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Veterinary Science Development 2017; volume 7:6245 Effects of licofelone, matory mediators in inflammation, injury, and pain settings.1 Although COX-2 specific drugs Correspondence: Correspondence: Aidin Shojaee a novel 5-LOX inhibitor, such as COXIBs (celecoxib, deracoxib, rofacox- Tabrizi, Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty in comparison to celecoxib ib) have less gastric side effects than non- of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Shiraz, on gastric mucosa of dogs selective ones. Reports show that they are not Iran. as safe as they are expected to be.2 Tel.: +98.9171046274. Fax: +98.7132284950. E-mail: [email protected] Aidin Shojaee Tabrizi,1 Arachidonic acid (AA) is a substance that is converted to PGs and leulotriens (LTs) by COX Mohammad Azizzadeh,2 Aidin Esfandiari1 Key words: Licofelone; celecoxib; gastric lesions; and 5-lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes, respec- dog. 1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz tively. LTs are responsible for inflammations University, Shiraz; 2Faculty of Veterinary and NSAIDs-induced gastrointestinal dam- Acknowledgments: the authors wish to thank the medicine, Ferdowsi University of ages. Studies showed that diminishing Research Council of the Veterinary Medicine Mashhad, Mashhad Iran leukotriene B4 levels in gastric mucosa will School of Shiraz University for their Financial result in gastroprotection against NSAIDs- Support. induced gastropathy.3 The inhibition of COX Abstract enzyme may lead to a shunt of AA metabolism Contributions: MA, AE, substantial contributions towards 5-LOX pathway, and therefore, treat- to conception and design, acquisition of data; ment with NSAIDs increase the formation of AST, substantial contributions to conception and Despite the extensive application of non- LTs possibly leading to gastric damage.4 Thus, design, acquisition of data, drafting the article or steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), revising it critically for important intellectual the idea of dual inhibition i.e. COX/5-LOX inhi- the use of these drugs is limited due to their content. bition emerged as an alternative and safe ther- adverse effects especially on gastric mucosa. apy for enhanced analgesic and anti-inflam- Dual inhibitors that inhibit both cyclooxyge- Conflict of interest: the authors declare no poten- matory effect with little or no gastric mucosal nase (COX) and lipoxygenase (LOX) metabo- tial conflict of interest. damage.5 lites are considered to have less gastric toxici- Recently, a new generation of anti-inflam- Received for publication: 8 October 2015. ty in comparison to non-selective and COX-2 matory drugs, licofelone, has been introduced onlyAccepted for publication: 27 October 2015 selective inhibitors. In this study, fifteen with the ability of simultaneous inhibition of mixed breed dogs were randomly divided into prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thrombox- This work is licensed under a Creative Commons three groups: group 1 (n=5) received placebo, anes. The promising advantage of this drug is Attribution NonCommercial 4.0 License (CC BY- group 2 (n=5) licofelone, an inhibitor of COX- NC 4.0). its higher efficacy in controlling inflammation 1, COX-2, and 5-LOX (2.5 mg/kg; twice daily) use and lower gastric adverse effects. For this rea- and group 3 (n=5) celecoxib, a COX-2 selective ©Copyright A.. Tabrizi et al., 2017 son, the present study was carried out to deter- inhibitor (3 mg/kg; twice daily) per os for 14 Licensee PAGEPress srl, Italy mine if celecoxib can be replaced by this new Veterinary Science Development 2017; 7:6245 days. All dogs underwent blinded gastroscopies drug in canine medicine. doi:10.4081/vsd.2017.6245 on days 0, 7, 14 and one week after cessation of treatment and gastric lesions were scored. Examinations to detect fecal occult blood were performed daily. Results showed that Materials and Methods licofelone is significantly better tolerated than Endoscopy procedure celecoxib in terms of gastric side effects All dogs underwent 12 hours of fasting and (P=0.008). Therefore, it seems that licofelone Animals were premedicated with intramuscular injec- can be an appropriate alternative in dogs when commercialThis study was approved by the Iranian lab- tions of Acepromazine maleate (Castran, NSAID therapy is necessary. Occult blood was oratory animal ethics framework under the Interchemie, Holland) (0.05 mg/kg) and not detected in any dog during the study. supervision of the Iranian Society for the xylazine hydrochloride (Alfasan, Woerden, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. A total of 15 Holland) (0.5 mg/kg). They were then anes- mixed-breed dogs (mean age 1.5 years) were thetized with a combination of diazepam Non selected from different locations of Shiraz, (Phoenix Pharma Ltd., Gloucester, England) Introduction Iran. The animals were observed for seven (0.25 mg/dog), and ketamine hydrochloride days, during which their health status was (Alfasan, Woerden, Holland) (5-10 mg/kg). Non-opioid analgesics, especially non- confirmed by clinical and laboratory examina- Gastroscopy