Appendix: Who's Who in Oxford Economics, 1901 to 1952
Appendix: Who's Who in Oxford Economics, 1901 to 1952 WHO'S WHO IN OXFORD POLmCAL ECONOMY, 1901 TO 1920 W.O.S. Adams, Reader and Gladstone Professor of Political Theory and Institutions (1910 to 1933) and Warden of All Souls College (1933 to 1945). S. Ball. lecturer and tutor in philosophy at 51 John's College (1882 to 1918). E. Barker, fellow, lecturer, and tutor in modem history at Wadham College (189910 19(9), SI John's Collcge (1909 to 1913). and at New College (1913 to 1920). H.W. Blum, tutor and lecturer in philosophy at Christ Church (1887 10 1929); he also tutored and lectured in political economy. E. Cannan. lecturer and Professor of Political Economy at the london School of Economics (1897 to 1926). AJ. Carlyle, Rector of All Saints Oturch. Oxford (1895 to 1919), and chaplain and lecturer in economics and political science at Univcnity College. See Powiclr:e (1959). H.W.e. Davis, tUfor and lecturer in modem history al Balliol College (1902 to 1921). F.Y. Edgeworth, Drummond Professor of Political Economy (18lXl to 1921), H.A.L. Fisher. fellow and lecturer in modem history at New College (1889 to 1914). H.S. Furniss. obtained Diploma in Economics in 1906, lecturer and tutor in econom- ics at Ruskin College (l1Xn to 1916), and Principal of Ruskin College (1916 to 1925). See A. Barrall Brown (1939 & 1949) and Furniss (1931). AJ. Jenkinson, lecturer in philosophy 81 Brasenose College (1904 to 1928) and wrote papers for the Ministry of Munitions during the First World War on the supply and control of labour and on manpower and dilution; his lectures on political economy were popular with students.
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