contract entered into will remain in force. Caution, it is possi- After the expiry of the applicable time, you may rescind the insurance contract at any time; however, penpepenalties may ble that you may lose advantageous conditions as a result of this insurance contract; contact your distributor or consult apply. your contract. For further information, contact the Autorité des marchésmar financiers at 1-877-525-03371-877- orvisi isit www.lautorite.qc.caq . After the expiry of the applicable time, you may rescind the insurance contract at any time; however, penalties may apply. NOTICE OF RESCISSIONESCISSIONCISSION OF AN INSURANCEINSURAN CONTRACTCON For further information, contact the Autorité des marchés fnanciers at 1-877-525-0337 or visit To:

Sun Life Assurance Company of Canadada NOTICE OF RESCISSION OF AN INSURANCE CONTRACT (nameame of insurer) To: Creditor Team,m, 227 Kingng Street South, P.O. Box 638, STN Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2J 4B8 Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada (addressaddress of insurer) (name of insurer) Creditor Team, 227 King Street South, P.O. Box 638, STN Waterloo, Waterloo ON N2J 4B8 Date: (date of sending of noticotice) (address of insurer)

Date: Pursusuant to section 4411 of the Act respectingg theth distribytion of financial prodycts and services, I hereby rescind insur- (date of sending of notice)anceancnce contract no.: 57905 (number ofo contract, iff indicated)in

Pursuant to sectionEntered 441 into of on:the Act respecting the distribution of fnancial products and services, I hereby rescind insur- (date of signature of contract) ance contract no.: 57905 (number of contract, if indicated)AM Entered into on:In:I (date of signature of (placontract)place of signaturenature of contract)

In: (place of signature of(name contract) of client) SAMPLESAS (signature of client) (name of client)

(signature of client)SAMPLE