was then performed with a 7.9 steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tions. All dogs were fed with chicken skeleton mm diameter gastroduodenoscope are one of the most frequent medications used during the study. (MEDIT/Canada) on days 0, 7, 14 and 21 to in small animal medicine. Most NSAIDs exert obtain a thorough examination of gastric their anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti- Drug administration mucosa. The examiner (Shojaee Tabrizi) was pyretic effects by reducing the synthesis of All 15 dogs were randomly divided into three blinded to the nature of treatment. After each prostaglandins (PGs) via cyclooxygenase groups: group 1 (n=5) received encapsulated endoscopy, all equipment and instruments (COX) inhibition. COX has two distinct mem- methylcellulose (placebo) twice daily, group 2 were cleaned thoroughly and sterilized in 2% brane-anchored isoenzymes, COX-1 and COX- (n=5) received encapsulated licofelone glutaraldehyde (Behsadex, Behsa 2. The former is constitutively expressed and (Merckle GmbH, Ulm, Germany) 2.5 mg/kg Pharmaceutical, Arak, Iran) for at least 20 min, found in normal body tissues, while the latter twice daily and group 3 (n=5) celecoxib and rinsed completely with normal saline. All is expressed in most of the normal tissues at (Celexib, Darou Pakhsh, Iran) 3 mg/kg, twice observations were recorded on tape for scoring low levels and is highly induced by pro-inflam- daily per os for 14 days. the lesions. All regions of the stomach were [Veterinary Science Development 2016; 6:6245] [page 69] Article evaluated and assigned scores from 0 to 7 for their lesions, which was reflected by a lower in dogs6 and it seems that licofelone is better each endoscopic evaluation as presented in sum in their gastric lesion scores. One of them tolerated than COXIB class of NSAIDs. Also, Table 1.6 had steady score over the treatment period. results propose that leukotriene suppression One week after cessation of treatment (day via licofelone has more effective protection on Statistical analysis 21), results show that score of gastric lesions gastric mucosa than prostaglandin inhibition A non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test at was not significantly different between groups occurring through selective or non-selective P<0.05 was used to investigate whether the at P<0.017. Indeed, gastric lesions of celecox- COX-2 actions, the fact that was previously score of gastric lesions of three groups differed ib-group and licofelone-group improved after mentioned in the study conducted by Moreau or not. The differences in gastric lesions one week of discontinuing of treatment. and colleagues. between two groups were investigated by the No abnormalities in physical or fecal exam- Using selective or non-selective COX-2 Mann-Whitney U-test. Since this was multiple inations, including fecal occult blood, were inhibitors apparently cause an imbalance that testing of the data the significance level was detected during the course of the study. shift the pathways to 5-LOX, consequently adjusted by using the Bonferroni test. Three diverting arachdonic acid to overproduction of groups were compared and therefore the sig- the noxious and chemo attractant nificance level became 0.05 divided by 3; leukotrienes.6,8-10 These events may justify the (P=0.017). Discussion and Conclusions reason why a 5-LOX inhibitor like licofelone is much better tolerated than selective and non- The aim of this study was assessing the side selective COX-2 inhibitors. effects of one of the COXIB class of NSAIDs, Since in the present study no dog had abnor- Results celecoxib, in small animal practice and com- mal clinical signs or positive result of fecal parison of it with one of the new generation of occult blood examination, our findings are in On the beginning of the study (day 0), mild this class of drug. In present study, some of the line with the results of other studies6,11 about gastric lesions were observed in two celecoxib- dogs had pre-existing lesions on day 0, before the fact that dogs with gastric lesions may not treated dogs and in four licofelone-treated starting the study, which is a common finding show any clinical or laboratory sign of gastric dogs. No lesions were observed in the placebo in dogs because of non-pylori Helicobacter damage caused by NSAIDs. Therefore, clini- group at either the baseline or the final (day infections, stress and foreign body ingestion. cian should be alert that the risk of severe 21) endoscopy. Table 2 shows the median and We did not exclude them from the study complications remains, even without any clin- quartiles of the score of gastric lesions for because most of the dogs in practice have the ical sign. each group on days 0, 7, 14 and 21. same lesions.6 Our study suggests the replacement of After one week, following 7 days of continu- Licofelone was administered at a dose of 2.5 COXIBs and non-selective NSAIDs with a 5- ous treatment, there were significant differ- mg/kg twice daily based on previous studies.6,7 LOX inhibitor, licofelon because of its excellent ences between the groups in terms of their In this study, licofelone had obviously a better safety profile.