Happy Thanksgiving! ̋""Gnnc"Oquu ̋""Vygpv{/pkpg"gngxgp ̋""xkpg{ctf"xkpgu ̋""Nknn{"Rwnkv¦gt ̋""Kuncpf"Eqorcp{ Rjqvq"eqwtvgu{"qh"xkpg{ctf"xkpgu Enqvjkpi"̋"Ujqgu ̋""Vtkpc"Vwtm Ceeguuqtkgu ̋""Vqoo{"Dcjcoc ̋""Nknnc0"R Qp"vjg"Dqctfycnm ̋""CI"Lgcpu ̋""Tqdgtv"Itcjco "Rgpuceqnc"Dgcej cpf"oqtg000 :720;5609272 November 21, 2012 YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER 75¢ Quick Read Teen cited in home invasion burglarized. The arrest report vandalized and burglarized and napped from his home by five Four more suspects at large from the sheriff’s office indicat- that the owner of the house indi- individuals back in July. ed that this wasn’t the first time cated that their grandson had Following the admittances BY MAT PELLEGRINO this neighborhood had been been the victim of a kidnapping from the homeowner, deputies Gulf Breeze News Breeze resident and charged the
[email protected] juvenile with kidnapping, bur- struck with thefts and burgla- and burglary just three months focused their efforts on the July glary, larceny and robbery of a ries. prior, but he never reported the kidnapping that was never The Santa Rosa Sheriff’s residence without a firearm. According to the arrest incident to police. Following the reported. Office has arrested one of five The suspect was charged with report, the burglary of the home kidnapping, a string of burgla- Along with being kidnapped individuals that they believe the three felonies at the district was believed to have been ries on Old Trail Drive had from his home back in July, the were part of a kidnapping/home one sheriff’s office.