Ciba-Geigy National Priorities List Site, Mcintosh, Alabama Restoration
August 2017 Ciba-Geigy National Priorities List Site, McIntosh, Alabama Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Assessment Prepared by: Natural Resource Trustees for the Ciba-Geigy NPL Site U.S. Department of the Interior National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Geological Survey of Alabama This page intentionally left almost blank. i Ciba-Geigy National Priorities List Site, McIntosh, Alabama Restoration Plan and Programmatic Environmental Assessment August 2017 Suggested Citation Ciba-Geigy NRDAR Trustees. 2017. Ciba-Geigy NPL Site Restoration Plan/Programmatic Environmental Assessment. Prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Geological Survey of Alabama. ii FACT SHEET Restoration Plan/Programmatic Environmental Assessment for the Ciba-Geigy National Priorities List (NPL) Site Trustee Agencies: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, and Geological Survey of Alabama Abstract: The Natural Resource Trustee Agencies (Trustees) present a description of the assessed natural resource injuries and losses resulting from releases of hazardous substances from the Ciba-Geigy NPL Site in McIntosh, Alabama, and the restoration project types proposed for use to compensate for those injuries and losses. Releases of hazardous substances, which include primarily dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and DDT-isomers, likely affected fish, birds, sediment, and sediment-dwelling biota. The Trustees identified habitat enhancement and restoration on newly acquired lands and habitat enhancement and restoration of state-owned lands as appropriate and reasonable strategies for restoration of natural resources or services like those injured or lost.
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