1960 0923 Arrow Head V38no1.Pdf
THE RO ·HERD STUDENT Pue,UCATION CENTRAL ~IG\-4 5CHOOL THE EAR AND EYE OF . C~NTRAL HIGH --------·------ NUMBER 1 ---·---- Deans Switch Jobs In Re-organization Probably one of the most Miss Pinel, will work with Mr. important summer changes at V er<:oe in coordinating the Central is the new orga niza. educational program of the school. tion of the administration. The The dea n of counseling, Mr. present administrators an d Melzow, is chairman of the their positions are: Philip H. counseling and guidance ser· Vercoe, principal; Howard vices at Central. Testing, reP'· Auer, assistant principa l; istnation of new students, anod Stanley 0. Broome, dean of making programs also come s tudents; Miss Mabel Pinel, under Mr. Melzow's supervis· dean of instruction; a nd Wil· ion. li a m Melzow, dean of counsel· "This new administration or. in g. ganization," says Mr. Vercoe Although the basic duties of ''will help Central to opera t~ the principal and assistant more efficiently since there principal remain essentially will be less duplication oi the same, the functions of efforts among the administra· each of'the deans has changed. tion". SETTING THEIR sights for new horizons are (from left) b o t tom row; 1\'lrs. Luane Rue, Mr. Broome, dean of stu· 1\'lrs. Joan Taber, and 1\liss Patricia Odgers; ~ddle row: Fred Payne and Arthur Kooodle; top dents. will now have charge of row; Stanley Gooch, Bryce Shaw, and Dale Gleason, new members of the teaching staff. Not the personal and school disci shown are James ~rden and Carl Kreiger.
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